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Deck the Boss: A holiday office romance

Page 7

by Stella Andrews

  It’s a sobering thought because I’m discovering I’ve missed the person I was before business took over. It’s as if a huge weight has lifted and I can let go and be Oliver again. Not the CEO of a company where thousands of people around the world rely on me for a job, money and a career. I’m that young man who had dreams once upon a time and actually thought life was for living.

  With my fairy, I can be whoever I want to be and I know she’s feeling it too. She is so guarded whenever I step outside the fantasy and introduce a bit of reality. Maybe she isn’t interested in anything outside of this moment of fun, that’s a sobering thought because I’m fast realizing I don’t want to let her go. But it’s complicated, even I know that because she works for me and I’ve always made it a golden rule never to mix business with pleasure.

  We reach the executive floor and after much manovering, manage to drag the tree out of the elevator and toward the Boardroom.

  As soon as we step inside, I notice the candles have gone out and offer a silent prayer that they have. What was I thinking, leaving several naked flames dancing around an office space unattended? We could have burned the place down and I would have seen first-hand the occupation I wanted so badly as a child. I would have become a firefighter of the most desperate kind as I struggled to save our lives, the building, not to mention my parent’s legacy.

  It’s a sobering thought, and I wonder what miracle of nature prevented all that.

  Then she says, “Sorry, I blew the candles out when I came back for the sneakers, I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all, at least one of us is thinking straight around here.”

  She laughs nervously because where it concerns her, I am definitely not thinking straight. She looks so beautiful standing before me with pine needles in her hair and a touch of glitter on her face. Her eyes are shining and her cheeks flushed, and I have never seen a more beautiful sight.

  Shaking myself, I say quickly, “Come on, let’s get this monster in place, I’m keen to settle down and watch that movie we are so desperate for.”

  She nods and as we set about decorating the tree, we stripped bare just minutes ago, I find myself enjoying the simple pleasure of creating a little piece of magic in a normally sterile environment. As we step back and admire our efforts, I love the way the lights cast the room in a magical glow. It completely transforms the atmosphere, creating a more romantic setting that I would never have believed possible.

  She says softly, “Ok, so if this really was our house, what would it look like?”

  Her voice shakes me out of my daydream and I say quickly, “I’m thinking definitely a fireplace. Real one, of course, with a huge mirror above and not one of those moose heads that people seem unable to live without.”

  “Me too, I’m not into stuffed animals staring at me as I relax of an evening.”

  “Oh, and a big furry rug in front of it and candles. Lots of candles.”

  “And a large comfy couch, probably white, or cream, impractical I know, but we would be so rich it wouldn’t matter, we could change it every year.”

  “Of course, what about the biggest television they make, almost a cinema screen?”

  She laughs and rolls her eyes, “I expect no less.”

  “Lamps, lots and lots of lamps creating a sexy mood.”

  “You’re incorrigible.” She rolls her eyes and I laugh softly.

  “Bifold doors that open onto a beach where the waves crash outside, reminding us of the power of nature.”

  I love the dreamy look in her eyes as she imagines it in her mind.

  My breath hitches as I stare at a vision so magnificent it steals my heart and I say a little softer, “No neighbors, just us.”

  She nods. “Soft music that plays through hidden speakers.”

  “And no visitors, we wouldn’t want anyone to interrupt our peace.”

  “Definitely no visitors.”

  Somehow, we are now looking deep into each other’s eyes and I notice how her cheeks are flushed and I love the soft dreamy look on her face. Stepping closer, I say huskily, “A huge bed, covered in silken sheets and a big furry comforter.”

  “Did I mention candles, all around the room?” Her voice is low and husky and there’s a strange feeling in my heart as I take her hand in mine and lace our fingers together, and I whisper, “We could lie naked in bed all day and watch the ocean. Nothing but us, no business, no problems, just pure pleasure.”

  I lower my lips to hers and she whispers, “We would curl up together and shut the whole world out, just us, nobody around for miles.”

  Our lips touch briefly and I say huskily, “And I would worship your body until you only see me in your heart.”

  Our lips connect and I kiss her softly and with more feeling than I’ve ever had in my life, and I know this is no longer just about sex. It’s about her, making her mine and claiming her heart.

  She feels so soft against me and I want to protect her, wrap my arms around her and never let go. Keep the world out for as long as it takes to make her stay—forever.



  I’m relieved when Oliver pulls back and says softly, “Let’s make this dream a reality, for today anyway.”

  I watch as he picks up the matches and lights the candles, and I stare in wonder as they dance and burn brightly around us. There are so many I feel the heat chasing the chill away, and it’s not just the fire that creates such a seductive atmosphere. It’s the heat that’s building inside me as I contemplate spending time with him. He’s no longer just my boss, he’s something else, something more and the part of me that’s pushing him away, is struggling hard against the part of me that longs for a miracle. Could he be more, could this be something amazing?

  The room has been transformed into a fairy tale. The tree sparkles, the candles flicker, and the fire on the wall burns brightly on the screen. The soft Christmas music fills the air with magic, and the cozy bed he has created beckons me inside. But the man who stands before me looking so tempting is my downfall because I couldn’t say no to him if I tried.

