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Love on the Line (Love Beyond Danger Book 3)

Page 8

by Diane Holiday

  His lips twitched at the corners. “Wanna try that again?”

  What the hell had she said this time? She couldn’t think straight. “What did I say?”

  “The same exact thing.” He held up two fingers. “Twice insulted.”

  “Sheesh, Wyatt. I’m sorry. I meant—”

  “It’s okay. I promise I wasn’t fishing for a compliment. I really care what you think and just don’t want to embarrass you, since you’re here with me.”

  Him embarrass her? He had it all backwards. She was the no-name date, not the celebrity. Besides, he put himself out there for his friends. “I think you’re amazing to do this, and the crowd loves you. You could never embarrass me.”

  His eyes widened, and she froze. “What did I say now?”

  “Nothin’, I’m just messing with you.” He patted her arm and gave her a wicked grin.

  A giggle bubbled up from her chest. “I’m gonna kill you. That’s not funny.”

  “Then why are we both laughing?” His eyes danced with humor, and something stirred inside of her.

  Wyatt had a knack for making her feel like a kid again. She’d spent so much of her life taking care of other people and being the responsible one that it felt good to just let loose and be silly. She’d laughed more with him in the last two weeks then she had in the entire time she’d dated either of her “serious” boyfriends.

  And the thing about Wyatt was that he didn’t expect her to act a certain way or care if things weren’t perfect. This night was nothing like they’d planned, and yet she was still having fun. Maybe everything didn’t always need to be mapped out in advance.

  Anxiety tightened her neck at that thought. She always had a plan. Needed a plan. A plan was what made life safe and predictable. That was her comfort zone.

  “Anne?” Wyatt waved a hand in front of her face. “Where’d you go?”

  “Sorry, did you ask me something?”

  “No, but I have to study the sheet music for the next set, so I better get back to Dan.” A small frown tugged his mouth down.

  “Hey.” She placed a hand on his chest. “You got this.”

  He touched her cheek, covered her hand with his, and pressed both to his heart. “Thanks.”

  After helping the band pack up, Wyatt walked Anne to his car. She sank into the seat and eased back. What a night, and quite the eye-opener. Wyatt wasn’t some spoiled celebrity who expected adoration. He’d been nervous, self-effacing, and completely loyal to his friends.

  To his credit, he’d brought charisma to the stage, and once his nerves calmed, he’d focused less on playing every chord right and more on drawing in the crowd. It had worked. People seemed to love him because he brought energy and life to the music.

  Could she have done it? Put herself out there in front of a ton of people, knowing her talent fell short of the mark. Probably not, because when she took on something new, she dedicated the time until she mastered the craft. Going out on a limb wasn’t her style.

  Wyatt dropped into the driver’s seat, and the car seemed to shrink as he filled the space. His cologne swirled in the air, and she took a deep breath.

  “You tired?” He started the engine and drove out of the lot.

  “No. I’m kind of wired, actually.”

  “Me, too.”

  Anne grabbed her purse and dug around inside. “I had my phone on the table, and I’m not sure I put it away.”

  “Hold on.” Wyatt pulled to the side of the road. He clicked on his hazards and the overhead light.

  “Thanks.” She fished around in the bottom of the bag, plucked the phone out, and held it up. “Oh, good, it’s here.”

  The corner of his lips turned up, and he nodded. “I got the impression you liked the hat.”

  What was he talking about? Anne looked at her phone and gasped. The background picture was of Wyatt, up on stage, holding the cowboy hat with one hand. Damn that Emily. She’d saved that picture she’d taken as the background.

  “I…didn’t know this was on here…Emily—”

  “You ever been kissed by a guy in a cowboy hat?” he asked.

  Her mouth went dry. “No.”

  He turned the overhead light off, plunging them into darkness. Anticipation cut off her breath. As her eyes adjusted, the flash of the hazards illuminated the lines of his face, which hovered close to hers. She jumped when he squeezed her knee.

  “We’ll have to do something about that.” He leaned away. “My hat’s in the back right now.”

