Book Read Free

Solar Twins

Page 24

by Jason F Crockett

  “It’s not going to be short-term anymore,” Brian concluded. “We have christened our little settlement here Outpost. We are going to build a visible fort or tower above us to protect the opening. We have an excellent view of the land. It’s a very strategic location and if we have any unwanted marauders, we will have a defendable position here. The river is large enough that we can take barges from our front doorstep practically all the way down to the coast.”

  Paul continued for Brian. “I’m not too sure how far up the coast you are, but we may be able to barge stuff right up the coast to your harbor. We will have trade and communication without having to worry about travel over the mountain range as you all had to do.”

  They were soon in deep discussion trying to sort out the details of their involvement with each other. If something had happened to the COMET, (which now seemed quite certain) there was no immediate future involving space exploration or high technology as they had originally intended. A whole new government and political structure were going to have to be built. It would not be a quick process.



  Socotini perched high in the upper boughs of the evergreen. His little fingers wrapped around the top-most collection of tiny branches in an effort to secure his position. His head was actually higher than the top of the tree. He had never been more proud of his arbor heritage and his climbing ability. He had always prided himself on how well he could maneuver in trees, but the awe he saw in the little city urchins trying to keep out of the constant flow of holiday traffic below boosted his pride even higher. He was always cautious when he climbed, and he reminded himself again not to get cocky. The only reason he could stay so high was that here in the city with its protective shielding, only the gentlest of breezes was allowed to blow.

  He looked down at the constant activity with much interest. He felt much safer perched up here out of the way. It was Double Winter Day and had it not been for the soft glow emanating from the walls of every building in sight, it would have been dark and eerie. The many days of travel it had taken to get to Kipero had been made in the dark—well, “semi-dark,” he corrected himself glancing at the sister planet that filled a large portion of the sky.

  Socotini had selected the Northern most evergreen in the park closest to where the road led to the palace, but he could see all the way to the far side of the park from where he perched.

  There was a steady stream of traffic coming from the palace. There were all different size hover carts pulled by oxen and donkeys. Mlaikha with shaved heads and massive, muscular chests pulled the smaller carts. Almost all the traffic on this road bore the Mwene’s light-blue colors and from Socotini’s altitude, it looked like a river flowing out of the palace.

  The stream split in half to run around both sides of the park and lines of booths angled into the center of the park like a spider’s web. Many of the vendors at the various booths had been set up for a week already. The sounds of customers bartering, kids laughing and dogs barking, washed over him adding to the excitement of this festive occasion. Already the park was filling up. Even the side streets were filling with the overflow. Only the very center of the park remained free of congestion. A ring of the Mwene’s guards faced outwards and none drew close to the circle they formed.

  Rumor was that the Mwene had some big news and a major surprise in store for all in attendance.

  Socotini thought he knew what the big news was. He had the inside scoop. But he could be wrong, and he was going crazy thinking about what else the surprise could be if he was wrong. The smell of peanut butter taffy strings wafted by him distracting his pondering.

  “Now that would be good,” he thought. But he was prepared and soon wrestled a bright red apple out of his pocket and took a big bite. He didn’t care about the trickle of juice running down his chin and onto his fancy new holiday clothes his mom had made him wear. The juice was the least of his worries anyways because the sap from the evergreen had already been streaked into his shirt and trousers where he had rubbed while climbing.

  As he was considering the empty spot in the circle of guards, the air above them shimmered and coalesced into a spherical portal suspended about five meters in the air. At this angle, he could make out figures on the other side of the portal. The stream of traffic from the palace had now slowed, and silence began to descend on the crowd though only those close to the center and others like Socotini that had a bird’s-eye view could see what was happening. Half the guards in the ring swiveled inward and energy burst from the crystals in their staves and concentrated on the portal. They were anchoring the portal on this side and providing a continuity of energy for anything pushed through.

  Without warning, all the lighted walls dimmed until they seemed just ordinary walls again. There was a collective gasp. Socotini could hardly see the treetop and he grasped it a bit tighter. The only light now was from the personal lamps that many of the booths housed. They followed the pattern of the city though and began to dim as well. The portal now seemed almost like the sun rising as it rose higher still and began to glimmer and glow. Well, to be truthful, it didn’t glimmer and glow, but the light and other energy emitted from it did. Socotini could no longer see anybody inside the portal, but he watched in awe as streaks of light and balls of energy began to streak out from it. Many of the first energy balls that came through raced almost all the way up to the energy shield held over the city before bursting into fantastic historic scenes of battles gone by, discoveries made, portraits of famous people and such. It seemed like history came alive.

  A roar echoed through the city as five Powerballs arched from the portal and everyone began to fight to control the sparkling orbs as they were thrown from one person to another. Socotini loved Powerball and would have tried to join in, but there were just too many people. He’d never have a chance. He settled in to just watch as the five Powerballs began to skitter from one person to another. He watched as a group of kids decided to work together and, after gaining control over one of the Powerballs, they began to push through the crowd towards the palace, towards him. They were a mere five meters from the base of his tree when another group teamed up on them and their hold over the Powerball crumbled. As each group sought the control of the Powerball, they drove it higher and higher until it was at eye level with Socotini and only a couple of meters from where he sat.

