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Deck the Boss: A holiday office romance

Page 5

by Stella Andrews

  She giggles and says with a groan, “Oliver, fuck me that feels so good.”

  I can hear my balls slapping against her wet heat as I pound her against the wall, and I swear I have never had such great sex in my life.

  She appears to be loving it too, as she screams my name over and over again, and then I quickly pull out because I can’t hold on any longer and my hot seed spurts against my hand and drips down her leg.

  Her orgasm rocks my world as she screams so hard, I’m glad we’re the only ones here and as we both float down to earth, she gasps, “I am so going to hell.”

  Grinning, I stand there like an idiot covered in my own orgasm and we begin to laugh and I have never seen such a beautiful sight as the woman who is giggling against the walls of the elevator. Her hair is wild and frames her beautiful face. Her heightened color makes her the most beautiful woman in the world and her plump, swollen lips make me almost ready again. Her long dark lashes, sweep against her cheeks and her deep green eyes, are shining with happiness. For a moment, time stops as I stare at a miracle of nature. She is so beautiful and so amazing something shifts inside me. From out of nowhere comes a feeling so powerful it takes me by surprise because I have an overwhelming urge to never let her go. I need her, I want her, and not just for today. Whoever she is, she’s important, I wonder if she feels it too.



  I called him Mr. Steele during the best moment of my life. It reminds me just how weird this is. I shouldn’t be constantly fucking a man I never met before, not once, but several times already. He doesn’t even know my name, which actually suits me fine because I can disappear without the embarrassment of him looking me up and firing me before the New Year dawns. I may just get away with this and when I have my sex change before we’re due back, he will never know it was me.

  It strikes me that this is the strangest Christmas day of my life. Being fucked by my boss is certainly a new one on me, and when the boss looks like him, it’s a definite tick off the bucket list. The turkey can wait because I am keen to make the most of my time here, after all, the memory of it will keep me warm for every Christmas day to come.

  Groaning, I catch sight of my reflection in the mirrored walls of the elevator that is still at the same floor and say with obvious disgust, “I’m sorry, Oliver, but I really need to clean up. I’m pretty embarrassed at the state of me right now, and I must just say my personal hygiene is not usually so slack.

  He nods, still trying desperately to contain his own sticky mess in his hands, and his lopsided grin will be my undoing as he nods toward the door. “Come on, we can use the restroom, they are little better up here but don’t expect miracles. Unlike your book boyfriend, I don’t have a working shower, or hot tub for my pleasure.”

  “It would definitely be mine—pleasure, I mean. I must stink like a whore’s bedroom after a busy night.”

  Oliver laughs and his eyes twinkle. “Yes, I’m sorry about our um, misunderstanding.”

  I follow him to the restroom and say with interest, “So, is that an, um, regular thing for you?”

  “What, fucking my staff in my office?”

  I feel a little heated as he reminds me just what this is, and I shake my head. “It’s a little sad if you ask me. I mean, you’re a good-looking guy and I’m pretty sure you could get a girlfriend; paying for it seems a little, well, sleazy if I’m honest.”

  “Who says I want one?”


  “A girlfriend.”

  My heart crashes and burns, and I bite my lip in disappointment. “Doesn’t everyone?”

  “Maybe, but I’m not everyone.”

  He sighs. “Listen, it’s not actually that great being me. It may look like I have everything…”

  “Steady, your head may not make it through that door.”

  I shake my head and he grins. “Point taken. No, the thing is, when you follow in your very successful family’s footsteps, it makes it harder in other ways. I’m responsible for making it successful because if I mess up, I will always be the one who ruined the family business. I’ll be the one who let them down and there would be a whole lot of ‘I told you sos’ when those who think I’ve been handed everything on a plate, take great pleasure in watching me fail. I know what people think, I’ve had it easy. I’m only here because of my father and to a certain extent they are right. I accept that but it makes me even more determined to make this company more successful, take more money and win awards because all I really want is to make my father proud and not regret his faith in me.”

  Damn, this man is making it so hard to remain cold toward him. Every word he speaks, every sparkle in his eye and every smile, is making me fall a little in love with him which spells danger for my heart. He is painting a picture of a man who feels deep love, even to the point that he parks his own pleasure at the door. I kind of get why he works so hard and feel sorry for him.

  “It must be tough.”

  We reach the door and he leans against it because he still has his hand full and he grins. My breath hitches because he couldn’t get any more desirable if he tried, and he says brightly, “Come on my naughty fairy, this is the best I can do I’m afraid.”

  The fact there’s a working sink in here with running water and soap is all I need, and I groan out loud. “Thank God, it even looks clean. Do you ever use it?”

  “Not much, there aren’t as many of us on this floor, which has its advantages.”

  “Quickly, I run the water in the sink and squirt some liquid soap in to create a mini bubble bath and he does the same beside me.

  Catching sight of our reflections, our eyes meet in the mirror and we can’t help but laugh. We look appallingly bad. As if we’ve gone ten rounds in the ring. His face is still red from the slap I gave him and his stubble dark and sexy. His eyes are shining though and his hair is all over the place but is nowhere near as bad as mine.