  He checked the mirrors and pulled onto the road. She caught his mischievous smile in the reflection of the streetlights. He sure knew how to keep her off kilter, in an exciting way.

  “Technically, that’s not your hat.” She pointed to the back seat.

  Wyatt shrugged. “Dan wouldn’t take it back. Said Pete insisted I’d earned it. Cowboys don’t usually share hats you know, so I didn’t want to insult him.”

  “Well, he’s right. You did earn it. And now the manager hired them for another four gigs, so you saved the day.” She touched his arm.

  “They’ll just be glad to have Pete back.”

  Wyatt sure didn’t hold himself up on a pedestal. Anne yawned and drew her hand back. “I think the fans would be happy to see you again, too.”

  He glanced at her. “Thanks.”

  The car hummed as he drove, and her eyelids turned heavy.

  “Anne. We’re here.”


  A warm hand patted her cheek. She nuzzled against it.

  “Anne, wake up.”

  Her body shook. No, someone was shaking it. She jerked up in the seat. “I’m sorry, I must have drifted off.” She rubbed her eyes. “I don’t know how. I was so wide awake.”

  “It’s okay. It’s really late,” he said.

  She unbuckled her belt and groped around for her purse.

  “No rush. Relax.” He reached over and caught her hand in his.

  She turned to face him.

  “Thanks again, for everything. I know this was kind of a weird Valentine’s Day. I’m sorry I didn’t get to spend more time with you.”

  “It’s okay. I enjoyed hanging with the girls.”

  He undid his seatbelt but still didn’t turn off the engine. “It’s really cold out there, and I don’t want you to freeze at the door when I say goodbye.”

  “You don’t have to walk me up. It’s—”

  “Shh.” He placed a finger on her lips. “That’s not what I’m talking about. I waited all night to kiss you. There’s no way I’m leaving without doing it right.”

  Her heart thumped in her chest. “Oh.”

  Lowering his hand, he brought his face slowly closer, as if giving her time to refuse him.

  In the dark, her senses heightened to the sound of the whirring heater, Wyatt’s tantalizing musky scent, and the electric energy that pulsated between them, drawing her closer.

  When his mouth had almost reached hers, he paused. Her pulse throbbed in her neck, and time ground to a halt. His warm breath set her skin on fire, and anticipation squeezed her heart. Unable to wait any longer, she closed the gap and found his lips.

  He kissed her, soft and slow. A spark ignited in her chest and blazed a trail to the spot between her legs. When she opened her mouth, he slid his tongue inside. He tasted of mint and promise.

  She fisted the front of his coat in her hand, to hold on if nothing else, and moaned. He deepened the kiss, and she pulled herself closer. Flames licked the insides of her core. A low growl came from the base of his throat, and she clung tighter.

  He thrust his tongue deeper, and she met it with hers, tasting and exploring. More, she craved more. Desire racked her body like never before. Holding nothing back, she kissed him with all the passion he’d stoked and awakened.

  He tore his mouth away from hers, breathing heavy. “I need to stop while I can.”

  Their chests rose and fell as they both sucked in air. God, the man knew how to kiss.

ow.” He took her hand and eased back. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Neither was I.” She shivered.

  He rubbed his thumb under her palm and sighed. “I should get you inside. It’s really late.”

  She had no idea what time it was and didn’t care. But he had a point. If she stayed in the car so close to him any longer, she might not be able to control herself. “Yeah, it is.”

  “I just need a second here.” He blew out a breath, glanced at her, and shook his head.

  A thrill winged its way through her still-amped body. That kiss had turned him on as much as her.

  When he opened her door, the cold wind smacked her face, a harsh wake-up call. They climbed the stairs to her apartment, her teeth chattering.

  He leaned down and quickly brushed his lips against hers. “Call you tomorrow?”

  “Sure.” She stared into his eyes, debating whether to invite him in.

  As if he read her mind, he gave a small shake of his head. “It’s late and you have to be tired. Go inside before you freeze.”

  “You’re right. Thanks again for the night.” She unlocked the door and entered the apartment. Slumping back against the wall, she closed her eyes. The image of Wyatt on stage in the cowboy hat, rocking the place, had every nerve in her body alive again.

