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Bad Guys Finish First: The Sandman and The Librarian (BWWM) (The Sanctuary Series Book 1)

Page 8

by T. C. Clark

  “You think I’m treating you differently because of what you told me?” He laughed. It was a beautiful thing when this man laughed because it happened so rarely.

  “I’ve always treated you differently. You are different to me. Lily, I’m not some new age man. The more time I spend with you, the more I know you belong with me. I have no doubt you can protect yourself, you’ve saved my ass more than once. But this mission is unique. We are alone with no backup and we are going up against someone as good as we are.”

  “I know that, Sandy. I just made a promise to a little girl that I’m not sure I can keep. You think I’m not scared? I’m not stupid. We have none of the regular tools we typically have to do a mission like this. I don’t want to die, but this is why we are here, and I was more than willing to sign up.”

  Sandy gave her a hard look and then gave up. She needed to know what was going on. “I called one of my friends that still lives in Russia and asked him about the trains Dmitri mentioned in his report. He works down at one of the railroads, and he says there is a new armored train being built. It was being reinforced with some sort of titanium. He said it was different because it wasn’t on any of their manifests. I’m trying to figure out what route it’s taking.”

  “When we get there, we need to ask him about the wheels. The most heavily attended auctions typically happen in Eastern Europe. Most people don’t want to risk traveling into the heart of Russia for an illegal auction. The train is probably going to travel East. There are only two railways in Russia that cross into other countries. Depending on the type of wheels they are using, we can map out the best option. The Magician isn’t one to take chances. We have to work together, Sandy. That’s the only way this is going to work. You can’t shut me out.”

  Sandy sighed. She was right. He wouldn’t let her go with him on the mission. But he could use her brain. She was the smartest person he’d ever met. It was time to get his head out of his ass and figure some shit out. He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. Even after a few days on a tiny fishing boat, she still looked beautiful. Her brown skin was flawless without makeup.

  She’d brushed her short black hair down and it fell in gentle waves around her face. She was a tiny thing. He could barely feel her weight on his lap. He shook his head and stood up with her in his arms. They went to his room, and he pulled out a small notebook filled with handwritten notes on everything he’d learned so far.

  Lily tried to sit at the desk, but he pulled her back into his arms. He didn’t want to let her go; not yet. She relaxed and snuggled back against his chest as she read through the papers.

  She went through all the information he had on the region they suspected the team was going to move through. “If they take the trains, we are going to have to get on them before it leaves. This style of train has features that make it impossible to access once its moving. If this is the train they are taking, then they have somebody in the government working for them, because this track is reserved for military use only.” Lily traced a track he’d highlighted on the map.

  “So now we have a government to worry about. This is going to be a real shit-fest, isn’t it? We have limited intel on a man who is thousands of miles away, no backup, and zero prep work.” Sandy frowned. He was going to have to move fast when they got to Turkey.

  “That’s what it’s looking like. But we have to do this right. I have people out there that I care about and we are the only things standing in the way of anything happening to them.”

  “I only care about one person, and if that person wants us to do the impossible, then so be it.”

  “I love you,” Lily whispered against his ear. She winced when his hands clenched painfully on her hips.

  “You can’t mean that,” he said gruffly. His shocked expression made Lily chuckle and she kissed him again.

  Suddenly his door flew open and Ghost peeked in. “Hey, guys. Dinner is ready. Oh, and someone needs to come get the little girl before I throw her overboard. She’s beat me twice at chess and now she’s saying I owe her a hundred dollars. I told her if she wants the money, she has to take it, and she punched me in my stomach.”

  “I knew I liked that girl,” Lily said with a mischievous smile.

  “Well, if you like her alive, I suggest you join us.” Ghost winked at her and disappeared out of the door.

  “Lily?” Sandy was still trying to get his thoughts together. Lily couldn’t have meant what she said. She’d been through a lot these last few days. She was probably still upset from earlier.

  “I love you, Sandy. And no, you don’t have to say it back. I just realized I love you and I couldn’t keep it in.”

  He’d thought maybe it was love that he’d seen in Lily’s eyes, but he’d never thought he would hear her say it.“You can’t love me. You know what I am. You’ve seen the things I’ve done.”

  She picked up his calloused hand and placed it to her cheek. “And you know who I am. That’s what makes this real and what gives me the strength to fight for it.”

  He shut his mouth. He didn’t know what to say about that. She leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. His body automatically relaxed. As he struggled to find the right words, Lily slipped out of his arms and held out her hand.

  He took a deep breath and reached for it. He needed time to think about things. They had fun with the small group on board. They were all laughing until well after midnight. Even little Nancy had relaxed and started to talk as well. Her mood was mostly due to Ghost and Lily making jokes.

  He’d never been one for jokes. He was used to spending his evenings studying for his next job instead of sitting around a tiny kitchen table telling stories.

  Even though it wasn’t his usual routine, he couldn’t deny he was having a good time. He looked over at the two fishermen who were talking to each other quietly. Those guys never talked unless it was necessary. He got up from the table and went to see what they were discussing.

