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Caught Looking

Page 14

by Tara Wyatt

  Jake took a bite of his sandwich and chewed. “So you think I should try to ride out the next two years, do what it takes to keep playing.”

  “If that’s what you want. I’m not here to give you career advice or tell you when it’s time to call it a career. But I can make big things happen for you, Jake Landon. Think of me as your genie in a bottle. Your ace up your sleeve.” Aerin leaned forward.

  Jake cocked his head to the side, feeling suddenly wary. “Why? What’s in it for you?”

  “Well, you’d become my client, obviously. And I think you have potential. A lot of potential.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Potential for what?”

  She smiled at him, almost playfully. “Jake, you’re smart. You’re good looking. You’re funny and charming. You have charisma. I think you could easily be the next Bob Costas or Vin Scully. You could be to baseball what Terry Bradshaw is to football. And if that’s what you want, I can make it happen.” She tapped the tips of her fingers together, studying him, waiting for his answer.

  He took another sip of his coffee, but it did nothing to get rid of the squeezing sensation in his throat. He picked up his napkin, twisting it between his hands. What he knew for sure was that he wanted Abby. But he didn’t know how or where she fit in whatever came next for him. They hadn’t really talked about the future, and now he found himself wishing that they had. He’d just been so relieved that he didn’t have to keep his distance anymore that he’d pushed everything else aside.

  “I’m not ready to stop playing,” he finally said. It was the truth. While he was glad to hear there were options—very appealing, lucrative options, apparently—waiting for him when he hung up his cleats, he wasn’t ready to move in that direction. Not yet. “I know I’m old and banged up. I’ve got another year or two—tops—in me.”

  “And that’s fine. You’re smart to think about what you want to do next now. We can set wheels in motion so that when you’re ready, the options are there, waiting for you. Had you ever considered pursuing a career in sports broadcasting?”

  He shook his head. “I mean, in really vague terms, sure, but not specifically, no.” He polished off his sandwich. “But, I have to admit…I’m interested. And you really think you could make that happen?”

  Aerin smiled, her confidence practically radiating out of her. “I know I can. We’d start off with a few small things. I’d make sure to get you on camera for interviews during post-season games. In the off-season, we’d get you on all the big podcasts. Then, next year if you’re not playing in the All-Star game, I’d make sure you were there doing color commentary. I have contacts at Fox Sports, the MLB Network, and ESPN. Did you know that Alex Rodriguez gets paid twenty million dollars a year to call games for ESPN? And no offense to A-Rod, but you’re funnier and better looking.”

  “So there’d still be lots of traveling.” For some reason, he’d imagined his retirement to be a little bit more…settled. Stationary. And what if he and Abby figured everything out but then he was gone all time? How would that work?

  “You look unhappy. What just happened?” Aerin crossed her slender arms over her chest. “Something just happened. Tell me so I can fix it.”

  He shook his head. “And if the broadcasting thing is a no go? What do you suggest then, oh wise genie?” As much of a problem solver as Aerin appeared to be, he couldn’t tell her about his messy relationship with Abby.

  The corner of her mouth quirked up. “A career in broadcasting would only be a no go if you don’t want it. If you do, I promise you, it’s yours. It’s the most lucrative opportunity you’ll find, and Jake, I think you’d be good at it.”

  “So that’s what you think I should do?”

  “I think it’s what will make us both the most money. I think it’ll make you famous and successful in a whole new way. What’s the hesitation?”

  Abby. Where did she fit in all of this? Where did they fit, if she was coaching and he was God knows where commentating on baseball games?

  Before he could answer, Javi was suddenly there, hovering at the edge of their table, a to-go cup in his hand.

  “Don’t you represent enough players on my team?” he said to Aerin, his upper lip curling just a bit. “Why don’t you take your talons and find a Dallas Cowboy to feast on?”

  “Mr. Flores, so nice to see you,” she said demurely, a little smile on her face. “You’re looking particularly uptight this morning.”

  Javi said nothing, turning his attention to Jake. “Be careful with this one. Don’t make any deals with the devil.”

