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The Marionette's Chest

Page 3

by MG Leister

  By the time I was done, pleasure went running through my veins. I felt fully satisfied with my work despite the mess I’ve created. Red was everywhere. Blondie and I looked as if we bathed gore.

  I secured Blondie’s choppers in a small black pouch. “Thank you for the donation, Blondie.” I said as I examined myself. It’s time to leave. With a smile on my face, I walked away. When I reached the exit, I tilted my head to glance at his corpse.

  I didn’t even know his name.

  My Boy Builds Coffins

  My boy builds coffins, and I am unaware,

  That he built one for me, to end our affair.

  He laced it with thorns, the roses were bleeding,

  The coffin was coal, dirty and decaying.

  My boy builds coffins, and I never knew,

  That he built one for me. No hint. No clue.

  T'was adorned with glass, sharp and broken,

  For my body to lie upon, after being cut open.

  My boy builds coffins, and he kept me oblivious,

  That he built one for me. It was never obvious.

  He wanted my head, to chop it off with a cleaver,

  The coffin only proves that he is so much eager.

  My boy builds coffins, and the truth is that I lied,

  I knew it was for me, but it was him who had died.

  I took out the thorns; I removed all the glass,

  I do not have horns, but as a devil I may pass.

  Romeo No Juliet

  Romeo, o Romeo, thou amity was my bliss,

  Yet now, thou shall be free as I offer one last kiss.

  Romeo, o Romeo, our magic was real,

  But magic fades for I no longer feel.

  Romeo, o Romeo, thou presence melted my heart,

  Though my forever is not with thee, my beloved, we must part.

  Romeo, o Romeo, thou beauty set me ablaze,

  Thro beauty is not love for it is merely attraction in haze.

  Romeo, o Romeo, my adore for thee was pure,

  And thou kisses were sealed with golden pleasure.

  Romeo, o Romeo, this is my farewell,

  Thou art first to conquer my heart, but I must tell,


  Romeo, o Romeo, thy heart is a human heart, young and playful,

  Tomorrow thou must seek the arms of one that is faithful.


  Misty clouds fill the air

  as you and I stare into each other's despair.

  White linings take over my sight,

  While your image slowly takes me into flight.


  I inhale your breath into my core,

  you whisper softly, your voice is my lore.

  Sinful air, your breath, has filled my lungs,

  darling, my love, poison my lungs.

  Vertigo seems to take over my senses,

  liquid fills my eyes, as if to cleanse this.

  Visible air is all that I see,

  an indulgence so addictive I cannot let it be.

  I yearn for a kiss, a kiss from your lips,

  instead, you kill me with luscious sips.

  Everything is white, you left me longing,

  desiring for something that I am not allowed of having.

  My bones are smoke and my heart's of stone,

  shatter my heart, turn it to ashes alone.

  Hinder me from my senses as it is what I want,

  Forever haunt me with your merry taunt.


  Perhaps 'tis your voice,

  That constantly haunts my slumber.

  Perhaps 'tis your choice,

  To remain locked up in my chamber.

  Perhaps 'tis your lies,

  That prove of your disdain.

  Perhaps 'tis a million tries,

  Before you realize you're in vain.

  Perhaps 'tis your heart,

  That whispers of your misdeed.

  Perhaps I want us apart,

  In torment I do not heed.

  Perhaps 'tis my blindness,

  Why you are not what I desire.

  Perhaps 'tis my kindness,

  To refuse you not so dire.


  With a clever tongue and a witty smile,

  The image of you is clear as you walk down the aisle.

  With your hair like flame and your lashes like thorns,

  My naked-eye can lucidly see, on your head, two growing horns.

  With your head up high and your eyes glimmering with pride,

  I am certain of your curse, the curse you own and the curse you abide.

  With your mouth that is alive and your teeth rotten with spuriousness,

  Your soul I pray would be salvaged and blessed.

  With your lips stained with blood and your hands full of ashes,

  In your mind, the truth and the lies continue its clashes.

  With your claw-like fingernails and gashed wrists,

  I can tell that the demon has you on his fists.

  With your dented knees and shattered feet,

  I can witness your surroundings, an evil fleet.

  Awaken now, my beloved, the fiend you must defeat.

  Come here now, my dear, all I long for is your redemption.

  Epitome, Can’t Be

  You can't force a daisy to bloom like a rose,

  Just as you can't ask a dog to strike a pose.

  There's no forcing a poet to write a prose,

  He'll write one if he wants, when inspiration is close.

  You can't force a limb out of an amputee,

  Same as how nothing is ever enough for thee.

  I'm no goddess, I'll never be your Aphrodite,

  But I can be as beautiful, if you just let me be.