  He gingerly reached out with his mind and examined the lines of power that were skittering along its surface. He then sent a tendril of power into the evergreen and used it as an anchor before accompanying its now, natural power out to the Powerball. He was more concerned with falling than anything else, so he unwittingly both tapped into the evergreen’s energy source and disguised his own energy flow. When he began to lace the ball with his own fine threads, he left the threads of the others alone as long as he could. Then, when he could tell he had been discovered, he expanded his own web around the Powerball and severed the others quite thoroughly. He pulled the pulsing ball in as close as he dared and began to layer it in web after web of his own power.

  Those below were too far away to focus enough power to gain purchase on the Powerball. Many thought that the evergreen itself had laid claim to the ball of pulsing energy and left to claim an easier prize.

  Suddenly, Socotini was no longer in the treetop, but in the center of the park rotunda along with the other four fortunate individuals that currently had possession of the other Powerballs. He almost shrieked at such a change in his previously precarious position. He quickly realized though that he had won!

  The Mwene stepped through the portal and dropped abruptly to the ground to appear before the winners. He was dressed spectacularly in colorful silks inlaid with what seemed like an endless supply of precious gems of every color and variety. Socotini had no time to take this all in; He bowed deeply and remained in that position until the Mwene addressed him. Not only could he hear the Mwene in his mind, but the entire park through some skill of the Mwe
ne also heard him as though they were right next to each other.

  “Welcome all to Kipero and Happy Double Winter’s Day.” The crowd went wild with its enthusiasm, each trying to out-cheer his neighbor. He let it carry on for a bit and addressed each of the five in turn in the privacy of their own minds. They could not have heard him had he spoken aloud. “Please rise and approach me. You have nothing to fear. Today we celebrate.” He raised his hands and the cheering reduced to a low murmur. “Please congratulate our five Powerball winners. They have outlasted or outwitted you all!” Again, the cheers broke out. They weren’t quite as loud as before. He waved his hand at some unnoticed mlaikha and continued as they brought their prizes forward. “I now present you five with these prizes for your ingenuity and perseverance among your peers.” One by one he placed a blue ribbon around their necks. Attached to the ribbons were magnificent gems that seemed to glow from within. Socotini was the youngest and smallest and the Mwene spent extra time adjusting the length of the ribbon to bring the massive ruby higher on his body. Once again, the cheering rose as the crowd was amazed that one so young had succeeded where they had failed.

  At another gesture from the Mwene, the mlaikha ushered the five winners off to the side. The crowd fell quiet as the Mwene again raised his hand. “This Mid Double Winter Day is special in ways most of you do not yet grasp.” The silence of so great a crowd was now almost tangible. “This turn we have been privileged to be the generation to welcome the Children of the Starts.”

  Not a sound could be heard after the collective gasp sounded from all corners. The rumor was true! Out of the bright portal still hanging above the Mwene, four individuals descended as if floating on a cushion of air. Rakhabi and Yakobe stood with their backs to Jacinto and Barilio as they settled to the ground gently in front of the Mwene. Rakhabi and Yakobe wore matching garments that the Mwene had ordered tailored especially for them on this occasion. They looked every bit the Arborers that they were. They wore light green tunics and light brown slacks. Both were etched in gold and inlaid with tiger’s eye. Jacinto and Barilio wore the Mwene’s colors. Their tunics were off-white, while the slacks were blue. Each was embroidered with the opposite color. Multi-faceted sapphires threw off a dazzling glittering display as they moved.

  The Mwene continued. “The prophecies were even more precise than we could have guessed. The children of the stars were not just beings from the stars, but literally children. We have rescued two of them from the smoldering remains of their alien craft. These four that you see before you have been chosen to guide and care for the children until the day they partner. Behold, now, the children of the stars.” As he spoke, the two couples unwrapped their precious bundles and held the newborn babies high for all to see.

  The applause and cheering that broke out sounded like thunder to their ears. Both babies were startled by the noise and began to wail. Their cries were drowned out by the cheering and the exclamations by all at the sight of them. The crowd pushed forward with one mind to try to get a better look at the innocent babies. Rakhabi and Jacinto bundled the little ones back up as the Mwene gained control of the crowd. He did not wait for them to cease their cheering, but mind-spoke them as a whole. The circle of guards supplied him with the extra energy this required. “The boy child is Onixo. He shall be called Sid in respect to his mother. The girl child shall be called Crystal. These two are to be protected with your very lives. They are my wards placed in the care of these loving families. We all shall share in their care and training. Will you agree to this responsibility?”

  Not only did the two couples pledge themselves, but also all who were present shouted, “As the Mwene has said, so be it!”

