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Inescapable : The Hexborn Series Book 2

Page 16

by Cara E Holt

  I place my hands on his chest and push hard, but he only staggers back a step. I point a finger at him, my eyes burning in warning. “You ever touch me in that way again and I’ll hex you every which way there is.” I slam my hand down on the button to open the lift doors and storm out into the corridor. I hear an amused dark chuckle behind me.

  “Good night Lara,” Cort’s amused voice says and in response I give him the finger from over my shoulder.

  How dare he kiss me! How dare he think that was okay.

  I storm into my dorm room and then stop still when I see Vellity fast asleep in her bed. Quietly, I use magic to remove my clothes and I slip underneath my bed sheets. I lie there silently fuming. How dare he suggest that I had kissed him back. I mean, I didn’t right? I was just shocked. I loved Drayce, I would never kiss anyone else.

  I groan when I walk into Merrick’s office and find that not only is Merrick there but so is Cort. I drop into the only available seat.

  “Does he have to be here?”

  Merrick looks from me to Cort. Cort just shrugs his shoulders and offers me a lazy smile. I glare at him, folding my arms across my chest.

  Merrick leans back in his seat and quietly observes me, making me become self-conscious under his scrutiny.

  “Can we get the telling off done with please?” I deadpan and concentrate my eyes on the blank large screen behind us.

  “Cort tells me you did well last night.”

  I blink in surprise. Did I just hear him right? I sit up straighter in my seat, giving him my full attention.

  “I did. I proved myself useful.”

  Cort shakes his head, a lazy smile on his face.

  “What are you grinning at?” I demand and he holds his hands up in mock defence. He was being an annoying arsehole, and he knew it.

  “Regardless, it was still stupid and juvenile. You were lucky last night. You could have been hurt, or worse, left behind.”

  “But I wasn’t,” I counter-argue. I lean forward in my seat. “I’m going crazy in this place. I need to be busy or my mind worries about where my parents are, or how long my friend has left before my father uses her body as a vessel for my mother’s soul. I need a purpose and that for me is not sitting doing research in a library, or tending to the sick. All my life, I wanted to join the guards. That has been my sole purpose in life. I need this,” I tell him, my voice almost breaking with emotion. “A poster girl who sits looking pretty will not start a revolution. A girl who is out there, taking risks, fighting for what she believes in is what people want to see.”

  Merrick doesn’t respond. He sighs and rests his head in his hands. “I will decide what missions I allow you on. You’ll do exactly as you are told by Cort and nothing else.”

  My eyes shoot to meet his. Did I hear him right? “You’re letting me go on rescue missions?” I ask, disbelief colouring my voice.

  “I am,” Merrick says with a frown. He is clearly still unsure if this is the right decision.

  “I’ll be on my best behaviour and do whatever I’m instructed I promise.” I can’t sit still in my seat. If they were not here, I would punch the air and do a little happy dance. “Thank you. I promise you won’t regret this.”

  “I’d better not,” Merrick replies with a deep sigh. “Cort tells me you filmed the mission. I’ll need our media team to go over the footage and see what we can do with it.”

  “Of course,” I nod and pull out my phone and hand it to him. “Take what you need.”

  Merrick reaches across his desk and takes the phone. “You’ll train two hours a day at six in the morning with Cort, we need you up to make sure you are not a liability.”

  I wrinkle my nose in displeasure. “Can someone else not train me?” I gesture with my head to where Cort is. “He’s kind of a real pain in the arse. I might try to drain him dry in hate.”

  Merrick fights off a smile of amusement. “I’m not sure who might try to kill the other first, but it was always your parents wish that the two of you have a role in each other’s life.”

  “Sorry, what?” I ask, my jaw going slack. “Our parents? You know my parents?”

  Merrick slides a file across to me and I reach forward and grab it. Inside are photos of my Mum and a full page on her, detailing her skills and missions she has completed on behalf of the HDS. “I don’t understand?”

  “Your mother and father have been members of our organisation since before you were born. Your mother’s brother was exterminated by his coven for being a hybrid. Ever since then she has fought for the cause.”

