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Page 23

by A. P. Jensen

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Levi, Cibrian and Jordan stood on the platform of the balcony, watching mayhem take place below. The Garden of Wintra was gone. In its place was a crater filled with thousands of seats surrounding a platform crowned with eight thrones. As the sun crested over the city, light bounced off a stage that sparkled like diamonds.

  Encircling the amphitheater were the Ice Tunnels and beyond that, massive stands stretched towards the sky, each a different color. Rays of light illuminated thousands of people already in the stands, hours from the Declaration Ceremony. The crowd squeezed between buildings and hoarded over the seats. Men dressed in intimidating black surrounded the stands and controlled the crowd.

  “Who are they?” Levi asked Cibrian, gesturing to the men in black.

  Cibrian squinted. “Lafita. Warriors.”

  Lafita directed races to specific stands.

  “Why can’t everyone sit where they want?” Jordan bellowed over the noise.

  Cibrian rubbed his ear. “It’s to prevent any fights. There’s a lot of bad blood between the races. Some races get along better with others. Wintra’s population is mostly Undala and Thishe who get along pretty well. The Eliten keep mostly to themselves and the Darsana are always willing to fight anyone.”

  Jordan frowned down at the crowd and watched the black haired, dark skin men and women elbow their way through the crowd as they made their way to the orange stands. Once again, they proudly displayed their skin and its obvious resilience to the frigid air. There seemed to be more Lafita posted around the Darsana than any of the other races. Darsana favored black and orange in what little clothing they wore. Thishe wore lavender and white and some of the women had shawls over their heads. The Undala looked like the ocean in glimmering shades of blue while the Eliten dressed in green or brown.

  Snow drifted down, but didn’t settle on any of the buildings. Like the rose petals in Tolly House, an invisible shield stopped the snow from making contact with the city. Someone came to stand on the balcony beside them and Jordan looked up at Mr. Parker and tried not to react. He was still dressed in the same clothes from last night. Obviously, he just got back. She didn’t ask where he’d been. People on other balconies began to point in their direction. There were indistinguishable yells as people recognized Mr. Parker.

  “Let’s go inside,” he said.

  They all filed through the door and Kelly waved them to silver platters full of muffins, sausages, biscuits, eggs and coffee. Cibrian and Levi began to snatch the best pastries while Heath tried to manipulate them into taking the ones he didn’t like. Jordan couldn’t eat. She stood apart from everyone with Knight at her side. Her stomach pitched and rolled. No one commented on what occurred at the temple last night. Was it her imagination or was Kelly intentionally avoiding her gaze?

  The front door crashed open. Everyone turned to see Gideon and Polly enter the room. Polly was dressed the same as yesterday in Bermuda shorts and an aloha shirt with big purple flowers on it. Gideon was dressed in some kind of military suit with a rich orange cape. Two Lafita filed in, dressed in black military garb lined in orange. The buttoned down shirt they wore had two swords crossed over their hearts. On their left upper arm each of them wore colored bands. One man had a green and orange band, the other an orange and blue band.

  “My granddaughter,” Gideon boomed with a smile.

  “Can’t shut him up,” Polly muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Jordan gave Gideon a weak smile. “Morning, um-”

  “Papa,” he supplied.

  Jordan swallowed. “Papa.”

  Polly made his way over to the breakfast trays and started stuffing his face with doughnuts. Heath renewed his efforts to get Polly to eat the pastries he didn’t like. Cibrian helped.

  “Nervous?” Gideon cocked his head to the side. “Are you okay?”


  “Being nervous is understandable. That business with William and then coming into our world and meeting Donovan… He shouldn’t have waited so long,” Gideon said with a scowl in his son’s direction.

  When Jordan said nothing, Gideon waved his hands.

  “What’s done is done. New day. You’re here now and that’s all that matters. You only have to go through the Declaration Ceremony once in your lifetime. You’ll probably end up at The Academy.”


