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Conrad (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina Book Series 4)

Page 15

by Lane Hart

  Before I can answer, his twin explodes into the loudest, most raucous laughter I’ve ever heard from a human being, making me nearly jump out of my skin. It doesn’t help that the large, cavernous store causes it to echo and sound louder.

  “Cannon!” Conrad warns over the noise. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Ignoring him, his brother, Cannon, continues to laugh until he’s doubled over, hands on his thighs as his body continues to shake with laughter.

  “Sorry about him,” Conrad says to me, but I barely hear over the apparent amusement of his brother.

  Cannon eventually straightens and tries to form words within his ragged chuffs. “She’s…she’s…ahhhhhh!” His words dissolve into another fit of laughter, for which I’m grateful.

  “Sorry,” Conrad says again as he gently grabs me by my elbow and leads me further into the store. “We can talk in here.” He guides me inside an office where there are two desks side by side with enough room to walk between them and several chairs in front of both. Conrad shuts the door, drowning out his brother’s continued laughter, and then leans his back against it. “I tried to see you,” he says before I can figure out how to tell him the news his brother seems to think is so hilarious.

  “Huh? What do you mean you tried to see me?” I ask when he throws me off with that comment.

  “A week after I dropped you off, I went back to the center and tried to see you,” he explains softly while shoving his hands into his jeans pockets. “I missed you and wanted to apologize for not trusting that you wouldn’t tell your father about us. But, um, the therapist didn’t think it was a good idea for you to start a new relationship at the beginning of your program or anytime in the first year.”

  “Oh.” He came to see me?

  “But I wasn’t going to give up,” Conrad continues. “I went today to be there when you were released and meet with you and your therapist to talk about us, but you were already gone.”

  “You were there? Today?” I say in disbelief, my chest swelling even larger at hearing him say he came to see me.

  Sighing heavily, Conrad scrubs at his hair and says, “I fucking hated leaving you there, but you needed help.”

  “I know. I did,” I agree. “I haven’t had anything to drink since that night I grabbed the tiny bottle in the hotel and you took the second one from me before I could drink it. So…ninety-three days or so.”

  “That’s great. I’m glad,” he replies with a small smile.

  “So have you…are you seeing anyone?” I ask him cautiously.

  “No, I haven’t been seeing anyone. You’re the only person I’ve been with in a long time,” he replies. “And I’m happy you came here. I’m just sorry that I didn’t warn you about Cannon.”

  “I thought you were pretending like you had never met me.”

  “I would never do that,” he assures me, and I nod because I believe him. Raking his serious blue eyes over me, he says, “You seem…different. Healthy and more levelheaded.”

  “I am different. Rehab was good for me, even though I hated the idea of it at first. Now I’m glad because I needed to stay sober. Now more than ever.”

  “Good. That’s really good to hear, Hannah.” His gaze softens and moves to my lips. I know exactly what he’s thinking, and before he can distract me, I need to tell him.

  “Conrad?” I start.


  “I’m pregnant.”

  His jaw doesn’t drop comically. His eyes don’t nearly bulge out of his head like his brother’s. Instead, Conrad just closes his eyes and stabs his fingers through the front of his blond hair, gripping a handful when he responds with one gruff word. “Fuck.”

  I wasn’t expecting him to be happy or jump for joy, but it still sucks that a swear word is his first response.

  “Fucking is apparently how it happened,” I say with a sigh.

  “I’m sorry,” Conrad says. “This is on me. It’s all my fault. I should’ve been more careful. You trusted me, and I fucked up.”

  “Ah, well, I was thinking it was just 50 percent your fault, but if you want to take credit for the whole 100 percent, that’s fine too. I know you don’t like surprises or a sudden change in your plans, so I’m sure you’ll need some time to process all of this…”

  “Is it twins or just one?” he asks, making my heart stop.

  “Fuck!” I exclaim as that realization sets in. “I didn’t even think about it being more than one because I didn’t know you had a twin!”