  “No way.” I exclaim as I read the information in the file. “This is crazy.”

  Merrick nods his head. “It is the truth. Both your families were close. I think they hoped one day that the two of you would make a match.”

  I snigger and find Cort glaring at me. “Yeah, not likely.” I lean forward in my seat, eager to know more. “Do you know where my parents are?”

  “I do. I heard from them last night, in fact.” He informs me. “They are at one of our hideouts in the east. They will be here within the next couple of days. They have been lying low.”

  My eyes glisten with the threat of tears. “I am so glad they are safe. I have been so worried.”

  Merrick gives me a sympathetic smile and reaches over and pats my hand. “They are safe and well and eager to reunite with you.”


  Floating on air at the news that my parents are safe and well and that I will see them in just a few short days, I practically skip to the mess hall for breakfast. Renna waves me over when she spots me, so I grab some food and head over to their table.

  “Here she is our new squad member.” She holds up her hand and I give her a high-five. “How bad was the telling off from Merrick?”

  I bob my head side-to-side. “It wasn’t too bad. It could have been worse.”

  Renna nods as she bites into her toast. “I thought Cort was going to burst a vessel when he saw you last night. Man, I have never seen him so angry.”

  I chuckle as I salt my eggs. “Yeah, he was pretty pissed at me. Then again, his general attitude is pissy.”

  Nero chuckles and chokes on his bacon. Renna rolls her eyes and pats his back.

  “Hey isn’t that your ex-fiancé on the TV?” Jun asks me, gesturing with his head to the large TV screen that sits on the wall in the middle of the room.

  I follow his gaze and my heart stutters in my chest when I see Drayce’s face on the screen. My heart physically hurts with how much I have missed him. I pale though as I hear the news commentators statement.

  “Councillor Black announced today that his son, Drayce Black is engaged to the daughter of a close family friend. Sereia Balfour attends the Thorne Shadow academy alongside Drayce and they are lifelong friends. As most of you know Drayce Black was previously engaged to a fellow student Elara Bennett who it transpired was a hybrid spy posing as a pureblood witch. I asked Councillor Black how the family had recovered from the deception.”

  The screen switches to Councillor Black with Drayce stood beside him. His arm is around Sereia’s waist, who was beaming like all her Christmas’ had come at once. My heart falls to my stomach as my eyes zone in on his arm around her.

  “We were naturally shocked to find she deceived us in such a way. Elara Bennett had seemed like such a sweet girl, but she was hiding her genuine savage nature. I am just relieved we found out the truth before she could hurt any of our family or coven. Sereia is a witch of pure breeding and we are delighted that our two families will join as one.”

  “Drayce, how do you feel about this engagement?” The reporter asks.

  Drayce smiles warmly before looking down at Sereia like she is the most precious thing in his world. “Sereia and I have known each other since we were babies. I can think of no one better to spend my life with.”

  I feel all eyes in the room moving from the television screen over to me. Shock rolls through me. I cannot tear my eyes away from the screen
. My heart physically hurts in my chest.

  “Elara.” I hear Renna say softly and she reaches out to offer me comfort. I flinch away and stand to my feet.

  “I need to go,” I announce flatly, battling with the emotions that threaten to erupt inside of me. I walk as normally as I can out of the mess hall, the silence following me like it’s haunting me.

  As soon as I am out of the room, I take off at a run and I don’t stop until I fall into my dorm room and slide to the floor. How could he do this? He had told me he loved me. He had to have meant it, otherwise the curses would not have lifted. How could he stand beside her and look at her like that? I somehow walk to the bathroom and splash water on my face.

  Three hours later, after hiding away in my room, I am draped over the compound bar, downing my seventh raspberry gin and lemonade mixed with nightshade. It was helping to numb the pain in my heart.

  “So, this is where you are hiding out?” Rafe takes a seat at the bar stool beside me and studies me.

  I raise my glass in the air. “I’m celebrating being single. Want to join me?”

