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Call of the Siren (Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy Book 1)

Page 21

by Jarica James

  "I've got you. Let's go," he called, pulling me with him out of the burning building. My lungs ached with every breath I took of the fresh island air. Coughing overtook me, and Aeson jumped into action and pulled the damage from my lungs. Dating a healer has its perks.

  "Oh, Little Psycho," Calev mumbled as he collapsed next to me, pulling me into his chest. The broken quality to his voice shook me, my heart shattering as I looked up into the gray, watery depths of his eyes. He didn't seem to care that I was essentially a mud monster, the fire having hardened it against my skin.

  "I'm so sorry, Calev," I whispered, before Lachlan tore me away and crushed me in a hug, his bear letting out a low growl as he shifted between his two forms. I whispered soothing words to him until only my man stood before me, not giving any fucks that he was stark naked in a crowd. Evander pulled me to him next, conveying everything he needed to in a hard kiss, his hand resting on the back of my head as he crushed me to him.

  An odd noise broke up our little reunion. A group of mages were tending to the flames, manipulating them until they disappeared fully. We all gathered around them, watching until all that remained of the building was a charred pile of rubble. My heart clenched in my chest at the thought of a scared little girl stuck inside, the building burning and falling apart around her.

  "There were others," I yelled desperately, trying to make anyone listen as I struggled against Evander's arms. "Let me go!" I screamed, panicking and fighting even harder against him when nobody moved.

  "There's no one in there alive, miss," a nearby guard said, his voice reflecting his sadness as his magic glowed in his eyes. His words echoed in my head, a hollow feeling settling in my gut.

  "I failed her... them," I whispered, so low that I doubt anyone heard. The guards started to converge on the building, using force and magic to move the rubble and see what was underneath. The fire may have burned bright, but it didn't burn long enough erase all evidence. Of course, there was no sign of Doc and his lackeys. Only portions of the building burned, the other areas still intact, just blackened from smoke. They found the source of the fire quickly; his office, of course.

  Refusing to dwell on the fact that he was still at large, I focused only on the moment, helping pick through the rubble and find anything left. The guys finally gave up on trying to stop me after learning just how deep my stubbornness ran. They eventually joined in, but from all accounts, the place had room for only one other victim.With nobody in sight, it meant Doc likely took them with him.

  After hours of searching, we were finally called to a stop, the guards and the Dean all ushering us off to the boats to leave. I was itchy and uncomfortable, but also numb, unsure how to feel after living through everything that happened.

  Calev got us a hotel room in town, giving us a chance to shower and recoup. We were required to be in the Dean's office by ten in the morning to give reports to the Regency and to him about what happened.

  The guys fussed over me until I managed to close myself in the bathroom. Peeling my mud caked clothes off wasn't easy, taking me an embarrassing long time to get naked. The moment I stepped into the hot spray, I scrubbed myself raw. The action gave me a way to get out my frustration and anger. I finally collapsed onto the tub floor, curling into myself and sobbing, unable to truly move past the abuse I'd endured and the fact that I’d failed that little girl. I wasn't sure why I felt such a connection to her, but I couldn't get her out of my head.

  'You okay in there?' Tristan asked tentatively in my mind. I knew he’d heard and felt everything I’d just let out, but I couldn't find it in me to answer him. My mind and body were numb at that point.

  'I've got her,' Calev answered quickly, the entire connection open for all of us now. Moments later, the water shut off, and I was lifted into his arms before he set me on my feet. He dried my hair then wrapped the towel around me. "Stay with us, love. Don't shut us out, we're stronger together," he promised out loud this time.

  "Plus, I have food!" Lachlan called from the other room. The offer drew a small smile out of me, my strength and focus returning the more they called out their random words of comfort. Calev took his shirt off, sliding it over me and pulling it down.

  "Come on, Little Psycho," he said, grinning as he looked down at me in his clothes. I rolled my eyes at him but followed him into the room.

  "Wait, why is she taller?" Evander asked, staring at me like I was an alien.

