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Wings of Stone (The Dragons of Ascavar Book 1)

Page 23

by JD Monroe

  Tarek was silent for a long stretch. Gabby’s heart pounded as she took a breath. “Well, forgive me for interrupting, but it does matter. If it’s not the Ironflight, then someone really wants you to think it is.”

  “And why would they do such a thing?” Halmerah asked. She didn’t look quite as receptive as she had when Tarek spoke, but Gabby didn’t care.

  “For distraction,” she said. “You’re so busy watching for the Ironflight that someone could easily sneak up on you from the opposite direction.”

  “Then who? The Shadowflight? The Stormflight?” one of the councilors blurted. As soon as he spoke, the rest of them burst into a flurry of heated arguments.

  Captain Navan raised his voice above the din. “Does it really matter? We will guard the Gates and the citadel, as we have always done. Whether it is the Ironflight or some other upstart, we will face them and we will defeat them. Simple.”

  Halmerah hesitated then nodded. “Lady Gabrielle, I do appreciate your insight, and it gives me much to think about. But at the moment, we must focus on the battle ahead.”

  “A corpse is a corpse,” Navan said by way of agreement.

  Tarek nodded to Gabby, his eyes warm and appreciative. “What can I do? I wish to fight.”

  “You have the queen’s orders,” Navan said. “When you return from your task, return to my office and I will see that you find a place.” He looked up at the queen. “Su’ud redahn, with your permission, I wish to reduce patrols and activate the City Guard under emergency protocol. My men should rest for a few hours to prepare for battle.”

  “You intend to send your men home for a nap at a time like this?” a councilor asked.

  Navan scowled. “Many of my men have been awake and alert since before the Prince arrived yesterday. They are exhausted, and exhausted men make mistakes in battle. We have many reserve soldiers who are guarding the citadel, and many more men in the city keeping watch. The City Guard and the Circle of Edra are all on high alert. They will raise the alarm if anything happens between now and sunrise.”

  “Very well,” Halmerah said. “Permission granted, Captain Navan. You are dismissed. Gather here at sunrise.”

  The councilors looked around, then slowly departed from the table. Some headed straight for the door, while others lingered near the windows to talk quietly.

  Halmerah gestured to Gabby. “Lady Gabrielle, I thank you again for your assistance and your devotion to my daughter. I wish you safe travels home.”

  “Oh,” Gabby said. She looked up at Tarek, who was pointedly not meeting her eyes. “Thank you. Thank you for your hospitality.” It seemed a bit anti-climactic, but she supposed staying in the citadel and being invited to the ill-fated party had been Halmerah’s way of showing her appreciation.

  The queen nodded, then turned to speak to Eszen quietly. Tarek stood and gestured for Gabby to follow. His face was unreadable, smooth and hard as granite. The gathered councilors didn’t even spare them a glance as they walked out of the war room and toward the winding staircase.

  When they had cleared the room and gotten past the clusters of messengers and guards lingering outside the main chamber, Tarek paused and looked down at her. He hesitated, then rested his hand on the side of her face. “Thank you.”


  “For speaking up,” he said.

  “Sometimes we need a push,” she said.

  His eyes creased as he stared at her. “Would you think me foolish if I said I wished you could stay?”

  Her heart pounded. “No,” she said. “Not at all.”

  His lips quirked into a faint smile. “Good.”

  “To be fair, you did ask to take me back,” she said. “She might have forgotten me otherwise.”

  He shook his head. “She might have. And if war comes upon us and finds you here, I would not forgive myself. You have been through enough difficulty already.”

  She sighed. “I feel crazy for saying it, but I don’t really want to go.”

  He took her hand, clasping her smaller hands in his. Not for the first time, she marveled at his size. She was not a small woman, but he was certainly a big man. His hands dwarfed hers, and standing this close, she had to look straight up to see his eyes. “I have to do my duty,” he said. “And I swore to you that you were mine to protect.”

  “I know.”

  “But we have a little time. Sunrise won’t be for a few hours,” he said, his lips quirking into the ghost of a smile. “Shall I take you to your room?”


  For once, Raszila and Irinakh were nowhere to be seen. It was just as well. The handmaidens were lovely and thorough, but if Gabby had walked into her room to see a woman fussing with the pillows, she would have thrown her out the window.

  Her heart raced as Tarek gestured for her to enter the room. Irinakh had left several lamps burning, casting a warm glow. The night air kept the room chilly, but there was a pile of thick blankets piled on the end of the bed for her.

