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Page 4

by Pepper North

  Cecily listened as his hard hand spanked her bottom over and over. She knew he was right. She wasn’t putting all of herself into their new relationship. She needed to decide to allow Jon to be her Daddy completely or not. Cecily began to cry. Her mind struggled to allow him to be in complete control of her actions and body. Finally, Cecily went limp over Jon’s lap. Immediately, Jon stopped spanking her.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy. I haven’t behaved well. I want to be your Little girl. I’m going to try really hard. If you think I need an enema, then I’ll take the enema.” She wailed as she sobbed. “I don’t like enemas. Do I have to have one now?”

  Jon turned her over to sit on his lap. She gasped as her weight came to rest on her red bottom. “I love you, Little girl. I’m glad you made the right decision. I know now that your mind is trying to convince you that being my Little girl is wrong. We both know that it’s what we desire most, right?”

  Cecily nodded her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry I wasn’t listening to you. I was listening to the scared part of me. It’s hard to give control to someone else. I want to be here with you. I want to be your Little girl. It’s been my secret for so long. It’s hard to believe that it’s true.”

  “I know you’re my Little girl, Cecily. You have been mine since you moved in next door. Now, go stand in the corner with that naughty butt on display. I am sure this will not the last time that I am going to spank you, Cecily. If I need to remind you that Daddy’s in charge, your bottom will be red, inside or out,” Jon said sternly. He set her on her feet and gave her a little push toward the corner.

  Jon watched until she reached the corner and stood there uncertainly. “Put your nose against the wall, Cecily. Don’t move until I come get you!” he warned. He waited until she leaned forward pushing that red bottom out toward him. Jon smiled at the precious picture she made. Nude with her bottom very red from her first spanking, Cecily was a beautiful Little girl.

  He finally turned to unlock and enter the adjoining bathroom. He never used this one having preferred to share the hall bathroom with Cecily. He had liked showering in the damp shower that she had just been using. He started the water running in the sink. When it was cool, he began to fill the new enema bag almost to the rim. He decided to give her a cleansing enema because he didn’t know how efficiently her system worked. A clogged tummy could be raising her temperature. Jon poured a half cup of a gentle cleanser into the bag and mixed it up by shaking it lightly. He opened the valve and allowed the water to run through to purge the air from the long tubing. Jon hung the bulging bag on a nail he’d placed months ago as he dreamed of the day that Cecily would be his little girl. Rolling out a padded mat, Jon returned to the bedroom.

  “Come here, Cecily,” he requested sternly. Jon waited for her to stand and stretch slightly. Her eyes met his as she turned and walked to him.

  “I’ll be good, Daddy. I don’t have to have an enema, do I?” she begged.

  Jon held out his hand and waited until she put her hand in his. “Who is your Daddy, Little girl?”

  “You are,” she whispered softly.

  “Who makes the decisions?” Jon asked.

  “You do,” she whispered again.

  “Come with me, honey.” He turned and led her into the bathroom.

  Cecily’s eyes jumped from the mat on the floor to the bulging enema bag hanging against the wall. The enema nozzle looked huge.

  “Daddy knows what’s best for you. Stop second guessing, Cecily. Are you ready to let me be your Daddy?” Jon asked. He knew this was tough on Cecily. She was a brilliant, capable adult. Jon smiled as he watched Cecily kneel on the mat. “Good girl, Cecily. I want you to get on your hands and knees. Good. Now, lay your chest down on the mat leaving your bottom up in the air. Spread your knees to the sides of the mat. That’s perfect.” Jon knew she was skittish and he should not delay but he stopped for a minute and looked at his Little girl. She was a Daddy’s dream in this position.

  Jon lubricated the nozzle and scooped up a little on his finger. “You’ll feel Daddy’s finger, honey. Just relax.” Jon pushed his finger into her bottom and held it in place as she pushed and contracted her muscles to expel the intruder. When she relaxed, he moved his finger around in her rectum lubricating her fully. He quickly removed his finger and began to slide the nozzle into her bottom. As she bucked upward when the large retention nozzle began to invade her rectum, Jon held her in place with a firm hand on her low back. The nozzle popped into her rectum and Jon began to inflate the inner and outer balloons explaining to Cecily, “You’re just a Little girl so Daddy’s using a nozzle that will hold the water inside you. What you’re feeling are the balloons inflating to block your bottom from releasing the water too quickly. Just relax.”

