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Call of the Siren (Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy Book 1)

Page 16

by Jarica James

  "I want to work for The Regency. I think it'd be the best use for my skills," Tristan answered, not looking away from Aeson who just gave him a sad smile in return.

  Picking up on their mood change, Evander gave me a squeeze before answering. "I want to work as an investigator in The Regency, tracking down criminals and outlaws. Being in the field sounds more exciting than working an indoor job."

  "I want to go back home, I miss the pack," Lachlan said without hesitating, his voice strong and sure. It warmed my heart to know that he wanted to be close to his family and his home. Though, the implications of it weren't lost on me. If he went home, and some of the guys went to where The Regency was located, while the others spread out, this would be over.

  "Now you sound like Aeson," Tristan said sadly, reaching over and squeezing my hand. "We'll figure it out, we have time."

  "If not, we at least have right now," I said, trying to stay positive. But the truth was that the idea was ripping my heart to shreds. I had grown used to my guys over the few months we’d had together so far, and even though we'd just started dating, I wanted to see where this would go. Taking a deep breath, I pushed that idea down, knowing we'd have at least several years before it was even an issue. "Alright, your turn, Calev."

  "I want to be where you are," he answered, meeting my gaze. The stone gray color of his eyes sparkled with specks of silver I'd never noticed before, the skin around them crinkling slightly from his small smile. He looked so sure of himself that my heart melted into a puddle in my chest, my soul singing at being wanted and accepted, beyond just right now.

  "Damn, Calev! Getting deep on us," Lachlan joked, shooting me a wink to show he was joking. "Who'd have thought this little siren could tame a gargoyle, especially a royal one."

  "Royal?" I asked, grinning as Calev rolled his eyes and groaned. He gave me an exasperated look, the topic clearly something they loved to tease him about.

  "Back when each species had its own form of monarchy, my ancestors were the royals. It means nothing now,” he mumbled, trailing off and seemingly desperate for a subject change. “Speaking of which, let's get away from these losers." With that, he stood and took off his shirt before holding a hand out to me, his obsidian wings uncurling from his back and spanning out on each side. He looked every bit the handsome prince, with his perfectly sculpted muscles and strong arms framed by black feathers, and his striking gray eyes. He was like a sculpture come to life.

  "Wipe your drool, babe," Aeson joked, throwing a small pebble at me. I finally closed my mouth and stood, taking his outstretched hand before standing in front of him awkwardly, my head tilting to the side as I contemplated what the fuck to do. Do I latch on like a koala? Do I do piggyback style with a wing on each side of me? Does he cradle me?

  "Just take her, she's overthinking again. Here’s a blanket," Lachlan teased, giving me a kiss on the cheek and handing the folded blanket over to Calev. Suddenly, a sharp smack landed on my ass, making me yelp and jump forward. Taking advantage of my unbalanced state, Calev scooped me up and put his arms under my ass to support me. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and my legs around his waist, watching out for his wings that started to move as he jumped off of the ground. Before I could process or over think again, we were in the air and flying above the city. The cool wind whipped through my hair, but all I could focus on was his hard muscles moving under me, and his warm chest that pressed against me and overpowered the chill from the air. Need coursed through me, distracting me from the views whipping past. Feeling bold after his earlier answer, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his neck, teasing him with a gentle graze of my teeth before soothing it with my tongue. He growled under my attention, his chest vibrating with the low rumble.

  "Little Psycho, are you trying to make us crash?" he accused playfully, lifting me a bit higher so he could nip my bottom lip, his heated eyes glowing a liquid silver now. Hmm, I guess they change with his emotions. Each new thing I learned about my guys made me feel more and more connected to them.

  "Yes," I answered, knowing Calev would never put me in danger like that. He chuckled under his breath, slowing us down and landing softly on the ground, before taking the blanket that was tucked between us and unrolling it. I gasped as I looked around, taking in the land that spanned around us. Apparently, while I was too busy appreciating him, he was flying us to the top of the nearby mountain, the area covered in plush grass and vines. Before I could turn around, he had his arms wrapped around me, his chin resting on my shoulder.