  “Even if you’re not a Grounder, you’re a Parker. Parker’s always make headlines, good or bad. The best place to do that is The Academy. My great grandfather was like Donovan. Brilliant, eccentric. He could have done anything, but he chose to live on the sidelines. He turned his back on our world and spent most of his time in Ignorant territory. Built a school in Texas that no one thought the Gem would acknowledge, but…” Gideon shook his head. “It’s become the most prestigious school in our world.”

  “This school is in Texas?” Jordan asked.

  “Yeah. I think my grandfather’s idea was to force our people to interact more with the Ignorant. It worked. Texas has the elite of our world buying property there.”

  Gideon’s eyes, so like Mr. Parker’s, searched her face. Jordan looked back at him, wondering how different she would be if she grew up knowing him. She was on the verge of telling him what happened at the temple when the front door opened again, distracting them. Gideon’s face darkened as Mary Ann shoved the Lafita out of her way as if they were harmless teenage boys. The men gave way, looking stunned and a little out of their depth as Mary Ann shrugged out of her coat, handed it to one of them and danced down the steps towards Gideon. Today she wore a lavender tunic over leggings.

  “Long time no see,” Mary Ann said in a sweet voice.

  “Not long enough,” Gideon said through clenched teeth. “I thought you didn’t leave that cursed house of yours.”

  Mary Ann’s dazzling smile widened. “I can’t miss the Declaration Ceremony with so much new blood on the scene. I think this year’s going to be more interesting than the others. What could possibly drag you from your all-consuming duties and bikini clad people of Paradice?”

  “Damn it, Mary Ann-”

  “It’s no wonder your fifth wife divorced your sorry ass-” Mary Ann said scathingly.

  “Well, well, look whose graced us with her presence.” Polly sneered as he strolled up, jelly smeared on the corner of his lip.

  A wicked twinkle entered Mary Ann’s eyes. “Still tagging along after Gideon, Polly? Get a life.”

  A blush rose in his dark cheeks. “I’m Gideon’s personal security,” he blustered.

  “More like Gideon felt sorry for you and he can afford to pay you to follow him around like a puppy. Neither of you has changed,” Mary Ann said.

  Polly was so enraged, a trickle of steam drifted up from his nostril. “How dare you!” he choked.

  “I dare,” she said with a shrug. “What are you going to do? Eat me?” She glanced down at his protruding belly.

  Before Polly could commit murder, the front door slammed open once more to admit a man with a square jaw, violet eyes and black hair. He also shoved his way past the two Lafita. He wore a scarlet shirt and matching coat that cascaded down to mid-calf. His eyes were fixed on Mr. Parker and he didn’t seem to notice anyone else in the room. Mr. Parker braced himself when he saw the newcomer stalking towards him. Heath stepped between the two men, holding a placating hand out towards the enraged man.

  “Now, Bertrand-” Heath said.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Donovan?” Bertrand spat.

  Mr. Parker’s expression was unreadable. “Nice to see you too, Bert.”

  “How dare you show your face here after everything that’s happened? I had to deal with everything by myself- as usual! Now you show up for the Declaration Ceremony as if you’re God’s gift to the world-” Bertrand tried to push Heath out of the way.

  Gideon, Heath and Polly started forward. Cibrian goggled while Mary Ann and Kelly watched the proceedings wit
h weary and exasperated expressions. It was clear they knew who the hostile man was and the hate blazing from his eyes wasn’t a surprise to them.

  “Bertrand, get a hold of yourself. You guys aren’t in school anymore, beating the crap out of each other. You’re the Sentinel for God’s sake!” Gideon yelled.

  “He just waltzes back here after all this time-” Bertrand bellowed.

  “I’m not here by choice.” In contrast, Mr. Parker’s voice was even and soft.

  “Ever since you were a kid, all you did is cause chaos! Your glory hound relationship with the reporters was too much to stay away from, wasn’t it? What do you want?” Bertrand shoved Heath who took three steps back, impressed rather than upset.

  “I’m just here for the Declaration Ceremony,” Mr. Parker said.

