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Inescapable : The Hexborn Series Book 2

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by Cara E Holt





  Published by Cara E. Holt.

  Copyright © 2020 by Cara E. Holt.

  No reproduction without permission.

  All rights reserved.

  License notes

  This e-book is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or used in any manner without the written permission of the publisher.

  Cover art by Fantasia Cover Designs.


  As the gates to the Black coven grounds close behind us, I feel my confidence waning. I was spending the Samhain holidays here at the Black mansion with Drayce and his family. I was invited here before Lorelai had dropped the bomb I was a Bennett witch. There was not a coven more hated by the Black family than the Bennett’s.

  I am still perplexed why Drayce’s father was allowing our engagement to continue. According to Drayce, his father’s P.R team thought it would be good for his campaign to become the next High Councillor. It would show the voting public that he could forgive and forget.

  It had been two days since we had sneaked into the dungeons at the academy and spoken to Lorelai. They had now moved her to the prison situated below the council chambers, where she would await her trial.

  My head was still spinning from the revelations she had shared. It was difficult for me to get my head around it all, that I was conceived four hundred years ago, was perhaps the strangest part of all of this. I still have so many unanswered questions and I have no one to ask them.

  My father is kidnapping and draining witches of their powers to bring my mother back from the dead and I am cursed to die before I reached twenty-one years of age. Honestly, you couldn’t write this shit. My life was one big mess.

  “You okay? You’re very quiet,” Drayce asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

  I nod, keeping my eyes trained on the views of the grounds as the car winds along the road towards its destination. The Black coven grounds were substantial, and it was home to around a hundred witches. They were a powerhouse dynasty in the Wiccan world. My coven, although large, was low down in the coven caste system. The minute we had driven through the gates of the Black grounds you could almost smell the wealth and power in the very air around you. Last time I had been here it had been dark so I couldn’t truly appreciate how vast this place was.

  Drayce always spoke warmly of his brothers and his nephews and I was looking forward to meeting them. He was more hesitant when he talked about his parents, and I still wasn’t sure what the story was there. I guess though, now that I am here I would find out for myself.

  I look across at Drayce and he is leaning his head back against the back of the seat with his eyes closed. His ebony hair hangs over his forehead and his long dark lashes fan his face. There was no doubt about it, Drayce Black was easy on the eye. It was his eyes though that mesmerised me. They were an unusual pale blue and lately every time those eyes were on me; I forgot who I was and what I was doing.

  Although Drayce and I had been thrown together and our relationship had been to say the very least, frosty at first, he was someone I relied on of late. We were both sexual creatures and our relationship had become more than just one of convenience. Considering we didn’t like each other all that much at the start, the sex between us was mind-blowing. I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything less though really, Drayce was as addicted to danger and action as I was. Was I in love with Drayce Black? It was a question I had been asking myself a lot lately. Truth is, I have no idea what these feelings are that I feel for him. Half the time he irritated me to death, and I just wanted to wrap my hands around his throat and throttle him, the other half of the time I wanted to tear his clothes off and kiss him until I lost my mind.

  “Home sweet home,” Drayce states dryly, as he looks ahead of us at the vast mansion house we were approaching. The mansion was Georgian in appearance with an elaborate pillared entrance. It was a far cry from my family home, that was for sure. The car comes to a stop and Drayce immediately opens his door and steps out. Taking a steadying breath, I open my door and climb out of the car.

  Waiting for us, with her trusty clipboard clutched to her chest, is Katriona. Katriona was councillor Blacks PA, and she was in charge of the PR and planning of our engagement and eventual marriage.

  “Welcome home Drayce.” She greets him with a courteous nod of the head. “Elara, welcome back to the Black family estate.”

  Offering her a tight smile, I look up at the house before me. As I scan the outside, I see the silhouette of a figure at one of the upstairs windows. A woman who looks to be in her thirties, with blonde wavy shoulder length hair is watching our arrival. As my eyes meet hers, she stares at me coldly, before stepping back away from the window.

  The touch of a hand at my elbow pulls me from my thoughts. Katriona guides me towards the inside of the mansion.

  “Let’s get you both in and settled. We have a busy schedule for the Samhain celebrations this weekend. There will be several events being held where your father is hoping to gain some important backing for his election campaign.” Katriona’s heels click noisily against the tiled floor as she strides through the house. I don’t have time to take anything in, she is moving so fast. Drayce walks casually beside me, hands in his pockets. “Your mother and father will expect you down for dinner at six. Until then you have time to relax and freshen up after your journey.”

  We come to a halt at the bottom of a grand staircase that curves round to the left and leads to the upper floors.

  “Elara, I have already organised your new wardrobe, which you’ll find in your room.”

  I wrinkle my forehead, “What is wrong with my current wardrobe?”

  Katriona looks at me from over the rim of her glasses, “I’m afraid ripped jeans aren’t suitable for black tie events. You’re a Black now, remember.”

  “I honestly don’t know who I am anymore,” I reply with a sigh that earns me a side glance from Katriona.