  “Come here.”

  He holds out his hand and my legs start moving before I give them permission. I watch as he removes his top and the sight of his abs dancing sexily before me has me reaching for the hem of his hoodie. Before I know what’s happening, I remove it quickly and stand before him as naked as the day I was born and feel the trail of desire lighting a path to my soul.

  I want him.

  I can’t escape from it, it’s an addiction, a need, a gift to myself because how can I fight this?

  Reaching out, he takes my hand and pulls me closer and his eyes glitter with undisguised lust as he bows his head to my lips and kisses them slowly and deeply. My heart pounds as my hands run around his neck and I kiss him back with a desperate need to feel something so amazing I never want to stop.

  Pulling back, he says softly, “Let’s do this properly this time.”

  I’m sure what he means, but follow him to his makeshift bed and watch as he drops to his knees and pulls me against him. My hands grasp his hair as he nuzzles my pussy and takes my clit in his mouth and sucks softly. My breath hitches as I feel him tasting and pleasuring me at a pace that shows he’s in no hurry this time and I feel so turned on I forget where we are, who he is and what day it is, as I give in to the ultimate pleasure.

  He appears in no hurry as he pulls me down beside him and strokes my body from head to toe like a favorite pet. I curl into him because I just want to feel his hard body against mine and my heart flutters as he kisses me softly and with care from my eyelids to my neck, before heading for the valley in my breasts and licking my nipple until I physically ache for what I know is coming.

  I touch him just as reverently, marveling at the strong arms that hold me so tenderly, as if I might break. I breathe in the husky scent of a man out to seduce, his pheromones sending me wild with lust.

  I can feel his cock rigid against my stomach and I rub agai
nst it, loving the way he groans with desire.

  We are in no hurry to finish what he started because time is ours to enjoy to its fullest extent. There is absolutely nothing to divert us from this moment, and for the first time, I feel as if I haven’t got a care in the world.

  I love the way he kisses a trail all over my body, leaving me shivering with an urgent need. I feel as if I’m actually floating on air and my mind plays tricks on me, while my body enjoys the ultimate pleasure. His fingers part my folds and I welcome him in, thrusting down on them, desperate to feel any part of him inside me. It’s not enough and the slow rhythmic pace of our lust making hitches up a notch as he growls deep in his throat. “You feel so good, baby.”

  I capture his mouth and kiss him hard and fast, suddenly feeling an urgent need for heat and hard penetration. Reaching out, he grabs a condom off the side and I briefly register with pleasure that he has quite a pile waiting. He makes short work of shielding his cock and then hovers above me and looks into my eyes and I see something different. The lust has gone and been replaced by something that catches me off guard. There’s a sadness in his expression and he looks a little lost and my breath hitches as he runs his thumb across my lips and whispers, “Thank you.”

  Then he enters me slowly and carefully, almost as if he’s afraid to break the spell, and as I feel him sliding inside, I strangely want to cry. This is such a beautiful moment, it’s sex with a lot of feelings thrown into the mix and far from it scaring me, it’s making me happier than I’ve ever been.

  We stare deep into each other’s eyes as we share a moment so intimate, I’m afraid to blink in case it goes away.

  Feeling Oliver inside me is almost familiar. The home we spoke of is inside me right now because he belongs here and there’s no embarrassment in me as I smile into his eyes and love the way they sparkle with happiness. He moves slowly, as if we’re on a leisurely stroll, and I love the heat that builds and wraps his cock in comfort. I want to keep him inside me for as long as possible because when he is, everything is right with the world.

  Then he rolls over and pulls me on top of him and buries his face between my breasts and breathes in long and deep. I wrap my hands around the back of his head and pull him closer, while moving on his cock as he pleasures me inside. It feels so good, so right, and nothing like the frenzied heat of passion we have enjoyed up until now. This is different, no less passionate, just perfect.

  The pleasure builds to a point neither of us can control any longer and as I ride the wave of pleasure his cock unleashes on me, I scream his name. I could be anywhere right now because in my mind I’m in paradise and I am keen to hold on to that for as long as possible.

  His roar of release brings a smile of satisfaction to my face because I love bringing him pleasure. It means a lot to know this isn’t one sided and I can tell he is as turned on as I am, which makes me feel sexier and bolder than I ever have before.

  He pulls me down to lie on his chest and wraps me in those strong arms and strokes my back. Then he says huskily, “What was that?”


  “That feeling. It’s different, I kind of liked it, did you feel it too?”

  I squeeze my eyes tightly shut as my heart soars. He felt it too. The trouble is, will we be allowed to keep it?



  Everything has now changed, as far as I’m concerned that is. Sex with my fairy has changed into something much deeper, more addictive, and I’m not prepared to let her walk away. I no longer care that she’s my employee, I can do what I want anyway, I am the boss, after all. The trouble is, does she feel the same way? She is so guarded, so protective of her life, I can’t get her to open up. Is she uncertain—of me? I have so many questions that I need answers to, but I don’t want to scare her away. I want to keep her, so I must back off and let things develop naturally. There’s also the selfish bastard in me that doesn’t want to break this magical bubble we have found ourselves in. It’s so special, the cold hard facts may ruin it forever, so I flick the remote and say softly, “Let’s see what the Christmas channel has to offer.”

