Australian Confederates
Page 32
Hammond, James Henry
Harrocke, Thomas
Harvest (ship)
USS Hatteras
Hector (ship)
Henrietta (ship)
Hicks, Albert
Higinbotham, George (Attorney General, Victoria)
Hunley (Confederate submarine)
Hunt, Cornelius (master’s mate)
accusations on Captain Waddell
accused of theft
arrival in Melbourne
on Australian recruits
on Australian visit
on capture of Alina
joined mercenaries to fight in Egypt
Immigration Restriction Act, Australia
Indigenous races See Aborigines
international neutrality rules See also neutrality
Iron Brigade
ironclad warships
USS Iroquois
Jackson, Stonewall
James Murray (ship)
Jason (ship)
Jirah Swift (ship)
USS John Adams
Johnston, Andrew (President United States),
amnesty and pardon except foreign agents of Confederacy
complete amnesty to rebels
Kanakas (slave labour) See also blackbirding, islander labourers
Kate Prince (ship)
USS Kearsarge
Kelly, Ned
Kennedy, D.S.
Kenyon, William
decision to join CSS Shenandoah
enlisted in Marine Corps
return to Australia
interrogated by Thomas Adamson See also Australian Confederate recruits
Ku Klux Klan See also slavery, racism
Kuril Islands
Kusaic (Ualan Island)
Lalor, Peter
Lambing Flat riot
Laurel (ship)
Lee, Robert E. (Confederate General)
as commander in chief
surrender of army at Appomattox, Northern Virginia
views on slavery
Lee, Sydney Smith
Lincoln, Abraham (President United States)
appreciation in Geelong Advertiser
call for army to suppress the rebellion and naval blockade
Confederate mission to England, accepts British proposition
at Peace Conference (North and South)
plot to kidnap
on privateers
proclamation of emancipation of slaves
victory in Presidential elections
views on slavery
Lining, Charles (surgeon)
Lizzie M. Stacey (ship)
Lohd Pah Harbour
Loomis, Mahlon
invention of aerial telegraph (wireless telegraphy)
Lyttleton, Thomas
Madden, Walter
Mallory, Stephen P.
Maria Ross (ship)
Mason, John
Mason-Dixon line
Maury, Hunter Davidson
Maury, Matthew
McCulloch, James (Premier of Victoria)
McDougal, Charles
McIntyre, Duncan
McKenzie, William
McNulty, Fred (assistant surgeon)
arrival in Melbourne
as a surgeon in Chilean Army
career in Confederacy
quarrel with John Blacker
Melbourne (Victoria)
Melbourne Club banquet
Michie, Archibald (Minister for Justice, Victoria)
Milo (ship)
Missouri guerrillas
New York Times on situation
USS Monitor
Molesworth (Judge)
Montevideo harbour
Morgan, Mad Dan
Mulberry Grove plantation
Murray, James Patrick
Mustang (American ship)
Nan Madol (in Ascension Island)
Ned Kelly See Kelly, Ned
Neild, James
neutrality See also international neutrality laws
New Bedford whaling ships
New England whalers
whaling ports
New Orleans
New South Wales
New Zealand
New Zealand wars
Nichols, Lillias
Nichols, William
Nicholson, Charles
North Carolina
Northern states
abolition of slavery
Northern Virginia
Nye, Ebenezer
O’Farrell, Henry James
Pacific Mail Line
Pacific Squadron
Palermo (renamed as Florida)
Palmer, Sir Roundel
City of San Francisco journey to
Paris Declaration on Privateering See also privateers
Paynter, James
peace conference
President Lincoln’s terms on truce
USS Peacock (exploring expedition)
Pearl (ship)
Pearson, George
Pennsylvania (warship)
Pfeil (Hawaiian schooner)
Phelps, John
Philmore, Sir Robert
plague of rabbits
Pohnpei See Ascension Island
Polynesian Labourers Act
Port Phillip Bay (Melbourne)
Port Wilmington
Presidential election, United States (1860)
prisoners captured from Delphine
privateers See also Paris Declaration of Privateering
and cotton industry
effect of cessation of American Civil War
islander labour See also blackbirding, Carl massacre, Kanakas
racism See also slavery, Ku Klux Klan
Reciprocity Treaty
recognition of Confederacy as a belligerent power
Reily, Henry
relationship with United States on policy on Confederacy
Richmond (Virginia)
Robert L. Towns (ship)
Rogers, Christopher
Royal Navy
Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney
Ruffin, Edmund
Russell, Earl
USS Saginaw
San Francisco
Sandridge (Victoria)
USS Saranac
Savannah (ship)
Scales, Dab
Sclopis, Count
Scott, George
Scott, George (Captain Moonlite)
Scott’s Hotel (Melbourne)
Sea King See also CSS Shenandoah
Sea of Okhotsk
Semmes, Raphael (Commander of Alabama)
Seward, William (Secretary of State)
CSS Shenandoah
advice to cease offensive operations
advice to British government by panel of jurists
arrival in Melbourne, Australia
arrival in Liverpool, England
auction by United States Government
Ballarat ball
Bulloch’s mission
burials at sea
case on breach of Foreign Enlistment
change of British attitude to a pirate ship
Christmas in the ship
commission as a ship in Confederate Navy
concerns on safety of the ship
daughter of the stars
decision to sail to Liverpool, England, and surrender
departs Melbourne
disarming the ship
financial situation
Governor’s orders to stop repairs
Governor’s permission to land
hospitality of Melbourne residents to
/> initiation ceremony
inventory of items
lapse of morale and discipline among the crew
magistrate’s search warrant
Melbourne Club banquet
Melbourne newspaper comments
move to Williamstown (Victoria)
prisoners and enlistments See also Australian Confederate recruits
purchased by Sultan of Zanzibar
release of all officers without charges
renamed as Majidi
Sea King renamed
ships captured See also individual ships
surrender to Britain
United States Navy takes over See also Sea King; Waddell, James Iredell
Shenandoah valley
Shubrick, William B.