  As Gabby moved past him, her arm brushed against his chest. She hesitated. There were no clocks in the room, but she knew sunrise wasn’t far off. Tarek must have sensed her hesitation. He looked down at her, then his shoulders slumped. If he’d been hinting at something more with his offer to walk her back, he’d lost his nerve. “I should leave you to rest.”

  Nervous anticipation tried to take over. She almost said that would be best, but she caught her tongue and held her breath for a moment. The last few days had been like a bizarre dream, and it was about to end. Tarek had his orders, and she had a life to return to. There was a place she belonged, and it certainly wasn’t here. And when she got there, what would become of them?

  Stupid girl. There was no them.

  But couldn’t there be? Just for one night? She had played it safe her whole life, and it hadn’t gotten her anywhere.

  “Please don’t,” she blurted. The words seemed to hang in the air as she waited for his response. He didn’t speak right away, but his expression changed ever so slightly. It reminded her of a time lapse photo of a sunrise over the desert, the way the shadows moved to reveal an entirely new landscape. Though he was still the tall, powerful warrior, his face looked open and hopeful, even shy.

  “You would have me?”

  “I would have you,” Gabby said. “If you would have me.”

  His lips curled into a genuine smile then, and his gaze raked over her. He stepped closer to her, near enough that she could smell the warm scent of him. He tentatively kissed her. She leaned in and felt him smile against her lips. His hands rested on her shoulders for a moment, then slipped around her waist. One strong arm pulled her tighter to him while the other slipped between them, pressed between their bodies. Her heart quickened as his fingers moved against her belly and untied the sash holding her gown closed. There was a cool touch of air as the robe opened. Then his hand was burning hot against her skin, resting first on her hip, then moving upward with fire in its wake. Her breath caught as his large hand cupped her bare breast, thumb circling maddeningly slow. He broke away from the kiss, bending lower to kiss into the curve of her neck. Tingling electricity radiated from each slow kiss, her skin practically jumping at his touch.

  This is really happening.

  Both hands went around her waist then, his arms against her bare skin. She felt naked and vulnerable, and yet she had never felt quite so safe. She threw her arms up and around his muscular shoulders, and he lifted her effortlessly, pressing her tightly to his body. Their mouths met again, teasing at each other, as he walked her backwards. Her legs bumped against the soft cushion of the bed, and he slowly leaned down to let her rest. As his body pressed against hers, she felt the firm evidence of his arousal press against her.

  He braced himself on either side of her, darting in for a nip of a kiss here and there. “You are so very beautiful,” he murmured. “I wish we had all the time in the world.”

  “Then we should make the best of what we have,” Gabby said.
/>   His smile changed then, a wolfish, hungry look. He leaned back for a moment and deftly pulled his loose tunic over his head to reveal the smooth planes of chiseled muscle. Then he sank back down to her, bracing himself with one hand to kiss her neck while his other traced down her breast, then down her side. She shivered at his touch and caressed the hard muscle of his shoulders, then the graceful curve of his back. He tensed slightly as her fingers brushed the rough ridge of scar tissue.

  She held his gaze. “Is this all right?” He nodded silently. She slowly traced the edge of the scarring, exploring the history written on his back. There was a story there she wanted to know, but it was the wrong time to ask.

  As if he’d sensed her thoughts, he made up his mind to distract her by teasing his fingers along her inner thigh. He pressed his hand against her, sending a delicious shiver breaking over her like a wave at high tide.

  “May I?” he murmured into her ear, his lips hot as he nuzzled at her.

  “You better,” she growled. And he did. His fingers danced nimbly across her entrance, teasing gently until she moaned with pleasure. A mindless wave of sheer sensation washed over her, her back arching as his fingers slipped inside to stoke the embers into a full-on inferno.

  How long had it been since she felt so connected? So absolutely safe and valued?

  Never, she realized.

  His kiss was ravenous, his hands deft and practiced, leaving her breathless as white-hot pleasure gathered in her core, almost agonizing in the tension. She let out a wordless cry as the tension finally broke, leaving her gasping for breath. When she opened her eyes again, Tarek was close, brushing her hair away from her face with warm, gentle fingers.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said.

  “I want you,” she replied. “Now.”

  With his powerful arms on either side of her, eyes locked on hers, she had never wanted a man so badly. Dipping his head to capture her mouth with his own, he pushed himself fully into her. She gasped in surprise at first, then relaxed to allow him deeper. Then he moved in her, and she couldn’t hold back a moan of pleasure as he found a slow, agonizingly sweet rhythm.

  As he moved, she moved her hips to meet him, tracing his beautiful body with her hands. The world drifted away, and with it, the logical part of her brain. All she cared about was this moment, the way his skin burned against her touch, the strength of him as he moved in her, surrounding her like a stone fortress, and the blazing heat at her core.

