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Paying the Debt

Page 6

by Madison Faye

  I recognize the voice instantly. It’s Tommy, as in, Skylar’s father. He’s screeching outside, actually tugging on the jacket of an FBI agent as he jabs a finger at me.

  “There he is! There’s the one that kidnapped her!”

  My jaw tenses.

  “He stole her from me!”

  “What is this shit?” I hiss as Tommy comes stumbling through my front door — clearly drunk — and leading the FBI agent along with him.

  “Mr. Kovac?” Tanner says quietly.

  “What,” I hiss.

  “This man alleges you kidnapped his daughter, a certain Ms. Skylar Jensen.”

  I feel the rage explode out of me as I take a step towards Tommy and open my mouth.

  “This man is—”

  I freeze.

  What do I say? He’s a man who used to drug deal for my decidedly criminal organization? Yeah, things you don’t say to a damn FBI agent. Tanner knows who and what I am, but I don’t have the same agreement with the thirty other guys he’s here with.

  What's more, what else would I say? That I won Tommy’s daughter in a fucking poker match? Yeah, I don’t see that going over very well either. Leave it to these fuckers to slap me with a human trafficking charge while they’re at it.

  “This man is a liar,” I hiss, jabbing a finger at Tommy.

  “Shame on you, sir!” Tommy wails with more phony dramatics than I’d have thought him capable of. Fuck, if he was this good of an actor at the table, he might not have lost so damn much.

  “This is preposterous,” I growl, turning my glare on Tanner. “I’m calling my lawyers and—”

  “Agent Tanner?”

  I whirl, but my face hardens when I see the other FBI agent, and what he’s got in his hands.

  It’s Skye’s sundress.

  Tanner swears under his breath.

  “Tear this damn house apart!” he roars, and the whole fucking crowd of FBI and police start to scatter through my house.

  “Find the girl! Tanner barks, turning away from me.

  It’s my snapping point. I roar, lunging for Tommy, but a swarm of them pile on top of me, bringing me to my knees. Tommy jumps back like the little pussy he is anyways, and then I’m up again, shaking off the weak-ass agents and lurching for him again. This time, it’s seven of them that bring me down, and this time, I do freeze when I feel the cold metal of a gun barrel against my back.

  “Easy now, Jagger,” Tanner hisses. “Just take it easy.”

  “She’s mine!” I roar blindly, still shoving at them and trying to get up so that I can get to her before any of these fucking shit-heads get their hands on my precious Skye. “Get your fucking hands off of—”

  And then I hear her, and my heart shatters. She’s screaming, and crying my name, and fighting against them.

  I’m up in a second, knocking them all away, kicking the gun from Tanner’s hands and probably breaking his fingers in the process. He screams but I’m already vaulting over him and running right for her as three agents try and drag her out the front door.

  The hit comes from nowhere, and I’m groaning as I hit the ground.

  I’m fading, my vision swirling, and the last thing I see is her screaming and breaking away from the agents as she bolts right for me.

  And then I’m out.



  I scream as the FBI agent clocks Jagger over the head with a gun, knocking him to the ground. I lash out without even thinking, catching one of the two men holding me in the shin with my heel and the other in the balls with my knee. Their grips on me loosen as they groan, and I tear out of their hands and run towards the man I love.

  He’s groaning, but conscious on the ground as I tumble down next to him, scooping his head into my lap and cradling him in my arms.

  “Oh my God, please be okay…” I whisper fiercely into his ear as stroke his furrowed brow.

  “There’s my girl!”

  My head snaps up, my eyes narrowing to daggers at my father, who’s grinning away at me.

  “Yep, that’s her. I knew the bastard had her here!”

  I lurch to my feet, hatred on my face as I hiss at my father.

  “You lying son of a bitch!”

  My dad chuckles, waving a hand at me and giving the agent next to him a knowing look.

  “She’s talking all crazy. He’s probably got her on drugs or some shit by now, Lord have mercy.”

  The FBI agents glance at each other, not sure what to do. Finally, the head agent, the one who pistol-whipped Jagger, growls and shakes his head.

  “Fuck this. Take Mr. Kovac and the girl away.”


  I scream as three agents descend on Jagger, dragging him to his feet just as his eyes are starting to open.

  “He didn’t kidnap me, he’s my fiancé!”

  The whole room freezes. Jagger’s eyes fly open, his gaze leveled right at me. He looks amused, and I can see his brow arch at me, even if he’s clearly still in pain.

  “We're getting married,” I say, my voice even. “I left my father because he was physically abusive to me, and came here to my boyfriend’s house to get away from it.”

  Everyone in the room glances at each other, like no one knows what to even say right now. And I can see the head agent starting to shake his head, when suddenly, I know what I have to do.

  “There's a file, in his study, on the desk.” My voice comes from outside my body — firm and even as I let my eyes burn into Jagger’s. “It’ll tell you everything you need to know about that bastard,” I hiss the last word, pointing at my father, whose face suddenly looks pale.

  “Get it,” the head agent mutters to one of his underlings, who runs off. The man returns a second later, holding it in his hands.

  My file — the one that Jagger kept on me even before he met me. The one that led him to me, really, and me to him.