  City of Sin

  When the lights go out in the city of sin,

  Love and lust race their way in,

  Causing a rampage of wild human emotion,

  Creating a tempest of bodily destruction.

  Windows shatter in the vibration of kisses,

  Moving rapidly, answering violent wishes

  That burn deep within, with long, lost desires,

  Blazing without a spark, thrown in the pyres.

  When the lights are on in the city of sin,

  You'll see a flood, and remnants of skin.


  Oh, my love, believe me for I have tried

  To attain such perfection as thy brother's wife.

  I have bedecked all my clothing with diamonds,

  And I have drunk her wine; but, dearest,

  Her words and mine will never rhyme.

  I have rehearsed songs in her libretto,

  Adorned my hair with crystal beads from Cairo,

  My love, her elegance I have mimicked,

  And I have drunk her wine; but, dearest,

  Her words and mine will never rhyme.

  Her friends I have befriended, thro arduous,

  For all thou have ever wanted was for me to be her.

  My husband, I adore thee with all my heart,

  My soul will forever be bound by thy hands

  For I love you; but, though I have drunk her wine,

  Her words and mine will never rhyme.


  He pays a visit in the onyx of the night,

  I hunger for his mien as he takes me into flight.

  His rhapsodic voice bring me to my senses,

  A jarring sin deposing all my defenses.

  "You are my amity," he whispers to my ear,

  Chilling me, "to you I adhere."

  Bit by bit, he touches my cheeks,

  They smolder in his caress, downward he sneaks.

  Cold wind blows; I shiver for a while,

  His hands were on fire, he burns me and I smile.

  His image is so vivid though I cannot truly see,

  The phantom or m
onster that I am certain he may be.

  "Kiss me," I say, and he locked his lips with mine.

  Raging desire and playful lust, I love him like a vine,

  Misdemeanor is void in our rapport, I say, "you are my own."

  He spoons more of our embrace, all other emotions are thrown.

  The night grows deeper and his passion more zealous,

  He groans in pleasure and I cry, remembering the trellis.

  He comes to me in the onyx of the night, I wonder why?

  "I hear your thoughts," he says, "I am a demon's ally.

  My thirst for you is glaring, you fulfill my lust.

  Do not fear, beloved." He remains owning my trust.

  My lover whom I worship, still mine,

  One more vehement buss, deep in tongues, then he is to resign.


  Served on his table was a feast for a dozen,

  Yet he gnaws on it alone.

  His bride sits quietly in a corner,

  Eating a small fish, savoring it to the bone.

  When his plate was empty and the food was no more,

  He began searching. Searching for more.

  He licked a spoon but it tasted like air,

  He said to himself, no food is simply not fair!

  Upon hearing his scream, his bride came to him.

  She offered the fish, and he took it with a scream

  of desperation and starvation, yet he has eaten a lot.

  When it was no more, he was brewing an evil plot.

  Come to me, he said to his bride. She obeyed as she should,

  Though she would have ran away if she could.

  She knew that all his wives disappeared the moment

  he stopped wolfing. It caused her sudden torment.

  He kissed her gently then began chewing her lips,

  Tasty! He thought, so he sliced her bit by bit.

  Her flesh was scrumptious and her eyes, delicious.

  In his bulging belly, I wonder how she'd fit. But hell,

  he said. At least this wife was luscious.

  Dilly Dolly

  Miss Dilly Dolly cry no more,

  I'll make you pretty...

  It'll be sore,

  Maybe some gore,

  You know what it's for.

  Limbs are replaced, bones away,

  I'll make you sexy...

  You'll be a goddess today,

  With beauty that'll slay,

  After my crafting play.

  Your skin I'll peel, Dolly, it'll heal,

  I'll make you stunning...

  Forget that you're real,

  It is plastic you'll feel,

  The process is the deal.

  Eyes of brown will turn to blue,

  I'll make you attractive...

  You need a new hue,

  It'll be beautiful, true!

  I'll pluck out your eyes for you.

  Needles are ready, pins are steady,

  I'll make you lovely...

  Stop being a baby,

  You should dress like a lady,

  Oh, do you feel giddy?

  Miss Dilly Dolly, I'll bring in the box,

  I'll make you deadly...

  Your new hair in locks,

  Yes! Attractive from a box,

  Now, you're part of my collective stocks.

  Mother Doll Maker

  Shrieking yells of my doll maker mother

  Alarm me from my core, in plastic I'll smother.

  Hammering hammers nail my lungs, she’s wicked,

  Stopping is not in her mind, her demon persisted.

  “You are a bad, bad girl,” she says to me

  As she peels of my skin with blades and glee.