  "Do you like it? This is one of my favorite spots," he hummed, his voice even sounding lighter up here. I guess our lives had taken quite the dramatic turn lately, and here I was pulling them away from their school and lives at every turn. After this week, we needed to just go to the Academy. It's time.

  "It's beautiful," I said, taking in the view one last time before spinning in his hold. "Did you mean what you said? You really want to be where I am?" I studied those silver eyes like my life depended on it. And in a way, it did. This is the life that’s been thrust upon me, but they are the life I choose, and I’m not ready to let them go just yet.

  "Of course I did," he answered simply, pulling me flush against him so he could capture my lips. "I've never met anyone quite like you, and I'm ready to see where this goes. There are some breeds of supes that are open with their dating, but gargoyles, like vampires, are not one of them. We choose our mate, and our instinctual side agrees. I chose you, and so did he. Though, that doesn’t mean we won’t share you with those we deem worthy,” he reassured me before his eyes darkened. “You’re ours now."

  "Then prove it," I teased, wanting him now, his words filling me with a sense of belonging and something akin to love. I wouldn't say we were there yet, but I couldn't ignore the strong feelings he invoked any more than I could ignore what I was now. I stepped away slowly, giving him a sultry smile before taking my shirt off over my head and shimmying out of my skinny jeans, leaving me in only my hot pink bra and panties.

  "Fuck," was all he managed to whisper before I was in his arms again. He kissed me even more fiercely as he walked us backwards, lowering me down on the blanket. He broke the kiss as he gazed down at me, the question clear in his eyes. The truth was, with his arms braced on either side of me and his body covering mine, I'd never been more sure of anything. I wanted this, and I wanted him.

  I rocked my hips up in answer, begging for more. He gave me a sexy half-grin, before kisses peppered down my throat to my collarbone, sending shivers of pleasure moving through my body as need throbbed between my legs. My skin pebbled with goosebumps as he slid the bra straps off of my shoulders, licking along the swell of my breasts and pulling moans from my mouth.

  My fingers fumbled with the belt of his pants, his hard bulge already straining against them. Freeing his erection, I wrapped my hand over the silky skin of his cock, not bothering to worry about my lack of experience or anything other than the feel of him. I moved my hand over him slowly, only stopping when he kicked out of his jeans and pulled the last of my clothes free.

  "You're fucking perfect," he husked as he leaned further back to take in every inch of me. I didn't feel self-conscious for even a moment under his gaze; instead, I felt beautiful and cherished. Each second he spent looking at me was another second that my body ached for him. The sight of his wings spread out on either side of his powerful body made him even sexier. Wanting to touch them, I reached up and ran my hands slowly over the soft feathers there. His reaction turned from sweet to desperate at my attention, his hips rocking his cock into my hand as his mouth moved down to my breasts. He sucked one tightened bud in and grazed his teeth across it, his moans rumbling out of him with each stroke of my fingers.

  “Wait,” I stopped him, his eyes meeting mine in concern. “I’m on birth control, and I’m clean.” I didn’t want to break the mood, but it needed said.

  “Perfect,” he husked, nipping my lip after a sexy half-grin. I had nothing left to say, los
ing myself completely as he continued without missing a beat.

  His hands worshipped me, moving slowly across my skin as he touched every inch of me, as if he were committing it to memory. Heat flowed through my veins, the pleasure almost overwhelming as I lost myself in his touches.

  His hand slid between my legs, groaning as he moved his fingers over my wetness. My hips arched instinctively as he pushed one finger inside, pumping in and out of me until the pleasure was pulsing through me, bringing me close to release. He met my eyes, his silver orbs full of adoration as I came undone under him. I moaned out my release as he added another finger, brushing over my throbbing clit in the process. He didn't stop as my body pulsed around him, instead dragging it out until I felt like I was floating in overwhelming sensations. He slowly slid his fingers from me, a whimper escaping me at the loss of his touch. He chuckled before replacing his fingers with the head of his cock, slowly sinking inside of me. I winced as he pushed further in, my body slowly adjusting to his size.