  “Jake’s a big boy and can make his own decisions.” She waved him away with a perfectly manicured hand. “You’re interrupting a business meeting.”

  “Oh, is it annoying when someone comes uninvited into your workplace and starts talking shit?” He snorted out a laugh. “Just taking a page out of your game book, Aerin.”

  “Hey, you asked me to stay out of your clubhouse, and I’ve obliged, even though I represent multiple players on your team and have every right to talk to my clients when and where they need me. Given the star talent I represent, I’d expect a little more gratitude. Javier,” she added, leveling her gaze at him.

  Javi leaned forward, splaying his palms on the table. “And I expect a little more respect. I don’t have time for your little games, trying to prove that you’ve got a big dick to swing around or whatever. My club. My players. My rules.”

  Aerin grinned at him. “I don’t have to prove anything about the size of my dick. Goodbye, Flores.” At that, she stood and gathered up her bag, tossing her card on the table. “You want what we talked about, call me, day or night.”

  Jake leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his coffee while Javi dropped into Aerin’s vacated seat. “So, you guys are close, huh?” Jake asked.

  “Not funny. And I thought you had an agent.”

  “I do, but I’m looking at my retirement options.” Javi’s eyes widened and Jake quickly shook his head. “I’m not retiring today or anything. Just coming up with a plan for the future.”

  “Yeah, well, the best laid plans of men and mice often go awry. You headed to the park?” The team was meeting there first, then taking the team bus to the airport for their flight to Baltimore. Jake checked his watch and drained the rest of his coffee.

  “Let’s go.”

  Abby had already settled into her seat near the front of the team’s chartered plane when she saw Jake board, his duffel slung casually over his shoulder. Her stomach did a happy little flip at the sight of him and he shot her a grin as he passed by in the aisle, taking a seat farther back. Her mind immediately flew back to last night at the bachelor auction. Never had she ever in her life done anything like that. But Jake had always had a way of breaking down all of her walls, and apparently semi-public sex was no exception.

  She rummaged around in the bag at her feet and pulled out her headphones, looking forward to listening to the couple of podcasts she’d cued up. But then Javi stepped onto the plane, his eyes scanning the rows of seats. She fought the urge to sink down lower, even as his eyes landed on her. He tipped his chin at the empty seat beside her, and after the briefest hesitation, she nodded.

  “Hey,” he said, dropping into the seat and shoving his bag under it. “Just wanted to say I’m sorry for last night, for putting you on the spot like that. I didn’t know you were seeing someone, and I really don’t want things to be weird between us, okay?”

  She nodded, the tension easing out of her shoulders. “Yeah, don’t worry about it. We’re totally cool.”

  Javi reached for his bag, pulling out his tablet. “So, who is he?” he asked, his tone casual, but she could tell he hadn’t quite let this go yet. Which meant it was time to bullshit like her life depended on it. Hell, it kind of did, given what a huge part of her life her career was.

  She shrugged, trying to keep her tone light. “No one you know.”

  He shot her a smile. “Just surprised you didn’t mention any
thing.” His smile slipped a little and he rubbed a hand over his mouth. “I just figured, since we’re friends, that you would’ve mentioned something.”

  She could see the hurt in his eyes, even though he was trying to hide it. “Shit, Javi, we are friends. I’m just really private about stuff like that. I try not to bring my dating life to the yard. I don’t want anyone on the team to see me differently or anything, you know? I’ve worked really hard to fit in and as far as they’re concerned, I’m just one of the guys and I like it that way. I feel like if I went around talking about my boyfriend it’d change that, you know?”

  He studied her as she spoke, nodding slowly. “Yeah. I get it. You fit in so well that sometimes I forget how much work you put into making that happen.”

  “Baseball’s my job, but this team…” She trailed off and bit her lip, feeling suddenly emotional. “They’re kind of a second family to me. I know that’s cheesy as fuck, but it’s the truth.”

  He shook his head, his eyes soft. “It’s not cheesy. I get it. I feel the same way. With all the shit that’s happened with Cara, I don’t know what I would’ve done without the game to anchor me.”