  The pause before they answered showed to the Mwene just how serious they were about their commitment. “Thank you one and all for the commitment you make this day. We shall share success and long life because of this decision you make today. I…”

  Before he could continue, a loud crack pounded through the air and the crowd gasped collectively. All the guards released the portal and ran to surround the Mwene with tight protection. The Mwene’s eyes followed those of the crowd and widened as he saw a yulupalexa descending through the city’s protective shield. The loud crack had been the sound of its forced entry. The shield closed over it after it had passed through. The temperature dropped immediately. The Mwene’s breath frosted in-front of him from the cold.

  When the portal closed, the light disappeared with it and they were plunged into darkness. Moments later though, their eyes adjusted to the soft inner glow that seemed to emanate from the large ice yulupalexa descending directly towards where the Mwene stood. The massive dragon was easily as large as a small house. The wind from his wings knocked several people over as it approached the ground. He landed softly, but still, the earth shuddered on its impact. The ground beneath his feet iced over at his touch. His large head rose high above his body and the trunk of his tail settled to curve protectively around his massive legs. Even the guards trembled at his approach as they considered the mace-like tip of his tail and the long dagger-length teeth that lined his massive head. The eyes whirled with many colors and dimmed only slightly when the secondary lids blinked. Even the Mwene quaked in fear under the piercing gaze of the yulupalexa. His head descended slowly until his horned chin was eye level with the Mwene. He swiveled his head from side to side as he considered those in the circle. His white iridescent scales seemed like living opals shimmering with a myriad of colors. No beast compared to the yulupalexa in size, power, or intelligence.

  When he addressed the Mwene, his thoughts seemed to communicate so much more than could be immediately understood. He kept it simple for the simple-minded, two-legged creatures, but communicated with respect nonetheless. Listening to his thoughts was like standing at the bottom of a 30-meter waterfall with one’s mouth open to get a drink.

  “Mwene. Citizens. Long have I awaited this day.” They saw the turns of the sun and solar system moving as if in fast forward.

  Specs of frost formed on the Mwene’s face and garments as the yulupalexa’s breath settled over him. The Mwene was over 800 turns in age. He had lived over half his expected life, but that was nothing compared to the time he saw flash before his eyes now.

  “I speak to you now as spokesman for my dying race.” They saw the yulupalexa’s numbers dwindling through time. His lifemate was gone. His siblings were gone. His grandchildren were gone. Only a few remained of whom he was the greatest.

  “A great evil that we fought and locked away is even now gaining strength and followers.” They watched as a great shadow reached out from the dark star to take their world and the yulupalexa banded together and locked it away in the bridge between the sister planets.

  They understood now how the shadow began to escape bit by bit by claiming purchase on the unprotected outcasts that had crossed from this world to the other through the shadow’s prison. They cried out as they saw the collision with the alien craft and the great hold the shadow had claimed on Baryesu.

  “But all is not lost for with this great catastrophe comes our very means of salvation, the children of the stars.” People wiped the tears they had not known they were crying from their cheeks. Each tear of those closest to the yulupalexa was frozen and shattered when it struck the ground. They saw a great war as had never been fought before being waged by the descendants of the children of the stars. The pictures they saw now in their minds were no longer clear, but wisps of smoke like dreams half remembered for this was the future.

  The tenor of the yulupalexa’s message now changed. He spoke in their minds and roared out loud lifting his great head to the sky. “LISTEN! Hear and understand. The children of the stars are my wards. I give them into your care. Cherish them. Protect them. Guide them. Aid them. When they are gone from this place forget them not for our salvation depends on them. Even in their weakness will they be strong.”

  Everyone but the Mwene now huddled on the ground. The Mwene seemed frozen in p
lace; he felt as though he could not have moved if he had tried. They saw themselves lying down before the children of the stars in the mud so that they would not get muddy. They saw themselves staying up late at night to teach them what they could not understand. They woke to calm their fears, walked ahead of them, behind them, and to the sides so that no beast could touch them.

  The great yulupalexa swiveled his great head and regarded the two couples and their special packages. “Show me the children. Present them to me.”

  Rakhabi and Jacinto raised their heads and exchanged glances tearfully at one another. Both were still almost frozen by fear. When they looked into his swirling eyes though, they found strength, not of themselves and they each stood slowly. Fearfully, mechanically, they unwrapped the babies and held them aloft. Their cries and wailing stopped and they beheld the great yulupalexa. His eyes seemed to entertain them. Though he addressed the babies and their parents, he still projected his thoughts to all those present.

  “Though weaker than all you will be made strong.

  Live long, learn well.

  Even when you have left all to return home,

  abandon not your protectors to their destruction.

  You will be the link between the new and the old

  —misunderstood by both,

  shunned as lesser by one,

  feared as greater by the other.

  Be steadfast.

  A gift I give to you to strengthen the course of your journey.”

  With that thought, he reached out with his massive clawed foot and extended one large long claw towards Sid. When the claw settled with a caress on the baby’s forehead, Sid was bathed in an iridescent glow and giggled softly. The yulupalexa then reached over to Crystal and the soft iridescent light also surrounded her. They continued to glow as he stepped away from them.

  “Take this my gift and use it wisely. It is a deposit of what is to come. If you choose not to help when the time comes then weak you will remain. Only when the two are joined will you be strong.”


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