Simpsonville (Florence Stockade)
Sir Isaac Newton (ship)
slave markets
slave states
slave trade
13th Amendment passed by United States Congress
in Australia
in Britain See also Abolition Bill
celebration of freedom
as a condition of peace conference
freedom for slaves in Texas order by General Gordon Granger
in Northern states
proclamation on emancipation by United States President Abraham Lincoln
See also abolitionists
as a cause for the civil war
and cotton industry
Christian view
freed slaves
legalisation and growth in Georgia
Melbourne Argus on consequences of emancipation
opposition to grant voting and civil rights to slaves
and plantations
views of President Lincoln
views of Robert E. Lee
See also racism, Ku Klux Klan
Smith, Breedlove William
Sophia Thornton (ship)
South Australia
Southern states
cotton industry as a major agricultural export
St. Georges Channel
St. Lawrence Island
St. Paul Island
Staempfli, Jacques
Standish, Fredrick
Stanton, Edwin
Staples, Captain
Stephens, Andrew
Stonewall Jackson See Jackson, Stonewall
Sultan of Zanzibar
Supreme Court of Victoria
case on recruits to Shenandoah
Cherokee Mounted Rifles
Jefferson Davis in Georgia
Robert E. Lee in Northern Virginia
CSS Shenandoah at Liverpool, England
Susan (ship)
Susan Abigail (ship)
Sydney (Australia)
anniversary celebration of First Fleet
arrival of City of San Francisco
arrival of convict ship Adelaide
arrival of First Fleet
public grief on assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Tabiteuea (Drummond’s Island)
Temple, William
Texas, freedom for slaves
Texas, occupation by Unionists
The Code of Honor: Rules for the Government of Principals and Seconds in Duelling (John Lyde Wilson)
The Origin of Species (Charles Darwin) and effect on racism
Theatre Royal, Melbourne
Tigris (ship)
Treaty of Washington
Trent Affair
Tristan da Cunha
Tucker, Moses
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Union troops
black regiments
United States
decline in maritime economy
demand compensation from Britain
grant of pardon to former Confederates
Naval Academy
Pacific Squadron
rules for duelling
squadron to protect Arctic whaling fleet
takes over Shenandoah
relationship with Britain on
resentment on surrender of Shenandoah to Britain
signatory to the Treaty of Washington
United States Congress
13th amendment on abolition of slavery
USS Flying Fish (exploring expedition)
USS Hatteras
USS Iroquois
USS John Adams
USS Kearsarge
USS Monitor
USS Peacock (exploring expedition)
USS Saginaw
USS Saranac
USS Wachussett
Victoria (Queen)
Victoria (state)
Victoria (Australian warship)
Victoria Police
Victoria, Supreme Court
case on recruits to Shenandoah
Victorian gold rush
Virginia (state)
Virginia (ship)
USS Wachussett
Waddell, Anne
Waddell, James Iredell
accused of breaching Foreign Enlistment Act
accused of misappropriation of funds
address to the crew of CSS Shenandoah
arrival in Melbourne
as captain of City of San Francisco
as captain of Shenandoah
as Commander of State Fisheries Force (Oyster Army)
birth and childhood
case on breaching Foreign enlistment Act
commission as a lieutenant
destruction of American whalers
dishonourable behaviour
joins Confederate Navy
move to England
naval career with US Navy
news on defeat of Confederacy
orders from Bulloch on operation of
plan to capture San Francisco city
surrender in Britain See also CSS Shenandoah
Wagner, Robert
Waikato War See New Zealand wars
Walmsley, Arthur
Watie, Stand
surrender of Cherokee Mounted Rifles
Weeks, Edward
Western Australia
whale oil
whaling ships
in New Bedford
in New England See also
East Cape Bay (Dezhnev) American whalers
White Australia Policy See Immigration Restriction Act, Australia
Whitfield, George
Whitney, Eli
Whittle, William Conway
anniversary of Shenandoah
Australian recruits
careers after surrender
fears and sadness on future
orders from Bulloch
orders to disarm
receives news on fall of Confederacy See also CSS Shenandoah
Wilberforce, William
Wilkes, Charles
William C. Nye (ship)
claims against destruction sent to British Government
William Thompson (ship)
Williams, John
Williamstown (Victoria)
Williamstown Police Court
Willkes, Charles
Winslow, John Acrum
Young, Thomas (Captain of Favorite)
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Version 1.0
First published by Ebury Press in 2015
Copyright © Terry Smyth, 2015
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
An Ebury Press book