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by Pepper North

  Upon graduation, both engineers were recruited by prestigious firms, but Jon and Cecily had decided long ago that they were going into business together. They opened Woodson & Armstrong Engineering the August after graduation and made an instant shock wave by revealing a new type of screw that they had collaboratively designed in high school. Their university sued claiming that this was the intellectual property of the institution as Jon and Cecily had collaborated there on this new revolutionary screw design. Unfortunately for the university, Jon and Cecily had copywritted the design in the summer before they went to the university. A judge ruled in their favor, and their company led by their brain power and an enviable bank account overtook the industry. Everyone wanted Woodson & Armstrong Engineering to design and oversee their projects.

  Soon Jon and Cecily were extremely busy and forced to expand their workforce with trusted employees. They moved slowly to select an ever-growing team. This forced them to turn down projects that would have overextended them. Together, Jon and Cecily were creating a company that would stand the fluctuations of the business world. They treated their employees like family and rewarded success and loyalty with unbelievable benefits and bonuses. Everyone wanted to work at Woodson & Armstrong Engineering.

  Jon and Cecily were spending all their waking hours together. Both enjoyed each other’s company and the challenge of the other’s brain power. When Jon bought a large three-bedroom apartment close to work, Cecily moved in to be his roommate. Their friendship was rock solid, but both knew something was missing. Both had a secret that they were afraid to reveal at the risk of losing their best friend, roommate, and business partner.

  Chapter 6

  One night the power went off in their building. Jon was alone in the apartment. He knew that Cecily always kept a flashlight in her nightstand because she hated the dark. He made his way through the apartment and opened her closed door. There was no established rule barring one roommate from entering the other’s bedroom, but it had been their practice to allow each other privacy. Jon felt a little guilty walking into her room, but he couldn’t see anything anyway. He opened the nightstand drawer and fumbled around in the dark until he felt a metallic cylinder and he pulled it out to switch it on. The light beam illuminated the inside of Cecily’s drawer.

  Jon automatically looked and froze. There in the light was a pacifier. He pulled it out and could see teeth marks in the plastic. There was a frame tucked in under a book. Jon pulled both out and saw a picture of him that Cecily had taken as a joke a few months ago. He had been coming out of the bathroom after showering, and he was dressed only in a towel wrapped low around his hips. His brown hair had been tousled over his forehead, and he’d had a very satisfied look in his eyes and on his lips. His shower had included a hand job as he thought about Cecily laying tucked in her bed just a few steps away. Cecily had printed a copy of this picture and had placed in the frame. Why was she hiding it under the book?

  He felt very guilty, but he examined the book. On the cover was a lurid picture of a woman dressed in a diaper and a short tee shirt. She had a bottle in her hand. The title was Little Penny. Jon opened the book, and it automatically turned to a section that had obviously been read a lot. Jon focused the beam on the pages, and after reading a few words, he sat down abruptly on Cecily’s bed. In the book, Penny was being treated like an adult baby. Her Daddy was removing her diaper and taking her temperature before deciding that her tummy was upset and she needed special medicine. Penny had begged and protested, but she allowed her Daddy to be in complete control. After her injected medicine, Penny’s Daddy had rocked her like a baby until she fell asleep and he placed her in her pink crib.

  Jon flipped through the book. At different sections, the book would open to a scene of Penny being cared for by her Daddy. Cecily had read and reread these sections. Jon swallowed deeply and closed the book. He held the flashlight over the drawer and saw a thin pink vibrator and an anal plug. Flashing the light on his watch, he knew Cecily would be home soon. He carefully replaced everything in the drawer except the pacifier. He put that in his pocket. Without the flashlight, he retraced his steps to the door blindly and had just reached the living room when the lights came on, and he heard Cecily’s key in the lock.

  He had listened to her report of trying to make it through the building in the dark with only her mini flashlight she kept in her purse. She’d almost panicked in the hallway when the lights had gone out, but she’d found the flashlight in her purse in time. Jon had watched Cecily routinely change the batteries in her flashlights. He knew she slept with several nightlights in her bedroom and she had placed a couple in the long hallway.

  Jon’s mind raced. He kept touching the pacifier in his pocket. What was he going to do? Should he tell Cecily that he had been in her room? Should he share with her how her collection in the drawer had affected him? If he did, there would be no going back. He could lose her.

  Chapter 7

  Present Day

  Jon gathered the precious items on his desk. He placed them in a large cloth bag and stood up. He had arranged with Cecily to go out to dinner that night. When she had asked to go out another night because she was exhausted, he’d called a nearby restaurant with a meal order. They knew the owner well. He would deliver a delicious meal to them. The doorman would accompany them up to their apartment where the restauranteur would store it in the oven and refrigerator just prior to their normal arrival home.

  Jon walked down the short hallway to Cecily’s office. He hadn’t seen much of her today. She’d been very busy in her office. Jon knocked on the door before opening it to ask, “Are you ready to go home, Cecily?”

  Cecily quickly thrust the tissue that she had been using to wipe the tears that just kept coming from her eyes into her pocket. She could tell instantly that her attempts to cover her lack of sleep and the tear-filled day had not worked. She tried to look down and hide her face, but Jon immediately placed the fabric bag in a chair and walked around her desk. He lifted her to her feet and wrapped her in his strong embrace.