  She snuggles into my chest and says happily, “I hope it’s one I’ve never seen before.”

  “Me too.”

  “I mean, it’s unlikely because I think I’ve seen them all. If it’s one of those where the hero has a rubbish name, I’m going to be so disappointed.”

  “I agree. I hate the ones where they don’t appear to match. You know, the woman looks too old, or the guy looks like a douche.”

  She giggles. “I know what you mean, he has to be every woman’s fantasy, it’s hard to live up to.”

  “What’s your fantasy, my little fairy?”

  I think I hold my breath as she says in a soft, sweet voice. “I’m living it.”

  I squeeze her a little tighter and she laughs. “Mind you, I do have a rather unhealthy obsession with Tom Cruise. I’m quite surprised you haven’t discovered that yet.”

  “How would I?”

  She giggles and says a little embarrassed. “I’ve been known to dream of him. I stayed over at my friend Stacey’s one night and she thought I had a man in my room. She told me she heard me screaming in the middle of the night, Take me to the danger zone, Tom, I’ve lost that loving feeling.”

  I start to laugh and she giggles, “He always stars in my x-rated dreams. I’m not sure why, really. I mean, ordinarily I don’t go for his type.”

  “What is your type?”

  She appears to consider her words and then says shyly, “Tall, beautiful, sexy eyes, ripped body and a wicked smile. Gets me every time. What about you, what do you fantasize about?”

  She rubs slow circles on my chest and I love how happy that makes me feel.

  “Well, obviously I have a thing for fairies.”

  “That goes without saying.”

  She giggles and I find myself smiling.

  “She’s funny, sexy, beautiful inside and out with a wicked sense of humor. She’s also strong, independent, and not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. Like you, I’m kind of living my fantasy right now.”

  She says nothing, and I hate the fact I can’t see her expression. I wonder if she wants something that’s becoming increasingly more important to me. I’m starting to realize just how amazing it can be having someone to share your day with. A companion, a best friend, someone to laugh with and sound off to from time to time. A partner in crime, someone like my fairy.

  Risking exploding our cozy bubble, I say tentatively, “I know a lot about you little fairy, except a very important thing, tell me your name.”

  She stills and her hand appears frozen mid circle and I feel her stiffen. My heart is beating frantically as I hold my breath, waiting for the moment to be shattered and reality to destroy what we have.

  She takes a moment and then says nervously, “Do you mind if I keep that to myself for a little longer?”

  “But why, you know my name, isn’t it only fair that I know who…”

  I break off before I completely make an ass of myself because I was about to say something that tells me I’m so far gone; I doubt there is any way back.

  If she notices she says nothing and then says sadly, “I kind of like what we have going on here. I’m not keen to disturb anything. If you knew my name, I become me again. I quite like this fairy because she takes me out of my comfort zone and makes life exciting and a big adventure. If you start calling me by my name, she will disappear. Does that sound weird to you?”

  I hold her a little tighter and smile against her hair, as I kiss her softly. “It makes perfect sense to me. It’s fine, be my little fairy until the snow melts. I just wanted you to know, I’m not just playing a game here. I never expected this, but somehow the impossible has happened and I’m actually enjoying spending time with you. Does that scare you?”

  “A little.”

  She buries her face in my chest and I laugh to myself. I wonder what is going through her head rig
ht now because I’m hoping more than anything she is on the same page as me.



  It feels so good snuggling up beside Oliver, watching Christmas movies. In fact, as Christmas days go, this is shaping up to be the best one ever. After a while, I say sleepily, “I’ll run downstairs and grab us some coffee. I don’t know about you but I’m desperate for something hot inside me.”

  He laughs softly as I shift up and groan as I run my fingers through my now extremely tangled hair. “I could sure use a wash and a comb; do you mind if I take a moment?”

  “Of course not, I should do the same really, take my wash bag and make yourself feel better, I’ll go and check that I haven’t missed any calls.”

  I leave him to it and shrug on his hoodie, wondering if somehow, I can find something else to wear. It suddenly strikes me that if I’m ever getting out of here, I will need to look a little more respectable than a sex drunk fairy whore, clutching her ruined costume around her. I need to plan my exit strategy and so I wander through the deserted offices and look for anything that could cover my modesty.

  It feels strange being here alone. It seems a very different office now than the one we usually see, and as I head over to the window, I look down on a magical fairyland.

  Despite the fact I’ve spent most of my time here nearly naked, I don’t feel the chill. There is a warm feeling inside me that has me glowing. Love or lust, I’m a little confused right now because Oliver Steele is shaping up to be my perfect man. I wonder what he’s like on a normal day? Is he as kind, loving and considerate? Something tells me he’s not, which is why I’m keen to keep up the fairy tale a little longer.

  As I wander through the offices, I check every coat rack possible and then an idea hits me, making me wonder why it never occurred to me before. Of course, the janitor’s cupboard.


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