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Page 8

by Pepper North

  Cecily always arrived a little early so that she could talk to Abigail. Abigail would take her break when she saw Cecily bounce in and the two would go sit in the backroom until April would be ready to wax Cecily. Today, when Cecily got there, Abigail had all sorts of pictures on her phone of her vacation with April. The two had rented a cabin in the mountains and had spent a whole week together. Abigail’s pictures were beautiful. There were sunrises and sunsets through the peaks of the mountains. April had taken many pictures of Abigail being cute like when she went swimming in the lake in only her swim diaper. She’d also taken pictures of an unhappy Abigail standing in time out with her nose against a pine tree and a very red bottom.

  When April had come to get her for the appointment, Cecily had talked the whole time that she was getting waxed that she wished she could take a vacation like theirs. She’d love to be away from phones and computers and just be Little with her Daddy.

  After April had soothed her sore skin with some lotion and wrapped her in a fresh diaper with a smiley face sticker so Jon would know that she had behaved like a good girl, April immediately called Jon. She told Jon about the details of this resort. It was run by a Daddy and his Little son. They catered only to Littles, and the land was private so visitors could live openly without hesitation. All rooms had a Little room with either a twin bed with a bed rail or a crib. The cabins had a full kitchen equipped with highchairs and bottles or sippy cups. They even had a supply cabinet that provided all the items a Little parent might need down to enema bags with an assortment of nozzles and different types of paddles. A small cost was charged for any of the disposable items like an enema bag or cleanser while other reusable items (paddles, toys) that could be sterilized after each guest and reused were provided for free. April knew that Jon had been thinking about a location to propose to Cecily so that he could be her permanent Daddy. This might be a good place.

  Jon was ecstatic. He could be utterly alone with his Little girl, or they could join other age play couples for fun events. Cecily loved fresh air and sunshine. While she wasn’t into bugs and hiking, she’d thrive where she could feel comfortable to be Little at all times. He wrote down the number and called to make a reservation before Cecily got home. There was quite a screening process to make sure that Jon was indeed in an age play relationship and that he was not trying to write an exposé on the alternative lifestyle resort. Once he’d provided the name of the person that had given him the recommendation to visit and his Little’s doctor’s name, the man on the other end of the line became much friendlier. He appreciated the care given to protect the Littles and their families.

  When Cecily got home babbling about the wonderful place that her friend Abigail had gotten to visit, Jon was able to surprise her with the great news. They would be visiting the resort in two weeks for an entire week away from everything. Cecily jumped up and down and danced all over the living room. This was going to be absolutely “wicked” according to the excited Little girl.

  Chapter 24

  Jon packed carefully for their trip. He added Cecily’s favorite stuffed penguin toy and a nightlight just in case the cabin was dark. One suitcase was filled with Little supplies: wipes, diapers, lubricant, ointment, a thermometer and two different sizes of enema bags with an assortment of nozzles, a paddle, cleanser, and bath toys. Jon only selected Little girl clothing for Cecily to wear with sturdy shoes for exploring the wilderness.

  They were leaving in twenty minutes. Jon was double checking all the luggage and loading it into the car. Cecily currently stood in the corner with her shorts and diaper pulled down to her ankles. The paddle marks from her spanking still stood out in red on her white bottom. She sniffled, cried, and apologized many times as Jon walked past her. Jon still shook his head. She had taken all his clothes out of one suitcase and replace them with storybooks and toys. Only the weight of the suitcase gave her naughty plan away.

  When all the luggage was down in the car, Jon called Cecily out of her corner. When she got close, she dropped her head down to look at the floor. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I didn’t know that was all the clothing that you were taking with you. I was just going to leave a bit of it at home so I could have all my fun stuff with me.”

  “Cecily, this is a vacation for both of us. We’re going to have a good time together, and that means I’m going to care about how you are feeling and you are going to care about your Daddy. We are both going to be unselfish and think of the other person so we can help them have the best time ever, right?” Jon asked as she peeked up at him.