  “Identical twins isn’t a genetic thing I don’t think,” he says. “But knowing my luck…”

  “Oh,” I say, clasping my chest as my heart rate returns to normal levels. “Hopefully it’s just one, but I don’t know. I haven’t been to see a doctor.”

  “You haven’t?”

  “No. That’s why I came here,” I admit, hefting the bag on my shoulder up higher. “I needed to tell you and…”

  “Are you…are you going to keep it?” he interrupts.

  “Yes,” I say and then wait for his response.

  At first, Conrad just nods, then his fingers mess up his hair a little more. “That’s good. I’m glad.”

  “You are?” I say in surprise.

  “Yeah, I am. And I’m here for whatever you and the baby need. Anything.”

  Oh, thank god.

  “That’s really nice to hear,” I tell him. “I was hoping you would help with finding a doctor and making sure everything is okay. I really don’t want to lose this one. I mean, I know it’s an accident, but I can handle it on my own if you don’t want to. Really, Conrad.”

  “Wait. You don’t want to lose this one?” he repeats slowly. “Have you been pregnant before?”

  “Ah, well, yes, I have,” I say, glancing down to fidget with a stray string on my bag.


  “I was only sixteen.”

  “Jesus. What happened?” he asks softly. “Did you not want it?”

  My head snaps up at that question. “Yes, I wanted it!” I exclaim as tears well up in my eyes, threatening to overflow. Stupid pregnancy hormones. “It wasn’t my fault that it…that I lost it.”

  “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant,” Conrad says when he steps forward and wraps his arms around me. “Everything is going to be fine this time, sweetheart. We’ll make sure of that, okay?”

  For the first time in weeks, in over ninety days, it’s like I’m finally able to breathe without the familiar tightness in my chest. I had hoped Conrad wouldn’t freak out or ask me to get rid of the baby, and it’s a relief that I was right about him.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  * * *

  I’m going to be a father.

  That’s a sentence that would scare the shit out of most single guys, but I’m not freaking out for some reason.

  Actually, I think I can finally understand why Winston is so excited about becoming a daddy any day now. He loves Zoe, and the two of them created a life together, a baby girl.

  Hannah and I may have a more complicated situation since we barely had a week together before I got her pregnant, but it was long enough for me to start to care about her to the point that I could see myself falling in love with her. Still, no matter what obstacles may be ahead of us, there’s one thing I’m certain of and that’s how much I already love our baby.

  I’ve been taking care of Cannon since we were kids. Being protective comes naturally to me. I just always thought my brother who sleeps with a different woman every night would be the one to get a woman pregnant.

  Guess I owe him an apology.

  And now I know why he was unable to stop laughing to the point of tears earlier. In fact, I think I can still hear him cackling.

  “Did you happen to tell Cannon you’re pregnant?” I ask Hannah, who is still in my arms because it feels so good holding her that I’m not ready to let go.

  “Uh-huh. Thought he was you.”

  “That explains why he’s ab
out to bust his gut open from laughing at me,” I remark.

  “Why is that?” Hannah asks when she looks up at my face.

  “I’m the one who has been buying his condoms since we were fifteen to make sure he was being safe. At least once a week I lecture him about sleeping around and how one day he’ll end up getting a girl pregnant and ruining his life.”

  Hannah tenses in my arms after that comment, and I want to kick myself in the ass.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. This, you having a baby, doesn’t feel like a bad thing.”

  “Are you sure about that? I don’t think you’ve had time to consider how it will change everything.”

  “I know things will change, but I can handle it. The difference between me and Cannon is that if Cannon got someone pregnant, he wouldn’t be able to recall her first name. It would be a disaster.”

  “Have you forgotten about my father? About the blackmail he still has on you?” she asks.

  “I haven’t forgotten about that son of a bitch,” I assure her. “And I knew there was a chance he could use it against me if you and I were to get together after you got out of rehab. I hate it, but what else can I do? Either he’ll fuck me over or he won’t. I’ll just come clean to everyone and hope they trust my side of things.”

