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Fight 4 Us (Book 6): Keeper

Page 2

by Grenda, Brian

  Darby is the leader of this group. She is Barrett’s fiancé and moved to Tampa Bay by way of Australia several years ago.

  Several people walk over to Darby and Aisha.

  TJ, Barrett, Janet, and Bo look at Darby.

  Barrett whispers to Bo, “I call Darby and her group, the Pride. They are mostly women here. Darby is the head lioness to her group of lionesses’.”

  Janet overhears Barrett talking to Bo and whispers, “Better watch out. In the wild, the lioness does the hunting and is pretty badass. This group of women doesn’t look to be messing around.”

  Darby looks at TJ, Janet, and Bo and says, “Welcome TJ, Janet, and Barrett’s brother Bo to our home. I think we can trust you. Bo, Janet, and TJ were looking for Barrett. Do not hold anything against Bo, Janet, or TJ. They mean no harm and I believe them.”

  Darby’s group stares at TJ, Janet, and Bo.

  TJ feels somewhat uncomfortable with the continuous stares that Darby’s group is giving him.

  TJ says, “Thank you, Darby and everyone. Janet, Bo, and I mean no harm to you, your group, or your home. I apologize for just dropping in on you like we did, but your border wall is making it very hard for anyone to get in.”

  Darby says, “That’s the point.”

  A woman in a white medical coat walks over to Darby.

  Darby looks at the woman and says, “Dr. Adler. We have a man with a potentially broken arm in the lion cages. I want you to check him out, but do not go alone. He and his men are dangerous. You are to examine him with a large group for safety.”

  Dr. Adler replies, “Yes ma’am. I will go with a group to check him out.”

  Nicky walks over to Bo and says, “Let me show you guys around. This place is pretty incredible.”

  Barrett walks over to Darby.

  Nicky takes Bo, TJ, and Janet around the zoo and the rest of the property inside the wall.



  “You have a supermarket and shopping center in here?” shouts Janet.

  Nicky says, “Yeah. The border wall just doesn’t stop around the zoo. It goes around several streets and buildings near downtown Tampa. Darby was smart when she built the borders around the zoo, shopping center, and supermarket.”

  Bo, Barrett, Darby, Nicky, TJ, and Janet are standing in the street as they look at the supermarket inside the borders of the wall.

  The supermarket is a couple streets away from the zoo entrance.

  Darby says, “We are secure in here. We have most of the things needed to survive. We need to get supplies from outside our borders from time to time though. Our animals require a lot of food and water.”

  “How do you feed two lions and a cub?” asks Bo.

  Barrett says, “With people.”

  Bo laughs and asks, “You serious?”

  Darby says, “We don’t feed them people, but we found out early on that the animals can eat the zombies and not get sick. We try not to feed our lions zombie meat all the time, but we do from time to time. We try to give them fresh turned zombies if possible.”

  Nicky says, “It’s hard finding food for all our animals. We have a baby elephant, gorilla, a chimpanzee with two babies, goats, two orangutans, and a tortoise.”

  Janet asks, “How do you power the supermarket?”

  Darby replies, “We don’t have power going to it. We don’t have electricity in here yet. We just got a bunch of solar panels but haven’t connected them yet.”

  Dr. Adler walks over to Darby and asks, “Can I go check on the soldier’s now?”

  TJ, Janet, and Bo look at Darby.

  Darby says, “Yeah. Let’s go check him out.”

  TJ says, “We are going with you. We need to get information out of them.”

  Dr. Adler walks towards the lion exhibit employee entrance door.

  TJ walks with Dr. Adler and says, “Doc. I want to interrogate these men. I want to use Roberts injury to get information out of them.”

  “You want to torture him?” asks Dr. Adler.

  Janet says, “Basically, but these guys are tough. It might be the only way to get information out of them.”

  Dr. Adler says, “Let me check him out first before you torture him.”

  Dr. Adler, TJ, Janet, Bo, and Barrett enter the employee entrance to the indoor lion cage area.

  Dr. Adler walks over to the cage that is holding Armstrong, Roberts, and Brimley.