  “Speaking of Cara, any change?”

  He pressed his lips into a firm line and shook his head. “No, but I’m still hoping for a new custody arrangement once the lawyers are done arguing.”

  Abby nodded. She couldn’t imagine why Cara wouldn’t want Javi to see the girls. He clearly adored them, and he was a good guy. In her opinion, anyway, and given how much time she spent around him, she figured her opinion ought to count for something.

  A few minutes later, the plane took off and Abby felt the rush of adrenaline jolt through her. They were officially on their way to the post season.

  “Tonight’s AL Wild Card game coverage here on Fox Sports is presented by Hardy’s Tires,” says Wayne Hopkins. “The folks at Hardy’s are getting their money’s worth tonight.”

  “They sure are,” agrees Ron Whittaker. “As we all are, watching this incredible game.”

  “If you’re just joining us, we’re heading to the bottom of the eleventh inning in a two-two game. Derek Blanding gets the call from the Orioles’ bullpen. He’s going to face Miguel Hernandez to lead off the bottom of the eleventh. Hernandez has been a thorn in the Orioles’ side tonight.”

  “With an RBI double to tie the game in the fifth and a diving catch out in left field that surely saved a run, he certainly has.”

  “Breaking ball misses, and it’s now three-and-two. Hernandez looking for this third hit of the night, but he’s called out strikes, caught looking at that last pitch, a fastball in.”

  “Blanding has had an up and down season, but he really turned things around in September, earning a spot in the closing rotation. Let’s see how he does facing the top of the order, with Jake Landon up to bat, who’s oh-for-four, and twice hit into inning ending double plays.”

  “First pitch is up and away, nowhere near the strike zone, oh-and-one.”

  “Certainly not the game Landon was hoping for, although he’s been stellar behind the plate. No one frames pitches like Jake Landon.”

  “Here’s the pitch, swung on and hit into left field and that ball will drop for a hit! Landon with a single and we’ve got a man aboard.”

  “That was a ninety-four mile an hour fastball that Landon got just enough of to get on base.”

  “Dylan McCormick at the plate now. He swings at the first pitch and it’s into left field…and that’s going to fall for a base hit! Landon’s around second, heading to third. Here comes the throw, and Landon is safe! Landon at third, McCormick at first with only one out so far here in the bottom of the eleventh.”

  “Great hit from McCormick and great heads up base running by Landon to make it safely to third. Beau Beckett is up next, and he holds the record for most walk-off home runs in a season by any Longhorn with six last year. I know Dallas fans are hoping for some of that Beckett walk-off magic here tonight to put this game to bed.”

  “First pitch is swung on and there’s a drive to deep left field…and the game is over! Good golly, that ball is outta here! The Longhorns have won the wild card game and are headed to the ALDS!”

  Jake and Abby stumbled into the hotel elevator, each clutching a bottle of champagne. They’d had to wait out the rest of the team in the lobby, casually hanging back until they could make their way up to Abby’s room to celebrate the victory properly. The doors slid shut almost soundlessly, sealing them away, and Jake pulled Abby into his arms, needing to feel her. Needing to get his mouth on her. Her lips parted eagerly for him, and he groaned as he tasted the champagne on her tongue.

  Jake had never done drugs, but he imagined that this was what it felt like to be high, because damn could he get addicted to this feeling. His entire body felt warm, like he was glowing with lit coals from within. His heart pounded fiercely in his chest, waves of adrenaline still churning through him. He felt more awake than he’d been in a long time. Rejuvenated and new, somehow. It was a heady feeling, and one he wanted to both hang onto and chase.

  They kissed and kissed in the elevator, and he couldn’t have torn his mouth away from hers if his life had depended on it in that moment. Nothing mattered but the thrill of the victory and sharing it with Abby.

  She skated a hand up underneath his T-shirt, her fingers tracing over his stomach. “You’re sticky,” she murmured against his lips, and he grinned. He didn’t even know how many bottles of champagne the team had sprayed around the visitors’ clubhouse and on each other in celebration.