  Drayce places an arm around my waist. “Well, thanks for greeting us Katriona. I think we can find our own way from here.”

  Katriona pushes her glasses up on her nose. “Tomorrow I have scheduled in some time for us to discuss your upcoming wedding. We have lots to plan.”

  “It’s nearly an entire year away,” I say in exasperation.

  Katriona looks heavenward and mutters something under her breath. “Trust me Elara, weddings take a lot of planning and preparation.” She looks at her watch, “I need to go, I have a teleconference call with the catering company.” Without a backward glance she marches off, the sound of her heels clicking as she goes.

  “Come on,” Drayce says with a weary smile, and I follow him up. We walk down one hallway and then another until we eventually reach Drayce’s room.

  His room is decorated in shades of grey and black. I silently take it in, as the room gives me a glance of his life. The bed is a king, with grey brushed cotton sheets in a grey stripe. In one corner is a boxing bag that hangs from the ceiling, whilst over by a desk there are two shelves full of trophies and medals. I walk over to take a closer look. Some are for horse riding and some are for football. On Drayce’s desk is a photo of him, he looks to be about eight and is wearing shorts and a vest and an enormous smile on his face, as he stands with whom I presume are his brothers. I turn to find him sitting on the end of the bed watching me.

  “So, this is Drayce Blacks

  He fights a smile. “It is. You’re the first girl to come in here.”

  “I call bullshit Black.”

  He leans back on his hands and gives me that lazy smile that makes my stomach flip. “It’s the truth. This is my personal space. I’ve never brought girls in here.”

  “Not even Sereia?” I ask him as I walk towards him. As I get close enough, he hooks a finger in a belt loop on my jeans and pulls me between his legs.

  “Definitely not.” He lightly peppers kisses along my skin.

  I shudder in pleasure. Drayce had the power to make me forget my senses by one simple touch.

  “Stop trying to seduce me Black,” I tell him breathlessly, as I pull back so I can see his face.

  “But I enjoy seducing you little raven.” His hands find their way under my top and he runs his fingers lightly across my stomach. “Plus, we have a few hours to kill before dinner.” He unzips my jean fly and tugs my jeans down.

  “I guess we have time,” I reply on a moan, as he kisses and nuzzles my neck. His lips find mine and we crash together, he deepens the kiss and we become frenzied in our need to be skin on skin. We hurry to remove our clothes until there are no barriers between us. Drayce pushes me back on to the bed and then climbs over me and presses fervent kisses along my neck and down my chest. When we were together like this all my worries disappear as the only thing that matters is his touch.

  We change, and Drayce decides he will take me on a tour of the coven grounds. He starts by showing me the extensive gardens that are beautifully landscaped and they appear to keep them pristine by using earth witchcraft.

  Next, he takes me to see the small school where he spent his childhood years. We can only peep through the window as the school is open and a class full of Black witches are listening to their teacher who is showing them a basic magic spell. The teacher, a female in her late twenties, with brown shoulder length hair, catches us looking in and she smiles warmly at Drayce before turning her attention back to the children.

  “My sister-in-law, Raine. She’s married to my eldest brother, Keir,” Drayce explains, as he guides me back towards the pathway.

  Drayce takes us along the path until it winds down towards a wooded area.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, intrigued, looking back at all the many buildings he hasn’t yet taken me round.

  “I want to show you something. It was my favourite place as a child.” We wind through the forest until we come to a clearing. A beautiful and peaceful lake sits before us.

  “Wow, this is stunning, and so quiet,” I comment as I take in the silence and beauty of the place.

  “Gorgeous isn’t it. Come on,” He takes my hand in his, “This wasn’t what I wanted to show you.”

  He guides us around the lake and through to the trees on the other side until we stop at one that houses a vast tree house. Grinning, he climbs the worn looking ladder.

  “This is what I wanted you to see.”

  “Are you sure it can take our weight?” I ask, hesitating on the first rung.

  He chuckles above me. “Trust me. It has held about fifteen of us in here at one time.”

  I follow him up and am surprised at how big it is at the top. There is a sofa up here and a small bookcase, lined with worn books. “So this is where Drayce Black spent his childhood?”

  He doesn’t reply, watching me as I take in the space and all its belongings. I walk over to a wall that has initials that are carved into the wood, most of which end with a ‘B’. I run my finger over them, but stop when I come to one that says ‘SB & DB’. Drayce comes up behind me and looks at where my fingers have stopped.

  “Sereia?” I ask.

  Drayce clears his throat. “Yeah, that was her handy work.”

  “Did she come here often?” I ask, hoping my voice doesn’t give away the jealousy I feel, knowing that she has shared her childhood with him.

  “She was here most weekends.”

  I nod, pulling my fingers away from the engraving. “She really has wanted you all her life.”

  Drayce turns me until I am facing him. “It means nothing, Raven.”

  I release a sigh, suddenly feeling melancholy. “Maybe she will get her wish when I am no longer here.”

  Drayce frowns deeply and he lifts my chin, so I am forced to meet his gaze. “No more of that kind of talk, Latimer. You aren’t going anywhere, you hear me?”