  “What for? You’ve never cared for tradition. Don’t tell me you want to be the Guide for Autumis. I swear, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you don’t get it,” Bertrand hissed.

  “There was a time when you thought differently.”

  Bertrand swelled. “You dare bring that up to me?”

  “It wouldn’t be your choice if the Gem chose me to be Guide. You have no say, even if you are the Sentinel.”

  “I’d sooner die than watch you become an authority figure anywhere-”

  “Then roll over and-”

  “He’s here for his daughter, not to torture you, Bertrand. He’s not even interested in being a Guide,” Heath cut in.

  Bertrand took his hot gaze off Mr. Parker and looked at Heath. He was breathing hard and the clenched fists at his sides trembled.


  People looked in Jordan’s direction. Bertrand saw the girl staring at him with haunting blue eyes. His anger drained away.

  “You had a daughter with Star,” Bertrand’s voice was curiously flat.

  There was a beat of silence. Everyone looked astonished that Bertrand would know this information.

  “We’re here for the Ceremony and then I’m gone,” Mr. Parker said.

  “As usual,” Bertrand said without taking his eyes off Jordan. “Where’s Star?”


  “Are you a Grounder?” Bertrand asked Jordan.

  “Too soon to tell,” Mr. Parker answered for her.

  “She just Awakened?”


  Bertrand forced gentleness into his voice as he spoke to her. “Come. Your dad and I don’t get along, but I have nothing against you.”

  Jordan didn’t trust a man that could go from rage to calm in the blink of an eye. How did he know she looked like Star? Even Jordan didn’t have a clear picture of her mother after all these years. When she made no move forward, Bertrand’s eyes went from coaxing to impatient in a moment.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said.

  Gideon and Mr. Parker looked at one another behind Bertrand’s back and there was a silent message passed between them.

  “She is like you. She doesn’t listen worth a damn,” Bertrand muttered.

  “Leave her be,” Mr. Parker said.


  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  Bertrand’s violet eyes narrowed to slits. “What are you hiding?”

  Mr. Parker folded his arms and said nothing.

  “I’m not doing this with you, Donovan. You think I’ll be able to see something if I touch her, don’t you?” Bertrand said with unexpected insight.

  Bertrand started towards Jordan, face twisted with resentment. Jordan braced herself as Bertrand shoved Heath out of the way, eyes fixed on Jordan. Distorted shouts met Jordan’s ears and she closed her eyes and gathered power in her chest. After last night, her power was close to the surface, waiting for any crack in her armor. Bertrand’s image blurred with another man with blonde hair and black eyes, another man that wouldn’t leave her alone, that would do anything to get his hands on her.

  Power so intense it made her eyes water filled her body. Hands grabbed at her and she reacted instinctively, throwing her power out like a whip before she realized the hands on her were childlike and comforting rather than large and deadly. She blinked furiously and saw Mary Ann blowing on her flaming fingertips as if they were marshmallows on fire. Shock and horror allowed Jordan to cut off her power. She stepped forward and closed her hands around Mary Ann’s and the fire winked out. Mary Ann’s hands shook convulsively and Jordan backed away, hands tucked under her arms as if that would keep her from hurting anyone else.

  “I’m sorry,” Jordan said miserably.

  “It’s alright,” Mary Ann said calmly, flexing her hands carefully. “I shouldn’t have grabbed you when your body was going up in flames. Stupid mistake.”

  “I didn’t mean to- I can’t-”

  “There’s a tea I can drink that will take away the burns. Don’t worry. If you can, I think you should stop the Valor from killing him.”

  Jordan suddenly became aware of the utter silence. She looked across the room and saw Bertrand flat on his back with Knight standing over him, jaws clamped around his throat. Blood pooled around Bertrand. Mr. Parker took a step forward and Bertrand’s body jerked. He let out a muffled yell as fangs sank deeper into his throat. Jordan pushed through the motionless onlookers. Knight hissed, eyes feral as they met hers. She could see blood on Knight’s muzzle and see it dripping from his mouth.

  “Let him go,” she whispered.