  “They will,” Hannah says. “I didn’t know you for long and I trusted you.”

  “And you don’t trust easily, do you?” I ask her.

  “No,” she says, resting her forehead against my chest.

  “I won’t let you down again,” I assure her. “That night with you…I won’t ever regret it, no matter what happens.”

  “I won’t either,” she whispers. “And you haven’t asked, but I’m sure you’re thinking it – the baby couldn’t be Bob’s. He has three kids with his ex-wife that he hardly ever sees and had a vasectomy several years ago.”

  “Oh,” I mutter since I had forgotten all about Bob’s perverted ass.

  “There was only one other person – a friend of Bob’s. He wore a condom, and I had my period after that night, though…”

  “I’m really glad I got to hit Bob. Just wish I had taken more swings,” I grumble.

  “I want to forget about him,” Hannah says. “I hope you will too. I was stupid and in a tough spot when I got kicked out of school. I made a lot of bad decisions that I’ve learned I need to take responsibility for instead of blaming others.”

  When that comment hangs in the air between us, I start to think maybe Hannah regrets being with me. She may have been sober, but she wasn’t in a great place in her life, not like she seems to be now.

  “I hope you don’t think being with me was a mistake,” I tell her. “Sometimes I wonder if I took advantage of you.”

  Hannah laughs and shakes her head. “I came on to you, remember? I was relentless because I wanted you. I tried to manipulate you with sex, so if anything, I took advantage of you.”

  “Let’s just say it was a mutual attraction so I can keep my badass Viking status.”

  “Deal,” she says when she lifts her face to mine with a smile.

  “I missed you,” I tell her again. Then I can’t resist brushing my lips against hers, reclaiming her mouth with my tongue, missing how amazing it feels to fall under her spell. I may have been the one putting locks on her wrists and ankles those days we spent together, but she’s the one who has had me completely captivated, incapable of escaping her since the first night we met.

  Of course, our sweet reunion would have to be interrupted when Cannon bursts into the office like the FBI is storming the place.

  “Good thing she’s already knocked up because it looks like I would’ve been interrupting some baby making!” my brother shouts like he needs to let the entire staff know what’s going on.

  Sighing against Hannah’s lips, I pull away to make introductions. “I believe you two have already met, but Hannah, this is my identical twin, Cannon. Cannon, this is Hannah.”

  “Your baby mama,” he adds as he approaches and holds out his hand to her. “Nice to meet you. And I’m so glad we never fucked.”

  “Cannon!’ I exclaim at him while they shake hands.

  “What? I just meant it would’ve been awkward if I had slept with her, then you slept with her.”

  Letting his palm go, Hannah tells me, “I’ll never mistake you for him again.”

  “That’s good to hear since you’re going to be staying with us. Things could get ugly if you couldn’t tell us apart.”

  “She’s staying with us?” Cannon asks, and I narrow my eyes at him in warning. “Fine, I don’t care. It’s just, she’s hot, so could you keep her out of sight when I bring ladies home? I wouldn’t want them to think I knocked her up.”

  “Fine. Whatever,” I tell him with a roll of my eyes.

  “So, I’m guessing you’re the police chief’s daughter?” Cannon guesses.

  “Unfortunately, yes,” Hannah answers.

  “Figured so. Con-man here has been a sad sack of shit ever since he got back from that trip three months ago.”

  “Con-man?” Hannah asks with her brow raised.

  “It’s his stupid nickname he’s used since we were ten. He still thinks it’s funny even though it’s not.”

  “It is funny,” Cannon declares. “And does the chief know about the baby you put in his daughter yet? If not, Con-man is gonna have to be changed to Dead-man.”

  “Does he know?” I ask Hannah.


  “Then I guess I should talk to him. And the MC and our parents,” I say with a pointed look at Cannon.