  "I'm assuming it has to do with her siren side. They drew new powers out," Aeson said quietly, a haunted look in his eyes at the reminder of my torture. I went and sat between him and Tristan, taking each of their hands in mine, needing their support as much as I wanted to give it.

  "She looks a bit different too," Calev pointed out, turning to me as he continued, "the mud hid it before, but your eyes are brighter and your hair is shinier. It's a hint of what Evander gets when he goes full pretty-boy vamp."

  "Well, sirens are known for their beauty. She was already gorgeous, but maybe this is more of her siren coming through," Lachlan said, throwing a wink my way.

  "I found a computer while Aeson called for backup. I hacked in and downloaded the files to this. When you're ready, I think it will have some answers about your past," Tristan said, his words like a bucket of ice water to the face as he held a small USB drive in front of me. I nodded as I took it and clutched it in my hand, not having the courage to look now.

  "Thanks. I'll look someday," I said with a heavy sigh, knowing that there would be no going back once I did.

  "I'm not going to ask what happened today. We'll hear about it tomorrow. For tonight, let's focus on healing and relaxing," Evander soothed, handing over a takeout box. The greasy cheeseburger inside looked heavenly, and my stomach growled angrily as I realized how hungry I was. Adrenaline and fear can do funny things to you.

  I looked around at my five boyfriends while I ate, just appreciating how much they cared about me. Mere months ago I was bullied nonstop, but this group came into my life and taught me how to be strong, how to care. Tristan, Aeson, and I were a bit broken now, but I had a feeling it wouldn't keep us down long. Now I had a purpose, and I intended to make sure that Doc was found, and that we freed any others he was keeping captive.

  May 6



  The next morning we were all still sluggish. I for one, slept awful, my body still on high alert as thoughts of what I would find on that flash drive plagued me. Evander came back with clothes and coffee, looking like an angel with his bounty.

  "Caffeine!" I squeaked, taking it and my bag from him, and disappearing into the bathroom. I downed half of the hot drink, scorching my tongue in the process. Once I was a bit more awake, I changed clothes, happy that he chose one of my nicer outfits for this since I'd be making my real first impression on the Dean and school. I refused to count yesterday when I was in mud monster form.

  My stomach rolled with anxiety at reliving the past few days for the authorities... yes, days! I thought it had happened in the span of one day, but Calev mentioned how long it actually was. Which meant we were out for longer than I realized.

  "Come on, we're going to be late!" Tristan called, his voice a bit harsher than normal. I didn't want him to stress any more than he already was, so I finished pulling half of my hair into a topknot, and then slid on some lipstick before hurrying out of the room.

  The drive to the academy was intense, the mood in the car somber and so thick that it made me even more uncomfortable. As we drove past the crash site, I noticed the glass and debris still on the side of the road, but my nerves about seeing my new school were more intense than anything. My last one didn't go so well, and now here I was, going once more into the unknown. Can't be any worse, right?

  The trees were thick along the road, shielding the school from view. The moment Calev drove around the last turn, a giant stone building came into view. My mouth gaped open as I took in everything I could. This was it, the beginning of my new life.
  "Welcome to Obsidian Cove Supernatural Academy, Little Psycho."


  Thank you for reading Call of the Siren! This is book one in a six part series, so if you still have questions that are unanswered, rest assured they will be!

  Also by Jarica James

  Broken Silence (YA stand-alone RH)

  Fae Knights Series

  -Fae Bound

  -Fae Sight

  -Fae Strength

  -Fae Eternal

  -Fae Knights Box Set

  Master Reapers Series

  -City of Souls

  -Realm of Shadows

  The Spirit Vlog Series

  -Haunts and Hotels

  Co-write with Chloe Gunter

  -A Pinch of Sass

  Co-write with Rowan Thalia

  -Into the Shadows

  -Through the Woods

  Coming soon: Monster (Academies of the Realms: 1)

  Co-write with AJ Macey

  -Witch, Please




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