  One of the fishermen told him they would be arriving the next day in a different part of Turkey. They’d received a radio message a few minutes ago from Dmitri telling them to change their course. He must have some new information for them. Ghost walked up and Sandy motioned for him to meet him on the deck. He wanted to have this conversation away from the others.

  “Are you sure you want me to do this? Wouldn’t it be better if I came with you two? Lily could work support and we could go after the Magician together. You know that coward is going to have a lot of men for you to go through before you get to him. He was always a firm believer in the idea of the final boss.”

  “Lily won’t agree to acting as the support. She has some personal issues with the Magician,” he said carefully. “My plan is the only way to keep her safe. I’m not doing this because she’s weak. I’m doing it because I wouldn’t survive in this world without her. It doesn’t make any sense. I haven’t known her for long, but she’s changed me. If someone has to die, it’s not going to be her. Now, I’m done discussing this, Ghost. You know why I brought you here.” He didn’t need Ghost pointing out the pitfalls of his plan. He knew what his actions would cost him.

  “Oh, shit… Sandy. I think you, my boy, are in love.”

  “No, I don’t do love.”

  “Sandy, you don’t know love. You’ve never experienced it. You told me about your past. Someone with a past like yours wouldn’t recognize it. This pain in your chest, the one that squeezes your heart at the thought of something bad happening to Lily, that’s love. The fact that you’re willing to trade your life for hers means it’s REAL love. But Lily is not going to see it like that. No matter what has happened to her in the past, she’s not a victim. She’s not going to like you making a decision like this, for her.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about that. She’ll still be alive. I understand what you’re trying to tell me. I know the consequences, forcing her to sit this one out will be the end of us. I’ve accepted that.” Sandy stopped talking and his eyes watched the sea.

  Ghost raked a hand through his dark red hair and exhaled a weary breath. He didn’t want to do this to Lily. He’d only heard bits and pieces about what had happened to her on that mission so long ago. She’d always been one of his favorite agents with her sarcastic wit and her amazing brain.

  On one mission Lily had accompanied him on they were forced to stake out their target for twelve hours before they retrieved him. That had been one of the many times he’d attempted to get clean and he was suffering through withdrawals. She’d noticed that something was off with him and instead of reporting him, she’d tried to distract him.

  Everyone in the Sanctuary knew he was absolutely in love with Jaws the movie. She’d spent two hours reciting word for word the entire script from the movie. It was the first time someone had helped him without judgment. After they’d retrieved and eliminated their target, she’d escorted him to a rehab center, and forced him into it.

  The rehabilitation hadn’t worked at the time, but the way she’d taken care of him really stuck with him. He hated doing this to her, but he owed Sandy, and this favor was one made out of love. He didn’t want to lose Lily as his friend, but he had an obligation to keep.

  “Okay, have her ready at first light. I will accompany her with the Fireman and Nancy. I’ll try to get back to Russia in time to help you out.”

  “No, you stay with Lily until she’s on that damn island and you keep her there until these three are dead. She is your responsibility now. Don’t worry about me. I’ve always been alone. I know how to watch my own back.” Sandy stood up away from the railing and patted Ghost on the shoulder. “Thanks.”

  Sandy turned and walked away, and Ghost’s eyes followed him. Sandy was an interesting man. Before they’d met, he’d heard about his reputation through the other agents. The Sandman was a machine, the kind of man who could get things done.

  In all the years that he’d known him, he’d never once asked for help. Hell, he probably thought it was beneath him. He knew Sandy trusting him with this was a big deal. He would do whatever it took to protect Lily for him; it was the least he could do to repay his debt.

  * * *

  Lily tucked Nancy into the hard cot and told her the story of Cinderella for the third time. By the time she got to the part with the ball the little girl was fast asleep. She smiled down at the child. God, how did other women do this? She couldn’t imagine more than one kid to deal with at a time. When she went to stand, she realized the little girl was holding her belt loop.

  Even in sleep, Nancy didn’t want to let her go. Lily shook her head and gently unhooked her fingers. She held the tiny hand and examined it. It was so small compared to hers, so fragile. She felt an overwhelming urge to protect her. She acknowledged the feeling and then put it away.

  She had to stay focused on the job so that she could come back and keep her promise. She tucked Nancy’s hand inside of her blanket and left her room. She needed to talk to Sandy. She’d seen him with the others earlier and she’d felt the change in direction of the boat. There was something going on.

  She opened the door to his bedroom and found him at his narrow desk in the corner of the room working.

  “What’s going on?” she asked. Her eyes inspected the papers in front of him. It was the same information from earlier with some added notes from him.

  “Dmitri has adjusted our course. He wants us on land tomorrow.” He took a sip of a dust covered bottle of Budweiser.

  “Okay, so something has changed. Did he say anything else?” She stopped talking when he looked up. There was something different in his eyes. It was similar to desperation.

  “Can we talk about this in the morning?” he asked quietly. His tone was flat. He looked exhausted.


  “I’m sorry. I’m just…worried. I need to get some rest before we arrive. I’ve been going over this same information for days and my mind is spinning,” he admitted. The strain on his face supported his claim.

  “We can do this, Sandy. We are good at what we do.”