  “Oh shit. The naughty videos you told me about?” Cannon whispers in understanding.


  “What videos?” Hannah asks.

  “Sucks to be you,” Cannon says with a slap to my shoulder. “But I’m sure it’ll all be fine.”

  “What videos, Conrad?” Hannah demands.

  “Remember that blackmail I told you that your father used to get me to fly out to bring you home?”


  “It was videos from a BDSM club of me with a woman I used to date who was into the same things.”

  “Restraints and whip stuff?”

  “Yes. She was tied facedown on a bed, gagged and, um, crying a little. Not in pain, though!” I explain. “Well, a little pain since I was using a paddle on her ass, but it was the good kind of pain…”

  “Oh,” Hannah mutters. “It’ll look worse than it is?” she asks.

  “Yes. Much worse. But it’s fine. I’ll warn everyone and let them talk to Nicole if they need to.”

  “Nicole?” she repeats.

  “The woman I was seeing at the time.”

  “You said you were also together, like a couple, right?”

  “Yes, until she wanted more partners to join us and I didn’t.”

  “Kinky,” Cannon says.

  “Even I never slept with more than one guy at a time,” Hannah says. “And I was a huge slut.”

  “No, you’re not. If anyone’s a slut it’s Cannon,” I assure her.

  “He’s right,” Cannon agrees with a nod. “So many notches on my bedpost that I lost count…”

  “He has commitment issues after his high school girlfriend broke his heart,” I explain to her.

  “That’s none of her business!” Cannon roars. “And completely untrue. I am a natural born player.”

  “He wouldn’t propose after high school, and she didn’t want to do long distance without a ring on her finger,” I add.

  “You’re an asshole,” Cannon says on his way out the door, suddenly in a hurry to leave the office.

  “He’s so loud and crazy. I can’t believe I thought he was you for even a second,” Hannah says.

  “Me either,” I say with a smile.

  “So…” Hannah starts. “Now what?”

  “Well, we could pick things up where we left off before Cannon interrupted, or we could go talk to my parents, the MC, and your father?”r />
  “Those are our only options?” she asks, easing her palms up under my shirt, trailing her fingertips over my abs.

  “Unless there’s something else you would rather do?”

  “I would rather you take me to your house and tie me down in your bed tonight. The rest can wait until tomorrow, can’t it?”

  “You-you want to do that?” I say in surprise. “What about the baby?”

  “As long as there are no whips and paddles involved, I think it’ll be fine, don’t you?”

  Reaching down to grab her curvy ass, I pull her closer to me and say, “How about I go easy on you until you go to the doctor?”

  “I wasn’t sure if you liked it easy…” Hannah trails off.

  “Having you on top of me that night was better than any other time. I don’t need the restraints or whips anymore. I just need you, sweetheart,” I tell her honestly.

  Chapter Thirty


  * * *

  Being in Conrad’s arms again is even better than I remembered.

  After he brought me back to his place, it didn’t take us long to find our way to his bed. I totally get what my therapist was trying to warn me about when it comes to new relationships – the ups and down and how the emotional turmoil could send me spiraling. But I have faith that won’t happen with Conrad, and even if it does, I’m 100 percent certain that I will not drink a drop while I’m pregnant.

  “I’m thinking we could set up the baby’s crib in here at first,” Conrad says into the silence as we lie together enjoying the afterglow of a sweet and incredibly satisfying round of sex. His fingertips are trailing lightly up and down my spine while I lie on his chest, so incredibly happy that he’s already making plans for the unexpected future I laid on him just a few hours earlier.

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan,” I tell him.

  “If we need to, I could always kick Cannon out of his room,” he tells me.

  “You shouldn’t kick your brother out,” I reply. “Maybe he’ll meet someone and want a place of his own…”

  Conrad chuckles, and I love feeling the vibrations against the side of my face. “That’s highly unlikely. And just wait until you see his parade of women coming out of his room in the mornings.”


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