  “We don’t know that. The curse-”

  “The curse can go fuck itself,” he barks. “I’ll make sure you have a long and healthy life raven.”

  I can’t help but smile at his determination. “So confident.”

  He pulls me closer to him and rests his forehead against mine. “Because it is true. Now come on, let’s drop this silly talk, I have so much more to show you.”

  Drayce shows me around the rest of the grounds for the next hour. The coven really was large and all the houses were mini mansions. The coven grounds also house a herb shop, a cafe and a bar. It was like its own compact town behind these high walls.

  We arrive back in his bedroom with just less than an hour to get ready. I shower and then examine the clothes that Katriona has picked out and left hanging in the wardrobe for me.

  “How formal is this dinner?” I ask Drayce, as I anxiously chew on my lip, wondering what I should wear.

  “It’s just family, so smart casual.”

  “Jeans?” I ask optimistically and he chuckles in response, coming up behind me.

  “How about this?” His arm reaches out over me and he pulls out a checked shift dress in blue and grey.

  I don’t question him, trusting his advice, and I take the dress and swiftly take it off the hanger and pull it on over my head. The dress fits me well, and is a suitable length, stopping just above my knees.

  I set to work on my hair, choosing to leave it down, but lifting half of it back and into a clip. When I finally feel ready, I turn and find Drayce lounging casually on the bed with a book in his hand. He wears navy blue tailored trousers and a pale grey polo top. He looks too good for words.

  “Will I do?”

  He looks up from his book and gives me the once over. Slowly he sits up and makes his way over to me. His response is to kiss me softly. “You look beautiful Latimer, as you always do.”

  I give him an anxious smile. “What if they hate me?”

  Drayce sighs and brushes a piece of my hair from my eyes. “No one could hate you, raven. You are kind and caring and there isn’t an evil bone in your body.”

  I scoff, “I’m a Bennett, that’s reason enough.”

  Drayce smiles. “You will win them over with that witty personality of yours, I’m sure.” He holds out his hand for me. “Are you ready to face the firing squad?” he teases.

  I slap him playfully. “Not funny, dipshit.”

  Laughing, he guides me out of the room. I am about to meet his family and my stomach knots with apprehension. I suddenly realise that I want them to like me, I want to fit in here. All my life I have never felt like I had belonged somewhere. I had a happy childhood, but I never felt truly at home with my coven.

  Before I know it we are outside the dining room and Drayce gives me a wink of reassurance before he opens the door and we enter the room. The room is full with people, all standing with drinks in hands chatting. When we walk in the room falls silent and I feel all eyes upon me, assessing me.

  “Drayce and Elara, it’s so good to have you with us for Samhain.” Mr Black comes towards us with a welcoming smile on his face. He dresses similar to Drayce in grey tailored trousers, but with a white shirt, on rolled up to the elbows, with the top two buttons undone.

  “Thank you for inviting me here Mr Black,” I reply as he leans in and kisses both my cheeks.

  “Please call me Theon, after all we will be family soon.” He places a hand at my elbow. “Come and meet everyone.” He guides me towards a stunning looking woman, who I quickly realise is the figure I saw at the window whe
n we first arrived. “This is my wife, Astrea.”

  Mrs Black plasters on a smile as she leans in and politely kisses my cheeks. “Miss Latimer, welcome to our home.” Her voice is frosty and cold and I am in no doubt that she is perhaps a lot less happy to have me here.

  “Thank you. It is a pleasure to meet you,” I reply, and she nods curtly in response and then walks away taking her glass over to the bar area and she pours herself another drink.

  Mr Black coughs and guides me over to where two females are standing together chatting. “This is Raine and Evony. My daughter-in-laws. Raine is married to my eldest son, Keir, and Evony is Kasen’s wife.”

  Raine smiles warmly and clasps my hand in hers. “I’m so pleased to meet you. It will be so nice to have a new female in the family.”

  I feel myself relax a little. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as I thought. I then turn my attention to Evony. She is tall and towers above my petite frame, even in my heels. She has platinum blonde hair tied in a low pony and she has deep blue eyes. She was stunning. Her smile is less welcoming.

  She assesses me with her eyes, and I shuffle under her scrutiny. “Welcome Elara. I believe you know my younger sister, she attends the academy?”

  “Oh, really? What is her name?”


  I try to keep my smile plastered on my face. “Why yes, of course. I do not know her very well, but we have met briefly.”

  She nods and continues to give me that fake smile. “Well, my parents are very good friends with the Black family so I am sure you will see much more of her.”

  “Wonderful,” I reply, my face aching from smiling. I look over to where Drayce is standing talking with his brother Ryker and he gives me a quick wink. He could have informed me that his brother is married to Sereia’s sister.

  I meet Keir and Kasen next. Like their father and Drayce they are both dark-haired, Kasen has the same pale blue eyes as Drayce, whereas Keir has the hazel eyes of his Mother.

  Keir holds my hand in both of his. “So you’re the poor girl who has to put up with our brother,” he says teasing.


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