  Dr. Adler goes to open the cage but is stopped by TJ.

  “Wait doc, I have to make sure they won’t use you as a hostage first,” says TJ.

  TJ looks at Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts inside the lion cage and shouts, “Turn around! Show me your hands!”

  Armstrong stands up from the ground with his hands behind his back and starts laughing.

  “What? You don’t trust us TJ?” asks Armstrong.

  TJ replies, “Nope.”

  Janet picks up a tennis ball from a nearby table, walks over to the lion cage, and throws the tennis ball at Armstrong’s face.

  The tennis ball comes flying at Armstrong’s face.

  Armstrong catches the ball with his right hand.

  “I knew we couldn’t trust them,” says Janet.

  Armstrong tosses the tennis ball up in the air and catches it with his untied right hand.

  Brimley and Roberts bring their arms from behind their back and show them to TJ.

  Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts broke free from the zip ties.

  “See doc. They might have used you to get free. Held you hostage. These men are very capable and will do anything to get what they want,” says TJ.

  “That’s very true TJ,” says Armstrong.

  Dr. Adler says, “Roberts is it? Come here so I can check your arm.”

  Roberts walks towards Dr. Adler.

  Dr. Adler says, “Let me see your arm.”

  Roberts leans towards Dr. Adler.

  TJ grabs Roberts left arm and pulls Roberts into the cage bars.

  Roberts screams in pain.


  Dr. Adler looks at TJ and says, “Let him go TJ.”

  TJ stares at Roberts and says, “I will doc. Just need to get some information first. Why are you here Roberts?”

  Roberts shouts, “Fuck you!”

  TJ pulls Roberts’ left arm harder towards him and Roberts’ face presses into the bars of the lion cage.

  Armstrong shouts, “What do you want to know TJ? Stop torturing Roberts! He doesn’t know anything! I do!”

  TJ holds onto Roberts’ left arm and shouts, “Why are you here? Why did my father send you with us?”

  Armstrong shouts, “Let him go and I’ll tell you!”

  Janet shouts, “No way! You tell us first and TJ will let Roberts go!”

  Armstrong tosses the tennis ball through the bars to Janet.

  Armstrong looks at TJ and says, “We were sent here to help you. Get in and out of the zoo but also gather any intel we could about what is in here and who is in here. Several helicopters have been shot at when they fly over the zoo and parts of downtown Tampa. Your father wants to know who is shooting and why.”

  TJ lets go of Roberts’ arm.

  Roberts takes a deep breath and says, “Thanks a lot fucker.”

  TJ looks right at Armstrong and asks, “So, you are supposed to gain intel about this place and report back? Why? So, someone can attack it or take it over?”

  Aisha looks at Darby with a worried look.

  Darby walks over to TJ and looks at Armstrong.

  “Who wants in here? Who will be attacking us?” asks Darby.

  Armstrong smirks and says, “The U.S. government is coming to Tampa Bay. The military and government want to take over all viable areas. This place is definitely on their radar.”

  TJ looks at Janet.

  Nicky looks at Bo.

  Darby looks at Aisha and then Barrett.

  “How much time do we have?” asks Darby to Armstrong.

  Armstrong says, “You
let us out of here, and I’ll tell you.”

  Barrett shouts, “You ain’t getting out of there unless we trust you!”

  Roberts asks, “Can we get some water at least?”

  Dr. Adler says, “That we can do.”

  Darby says, “We can’t just let you out. You tried to kill my lions and you attacked TJ. We don’t want any trouble from anyone. We want to be left alone. We aren’t bothering anyone, but so many people are interested in what we have here. I know how the world works and how dangerous you three soldiers are.”

  Armstrong says, “Fair enough. Just remember though. The longer we stay here, more troops will be sent here to come find us. If we don’t come back to MacDill alive, the military will send in tanks and tons of soldiers to destroy this place.”

  TJ looks at Darby and says, “He’s bluffing. He’s not that important. Don’t worry about that. My father is the Captain at MacDill Air Force Base. I will protect this place and your Pride.”