  “Mmm. We’re about to get stickier,” he said, his voice coming out low and raw. He’d screamed himself hoarse celebrating, but the raspiness there was also from the arousal drumming through him, heating his blood and thickening his cock.

  The elevator doors opened and they made their way down the hall to Abby’s room. Once they were safely tucked away inside, he kissed her again, needing the connection. How he’d ever thought he’d be able to be around her and not be with her, he had no idea. Quickly, they shed their clothes, sticky and slightly damp from all of those celebratory sprays. Jake licked a path from her shoulder to her neck, tasting the tart sweetness still clinging to her skin. She let out a breathy moan, almost a whimper, and rolled her hips against him. A fresh rush of adrenaline and arousal flashed through him knowing she was just as lost in this as he was.

  Completely naked, he led her into the bathroom and started running the bathtub. As though she could read his mind, she retrieved one of the champagne bottles, working the cork as she walked. It released with a loud pop and ricocheted off the ceiling. She laughed, pressing her fingers to her lips. “Oops. Sorry upstairs people.”

  Her laughter was infectious and he laughed too, then guided her to the tiled ledge of the tub and took the bottle from her. “Lean back a little,” he said, his voice husky, his cock throbbing. With a wicked smile, her eyes flashing heat up at him, she did, and he lifted the bottle and poured a trickle of champagne across her breasts. Falling to his knees, he chased the sparkling drops with his mouth, teasing around her peaked nipples with his lips, his tongue, his teeth. She gasped and let her head fall back, her breaths coming in short, rapid bursts as he teased and tasted her. Lifting the bottle, he took a small sip and then sucked her nipple into his mouth, letting the bubbles dance on his tongue as he played with her.

  Her fingers threaded into his hair and she moaned and swore. “Do that, do exactly that to my clit. Please. Please.” Fuck, when she begged him like that, he’d do pretty much anything for her. Anything.

  Holding her gaze with his, he took another small sip and then moved between her spread legs. He sucked her swollen clit into his mouth and she let another string of curse words fall from her lips. Her taste mixed with the champagne in the world’s most erotic, intimate cocktail.

  As the tub filled, he played with her, licking champagne from her nipples, her belly button, and then always returning to her clit again. Drinking his celebrat
ion off of her body, knowing it was just as much her victory as his and that it was all the sweeter because it was shared.

  She turned off the faucet and then took the bottle from him and sank to her knees. God, he’d never get over the sight of Abby—strong, capable, gorgeous Abby—on her knees for him. Never. She took a mouthful of champagne and then sucked his hard cock into her mouth. The bubbles fizzed around him, teasing him, as her tongue worked his head. He thrust deeper into her mouth, and she dribbled a little out of the corners of her mouth. Reaching down, he wiped away the stray drops with his thumb, his touch lingering on her lips stretched around him.

  “I love you,” he whispered, his eyelids heavy as he stared down at her. She sucked him again, swallowed the champagne and then released him, kissing the tip of his cock. She looked up at him through her lashes, her cheeks flushed, her lips wet.

  “I love you,” she whispered back. Jake inhaled a shaky breath, not even sure if his heart was still in his own body, or if it had totally decamped into Abby’s hands. A sense of euphoria enveloped him. Abby loved him. Knowing that, not just hoping for it, made him feel a hundred feet tall and light as a feather. With those three words bouncing around his skull, nothing else mattered. Nothing. Only the two of them and this warm, fuzzy feeling expanding between them.

  Electricity jolted down his spine and he urged her to her feet and into the tub, settling her on his lap. Her nipples grazed his chest and they both sighed. Then she lifted her hips and sank onto his cock, settling him deep inside her. Throbbing heat pounded through his body, but he forced himself to hold still and savor the absolute fucking perfection of the moment.

  He trailed his fingers over her shoulder, her collarbone, her neck, wanting to memorize the feel of her skin, the sound of her soft sighs, the taste of the champagne mixed with her, with Abby.


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