  “What’s wrong, Cecily? Is something wrong with your parents? Why are you crying?” Jon asked extremely concerned. In all the years that they had been friends, he’d only seen Cecily cry once. Her parents had bought her a floppy-eared puppy for her seventh birthday. When Jeepers passed away when she was in college, Cecily had been devastated.

  Cecily just held on to his shoulders. She sobbed into the lapel of his custom-tailored suit. He was her everything. He’d been her best friend forever. Cecily was so sad that she had spoiled it all. Finally, she was able to stop her tears and step away slightly to look in his concerned face. “Do you hate me?” she asked quietly looking him directly in the eye.

  “Why would I hate you?” Jon asked shaken.

  “I know you were in my nightstand drawer, Jon. I’m sorry you know what kind of weirdo you’re in business with now. Do you want me to move out?” she asked as tears began to fill her eyes again.

  Jon swept an arm under her legs and lifted her easily into his arms. He carried her over to the leather couch in the office’s sitting area. He sat down cradling her in one arm as he pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket to dry her eyes. “I’m sorry I invaded your privacy. I was looking for a flashlight, and I knew you’d have one. I could never hate you–ever!” he stressed kissing her lightly. Almost as if once he had started kissing her, he was unable to stop. He dipped his head, again and again, to press his firm lips against her soft, trembling ones.

  Finally, as he felt Cecily returning his kiss, he raised his head. “You are the most important person in my life. I can’t imagine a future without you. I think we need to talk. Can we go home? Get away from the office and all our responsibilities and really talk?” Jon asked looking at her seriously.

  “I’d like that, Jon,” Cecily whispered with her fingertips on her lips. She’d imagined kissing Jon for so long that she couldn’t believe he had actually kissed her–repeatedly. She allowed Jon to set he
r on her feet and she rushed over to her desk to retrieve her purse from the bottom drawer. She was thrilled when Jon came over and took her hand to lead her out of the door. He stopped to pick up a sack, but Cecily was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t notice.

  Chapter 8

  The car ride home had been quiet but easy. Jon held Cecily’s hand when he could and he looked over at her often. As he maneuvered the car through rush hour traffic, Jon tried to plan his words to her. He decided that he simply would be honest. Mentally, he crossed his fingers.

  Once in the building and up to their floor, Jon led Cecily into their apartment and over to the couch. He smiled as Cecily automatically slipped off her heels before sitting on the couch. She loved comfort and being at home. The house smelled amazing due to the restaurant’s delivery as the smell from the oven permeated the apartment. Sitting down and pulling her close to his body, Jon asked, “Do you want to eat or talk first?”

  “Oh, I can’t eat. Let’s talk. I’m sorry you had to find out my secret that way, Jon. I want you to know I’ve never acted on this fantasy,” Cecily blurted out.

  “Cecily, I think you have misjudged my reaction. I’m going to be very honest with you and I hope you’ll be equally honest with me,” Jon looked at her seriously and paused until Cecily nodded her head. “I’ve been attracted to you since,” Jon paused and ran his hand through his hair, “I don’t know... Maybe since I knocked you out of the way of the movers. You have always been my world. I haven’t ever said anything because I didn’t want to lose you. I’d rather have you as my friend rather than have you run away and not have you in my life at all. I should have said something sooner,” he confessed. “When I saw that picture of me with your vibrator, I was elated. Do you fantasize about me?”

  Cecily looked down at the carpet and nodded slowly. When Jon lifted her chin so she would have to look at him, Cecily flushed bright red. “I’m so embarrassed, Jon. I shouldn’t have kept that photo. Do you really care for me? I mean I know you cared for me as a close friend but...” her voice faded away.

  “I love you, Cecily. I always have,” Jon answered simply.

  Cecily sat there astounded. She finally allowed herself to breathe, and she threw herself into Jon’s arms to hug him tight. “Really? Are you really interested in me as more than a friend? You love me?” Cecily asked and was answered by a deep, masterful kiss that even curled her toes.

  When she could breathe again, Cecily looked deep into his eyes and said, “I love you, too, Jon. I have forever.”

  Jon leaned forward to kiss her again. “I’m so glad the lights went off in the apartment. I think we need to talk about the other things in that drawer, young lady.” His tone lowered and became more forceful. Jon took a deep breath. “I’m assuming you’ve heard the term age play.”

  At her nod, he continued. “For me, age play is an agreement between two people who love and trust each other completely. One of the couple is willing to allow the other to care for them totally. Age play does not involve people under the age of eighteen. There are no actual children in the practice. Only a very brave person who becomes a child in the relationship allowing his or her Daddy or Mommy to take care of them. Some items in your drawer are made for babies or for age play. Are you interested in having someone take care of you, Cecily as if you were a child?” Jon asked watching Cecily’s face.

  Cecily was holding her breath just like she did every time she was scared. Jon kissed her softly, “You’ll have to take a chance, Cecily. Tell me the truth. Do you dream of being Penny?”