  Armstrong laughs and shouts, “Captain Bailey isn’t the one you have to worry about! The General is the one with the real power!”

  A woman brings in three bottles of water.

  TJ takes the bottles of water and takes the caps off all three bottles. He takes a big drink from each bottle of water and then places the bottles on the lion cage floor.

  Armstrong runs towards the bottles of water and grabs the bottles of water.

  Everyone jumps back from the cage.

  Darby shouts, “Everyone out of here! I need to talk with these soldiers! TJ and Janet stay with me!”

  Everyone exits the room except TJ, Janet, and Darby.

  Armstrong shouts, “Your only chance of saving this place is to let myself and my men out of here and let me talk with Captain Bailey!”

  Darby looks at Armstrong and says, “I want to let you out of here, but I’m not sure that I can. This place, my animals, and my people mean everything to me. If I let you go, how do I know you won’t just come back here with an army?”

  Armstrong looks at Brimley and Roberts.

  TJ looks at Darby and says, “We can’t let them go and not expect problems. If we let them go back to MacDill, they will be back here with a large group.”

  Armstrong says, “This place isn’t that important to me. I wish you would believe that, but I’m not sure I can say anything to make this situation better.”

  Darby isn’t sure what to do. She looks at Janet and TJ for help.

  Janet says, “Let’s get out of here and take a break from this situation. We need to talk privately away from these three.”

  TJ says, “Good idea. These three aren’t going anywhere. We will be back.”

  TJ pulls the metal lion cage door and makes sure the cage is locked.

  Darby places the lion cage key on a wooden table near the exit of the room.

  Janet, Darby, and TJ exit the lion cage room.

  TJ opens the employee lion exhibit exit door.

  Janet, Darby, and then TJ exit the exhibit.

  “What do we do with these three soldiers? We are not killers here. We just want to be left alone in here. We will protect this place, but I don’t feel right just killing those men,” says Darby.

  Janet replies, “I understand Darby. I don’t want to just kill them either, but we can’t have them report back any information about this place.”

  Aisha runs over to Darby and says, “What if we blindfold them and took them out the back exit? We have their weapons. They won’t see anything if we blindfold them, and they won’t know anything besides that we have lions and we are living in the zoo.”

  Darby says, “I like the idea of having them not knowing anything about this place but also being kept alive.”

  TJ says, “We will figure something out. I will get back to my father and report our findings here. Janet and I will tell my father that this place is not worth the military’s time and to leave it alone.”

  Darby says, “Thank you. I appreciate it. My animals and my people appreciate it.”

  “Do you have a bathroom around here?” asks TJ.

  Darby says, “There is one over there on your left. Right after the bird sanctuary entrance.”

  TJ walks away from Darby and down the path towards the bird sanctuary.

  Janet shouts, “Wait up TJ!”

  Janet catches up to TJ, and they walk towards the bathrooms.

  TJ says, “This place won’t stand a chance if the military decides to attack it. The walls are great, but they won’t hold up against tanks and rockets.”

  Janet stops at the entrance to the ladies’ bathroom and says, “We can’t let Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts live. I’m sure you already knew that though.”

  TJ says, “Yeah, I knew that once Roberts attacked me. I didn’t want to say it in front of Darby and the others though.”

  Janet says, “I gotta pee. We will figure something out though.”

  TJ and Janet go into separate bathrooms.

  Bo looks at Barrett and asks, “Are you coming back home with me today?”

  Barrett replies, “I will be back home, but I’m not leaving until the soldiers are gone. I won’t feel comfortable until the soldier situation is dealt with.”

  Bo asks, “What do you suggest we do?”

  Barrett says, “We need to handle it one way or another.”

  Bo checks his handguns and says, “I agree.”

  Nicky comes over to Bo and asks, “What’s going on fellas? Can you help us connect the solar panels around the zoo and supermarket?”

  Bo says, “Yeah, Barrett and I will help you connect the solar panels.”

  Nicky kisses Bo and says, “Thanks baby.”

  Darby comes over to Barrett.