  The one that documents every shitty, terrible thing my father ever did to me.

  The agent holding the file swallows, his look hardening as he stares at my father while he addresses his superior.

  “Sir, you should see this.”

  I know what's in there. I didn’t even have to look after Jagger told me what it is, but I see it anyways as the agent walks past me. It’s hospital visits — times I “fell down the stairs.” The black eyes from the sports I don’t actually play.

  It’s photographs, and audio recordings, and proof of local cops being paid off by my father to look the other way.

  “Jesus fucking Christ.” The head agent stares at the file in his hands, his look hardening. Slowly, he looks up at me.

  “This is your boyfriend, huh?”

  “She said fiancé,” Jagger growls under his breath. “Are you fucking deaf?”

  The agent glares at him but turns back to me. “Fine, fiancé. And how old are you, miss?”

  “Eighteen. I’ll be nineteen soon.”

  He nods, turning to glance at a few of the other agents.

  “Anything else in the house?”

  “Nothing, the place is clean,” one of them says with a shrug.

  The head agent sighs. “Fuck it, let him go.”

  The agents have barely let go of Jagger before he’s shoving them aside and storming right for me. I fling myself into his arms as he scoops me up, spinning me around and kissing me fiercely, like there’s no one else in the room at all as he takes me back into his arms.

  “Look, we both know what you are, Mr. Kovac,” the agent leans close and mutters under his breath as the rest of them start to pack up.

  “That’s wonderful for you,” Jagger spits back.

  “Does she though?” The agent shakes his head at me. “Does she know what you’re bringing her in—”

  “She knows everything,” Jagger says sharply, cutting him off before narrowing his eyes at the older agent. “Everything, Tanner. Including your donations. Keep that in mind.”

  The agent swallows thickly, before turning to me and giving me a
quick nod.

  “Well, congratulations then,” he says quickly before turning away.

  “Cuff this piece of shit,” he mutters, nodding at my father, who shrieks as they grab him and haul him out the front door.

  “Falsifying claims is nasty little charge, Mr. Jensen,” the agent spits.

  “How long will he go away for something like that?” I ask.

  Agent Tanner shrugs. “He won’t. It’ll be a fine and some court bullshit.”

  I shiver as I slowly turn to Jagger, biting my lip.

  “I—” I shake my head. “I feel so safe with you, and I know you’ll protect me from anything and everything. But…”

  The man I love nods, pulling me close. He knows what I mean.

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod. The thought of my father being free to come after me, or inflict his rage and hurt on anyone else sends a horrible feeling through my gut.

  “Then tell them,” he says softly.

  “But what about you?” My hands tighten in his as I nuzzle my face into his bare chest. “Won’t that implicate you?”

  “I’d want you to do it even if it did, sweetness,” he purrs. “But no, it won’t. I’m insulated.”

  It’s all I need to hear. I turn and raise my voice at the FBI heading for the front door with my father.

  “He’s also a drug dealer, you know,” I say loudly, nodding at my father.

  Agent Tanner’s brows go up. “Well today just keeps on giving, now doesn’t it?”

  “There’s a hidden—”

  “You shut your mouth, you bitch—”

  Jagger lunges for my father, but the FBI agents half hold him back as they drag my father screaming from the house.

  “There’s a hidden room behind his bedroom,” I say to Agent Tanner. “There’s a switch to open it next to his bedside table. You’ll find cocaine, meth, money, and guns in there.”

  The FBI agent nods, and then gives Jagger a look.

  “You’re welcome,” Jagger mutters at him. “Now get the fuck out of my house.”

  The cops and the agents file out, and Jagger turns to the handful of his own people still in the room.

  “Out, now,” he growls. They don’t need a second invitation, and scurry away. One of his guys, a good-looking man with dark hair and piercing eyes nods at him, clapping him on the shoulder.

  “Nicely played boss,” he mutters, giving me a small smile before he ushers the rest of them out.

  The door to the house has barely shut before Jagger and I are jumping into each other's arms. He takes me to the ground with him, on his knees with my legs around his waist and sitting in his lap as he kisses me fiercely.

  “That was some fast talking,” he says with a grin, kissing me.

  “I couldn’t— I mean, I couldn’t let them—”

  “I’d never let that happen, angel,” he says fiercely. “I swear.”

  “I just want to be here with you,” I whisper. “Always.”

  “And this is where you’ll stay,” he says quietly, pulling me tight to him. “So, we’re engaged now, huh?”

  I blush.

  “I just wanted them to let you—”

  “Marry me.”

  The words send a fire through me, a blaze that roars through all of my soul and leaves me breathless and without words.

  “Marry me, sweetness,” Jagger growls, standing suddenly and lifting me weightlessly with him. He spins me around, holding me tight and looking right into my eyes.

  “Be mine forever.”

  The answer tumbles from my lips before I even have to think about it, and the yes I scream out echoes through the house again and again as the fierce, dangerous, powerful, and loving man who’s made me his scoops me up and takes me to his bedroom.

  Our bedroom.