  Cecily whimpered. It was happening. Her Daddy had decided that she was going to have an enema. It was just like in the book. She knew Penny had hated the enemas but she felt better afterward. She needed to trust her Daddy.

  “Click,” Jon opened the valve controlling the water flow and started the enema at medium speed. He watched Cecily’s bottom contract and wiggle. He patted her bottom. “Good job, Cecily. Your Daddy is proud of you.” Jon knelt next to her and ran his hand under her torso to cup a breast. When she lifted slightly, he began to pull and roll her nipple.

  Cecily moaned. Her Daddy was playing with her nipple and it felt so good. She forgot the enema streaming into her as his hand slid to the other breast and began caressing and pulling on it. Leaving her breasts and pressing her torso back to the surface of the mat, Jon rubbed her tummy helping the enema flow deeper into her intestines.

  “Daddy,” moaned Cecily. “Can you stop it? Isn’t that enough?”

  “Cecily, who is in charge?” Jon asked sternly spanking her bottom twice.

  Cecily yelped as his hand hit her red bottom. “You are Daddy.”

  “Good girl. Let’s see if Daddy can help you take your enema. Enemas can be fun.” Jon slid his fingers low on her tummy and caressed her bare mound before sliding into her folds between her legs. “Little girl, you are dripping. I think you like your enema.” He smiled at her instant denial. She was not admitting the truth to herself. He’d make sure she enjoyed this. Jon brushed her clitoris before circling her vaginal entrance and sliding fully inside her tight channel. Jon sought to discover all the secret spots that made her breath catch or brought an involuntary moan of pleasure to her lips. He could feel her body poised to launch into an orgasm when the doorbell rang.

  Cecily immediately tried to stand up on her knees. Jon pressed her back down into position holding her there as he pressed an icon on his watch triggering the speaker at the door. “One minute, gentlemen. I’ll be there to let you in.” Tapping his watch again, Jon disconnected.

  He calmly pulled both of Cecily’s arms behind her and tied her hands together with a soft cloth. “Your enema is not finished, young lady. I’ll check back with you when I let the gentlemen in with their supplies. You’re safe here. No one will come in here.” Ignoring her pleas to use the restroom, Jon washed his hands of her juices and patted her on her raised, red bottom. “I’ll be back soon, honey.”

  Chapter 13

  Fifteen minutes later, Cecily heard the enema bag gurgle as all the liquid emptied into her bottom. She could hear the voices of several men lugging heavy items down the hall. The liquid churned inside of her and she groaned as she heard hammers and power tools. She heard the bedroom door open, and heavy footsteps rasped across the carpet as they neared the bathroom.

  “It’s Daddy, Cecily. It looks like your enema is all inside you. Let Daddy check your tummy to see if you have enough liquid inside your tummy.” He began to rub large circles around her bulging stomach. Listening to her groans, Jon decided that his Little girl was ready to expel the enema. She’d have many more enemas in her future, so he didn’t want to scare her with the first one. “It’s almost time to expel your enema. There’s just one more thing that we need to make this enema effectiv
e.” He slid his fingers back into her folds slippery with arousal.

  “Jon... Daddy?” Cecily questioned as the pressure of the enema helped speed her orgasm closer and closer.

  “Enemas can feel good can’t they, Little girl?” Jon asked gently.

  “Daddy!” Cecily screamed into the mat trying to muffle her voice from the men in the apartment.

  Jon untied her restraints. He quickly disconnected the nozzle and helped the trembling Cecily over to the toilet. He released the inside balloon allowing it to come out of her bottom with a small tug and Cecily collapsed to the toilet seat as the enema fluid burst from her bottom.