  Darby sees the look in Barrett’s eyes.

  “What’s up honey bear?” asks Darby.

  Barrett says, “I don’t feel comfortable with these soldiers and having them locked up here. They are dangerous and keeping them alive is dangerous for you and your Pride.”

  Darby says, “You really like calling us the Pride. I like that name, and I appreciate the concern. I can’t kill them though. I won’t be able to live with myself if I was responsible for killing another living person.”

  Bo says, “We would never ask you to do that, but we were thinking we could take care of them for you and your Pride.”

  Barrett kisses Darby and says, “Let us take care of them. You have enough to worry about around here.”

  Before Darby can reply, Bo and Barrett walk away from Darby.

  Darby isn’t sure what to do.

  Darby watches Bo and Barrett enter the lion exhibit employee entrance.

  A member of the Pride comes over to Darby and says, “We have a little situation with Louie and the chimps.”

  Darby says, “I’ll be right there.”

  The woman, Nicky, and the rest of the Pride make their way over to the primate section of the zoo.

  Darby looks at the lion exhibit employee entrance door and isn’t sure if she should stop Bo and Barrett.

  Janet and TJ walk over to Darby.

  “What’s going on? Why did your group go running away from here?” asks Janet.

  Darby says, “We have a situation with our gorilla and our chimps.”

  TJ asks, “Where is Bo and Barrett?”

  Darby looks back at the lion exhibit employee door.

  TJ asks, “Are they in there with the soldiers?”

  Darby starts to cry and says, “Yes. Yes, they are.”

  TJ runs towards the lion exhibit employee door.


  A gunshot is heard as TJ stops at the lion exhibit employee entrance door.

  TJ opens the door and runs into the indoor lion cage area.


  Another gunshot goes off.

  Janet runs to the outdoor lion exhibit.

  Janet sees the animal entrance to the indoor lion cage area is open.

  Zeus is walking towards the opening that leads into the indoor ca
ge area.


  Another gunshot goes off from inside the lion cages.

  Janet shouts, “Darby! We have a problem here!”

  Darby runs over to Janet and sees that Zeus is walking towards the indoor lion cage area.


  Zeus roars as he peeks his head through the animal entrance into the indoor cage area.

  A loud scream is heard as Zeus enters the indoor lion cage area.



  Another gunshot goes off inside the lion cages.

  Darby screams in fear.


  Janet and Darby run towards the lion indoor exhibit employee entrance door.

  Before Darby and Janet make it to the door, TJ comes running out of the door.

  TJ holds open the door, and Bo exits followed by Barrett.

  Barrett is bleeding from his left shoulder.

  “What happened?” asks Darby.

  “I opened the lion cage. Brimley reached for my gun after I shot Roberts in the head. Brimley got my gun. He got a shot off, but he only got me on the outside of my left shoulder. Bo killed Brimley,” says Barrett.

  Bo says, “They are all dead now. TJ killed Armstrong.”

  TJ asks, “What was the plan fellas? Kill them, so we didn’t have to deal with them anymore?”

  Barrett says, “I couldn’t leave them alive. I’m looking after this place. Armstrong was a threat. I had to neutralize the threat.”

  Darby asks, “Is Zeus okay?”

  Before anyone can answer, Darby runs to the lion exhibit stone border wall and blows her lion whistle.

  Taraji and Keanu come running towards the sound of the whistle.

  Zeus is nowhere to be found.

  Darby blows her whistle again.

  Taraji and Keanu roar at Darby.


  A loud roar is heard from inside the lion cages.

  Suddenly, Zeus comes walking out from the indoor lion cage room animal entrance.

  Zeus is licking his lips with his tongue.

  Zeus’ mouth and cheeks are bright red, and blood is dripping from his mouth as he is walking towards his lioness Taraji and cub Keanu.

  Darby starts to cry as she sees Zeus and his bloody mouth.

  Janet says, “Well, that looks to be settled. You okay TJ?”

  TJ says, “Yeah. I’m okay. They are all dead now. Zeus was biting into Roberts when we left the room.”


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