  “Oh, yes, Daddy! I want us to have a good time,” Cecily answered bouncing on her toes.

  “Perfect! Lean over my lap, Cecily,” Jon instructed.

  Cecily dragged her feet and walked very slowly. “Why Daddy? Are you going to spank me anymore?”

  “No, Cecily. I’m going to help you remember to think about others by putting a reminder in your bottom.” He pulled her over his lap and spread her buttocks. He pressed lubrication into her anus and left his finger planted deeply until Cecily settled down and held still. Jon pulled his finger out and replaced it by a thin anal plug. It was too small to cause any discomfort, but Cecily would be reminded every time she shifted in her seat that she needed to be good.

  The trip was very scenic. The winding road led through the trees changing colors in the early fall. Jon watched Cecily out of the corner of his eye and saw her make faces every time she started to wiggle or bounce in her seat. When she decided she had to have something out of the back seat and tried to climb over the seat, that little anal plug stopped her immediately. Jon was pleased that her little reminder was helping Cecily made good decisions.

  Finally, they pulled up at the main lodge of the resort. Jon helped Cecily out of the car and took her hand as they walked up the stairs. A smiling man in his fifties opened the door to welcome them into the lobby. He pointed them toward the main desk and then called to a woman dressed in overall shorts with pigtails, “Come on Susie. It’s time to go back to the cabin. We’ll come to play with the other Littles tomorrow.”

  Cecily watched with her mouth agape as the woman in her forties hugged all the six other Littles and waved ‘goodbye’ as she skipped to her Daddy. The Littles looked at Cecily as she stood there. Immediately, they smiled and ran over to meet Cecily. One by one they introduced themselves, hugged Cecily, and pointed out their parent who was sitting nearby with cocktails keeping a careful eye on the Littles.

  As Jon went over to check in at the desk, they all lifted their glasses and yelled, “Come to join us when you’re settled in!” Jon smiled and waved. “Friendly crowd,” he remarked to the man behind the desk. “I’m Jon Woodson with my daughter Cecily.

  The man smiled and put out his hand. “Glad to meet you, Jon. I’m Tom Sanders. I’m lucky enough to own this piece of heaven.” Tom was tall and in shape. It was obvious that he spent a lot of time outside and was a very happy man. His smile lines were etched in his face. “It looks like you and Cecily are going to fit in here just right. My son, Marcus is the short Little in the red plaid shirt. Today, he thinks he’s a lumberjack. I’ve had to hide all the axes in the locked barn. He was just sure he was going to chop down a tree. You might notice that he’s walking a little gingerly. He was so determined to chop down a tree that he stole the scissors from the reception desk and attacked a slippery elm out back. He earned quite a spanking today.” Both men laughed.

  “Cecily actually took all my clothes out of the suitcase and replaced them with toys and storybooks. Thank goodness it was heavy, or you’d have seen me every day in this outfit,” Jon shared, and both men smiled at each other. Daddies shared a special bond. These two were already friends.

  “You and Cecily are staying in the Redhawk cabin. It’s just down the road to the right. There are signs posted for you pointing the way. Here’s your door pass card and here’s your key to the special closet of supplies. Feel free to use anything. Some items have a charge, and those are posted on the d
oor. Most are free so you can make the most of your stay here. The meal times for the restaurant are displayed in the notebook by the phone with a lot of other information. As you see there, most of our guests meet for a social hour in the late afternoon. It looks like your Little Cecily has already made some friends. Everyone would welcome you if you choose to join them. If there is anything that I can do to make your stay more pleasurable, please ask.”

  Chapter 25

  Jon thanked Tom and went over to collect his social Little. She was having a blast playing with the other Littles. Jon introduced himself to the assembled parents before excusing himself and Cecily. He wanted to get their luggage in the cabin before dark. He also saw Cecily yawning and beginning to rub her eyes. His Little was tired from all the excitement of the trip and needed an early night.