  With dismay, I look at my reflection and gasp, “Oh my god, look at me.”

  My hair is tangled and wild and my face so red it looks as if I’ve been left under the sun lamp for an hour too long. Any make up still left on my face is streaked all over it and my eyes resemble a panda as the eye liner has slipped and smudged with the shadows that are the result of little sleep. I can smell how dirty I am and the fact I’m clutching his hoodie to my chest, reminds me I’m near naked and yet sneaking a look at Oliver’s chiseled abs, I feel myself going weak at the knees. It’s not fair, how can he look so perfect and I look like I’ve been dragged here behind a car?

  It feels a little awkward because I need to drop the hoodie and take care of my business and he is obviously not caring because he is soaping that amazing body as if he hasn’t a care in the world.

  It makes that ache between my legs grow again and I decide I really need to get counseling as a matter of priority for this sex addiction I appear to have developed since meeting him. I can picture it now, standing up in a room full of other poor afflicted souls and saying those words, “I’m the Christmas fairy and I’m addicted to sex with my boss.”

  I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t make a Hallmark movie out of that and I giggle a little, which makes Oliver look at me with amusement. “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It obviously is.”

  “I was just thinking how sex mad I’ve become since meeting you. I mean, I’m really not usually so…”

  “Me neither.”

  I raise my eyes and he laughs. “No, really, I don’t know what’s come over me.”

  “It appears, you have.”

  He grins. “Fair point. No, really, I wasn’t joking when I said my brother sends me a yearly happy Christmas gift in the form of a Christmas gram of the explicit kind.”

  “Why does he do that?”

  I’m curious because as I said before, he could get anyone and he shrugs. “Probably to put me in a relaxed mood for Christmas day with the family. He knows it will be setting me on edg
e because I would rather be here.”

  “That’s sad.”

  “It is.”

  “Tell me about your family, they must be missing you being there.”

  He nods and then shakes his head.

  “Listen, I’m happy to talk about anything you want, but I’m conscious you’re still standing there waiting for me to finish up.”

  My cheeks burn as he raises his eyes and I laugh with embarrassment. “Kind of like shutting the door after the horse has bolted. It’s just that…”

  “You’re not that kind of girl. I get it. In fact, I’m quite flattered you let me be the one to corrupt you.”

  He winks and my heart melts all over again. If this carries on there won’t be anything left inside, he will have ruined me for ever.

  He grins. “I’ll finish up and head back to my office. I think I’ve got a washbag in my gym kit. There should be some toothpaste and a brush in there, along with some deodorant and a comb. You take your time; I’ll give you twenty minutes before I come and find you.”

  He quickly washes himself and I am ashamed to admit, I watch every moment of it.

  As he soaps that cock of my pleasure, I feel myself ready to go again. It’s too much and I feel physically sick at how far I’ve fallen. The fact I’ve been in some kind of forced celibacy for the past year has obviously unhinged my mind along with all my principles. I’m a lush, a hoe and so unemployed next year.



  It’s strange how even giving her some space to wash is making me anxious. Just walking away from her feels wrong, it’s as if I need her by my side at all times. As I wander to my office in all my naked glory, I no longer care that she’s staff. In fact, it’s a good thing surely because it means I will see her again, whether she likes it or not. It’s as if she’s cast a spell on me and sprinkled her fairy dust in my eyes because I can only see her when I close them.

  Reaching my office, I look around at a place I live for most of the time. These four walls determine my days and I drag myself back to my apartment in the early hours before the alarm call wakes me a few hours later and I drag myself back here again. Sally, my assistant, has tried to get me to leave early, come in late and only ever schedules mid-morning and early afternoon meetings. She tries to be my office mom because she tells me on many occasions it’s not good for business if I burn out. I know she’s right, but I am driven with an insatiable desire to be better than any of my predecessors but at what personal cost?

  Now she’s here, my magical fairy, and I’m fast realizing that there’s more to life than spreadsheets and bottom lines. It’s not just the sex either. She’s good company; I know that from the brief conversations we’ve shared. She’s also not afraid to call me out on shit, and my face still stings a little from her reminder of that. What would it be like to have a woman like her beside me, making my life better and giving me a reason to make this all work?

  I’m not liking the way my thoughts are heading, so I grab my bag and look inside, removing a pair of gym shorts and my vest. She already has my hoodie, which she badly needs but it’s still fucking winter out there and the coldest one on record, so I ramp the heating up by altering the thermostat on the wall and hang the expense, this is an emergency, after all.

  Grabbing my wash bag, I’m pleased to see I have the basics, so at least we can clean up a little. Thinking of her now probably soaping that luscious body not too far away, makes me long to head back there and fuck her against the wash basin. I’m a maniac, an out-of-control sex machine, but only with her it seems.

  Normally, I can’t wait to see the back of the usual treat that heads my way on Christmas Eve. I know it’s cold, sordid even, but it’s just business. The women involved get paid well and I like to think I give them a good time. But after last night, I’m not sure I can ever go back to that. Not since her and it’s stirring up a very complicated pot.