  She slid to the floor and rested her head on her knees. Wyatt had apologized for not spending more time with her, but he had no idea that bailing out his buddies counted for a lot in her book. He was a true friend, and they were hard to come by.

  What she hadn’t been prepared for were all the “girl” friends. Women threw themselves at him. Right in front of her, even. And they weren’t slouches. Really attractive women, like the redhead who he’d obviously gone out with before. Tough to compete with that crowd. Although he’d certainly reacted to her in the car moments ago.

  All logic said she shouldn’t see him anymore. He probably would be on the West Coast by summer, and he was in no rush to start a family. She’d built up a good reputation in the school system and had a decent shot at the vice principal job she’d been chasing. If they stayed in a relationship and she eventually moved to California, she’d have to start over as an unknown and get licensed for that state before she could even teach.

  She pushed off the floor and paced. Despite all of that, with just a touch he cranked her from zero to sixty. Never mind the way her stomach flipped when he gave her one of his killer smiles. Sometimes emotion trumped logic.

  Still, she had a checklist of the qualities she was looking for in a man. A celebrity with no intention of sticking around didn’t match up too well. And maybe what scared her most was that she was beginning to question her plan.

  Chapter 12

  Devon started his car and followed from a safe distance as Pearson drove out of Anne’s apartment lot. That was one anemic goodnight kiss at the door. This washed-up jock would soon be out of the picture if that’s all he was getting. Coffee and dinner at a chain restaurant for their first two dates. He scoffed. Yeah, this stud really knew how to impress a girl. Probably spent all of twenty bucks.

  It had been a miserable night hanging out in the back of the bar, but Devon wanted to see how Anne and Pearson acted together. Turns out there wasn’t much to see. Valentine’s Day and the guy brought her to a pub, fed her a burger, and then left her while he played in the band. That shouldn’t be hard to top.

  Devon’s mouth twisted. What pitiful losers, Anne and her friends dancing like little whores. Visions of his drunken mother sashaying around the smoky family room with a drink in her hand burned a hole in his stomach.

  Maybe Anne was playing the old tempt and tease, leaving the guy with blue balls at the doorstep. Not that it ever happened to Devon, but he knew the type.

  Even though he had Pearson’s name and address, he followed him home to see where he parked and the security set up. The guy wasn’t any kind of threat, but best to keep tabs on him. That would be easy enough once he bugged the apartment. Why Pearson lived there made no sense. He had plenty of money. Most football players had mansions.

  Devon hated that time was ticking away, but he couldn’t make his move on Anne until he laid the groundwork. And he wouldn’t need long to get her to accept a proposal. Once she saw what he brought to the table, it would be a no-brainer for her to want to marry him.

  He’d been listening through the bugs in her apartment and overheard her discussing a charity fundraiser. Being a board member at the hospital provided the perfect opportunity. He’d volunteered to act as the liaison between the sponsoring businesses and the school. Everything was coming together.

  Time to blow ex-super-jock out of the water. Make room for the man.

  Chapter 13

  Anne’s cell phone rang with her sister’s tone, “Wild Thing.” It fit Maddie perfectly. Anne glanced out the window as the last school bus pulled away.

  “Hey, Maddie. How you feeling?”

  “Like a blimp. Can’t even cough without an adult diaper.”

  Uh oh. Still a month to go. “I’m sorry.”

  “Eh, it’s okay. I get to eat extra ice cream. Why not? What’s another pound at this point?”

  “I’m sure you look amazing.” Anne bit her lip.

  “If you say anything about pregnant women glowing, I swear I’ll come through this phone and pummel you.”

  “Wouldn’t dare.” Maybe a subject change was in order. “How’s Sarah? I haven’t talked to her in a couple of weeks.”

  “Same as always. She has three months to go. I bet she never tops one-ten. So annoying.”

  “It’s in her genes. She got the good ones. Even before she did ballet, she could eat like a sumo wrestler and not gain an ounce.”