  Jon took Cecily’s hand and gently said her goodbyes for her to the other Littles promising that they would see them tomorrow. Cecily grumpily stomped her feet through the lobby and argued with her Daddy until he stopped at a chair by the door and pulled Cecily over his lap. He yanked her shorts and diaper to her ankles and began to spank her bottom.

  “Daddy, no! Everyone can see my bottom. Don’t spank me here!” Cecily begged as she struggled to stand up.

  “Naughty girls get spanked in front of the audience who saw their bad behavior,” Jon continued to spank Cecily’s bottom. He watched it turn red as the muscles twitched in response. When Cecily melted over his lap and began to cry, Jon knew she’d learned her lesson. He sat her up in his lap sitting her hot bottom on his rough jeans. Cecily apologized and snuggled into her father’s arms. Jon pulled up her diaper but decided to just take off her shorts. She was going to be undressed when they got to the cabin anyway. He shifted her so that she was propped on his hip and he stood to carry her out of the resort.

  Jon looked around to see if Cecily’s punishment had disturbed the other guests. Tom nodded to him companionably and held the door open for him saying, “That Little girl of yours might benefit from an enema before bed. I always find a spanking and a good cleaning out before an early bedtime helps Marcus feel better in the morning. I already have the cleanser loaded in an enema bag for him to take overnight. Good luck. We’ll see you in the morning.” Tom pointed out the sign directing them to the Redhawk cabin.

  Jon nodded and carried Cecily out of the resort. He sat her down in the passenger seat and buckled her in safely. Getting back in the driver’s seat, he carefully followed the signs to find the right cabin. Jon carried Cecily inside and put her immediately into the crib tucked in the bedroom corner. He pulled up the railing to ensure that she remained inside. “I love you, Cecily. I know you’re tired and I’ll be back to hold you in a few minutes.” It was tough to leave as he listened to her cry but Jon carried in all the suitcases and supplies before returning to the crib.

  Cecily was kneeling with her hands on the crib’s railing looking very sad. She rubbed her eyes sleepily. “I’m sorry I misbehaved, Daddy. You’re not going to give me an enema, are you? I’ll be good,” she promised.

  “I know you’ll be good, Cecily. We’re going to make sure that you remember to follow your Daddy’s instructions without being grumpy. You’re not usually so sullen. Daddy needs to make sure that your tummy isn’t causing you to act badly. An enema, a bottle and bed sound like exactly what Dr. Richards would prescribe,” Jon smiled. “Have you used your diaper, honey?”

  Cecily nodded slowly. “I don’t want an enema, Daddy,” she continued to protest.

  “I know, Cecily. Little girls often don’t want the medicine that makes them feel better. I’ll be back in a minute,” Jon unzipped the suitcase containing the diapers and supplies. He stacked them on the changing table adding Cecily’s ointment, vitamins, lubricant, and thermometer in the drawer with the other anal plugs in her set. Jon pulled out the three-quart enema bag and filled it halfway with warm water adding a good splash of cleanser and shaking the bag to mix it up. Finding a medical stand in the supply closet, he hung the bag next to the padded rocking chair before mixing up Cecily’s bottle for after her enema.

  Jon released the latch allowing the crib railing to slide down and Cecily launched herself into his arms. “I’m so sorry, Daddy. I was having so much fun being with other Littles and having the chance to act Little. I didn’t want to leave. I should have listened to you.”

  Jon kissed the top of her head and hugged her. “Cecily, sometimes Little girls make mistakes. Their Daddies have to correct them, and then they are able to move on past the mistake. I’m glad you enjoyed meeting the other Littles. That’s why we came here–to have some time alone to just be ourselves with others that live the way we do. The other Littles will be glad to see you tomorrow when you have had some sleep, and you aren’t worn out from the trip. Now, let’s get your wet diaper off you.