  "I'm sorry, Love. I should have been more gentle," he said, his eyebrows drawing down in concern. It was sweet, but it wasn't his fault. I probably should have told him that I’ve never done this before.

  "No, it's fine. It's just my first time, and my body needed a second," I admitted. His eyes lit up a bit at my admission, like he was pleased but not surprised at the news.

  "Well, then I'll take extra care with you," he promised, pushing in even further while I was distracted. It was only a slight sting, but my body was too wet for it to hurt much before I was bucking my hips, begging him to move faster. He groaned as I wrapped my legs around his back, pushing him fully into me.

  "Please," I begged, needing so much more. He obliged, thrusting into me faster as his hands gripped my hips, pulling my body in to meet his thrusts with every stroke. My body came alive under his, another orgasm already climbing in intensity. As if he could read my mind, he slid his hand between us, his thumb pressing into my throbbing clit once more and throwing me into another wave of pleasure that had me shaking beneath him. With one more thrust he joined me, his climax bursting into me and filling me with his warmth. When his body calmed, he pulled out and gathered me into his chest, snuggling me close.

  “You’re perfect,” he husked, his voice full of emotion.

  “You’re everything I wanted and everything I didn’t know I needed,” I said back, snuggling closer as his grip tightened around me.

  We both sat in silence as our bodies and minds settled, his arms and wings wrapping around me, enfolding me, and making me feel loved. Who could’ve known that the broody Calev I’d first met would turn out to be the sweetest and most caring of all of my guys?

  May 2nd



  After our outdoor adventure, I wasn't sure how to feel when we got back to Lorcan and Lilah's place. I wasn't regretting it, I was just worried the other guys would be upset or jealous. This was going to be hard to keep even. Though, I thought the guys were all outspoken enough to say something if they were feeling left out.

  "Stop overthinking it, Little Psycho," Calev teased as we landed in the backyard. I hadn’t realized I had somehow opened a mental link between us. His obsidian wings folded behind him. Though he’d tried to treat his words as a joke, hurt slipped through, and I froze. Damn it, of course my stupid overworking brain leads to me putting my foot in my mouth, yet again.

  "I'm not overthinking that part of it, I promise. I'm happy... I just worry they won't be happy when they find out. I don't want secrets between us all, but I don't want fights. And I especially don't want to fuck this up by making someone feel like they aren't getting the same attention as someone else."

  With that, his frown loosened, and some of the tension left his eyes. "Don't worry, we aren't keeping tallies of who you kissed last, and we especially won't be petty about sex. You'll be fine. Each relationship you have with us is different and will grow at its own pace, we get that," he promised, stopping me and folding me in one last hug before leading me inside. Please let that be true.

  "You're back!" Lachlan yelled, his vibrant copper hair visible through the window as he threw open the back door and hurried down the stairs. The tension left me as he scooped me up and spun me around. When he dropped me back on my feet, he pulled me in, his soft lips crushing against mine. His kiss wasn't as sweet this time; instead, it was possessive, his hands moving to rest on my ass as he pulled me even closer. Well, I guess his bear has an idea about what happened with me and Calev. "I missed you."

  "Hey, no hogging my Kitten!" Tristan complained dramatically, pulling me away and into his embrace. "We were just figuring out what to do tonight. What sounds fun?"

  "I'm up for whatever," I answered, knowing it wasn't the least bit helpful. “I do want to shower and get comfy first, though.”

  "Whatever?" Aeson asked as he walked up, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I snorted, expecting nothing less from him.

  "Movie?" Van asked, coming out with a handful of cookies. Tristan reached for one, earning himself a smack on the hand. Laughing at Tristan's indignation, Van handed me one.

  "See, I'm special," I joked, taking an exaggerated bite just to tease him. Aeson snorted before dashing toward me, trying to snatch it out of my hand. Channeling my vampire powers, I sped out of the way, only to be snatched by Lachlan who used his hold on me to take a bite of the cookie. So I channeled a bit of lightning that Lilah taught me to give him a gentle zap, surprising even myself when it actually worked. I guess they were right, my magic is strong. When he dropped me, I took off again, wishing I had wings like Calev, but this time nothing happened. I guess even mimics have their limits. Honestly, I’m probably okay with not growing extra body parts or shifting into an animal for now.