  Bertrand moaned as Knight shook his head ever so slightly. Jordan clenched her fists and her eyes burn with tears.

  “Let him go,” she repeated, voice stronger.

  For a long minute, girl and beast stared at one another. Everyone waited and slowly, Knight opened his jaw and withdrew his fangs from the man’s throat. Bertrand gurgled and Kelly rushed forward, kneeling in the pool of blood to look at his throat.

  Jordan walked away on shaky legs. Hadn’t she told Kelly that death followed wherever she went? She sat on the couch and stared blankly at the demolished pastries. Knight sat beside her, licking his face. Gideon walked up with a wet towel and Knight growled, but made no move to bite Gideon as he bathed Bertrand’s blood from his face.

  “Bertrand’s going to be fine.” He glanced at Jordan who sat as still as a marble statue. “Knight did what he’s meant to do. He thought you were in danger. Valors have fought beside us in wars past. They kill to protect, Jordan. It’s part of his duty as a Guardian.”

  Jordan looked back at Bertrand who was being supported by one of the Lafita who rushed forward when the Valor attacked. “Who is he?”

  “Bertrand Christian, the Sentinel. It’s his duty to guard the Gem. When someone needs to be elected to become a Guide or be Declared, Bertrand brings the Gem out of hiding to fulfill its purpose,” Gideon said.

  “How did he know my mom?”

  Gideon frowned. “That I don’t know. He and Donovan used to be close when they were younger. Maybe he met Star before… well, before.”

  “Why didn’t Mr. Parker want him to touch me?”

  Gideon held his hand out, palm up. She remembered how Gideon sensed William’s power running through her just by touch.

  “He knew William?”

  “Bertrand is his brother,” Gideon murmured.

  Jordan felt the blood drain out of her head. She knew William had family. She heard him say- She cut off that thought. What would Bertrand do if he knew she watched his brother die?

  Kelly straightened away from Bertrand with bloody hands. “You’re lucky he didn’t crush your windpipe. He was just giving you a warning.”

  Bertrand slapped at the hand Mr. Parker extended to help him to his feet. Jordan tensed as the men put themselves between Bertrand and Jordan. The Valor watched him hungrily.

  “So, that’s a Valor,” Bertrand said, fingering his throat thoughtfully. The puncture wounds that had been there a minute before were gone.

  “He’s her Guardian. Do anything stupid again and you better pray she’s
around to call him off,” Mr. Parker said. “Jordan has to attend the Declaration Ceremony. Can you handle it?”

  Bertrand nodded. Jordan stared at the blood on his clothes and shuddered when the door slammed shut behind him. There was a strained silence as everyone stared at the pool of blood on the floor and then at Knight who savored the taste of blood on his tongue. Kelly helped Mary Ann sip a cup of tea. Jordan blew out a breath when the skin on Mary Ann’s hands began to change back to a healthy pink. Mr. Parker made a wiping motion with his hand and the pool of blood disappeared as if it had never been.

  There was a knock on the balcony doors. Cibrian let out a shout and rushed forward as a tall, thin man dressed in a lime green shirt, black silk tie and coat stepped into the room, smiling jovially.

  “There’s my boy!” the man said and wrapped Cibrian in a hug. The man looked over Cibrian’s shoulder at the silent crowd watching him. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s visiting hours,” Heath said dryly.

  Cibrian’s father was tall like Cibrian with the same dark red hair. He had a ponytail, a silver hoop earring in his right ear and dark purple eyes.

  “This is Jordan, Uncle Van’s daughter,” Cibrian said, turning his father towards Jordan.

  “So the rumors are true. Geez, Van, you couldn’t tell your best friend you had a daughter?”

  “It’s complicated,” Jordan said and he raised his brows.

  “Is it now? Everything involving your dad usually is, so you better get used to it, honey. You can call me Seth.”

  Cibrian pointed to the closed front door where Bertrand exited and then at Knight as he talked to his father animatedly.