  Cecily dropped her head into her hands when she realized that Jon was not leaving the bathroom and he was cleaning the enema equipment before hanging it up to dry on the wall. She peeked when she couldn’t hear him moving around, and Jon was leaning against the vanity watching her. Finally, Cecily’s tummy flattened, and the torrent of water ended with small squirts of poop and water. Cecily started to flush the toilet when she felt Jon’s hand stop her.

  “Daddy needs to see what was inside your tummy. Do you think you’re ready to get up?” Jon asked gently. At her nod, Jon helped his Little girl stand and lean over for him to clean her bottom. Then, Jon lifted her up to carry her into the bedroom. He wrapped a diaper around her bottom and covered her body with the soft sheets. “Sleep, Little one. You need some rest.”

  Cecily could hear him moving in the bathroom, but her eyes were so heavy. She didn’t hear him come back to the bedroom and kiss her forehead as she slept. Even with the bangs and loud voices of the men, Cecily didn’t wake up. Her Daddy was right. She needed to sleep.

  Chapter 14

  Two hours later, Cecily rubbed her eyes trying to wake up from her nap. She felt so much better. She listened carefully trying to decide if the men were still in the apartment or if she could leave Jon’s room. She couldn’t hear them, but Cecily didn’t want to walk out in just her diaper, and her clothes were in her room down the hall. Cecily pushed back the covers and scooted off the bed to her feet. She wandered into Jon’s closet and found a large tee shirt for some team and pulled it on over her head. It came down to her knees covering her diaper. She had to go to the bathroom, but when she tried the door, it was locked. “Jon really does want me to use my diaper,” Cecily thought already embarrassed at the thought of having him change her diaper.

  Cecily decided to be brave and go see what was going on in the apartment. “What had those men been doing?” she wondered. Cecily walked slowly down the hall and stopped in the doorway of the third bedroom that Jon used for storage. It was now a cheerful, bright yellow color, and it was filled with furniture. There was a big rocking chair and across the room was a long table with diapers and other supplies stacked underneath it. In the far corner was a twin-sized bed surrounded by a tall railing with one side lowered. “It’s a crib,” Cecily said aloud.

  “It is your crib, honey. Do you like your new room? I tried to select things that you would enjoy,” Jon said as he came up behind her and hugged her back to his body.

  “It’s a beautiful color,” Cecily said. “I didn’t know they made baby furniture for adults. Am I going to sleep in here?”

  “Sometimes you’ll sleep in here and at other times, you’ll sleep with your Daddy in his big bed. Does that sound okay to you?” Jon asked turning her around so that he could see her expressions.

  “This is a beautiful room. I’m not sure what all the furniture is or what it’s used for?” Cecily looked around the room with wonder. “What’s that over there? Why’s that chair facing the wall?”

  “That’s your naughty girl chair. If you are bad, you’ll have to sit in that chair facing the corner,” Jon explained in an even tone.

  “Oh, that’s great! No more spankings! Your hand is really hard,” Cecily smiled at the cheerful thought. She began to shift her weight unconsciously as the need to urinate grew.

  “No, Cecily. Your bottom will be spanked whenever you deserve it. The chair is for sitting in the corner after you earn a spanking,” Jon explained. “You are dancing around Little girl. Do you need to potty?”

  Cecily blushed and nodded her head urgently. “Can I use the bathroom?”

  “Little girls only use the toilet when they are expelling an enema. Do you need another enema, Cecily?” Jon asked with a straight face.

  “No, Daddy. I feel good after my nap,” Cecily promised.

  “Come here Little one. Let me hold you,” Jon said as he pulled her over to the rocking chair. He sat before lifting Cecily and laying her down across his lap. He raised the bottom of her tee shirt and began to rub the warm skin on her lower back while pressing firmly so that the weight would compress Cecily’s bladder.

  “Daddy, Daddy, I’m going to...” Cecily started to beg to sit up but very quickly they were both able to hear a hiss as she began to urinate strongly into the diaper. She collapsed over Jon’s legs in embarrassment.