  Grabbing some water from the cooler, I try to refresh my mind as well as my body. I’m obviously delirious, I need food and coffee and not in that order. She could probably use some too, so I head back and hope she’s still naked and covered in soap. I hate myself.

  Knocking on the door, I say loudly, “Are you decent?”

  “Come in.”

  Her voice sounds a little high and I smile as I think about how much I affect her. I know I do because she is hating every minute of her attraction to me. I see the loaded looks and can tell she is angry with herself and trying to back away from the pit of hell she is balancing on the edge of.

  To my disappointment, she is once again wearing my hoodie and her face is now clean and free from the make-up that plastered it before. I just can’t stop staring because standing there in nothing but my hoodie, she looks so fucking beautiful I can’t think straight.

  Without a word, I just hold out the wash bag and she smiles gratefully.

  “You’re an angel, thank you.”

  She turns back to the mirror and squeezes a little of the toothpaste on her fingers and rubs it over her teeth and I say quickly, “You can use the brush, it won’t matter, we’ve shared a lot worse.”

  She looks embarrassed and I laugh as she grins like a naughty schoolgirl. “I suppose we have.”

  I watch her cleaning her teeth and wonder if I would find it so fascinating if we did this every day. I never share a bathroom and certainly don’t stare at a woman going about her business as if it’s some kind of private show for my pleasure. I’m seriously losing it and she raises her eyes and says with a giggle, “What’s the matter, haven’t you ever seen anyone clean their teeth before?”

  “No, I don’t usually share my morning ritual, as I said before, it’s normally just me, what about you?”

  I think I hold my breath as she shakes her head. “No, sad, but true. I’m the girl who watches all her friends meet and marry the guy of their dreams. I’m the one who flashes a smile and pretends to be happy for them, when it just reminds me how empty my own life is. I’m the girl who can’t get to work fast enough because I want to stalk some innocent guy to get my kicks.”


  I’m surprised at how irritated I am at the thought of her stalking another guy and she grins. “There’s this guy who is really not that much of a catch, but I use him to get my kicks.”

  I am really not liking the sound of this and say tightly, “Does he work here?”

  If he does, I will make it my mission to fire him on the spot and she nods. “Yes, he works in my office and is the best of a bad bunch. I get my kicks from flirting with him even though he’s not that good looking really and after last night—well, I need to find a new crush and fast.”

  She giggles and I feel like a madman about to go on a killing spree as I say roughly, “Why, what happened last night?”

  “Well, I’m not sure if you noticed, but I had rather a lot to drink.”

  She grins, but I can’t even share the joke because I am so tied up with my jealously right now.

  “To cut a long story short, I kind of seized my moment and allowed him to kiss me under the mistletoe - it wasn’t good. That man can’t kiss to save someone’s life because if they weren’t dead already, they would drown in his saliva. I wasn’t too drunk to not notice that, and it seriously put me off him.”

  The thought of any other man’s hands on my fairy makes me feral, and she must see the flash of anger in my eyes because she looks nervous. “I’m, um, sorry, that was probably against company rules or something. I didn’t mean…”

  I think I pounce on her like a tiger and push her hard against the sink and capture those lips with mine. Grabbing her hair, I hold her tight against my mouth and kiss her in a frenzied kiss attack. I’m not sure what’s coming over me, but it’s like a primal need to mark my territory.

  She moans against my lips and runs her hands under my vest and presses into me. What’s happening to me? I’m out of control, so I pull back and rest my head on hers and growl, “I didn’t like that story.” />
  “Why not?”

  Her voice shakes and is like a calming breeze and I whisper huskily, “Because I want to be the only man who kisses you.”


  She appears to sag a little against me and for a moment, her hands wrap around my waist and she holds me tightly. I stroke the back of her head like a pet and we share a moment of affection. I feel so possessive around this woman it shocks me. I’m not that man. I’m not the possessive type, I date, fuck and leave, only once too. Not my fairy. I’ve fucked her more than we’ve had conversations, and it’s still not enough.

  After a while, I pull back and kiss her softly on those plump red lips. “Come on, let’s grab something to eat before I undo all our hard work in getting cleaned up.”

  I love the way her eyes sparkle as she nods and takes my hand, and as we walk out of the rest room, it feels so good. Our hands are clasped tightly together, and I never knew how much pleasure that would bring.

  Despite the circumstances we’ve found ourselves in, this is turning out to best Christmas ever.



  Oliver is so surprising. He’s nothing like I expected and despite the fact I feel so cheap at what I’ve done, somehow, he makes it acceptable.

  I follow him to the cafeteria and it feels strange being the only ones in a large space that is normally buzzing with people.

  “This is lucky, we have our own restaurant.”

  I look around with pleasure because I so badly need food right now and Oliver nods. “We are—very lucky because I happen to know that refrigerator is stuffed full of food, which means we won’t starve at least.”

  “I thought we’d end up eating those boxes of biscuits I saw in your office; you have a serious problem, by the way.”

  He laughs. “Gifts from customers. To be honest, I normally take them down to the homeless shelter on my way home on Christmas Eve.”


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