  “Well, I could have done without almost losing my hand, but thanks for the experience, girl,” Mary Ann said, plopping on a couch near Jordan’s chair. “Lovely morning, huh?”

  When Jordan stared, unsure how to respond, a bright voice interrupted.

  “Hey all!”

  Monica and Luther came down the steps, color coordinated in red and white.

  “Well, well if it isn’t the desperate Dunn sister,” Mary Ann said snidely.

  “Oh hell to the no,” Polly muttered.

  Either Monica didn’t hear them or she ignored the less than welcome attitudes. Luther followed in her wake as Monica made her way through the crowd. When Luther reached Seth he said, “Hey boss.” As Luther and Seth launched into Tolly business, Monica came over and sat beside Mary Ann.

  “Nice to see you out and about, Aunty,” Monica said.

  Mary Ann squinted at Monica and sniffed. “How old are you?”

  Monica’s smile dimmed. “Excuse me?”

  “Forty?” When Monica didn’t respond, Mary Ann huffed. “Those fertility pills you’re taking are awful strong. How long have you been on them?”

  Monica darted a mortified look at Jordan. “I don’t think this is the appropriate time-”

  “Why not? We’re family,” Mary Ann said blithely.

  “A month.”

  “Don’t take them for longer than a year. It’ll do more harm than good, but you’re not with the boy, are you?” Mary Ann said with a sneer. “Don’t know why you’d want to be with someone young enough to be your son anyway.”

  Monica’s mouth flapped open and closed.

  “You can try tempting him with those pheromones you’re putting out, but why put yourself through that? That’s embarrassing.”

  “He’s a manager at Tolly Inc.-”

  “Which goes to show he knows how to kiss ass and he’s ambitious. Dime a dozen.”

  Monica ran a hand over her hair. “Yes, well, Seth is happy to have him on board. Luther’s a sorcerer and Autumis needs a Guide-”

  “Your little baby barely knows how to tie his shoes, much less run a capital,” Mary Ann interrupted.

  Monica glared. “You thought Donovan could do it, if I remember correctly.”

  “True. I thought Donovan would be a good leader because he fears his power. That pup you have,” Mary Ann jerked her chin in Luther’s direction. “He’s cocky. Too sure of himself.”

  Jordan floated on a sea of panic. If she weren’t so preoccupied, she would have admired Mary Ann’s ability to manipulate answers from Monica. Jordan paced away from the crowd to the koi pond. She did two circles around the pond, twisting her hands together.

  “Ready?” Mr. Parker asked, appearing in front of her.

  “I made a mistake.”

  “Which one?”

  “This isn’t a joke,” she snapped, on the verge of losing it. “I can’t do this Declaration Ceremony thing.”

  “Too bad. How many times do I have to tell you there’s no going back? You’re here. End of story.”

  “What if I hurt more people?” She lowered her voice to barely a whisper. “There’s something wrong with me. I can feel it.”

  Mr. Parker leaned down and put his face right in front of hers. “Get over it.”

  “I hurt you last night. I’m sorry-”

  For the first time, anger crossed his face. “I can handle it.”

  “But you didn’t come back. What did I do to you?”

  “Nothing Kelly couldn’t help me with,” he said coolly. “We’re wasting time.”

  “I saw him-”

  He clapped a hand over her mouth. “I don’t want to hear it. I’ve got my hands full trying to keep people from testing or killing you. I don’t have time to pat you on the head and tell you everything is going to be alright.” He looked beyond her. “Don’t let anyone touch you. The tie with William is still too fresh.”

  Jordan bit his hand and he jerked it away. “You’re not listening to me!”

  “Isn’t that what parents are supposed to do?”

  Mr. Parker hesitated as he reached out and touched her gingerly despite the fact that he wore gloves. The memory of the pain she put him through in the temple was still too vivid in his mind. When there were no repercussions, he tightened his grip on her and pulled her towards the balcony doors.

  Jordan sucked in a breath as the cold hit her. She looked back before Heath closed the balcony doors. Knight watched with angry eyes as she was taken from his protection, a smear of blood on his muzzle.


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