  “Impressive, Doll. See we knew you had it in you,” Van cheered at the same time Calev lunged forward and picked me up. He unfurled his wings and he flew up above the yard, hovering just high enough to be out of reach. The others protested before Aeson shot a stream of water out of his hand to hit Calev in the face.

  "Fine, fine," Calev groaned, dropping down to the ground and shaking his hair over the others. Before his arms even let me go, I was being pulled away by Aeson, who didn't bother to hide the glare he shot over his shoulder.

  "Behave," I teased, pulling away from him and heading for the kitchen. I wanted another of Lilah's cookies before we worried about a shower and movie night.

  "There you are! Did you have fun?" she asked, her voice holding a hint of teasing.

  "It was, the view was lovely," I said, barely keeping the laughter at bay. I appreciated it on the way back, since the only thing I saw on the way over was my sexy gargoyle.

  "Here are some more cookies for you guys to dig into. I have to go get ready for work before Lorcan starts pestering me. You guys have fun with your movie night," she teased, using her magic to dry her hands and click off the oven. It still blew my mind to see the little shows of magic she did so casually, but I guessed that growing up human would do that to you.

  "Wait, I have a question," I said, my hand pausing in midair, stealing a glance at the others as they followed us in. "We have a few hours of daylight left. Is there somewhere I can go to read through records or look into my parents?"

  Everyone avoided my gaze for a second, hiding the emotions that my question had provoked. I don’t want any more secrets between us, but I also don’t need their pity. Either way, I was growing exasperated. Just because I grew up human, didn’t mean I was going to keep letting it bother me.

  Evander finally sighed and answered, his voice hesitant, "We have a census. That'd be the first place to look since it’s divided by species. Sirens are rare, but a mimic wouldn't be listed. I'm not sure how helpful it will be, but it's a start."

  “What about genetic testing?” I asked, directing it at Lilah.

  She seemed to think it over before answering slowly. “Well… mimic’s aren’t created by design, only a mimic can make a
mimic, just like any other species. So, you could probably start at the last recorded one. As for testing, it wouldn’t be listed there. I’ll do some research and let you know what I find,” she promised, giving me a quick hug before she walked away.

  Aeson hopped up to sit on the counter, his eyes lighting up excitedly now. "We could also check out the library in town, see if there's any mention of mimics in the books."

  "Your nerd is showing," I teased, but I couldn't hide my excitement. It was one thing to find out that I was a supernatural, but the fact that I had no clue about my past had bugged me from the beginning of this adventure. The chance to find answers had me feeling hopeful, excited, and anxious.

  After a quick shower and change, we hurried out of the apartment, not wanting to waste any daylight. We all agreed to split up, since Calev wasn't about to let anyone go out on their own. It wasn't even ten minutes of driving, and we were being followed again. The same white car from last time stayed a few cars behind us, and no matter where we turned, it seemed like they were always there. We’d discussed who it could be, but the guys all seemed convinced that it was Citrine still. They seemed less worried today, since we’d be out when the sidewalks were still crowded.

  Since it was late afternoon, the city was packed with people. Aeson, Calev, and Tristan went to the library, while Evander and Lachlan took me over to the census building. It was attached to the Obsidian Regency Hall, which meant we had to go through three waves of security just to get to the archive. I didn’t mind the metal detectors or giving my information, it was the damn magical scan I hated. With Aeson, scans felt intimate and gentle. This one was invasive and unsettling, leaving me even more anxious and uncomfortable.

  The building itself was beautiful, distracting me from my unease. It looked like it was carved from actual obsidian, the stone a sleek black that stood out against the bright spring colors outside. Despite the stone building, it had a modern look with smooth, sliding doors, huge windows that let the natural light in, and white and silver furniture lining the rooms. After our last security checkpoint, where I had to hand over all my belongings just to get through, we were finally inside.


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