  He picked her up and carried her over to the changing table. Jon unfastened her diaper and lifted her hips to remove it. Jon kissed her tummy making Cecily giggle as his whiskers tickled her. Jon carefully wiped Cecily clean before picking her up and walking to the rocking chair with the lubricant in hand. Jon cradled her in his arms and sat down. He carefully placed her head on the armrest and lifted the arm under her legs to expose her anus. When Cecily started wiggling in protest, Jon gave her a warning spank on her red bottom. Cecily immediately froze. Jon removed her anal plug reminder that had almost allowed her to make it through the day without getting in trouble. He lubricated his favorite nozzle. It was the one with the skinny ends and the thick section in the middle. Cecily didn’t like it very well as it went into her tight anus, but it helped her retain the enema as long as he required. Jon slid the enema nozzle in part way and backed it out several times to help Cecily’s bottom relax and allow it to glide inside. Finally, Jon gave the nozzle one extra push, and it popped into her rectum and slid in fully.

  “Good girl, Cecily.” Jon patted her bottom and laid her legs down on the armrest. He clicked the valve on starting the enema slowly and began to rock.

  Cecily’s eyes were filled with tears. “I’m sorry, Daddy. Could you give me the enema tomorrow?”

  “Shhhhh, Cecily. Daddy knows best.” Jon picked up the bottle and held it to Cecily’s mouth. He brushed it across her lips several times until she opened her mouth to admit the nipple. “Drink your bottle, baby,” he crooned as he held his naked Little girl in his arms.

  The enema oozed in slowly. Cecily drifted off to sleep after finishing her bottle. Jon rocked and looked down at her beautiful face and body. He was so lucky to have her in his life.

  Finally, when the enema gurgled signaling that it was empty, Jon closed the valve and disconnected the hose leaving the nozzle inside to retain the liquid. Keeping her in a horizontal level, Jon lifted her into the crib and pulled the railing back into place. He sighed deeply and rubbed a tired hand through his hair. He’d explore the cabin a little before taking a shower and getting into bed. Cecily was so tired. He estimated that she’d sleep for a couple of hours before the enema woke her up. Little did he know that they both slept throughout the night and woke up early the next morning.

  Chapter 26

  “Daddy, Daddy! Come quick. I need to go potty!” Cecily called as she reached through the crib’s rail.

  Jon got up and walked over to the crib slowly. “Good morning, Cecily. You slept very well. I think that enema helped you. Let’s get you to the potty so you can be ready for our first day in the mountains.”

  “Please, Daddy,” Cecily urged.

  Jon carried her to the Little girl potty on the floor in the main section of the cabin and leaned her over his bent knee to remove the enema nozzle before letting her sit down. The enema burst from her bottom in a loud explosion of liquid and poop. Jon busied himself making a cup of coffee and looking over the breakfast menu up at the main lodge.

  After the first few minutes, Cecily asked, “Can’t we move my potty into the bathroom? It’s embarrassing to be out here.”

s the best thing about Little girl potties. They can be anywhere a Mommy or Daddy wants them.” Jon poured himself a cup of coffee and looked through the notebook about the day’s activities. “Look here, Cecily. We could go horseback riding at one this afternoon. Would you like to go explore the mountains on horseback?”

  Cecily’s head was resting hidden in her hands as the enema continued to spurt out of her bottom. “I think I’d like to go horseback riding. Daddy, my bottom burns,” Cecily whined.

  “It sounds like you’ll need an enema to rinse out the cleanser. I’ll get it ready while you finish. Remember, don’t push. Just let it fall out. You had a lot of poop to get out of your system, Cecily. You are going to feel so much better,” Jon said as he moved to get the enema bag from the bedroom and bring it and the medical stand to the kitchen.

  Finally, Cecily thought she’d finished on the potty. “Does your bottom still sting, honey? Would you like another enema?” Jon asked as he wiped her bottom clean.

  “I don’t want another enema, Daddy, but my bottom stings a lot,” she admitted with her chin trembling.

  “It’s okay, honey. Daddy will fix it.” Jon lifted her and laid her on her tummy on the kitchen table. He fastened the attached restraints around her arms and legs before getting the lubricant and scooping out some on his finger. In this position, Cecily’s bottom was spread wide so he could dab lubricant on her clenched anus and then slide his finger easily into her rectum.


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