  Rafe beckons to the bartender. “I’ll have a beer please, Iago.”

  I drain the rest of my glass and hold it out to Iago. “Another.”

  Iago looks at Rafe before he takes my glass. Rafe says nothing, and he pours me another drink.

  “I tried to tell you, Elara. His loyalty lies with his family. They have raised him with a strong sense of duty and doing what his family expects of him. He will have been under great pressure from his coven to do damage limitation on the coven’s reputation.”

  I blow a raspberry. “Fuck duty. He said he loved me.”

  Rafe sighs. “I honestly thought he loved you. I used to watch the two of you sometimes at school and he looked at you like he loved you, but blood is thicker than water.”

  I shake my head and point my glass towards him. “That is hocus-pocus nonsense. If that was true, I would be helping my birth father resurrect my dead mother right now.”

  Rafe wraps an arm around my shoulder. “He was raised in a different world to you though. In his world reputation and image are everything.”

  “I fucking hate the elite. I hate the fucking council and everything they stand for,” I hiss, banging my glass dramatically on the bar. “I need blood, I’m hungry. Where is that dick-face right now?”

  Rafe chuckles. “You mean Cort. Last I saw him he was heading to his room for a shower after training.”

  “Excellent,” I tell him as I stand to my feet and wobble. “Why is the ground moving?”

  Rafe stands and places a steadying arm around my waist. “I think you need to sober up first.”

  “Pff!” I reply. “I’m fine.” I tap my nose. “Vampire speed, remember.”

  Before Rafe can reply, I take off at speed and head towards Cort’s dorm room. I misjudge how fast I am going and I smack into the wall as I run around the corner of the corridor and I fall backwards on to my arse.

  “Holy troll’s breath.” I groan, holding my nose. “I think I’m broken.” I stagger to my feet and the walls around me move and sway. I squint and try to read the number on the door in front of me. 131.

  A normal person would knock but I am a very drunk hybrid, so I move back and kick at the door with all my might and it swings open, nearly coming off the hinges.

  “Oops, my bad,” I say with a giggle as I walk into his dorm room just as he comes rushing out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, dripping wet through.

  “Hey,” I say with a wave as I throw myself on his bed. “I’m hungry,” I tell him.

  Cort stares at me and then back at his door.

  “Come in, why don’t you.” He says dryly.

  “I’m already in silly,” I study him taking in his naked chest and I whistle. “You are ripped, Cort. You have a great body, it’s a shame you have the personality of a racoon though.”

  Cort half smiles and shakes his head. “Aren’t you a delight when you’re drunk?” he states rather than asks.

  I point my finger out at him. “I’m still not speaking to you. You kissed me without my permission. You’re a bad hybrid.” I tell him with a pout and a frown.

  Cort chuckles and runs a hand through his wet hair. “You’re a cute drunk Lara.”

  I roll my eyes. “It’s E. It’s Elara.” I draw an exaggerated E with my finger. “You always forget the flipping E.” I roll my body intending to move to the edge of his bed but I misjudge and roll off the edge and I hit the floor with a thud. “I think I broke my nose again,” I groan. I put my hand to my nose and prod it.

  Two hands reach under my arms and I am lifted until my eyes are level with Corts.

  “Hey you,” I greet, prodding him in the cheek with my finger. I gaze at his eyes. “Has anyone told you, your eyes are kind of beautiful?”

  “Often,” he tells me in an assured tone.

  I groan. “Such an arrogant fuck-face.”

  He places me down on my feet and I stretch up on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck and inhale.

  “Hmm, you smell good.” My fangs drop and I run them along his neck, making him shiver.

  With a sigh, he holds me away from him, and I pout. “I don’t think this is a good idea with me naked under this towel.”

  “Why not?” I ask with a frown.

  “Because you drinking my blood turns me on trouble.”

  I bat away his comment. “Then let’s have sex afterwards.”

  Cort’s eyes widen in surprise. “Sex?”

  I wrap my arms back around his neck. “Sex, Cort. It’s when two people get naked and bump uglies.”