  Red water flows as I am being naked like a cattle,

  Mother Doll Maker laughs at my screams, like a prattle.

  “You are a worthless, worthless girl,” my scalp she scraped,

  Then tiny screws she placed in my head, my pale lips she taped.

  Synthetic material she sewn to my body, you’ll be pretty.

  From the clutches of my mother, I am close to insanity.

  “You are an ugly, ugly girl,” my guts on the floor,

  She tapped needles, tapped on my rib cage door.

  Sand filled me in before I was lifeless,

  A reaper came, I felt his caress.

  My Mother seemed amazingly pleased with her doll,

  Her doll that is me, her new toy that is no more dull.

  She dressed me in chiffon with ruffles and lace,

  “You look lovely, my baby girl of grace.”


  Paper walls, thin as air,

  Pale as a corpse rotting in bare.

  Misty windows, bound to cover reality,

  Curtains of woe cloak the amity.

  Wailing doors, the sound of abyss,

  Calls her name for she is their bliss.

  Ghastly whispers linger in her bed,

  Clatters of horror, stuck in her head.

  Specters form in her contiguity,

  She shivers and screams like a banshee.

  Phantom hands grasp her body,

  Drags her down to a grotesque lobby.

  She faints but half awake,

  Her soul is feeble for the devil to take.

  The cold of the night caressed her,

  She opened her eyes, no more specters.

  She looked around, eyes wide open,

  It was a macabre imagination, where she had sunken.

  Oh, Holy Angel

  Oh, holy angel with light divine,

  Save me from my hell as from evil I resign.

  Grant me a piece of heaven, show me a sign,

  My devil is no more, in good I align.

  Oh, holy angel, cradle me in your glory,

  Bathe me in white and relieve me of my story.

  Whisper to me the beauty that I must see,

  Wrap me around your wings, an angel I must be.

  Oh, holy angel, I beg of you to cry no more,

  I have sinned, I know, my life was in gore.

  Watch me as I confess, my knees on the floor,

  Pleasure was his promise, but it was mistaken lore.


  Diamonds desert my dreamless reveries,

  Rolling down my cheeks along broken harmonies.

  Crystal tears tear my once tranquil smile,

  Stabbing a sorrow in my skin, summoning an argyle

  Pattern in my lips where yours were once placed,

  Weaving them shut, adorned, beaded and laced.

  Sapphires and turquoise run away from my eyes,

  Threading themselves into a treacherous demise.

  Dreamer’s Isle

  Leave me afloat in Dreamer’s Isle,

  Where I am away from everything vile.

  ‘Tis where my sins become dreams

  And fantasy flourishes from my screams.

  Leave me dancing in Dreamer’s Isle,

  For ‘tis the only place where I can smile.

  ‘Tis where my monsters are my friends,

  Where drunkenness never ends.

  Leave me naked in Dreamer’s Isle,

  Leave me bare, leave me in guile.

  Go on now, sail away and let me be,

  I’d like to be alone with my Judas tree.

  Forgive Me

  Forgive me for facing my demons,

  I did not mean to leave you in despair.

  I have survived the torturous seasons,

  Now I must leave torment’s lair.

  I will come back for your rescue,

  That is, if you want to take my hand.

  All I’ll do is wait for your cue,

  Together, we’ll explore the crystal sand-

  That glimmers in the beach I’ve found,

  Where the ocean is made up of tears

  From laughter, wher
e joy is bound

  To release you from your fears.


  An outrageous desire, wild as fire,

  A heaven on earth, a sensation so dire.

  Flesh and flesh it entails so much flesh,

  Skin and sweat, a palace like crèche.

  A zealot endeavor to taste the liquor,

  A snifter so sweet, a frenzy that’s quicker,

  Quicker it is, than a material wish,

  For one word, one smile, a body on a dish.

  A sinful consciousness that bathes in itch,

  A wonder so rare, losing it is a bitch.

  From torrid kisses to thrusts so deep,

  It kills a person, sells them off cheap.


  Moonshine glistens

  against your silken lips,

  squandering its lusciousness.

  Quaff some more of the wine

  under this brilliant and starry onyx night.

  Envelope me in your dominant embrace,

  radiate to me the love that I need to face.

  Anoint the moonshine on your lips,

  draw it on my skin, on my face,

  equal me to your masquerade.


  My portrait is painted in black and white,

  Two colors that clash, breaking one another’s might.

  Black is strong though it is not truly a color,

  It is a cage of sorrow allowing neither light nor valor.

  My onyx tint is the source of my strength,

  Empowering words to life to write in any length.

  Darkness lurks at the core of me, keeping me breathing,

  For darkness is no fiend but my friend for living.

  White is nigh visible for my aura is not of this color,


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