  Slowly, Cecily nodded her head, and finally, she admitted, “I read and reread that book imagining myself as Penny. I dream of having a strong man to be my Daddy, and he always looks like you.”

  Jon picked her up and placed her on his lap. When she tried to wiggle off, protesting that she was too big to sit on his lap, Jon placed his fingers over her mouth. “You are the perfect size for me, and I want to hold you in my arms. Settle down, or I will be forced to spank you, Cecily.”

  She froze in place. Her mind racing a million miles a second. “Did he really threaten to spank her,” Cecily thought to herself. She squeezed her legs together as she felt a wave of fluid roll from her vagina.

  “His Little girl was aroused,” Jon thought to himself confidently as he felt her heat against his legs. He continued aloud, “I have experimented with age play, and I know that this is the way I am supposed to live my life. I have not, however, practiced it with the one person who I want to take care of the most. That person is you, Cecily,” he revealed. “Do you think you would be interested in a relationship with me, Cecily? It doesn’t have to be an age play relationship if you do not wish it to be. I want you in my life as my business partner, best friend, and lover.”

  “I don’t know if you will really want me. I don’t think I’ll be any good,” she admitted trying to look down, but his hand under her chin prevented this “I haven’t ever had sex with anyone.”

  “Cecily, that’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m very proud of you for keeping something so special safe until you find the right man,” Jon encouraged her.

  “I’ve been waiting for you. I didn’t know that you have been attracted to me, too. I thought something was wrong with me to want a person to take charge and take care of me – to be my Daddy. Oh, Jon! We’ve wasted so much time,” Cecily said sadly.

  “We have, Cecily, but we’re not going to waste any more. I have some presents for you, my love,” Jon leaned over and picked up the bag he had brought home with him. “Have you ever heard of Gordon’s? It is a store that is designed for Littles and their Mommies and Daddies. It is by invitation only, but I received my access to this wonderful store about five years ago. I ran there at lunch and bought you some presents. Would you like to see what I have in this bag?”

  Cecily nodded slowly, “I’m a little scared, Jon.”

  He hugged her and said, “I’m right here with you, Cecily. Let’s see what I have,” he opened the bag and pulled out an adult-sized pacifier. “You were hurting your teeth with that cheap pacifier. I’ve put it away so you’ll need to suck on this one. Open your mouth, Cecily.” He rubbed the pacifier against her lips until she automatically opened her mouth. “Good girl! Let it slide fully into your mouth. It will feel a little large for a little while. Suck on it for me. That’s it. Does it feel better?” Cecily nodded and put up a hand to remove it from her mouth to talk to Jon.

  He quickly pulled her hand behind her back and moved the other one to meet it. He held her hands together. “No, No, Cecily. You need to leave it in your mouth for a while.” He saw the stubbornness rise in her eyes and quickly pulled the next item out of his bag to hold it in front of her.

  Cecily’s eyes got huge as she saw the diaper. She began to suck faster on the pacifier as she wiggled unconsciously on his lap.

  “Daddy’s Little girl will always wear diapers at home,” Jon announced as he sat it down on the coffee table in front of his legs. “Here’s a jar of lubrication and a Cecily-sized thermometer.” Jon could feel the involuntary squeeze of her thighs together. Jon continued to place the items from the bag in front of them so she would have to look at them.

  “A cute nightie for a Little girl to sleep and relax in and finally, an enema bag for Little tummies that need a little help.” He watched her blink slowly before her eyes jolted to him. Jon nodded. “Yes, Cecily. I’m going to keep a close eye on you. All parts of you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. You may take out the pacifier and talk to me. Do you want to ask any questions, Cecily?” he asked patiently as he released his hold on her hands.

  Cecily’s mind whirred as she looked at the items that Jon had taken out of the bag. Wordlessly she looked at him and shook her head.

  Chapter 9

  When Cecily had looked at him with a shock at the path that their conversation had taken, Jon lifted her to her feet before standing and pulling her into the kitchen. He had her sit at the informal ea
ting area on the island while he busied himself in dishing up their evening meal. Jon refused her offers to help and let Cecily try to pull her thoughts together. While she was trapped in her thoughts, Jon returned to the living room and gathered all the supplies taking them to his bedroom.

  Upon his return, Jon dished up the dinner. He set a plate in front of both of them and bent his head to kiss her. “Thank you for being honest with me. I have loved you for so long, I’m almost in shock myself that we are planning a future together.”

  Cecily smiled at him and then ducked her head to hide her eyes. “Are you sure that you’re interested in playing my Daddy? It doesn’t seem too weird to you?”

  “I am not interested in playing your Daddy,” Jon replied sternly. “I will be your Daddy. You will be my Little girl. There is no playing here. We’re not acting a part, Cecily. I want to make sure you understand the decision that you are making. I will be your Daddy. I will take care of all your needs. I will make decisions for you and punish you when you make the wrong choices. I will care for your health and wellbeing.” He watched Cecily shiver in response. “Are you prepared to be strong enough to let me be in charge of all things?”

  She thought for a few minutes before saying, “I’ve loved you for a long time. I trust you implicitly. I’m really scared. This is such a big change in our lives.”


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