  Cort tips his head back and lets out a hearty laugh and I take that as my opportunity to sink my teeth into him.

  “Fuck Elara,” he hisses, as I pull on his blood. He lifts me and sits himself on the end of the bed, placing my legs either side of him so I am straddling him.

  As I drink from him, my hands move through his hair, and I groan in sheer bliss. I start to move my hips, dry humping him and he swears out loud.

  “Fuck Elara. This is dangerous territory.”

  My hand snakes down his chest and I tug at where his towel is knotted together. His hand covers mine in a second stopping me and I groan in protest as I continue to feed. Feeling sated, I release my fangs from their hold on his vein and lick up his neck in slow motion, sealing the wound. I lift my head up and my eyes find his and they are burning with lust. I silently wipe my tongue across my fangs and retract them before I lean in and kiss him. His mouth opens allowing me entry and my tongue dances with his as I deepen the kiss.

  Cort pulls back, swearing. “Elara, stop. I’m not doing this when you are drunk and high on my blood.” He lifts his fist to his mouth and bites on his knuckles. “You’re fucking killing me here, girl.”

  “You don’t want me,” I whimper as my eyes brim with unshed tears.

  “Fuck Elara. It’s not that I don’t want you. It’s that I don’t want you when you are drunk and looking for a rebound. I saw the news report.”

  I wince, like his words have physically hurt me. “He said he loved me. He said he loved me and then he stands there looking at her like she’s his world.”

  Cort sighs and pulls me into his chest. “I know trouble.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head in the crook of his neck. “He said it was me and him, always. He lied.”

  “I’ve got you,” He tells me softly rubbing my back, trying to soothe me.

  “What the hell?” A strapping guy with blonde curly hair takes in the state of the dorm door and then his eyes fall upon me wrapped up in Cort’s lap.

  “Can you come back later?”

  The guy looks at me like he does not understand how to deal with a crying female and backs out of the room with a nod.

  “Was that your roommate?” I ask. I wipe my nose on the back of my hand.

  “Yeah. Don’t worry though, he’s gone,” Cort sighs and peels me off h
is chest. “I need to get some clothes on, okay?”

  I nod with a sniffle, and he lifts me and places me down on his bed. He stalks over to a set of drawers and pulls out a pair of boxers. With his back turned to me, he drops his towel and I hold my breath as I take in his naked behind.

  “You have a nice ass.” I tell him, and I get a hearty chuckle in response as he pulls his boxers up.

  He walks back over to me, looking like a dark Adonis and he beckons me with his finger. I stand up with a wobble and he steadies me. His hands find the bottom of my t-shirt. I look up at him, puzzled, and he rolls his eyes heavenward. “I thought you’d want to be comfy.”

  “Oh,” I reply and I lift my arms allowing him to remove my top. He bends and pulls off my shoes next and I can’t help but giggle. “Kneeling at my feet where you belong,” I joke. He reaches up and undoes the fly of my pants and tugs them down my legs. I place both my arms on his shoulders to steady myself. I grin and wink at him. “Look at us in our undies together.”

  Cort shakes his head and mutters something under his breath before he pulls a t-shirt over my head. It’s one of his and it reaches my upper thighs. He lifts the covers on his bed and tugs me down with him.

  I tuck myself in beside him and lay my head in the crook of his arm, running my hand over his chest. “You’re so warm.” I say delightedly as I snuggle into him.

  “And you’re a cock tease,” He says with a big, weary sigh.

  “We can have sex if you’ve changed your mind?” I suggest lifting my head and looking up at him.

  “Elara when we have sex it will be with you sober and begging me for it,” He tells me firmly.

  I frown. “I never beg for anything Cavenden.”

  He winks at me and lays his head back down on the pillow. “We’ll see trouble.”

  Cort picks up his remote and flicks the television on, flicking through until he finds a documentary about troll murders.

  The next morning I feel like death. Like literal death. I think a troll has taken a dump in my mouth, it feels that rancid. I go to climb out of bed and freeze when I realise I cannot move and there is an arm around my waist.


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