  My husband’s cock fills me like it always does, the scent of him and the feel of him surrounding me as he drives his big dick deep inside of me. Three years later, and I still lose my breath when that huge cock fills me.

  “More,” I whimper, clawing at his chest as he drives into me. Hands grab my ass, his mouth on my collarbone making me cry out as he pounds my tight little pussy mercilessly, just how I like it.

  Three years and two babies later, I’m seriously still almost too tight for him.

  “You’re going to be late,” I gasp.

  “Then I’ll be late,” he groans, rocking his hips forward and burying himself to the hilt between my legs.

  We’re in our bedroom, the moonlight teasing over the ocean and flooding into our room in a soft white glow. It’s all legitimate now — Jagger’s business empire that is. Well, close to “all” of it, at least. No more guns, drugs, prostitutes, or porn. As it turns out, my husband is one damn savvy businessman, and he turned the business he stepped into into an empire. Instead of crime, the organization he inherited moved into financial management and growth, and today, they’re one of the biggest hedge funds in the country.

  “Besides,” my husband growls into my ear, his fingers pinching my clit just enough to make me cry out. “I’m not going anywhere until I feel this tight little pussy milk out every last drop of cum from my big, fat cock.”

  He punctuates the last words with thrusts that fill me and slam me into the mattress beneath me. I cry out, clawing at his back and urging him on with my hips.

  “I already came, you know.”

  “I do know,” he purrs.


  “Well you’re going to come for me again,” he growls into my ear. I whimper as his finger delves down and teases a slow circle around my asshole. He pushes it inside, and he knows that drives me crazy. Coupled with he huge feeling of his thickness inside my pussy, we both know he’ll be dragging a third orgasm out of me in no time.

  His lips fasten on a nipple and he starts to drive in and out, over and over until my whole body is ready to explode. Until I’m screaming and clawing him hard enough to leave marks.

  Until I’m ready to melt for him.

  “Come for me, sweetness,” he growls. “Make that sweet little pussy come on my big cock, and I promise I’ll leave you with a big, hot, sticky load of my cum inside of you. And while I’m gone tonight, it’s going to take hold in your womb.”

  “Oh fuck,” I cry out.

  Both times he’s made me pregnant, it was the hottest thing ever. The first was soon after we met, the second was barely two months after our son was born. Now, with a boy and a girl, its a toss up if we even were going for a third.

  But I want one, and I know he does too. I love feeling so full with something he’s put inside of me — something we’ve made growing in me. I love the way I look with my belly swollen and my breasts so tender. And if I didn’t already want to jump on him every chance I get, when I’m pregnant, we barely leave the bedroom for months.

  Also, Jagger loves it when I’m pregnant. He was insatiable before, but once I started showing that first time, it was a wonder I could get anything done without him pouncing on me and fucking me against the wall, or the dining room table, or the shower, or hell, the floor.

  Not that I’m complaining.

  At. All.

  “You want that?” I whimper, so close myself.

  “I want you full of my child all the time,” he growls. “I want you swollen and big, like the goddess you are.”

  His cock thrusts deep inside of me, the slick sounds of my pussy tightening on him filling the room.

  “So come for me, sweetness. Come for me so I can empty every last drop of my hot cum deep inside this tight little fuck-hole. And if you’re a good girl,” he growls right into my ear, and his voice sends a current right to my pussy.

  “If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you clean my cock up with those sweet lips of yours.”

  It’s like pulling a trigger. The orgasm explodes through me, my whole body tensing up around him like I’m trying t
o suck all of him inside of me. Jagger roars as he drives in. I feel his big, heavy balls twitch against my ass, and I cry out as I feel the hot pulse of his cum squirting into me.

  I’m still panting when he starts to move again.

  “Oh God, what are you— fuck.”

  My orgasm tumbles into a second as he just keeps moving in and out of me. His cock is still hard as an iron bar, and he only growls like an animal into my neck as he starts to piston his thick girth in and out of my messy pussy.

  “Oh God, Jagger!”

  He keeps going, the thick load from his first orgasm leaking out between us and coating my pussy and my thighs with his seed. I can feel it leaking out and trickling down to my ass, teasing over my little asshole as his big cock pounds into me over and over again.

  We come together, me screaming and practically passing out, and him roaring as he empties another thick load deep inside of me. We slow to a gentle rhythm before slowly, we come to a stop, gasping for air.

  “You…” I mumble, nuzzling into his chest as he flips onto his back and scoops me into his arms. “Where did that come from?”

  He grins. “You were right. I do want a third.”

  “Me too,” I whisper.

  “And I want one now, so...” He shrugs. “Just wanted to make sure.”

  I giggle, leaning up to kiss him. “Well, I think you did a pretty good job of making sure.”

  I gasp as he takes my hand and moves it between my legs. I know what he wants, and I feel my body tingle in response. I cup my sticky, messy pussy for him, and then squeeze my legs together tight.

  “Stay just like that until I’m back,” he murmurs, kissing me.

  “You know, you’re really going to be late to your poker game,” I say with a roll of my eyes as I kiss him.

  But he just shrugs.

  “It doesn’t matter.”


  He grins as he leans down and presses his lips to mine.

  “Because I’ve already won.”

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