  Jon continued his pressure on her low back until the sounds from her diaper evaporated. Jon shifted her to sit on his lap. He continued to rub her back and console her. “Cecily, you’re a very good girl. I know it’s hard to potty in your diaper, but Little girls always use their diapers. You are not a big girl when you’re at home. You’re a special Little girl. I love that you let me take care of you. Have you finished pottying for Daddy?”

  Cecily nodded her head quickly. Sitting on the mass of the wet diaper was an uncomfortable feeling. She wanted her Daddy to take this wet diaper off. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Jon lifted Cecily up and carried her over to the changing table. He laid her on the padded top and quickly removed her diaper. “There’s a little poop in your diaper, Cecily. I think you really needed an enema this morning. How does your stomach feel?” Jon asked as he wiped her skin clean.

  “I feel really good, Daddy. I guess I needed some more sleep. I doubt that the enema did anything to make me feel better,” Cecily said quickly to convince him that she didn’t need any more enemas.

  “Your tummy was packed with poop, Little girl. I’ve already called the doctor that treats all the Littles in this community. You have an appointment on Tuesday afternoon. He’ll prescribe a schedule for enemas and other treatments to keep you feeling your best. We’ll get your tummy ready for him to look at you from the inside on Tuesday,” Jon informed her.

  “I don’t want to go to the doctor. I don’t like doctors, Jon. You know that. I never go to the doctor,” Cecily tried to convince him as he turned her over on her side. She heard the drawer below the padded top open and felt Jon lift her top buttock. “What are you doing?” she demanded jumping as she felt Jon’s finger smoothing something cool around her anus before pressing his finger in deep and moving it around. Cecily tried to turn over, but Jon had a restraining hand on her waist.

  “Settle down, young lady. I’m going to take your temperature. I’m just spreading some lubricant around in your bottom so it will slide into place.” Jon held his finger deep in her bottom as she wiggled and pushed to remove it. “You are going to earn yourself a spanking if you don’t settle down,” he warned. “Who is in charge?”

  A long pause stretched out until Cecily stopped wiggling and trying to get away. “You’re in charge, Daddy. I’m sorry. I forgot,” Cecily said remembering his lecture during her spanking this morning.

  Jon pulled his finger out of her bottom a couple of minutes later. He slid the thermometer deeply into her bottom. Jon cleaned his hands with a diaper wipe and returned one hand over her bottom. He opened the drawer again with his free hand and removed a pacifier. “Here, honey,” he said rubbing the nipple against her lips until she opened her mouth to accept the pacifier.

  Cecily lay passively on the changing table with the large thermometer pressed deep inside her. It was so large. Her anus tensed on it sporadically as if testing whether it was as big as it felt. “And it is,” thought Cecily. She loved the pacifier. It gave her something to focus on while her Da
ddy was taking her temperature.

  “That’s my good girl,” her Daddy praised softly. Soon the ten minutes were up, and Jon began to push and pull the thermometer moving it inside Cecily’s rectum. When he saw her start to respond with movements lifting toward the thermometer, Jon shifted her top leg up and began to caress his Little girl’s hidden folds.

  Cecily moaned as his fingers brushed her clitoris. He dipped a finger into her vagina and Cecily pushed the pacifier out of her mouth to beg, “Please, Daddy!”

  His movement stopped, and he removed his probing hand to pick up her pacifier from the surface of the changing table and press it back into her mouth. “Only good Little girls that suck on their pacifiers get rewarded by their Daddies,” he admonished.

  Cecily sucked hard on her pacifier. She felt Jon’s fingers return to brush against her sensitive spots. Cecily could feel her entire vaginal area flood with slick fluid. She began to moan behind her pacifier as her Daddy worked to excite her. “How did he make it feel so good?” Cecily wondered before all thoughts evaporated and her body contracted on his probing finger.

  She felt Jon remove the thermometer, and she knew he’d checked the temperature when he made a “tsk, tsk” sound. He turned her over onto her back and wrapped a new diaper around her hips. Finally, he lifted her and carried her to the rocking chair where he rocked his precious Little girl as she recovered from her orgasm.


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