  Maddie sighed. “Sorry, I didn’t call to complain. I wanted to know how you and the All-pro are doing?”

  “He’d die if he heard you call him that.”

  “Why? He is. I looked him up, and he’s broken a lot of records.”

  Everyone had looked him up, except Anne. “I don’t know much about that, but I do know he doesn’t brag.”

  “So gimme the goods. What base are you guys on, or did he already hit it out of the park?”

  Leave it to Maddie to be direct. Anne’s face heated. “We are not discussing this.”

  “Oh hell, you never share. Fine. If you won’t tell me how he is in bed, at least give me relationship status.”

  Wyatt in bed. Anne’s stomach knotted. That would be a big step for her. “Well, it’s been a month since the Valentine’s date, and we’ve spent some time on the weekends together. So, I guess things are okay, but he’s interviewing for a coaching job at USC, so I really don’t see this going anywhere.”

  “Yeah, and my Scott was going to be an undercover DEA agent forever, until he wasn’t. Things change. Tell me more. Like if you aren’t sleeping with him, what do you do?”

  “Seriously? Can we not talk about sex or lack thereof?”

  “You wouldn’t be so uptight if you were getting some. Just saying.” Maddie laughed.

  “Okay.” Anne blew out a breath. “We watch movies, make dinner, take his dog to the park. You know. Normal stuff.”


  Anne picked up a stack of papers that needed grading and placed them in her briefcase. “What’s that ‘huh’ for?”

  “I’m surprised he has a dog and that you’re doing everyday kind of things with him. I mean, there are a lot of flashy pictures of him out on the town with women dressed to the hilt. I figured he lived in some mansion and would be wining and dining you.”

  A ringlet of anxiety wound around Anne’s spine. So far, they’d only gone to local hangouts, and she’d been fine with that because she didn’t like flashy or to be the center of attention. If they went some place upscale, that was bound to happen with Wyatt’s celebrity status.

  He’d offered to take her to that new Baltimore restaurant once, but that was the only time, and he’d been trying to get her to go on a second date.
Was he embarrassed to take her out to the nicer places because she didn’t measure up? Another log to toss on the fire of doubt. Might not take long for him to think she was boring, too.

  “Anne? You still there?”


  “What’s wrong?”

  Anne rubbed her neck. “Nothing. How’s Scott?”

  Maddie sighed. “Okay, subject tabled. I get it. He’s fine. Since Sarah and Bruce are having their second baby, Bruce has been giving Scott advice on how to handle a very pregnant wife.”

  “Ha. Bruce should know.” The man had doted on Sarah.

  “Scott keeps stocking pickles and chips. I couldn’t eat a pickle if it was the last food on earth. But I give him an ‘A’ for effort. What’s going on with work?”

  Anne zipped her briefcase. “I have an interview this week for a vice principal job and a meeting tomorrow to kick off a charity fundraiser for leukemia.”

  “You’re so busy already, how will you make time for that?”

  “Don’t know, but I will.” Her heart constricted. “It’s important. The school is working with the local hospital. One of my students was recently diagnosed, and we want to do all we can to help his family with the medical bills.”

  “I’m so sorry. He’s lucky to have you as his teacher, and if anyone can do it, you can.”

  “Thanks, sis. I gotta go. It’s been a long day, and I have work to take home.”

  “Okay. Good to hear your voice. I’ll keep you posted on the baby front.”

  “Make sure you do. I’m so excited for you guys.” Tiny bubbles tickled her chest as she hung up.

  She glanced at her computer. According to Maddie, there were lots of flashy pictures of Wyatt with women online. Maybe Anne was being naive. So blown away by his charisma and good looks that she didn’t want to see anything negative.

  With trembling fingers, she typed Wyatt Pearson into the browser. Images of him filled the screen. Some of football games, and others of him with women. Lots of women. Wyatt in a tux, looking hot as hell with a tall brunette hanging on his shoulder. Next a redhead, laughing and clinking a champagne glass to his. More brunettes, more redheads, a few blondes. He didn’t seem to have a preference for hair color. The only thing they had in common were glittery, form-fitting dresses.


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