  “I know. I just need some time to think some things through.” He turned away from her and ran one hand through his dark blond hair.

  “Okay,” Lily agreed reluctantly. She wasn’t used to Sandy dismissing her. But under the circumstances, she couldn’t ignore the need for rest. Every night they’d spent together curled up in each other’s arms; it would be weird sleeping without him.

  She opened her mouth to say something else and decided against it. He deserved time to relax before the real mission began. She gave him a wistful smile and walked back into her room. She’d started her own research on the mission and created a list of possible tools they could utilize when they got to Russia. She would go over her notes and have an early night as well. She would find a way to get them both out of this alive. She wanted more time with him.

  Sandy took a long breath when Lily closed the door. Everything was catching up to him. He had an ominous feeling about what was going to happen next and he always trusted his instincts. They didn’t have any time left.

  Once they got to Turkey that would be the end of them. He would find the Magician, and then he would put an end to their part of the journey. He put the papers away and sat back down on the bed. He tried to calm the heavy beating of his heart, but it was too late.

  Ghost was right. He loved Lillian Denton. No matter if she was playing the role of an innocent Lily or actively working as the Librarian. Losing her was going to hurt. He could hear the running water. She must be taking a shower.

  He grew hard as he imagined her glistening brown skin. He shouldn’t go in there. He knew what he was going to do tomorrow. But how could he turn down one more night with Lily? His body made the decision before his mind could catch up.

  In just a few seconds, he was standing naked in the doorway. He could clearly see her body behind the thin shower curtain. He knew the moment she realized she wasn’t alone because she stopped soaping her skin.

  She turned and gave him the smile that always brought him to his knees. How had she wrapped him so completely around her finger? The stray thought filtered through his head as he walked up to the tiny shower stall. He ignored the gentle swaying of the boat as the rain storm picked up.

  “I thought you wanted time to think, Sandy?” she said huskily. She ran one soapy hand across her breasts and then down her sides. His eyes followed the trail of soap. He didn’t miss the amusement in her eyes.

  He was so hard that his cock stood out from his body pointing in the direction of where it wanted to be. He didn’t speak as he stepped inside. His mood was precarious at best. He didn’t want to say anything to give away his plans for tomorrow.

  He grabbed her and she let out a satisfying yelp. He pulled her flush against his body using his strength to keep her still. She moved against him, pushing her breasts across his silky skin. Her sharp nails raked across his ass and up his back. She laughed when he cursed.

  His eyes flared with heat and he took her mouth. Their tongues warred as his hand traveled the small curves of her body. His fingers dug into her soft skin. He leaned back and placed a small kiss against her swollen lips. He adjusted her across his arms. He leaned forward and rubbed his head across her chest.

  He took his time suckling and teasing each hardened nipple. Her hands went to his shoulders and she massaged the hard muscles under the skin. They’d spent countless hours exploring each other’s bodies. When she pushed up against him and ran her tongue across the cavern of his ear, she whispered, “Let me taste you.”

  His strong body shuddered at the plea. He shook his head against it. Tonight wasn’t for his pleasure. He wanted memories of her screaming in bliss, calling his name. He had an insane desire to imprint himself on her very soul. She was his woman. It had taken him a while to figure it out, but he would never forget this fact. Even in old age, she would belong to him.

  She ran her tongue down his chest and nipped at his nipples, suckling, and teasing him. He kept a f
irm grip on her hips; he was going to set the pace tonight. He wanted to be as close as possible to this woman. His tongue traveled the column of neck up to her beautiful face. His teeth pulled at her bottom lip until she opened for him.

  She ground her hips against his, urging him to come inside. He left her mouth and dropped to his knees. She didn’t have time to react as he hooked one leg over his shoulder and moved to nuzzle her mound. He took in her womanly scent.

  He licked her across her cleft drawing in the wetness seeping out. He growled as her taste hit his tongue. He locked his fingers into the soft skin of her thighs and locked her in place. He devoured her. He sucked on the swollen clit until she screamed. He kept increasing the pace and then slowing down. He wanted to keep her on edge.

  He looked up at her. Her head was tilted back and her eyes were closed. She had that same smile on her face as before. He lost it and let his hunger lose. Every flick of his tongue drew a whimper from the back of her throat.

  She whispered something to him, asking him to slow down. He ignored he plea and focused on taking what he wanted. As her body started to shake he increased the pressure using his tongue as an instrument. He adjusted his pressure and speed to the reactions of her body.

  He held her still as an orgasm ripped through her body. She was pulling at his hair and trying to angle her hips away from his persistent mouth. But nothing could stop him. He licked and suckled, spearing his tongue deep over and over again. By the time he was done, she’d had three orgasms.

  She was relying solely on his strength to hold her up. He smiled against her skin. Her fingers yanked at his hair and she guided him back to his feet. When she caught the look in his eyes, she paused. The warm water was cooling and still there was nothing but fire between them. “What’s wrong, Sandy?” she whispered, her head tilted to the side in confusion. Her eyes were slightly glazed but still alert.

  “Say it again,” he whispered against her lips as he kissed her. He was drunk on her taste.


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