  Gabby had never liked to lose control, but she did then, gasping in pleasure as the molten hot center exploded, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout her body. A moment later, Tarek groaned. His back arched, the solid muscle shifting under her hands as he climaxed. They were silent and still for a moment, the only sound their breathing.

  Finally, he met her eyes, searching her. He smiled, then languidly kissed her. First her forehead, then her cheeks, then a lingering kiss on her lips. His lips tasted faintly of salt, a pleasant bite on her tongue.

  He murmured something quietly. “Marta keth uran d’Isina.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said.

  He smiled. “It doesn’t translate. It’s a blessing, you might say. An honorable man thanks the Skymother when he is given the honor of making love to a woman of such beauty and honor.”

  “Beauty and honor, huh?”

  He rolled over to lay on his back, breaking the warm connection between them. Seconds later, he looked at her expectantly, and she eased over so she could rest her head on his chest. His golden skin still gleamed with a fine sheen of sweat. She traced the lines of his chest with one finger. He laughed a little, the rumbling sound into her body as it vibrated. “Beauty and honor, indeed,” he said. “I do not deserve such a queen.”

  A shadow flitted across his face as he said those words.

  “What happened?”

  He tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

  “Something happened. Maybe a long time ago,” she said. “You wear it like a scar.”

  His eyes flitted to his chest, as if he was looking for the physical evidence. “I don’t know what you mean.”


  He sighed. “It seems that you care for me, though I certainly am not worthy.”

  “I do,” Gabby said. And it no longer surprised her.

  “But you would not if you knew of my shame.”

  “Tell me,” she said.

  He rolled onto his side, propping his head on his arm. He did not bother to cover himself, leaving the long, finely cut lines of his body exposed. And it was certainly a sight to see. But his face no longer wore the easy smile, the satisfied expression of a sated lion. He looked grim. “Why?”

  “If it’s too hard, you don’t have to,” she said. “But there is something in you. A tender spot. And not in a good way.” He winced at that. “I don’t mean it as an insult. But it’s obvious that you’re carrying something very heavy.”

  “Well, I’m rather strong.”


  He sighed. As he searched her with his eyes, she realized she was pressing too hard. What right did she have to pry? And if he was about to take her home, what did it matter?

  It mattered. Because somewhere in her mind, whether it was silly or not, she envisioned something beyond the sunrise. It couldn’t be that fate would bring this strange, beautiful soul into her life only to snatch it away after a few days.

  But he was clearly uneasy. She shook her head. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to press.” She rested her hand on his arm, tracing the firm line of his triceps with one finger. “Let’s just enjoy the moment.”

  He breathed a sigh of obvious relief, then smirked a bit. “How much would you like to enjoy it?”

  “How long is it until sunrise?”


  As Tarek watched Gabrielle sleep, he marveled at how lucky he had been, even if it was short-lived. He had fallen under the dreamy haze of sleep, still holding her in his arms. But when the first servants began walking past the door talking quietly, he’d jolted awake. He’d thought to wake her up, but she slept soundly. Long lashes fanned against her flushed cheeks, her lips curved in a faint smile as if she dreamed of beautiful things. He did not dare wake her, and instead watched the steady rise and fall of her chest.

  His joy was tinged with sadness. The sky was still dark, but the first hints of pale blue clung to the mountain peaks like mist. Just wait, he thought. Were it in his power, he would have stopped the sun where it hung in the sky, holding back the dawn to make this moment last forever.

  He had known lovers over his decades, but this was different. Though he still knew relatively little about Gabrielle, he somehow felt as if he had known her for many years. He didn’t know where she lived, or what her family was like, but he had seen her stand in the face of danger. He had seen her face down those who would harm Ashariah—even him before he’d convinced her that he was an ally—without faltering. She had managed to charm the queen, and even earned the hint of a smile from the notoriously sullen and moody Kaldir. He had watched as the Ironflight guard danced with her, with no small amount of jealousy boiling in his veins. And without consideration for the danger, she had risked herself to save Ashariah once more, breaking the hold of magic that even the skilled Stoneflight healers could not solve.

  She was extraordinary, which made their impending farewell all the more painful to consider. She had a life of her own, and it didn’t include him. Shouldn’t include him. She was safer without the presence of the Kadirai and their wars. She was better off without him.

  Something touched his shoulder, tracing down his arm and leaving a crackling electricity in its wake. He turned to see Gabrielle looking at him, her eyes still sleepy and heavy. “Have you slept?”

  “For a while,” he said.

  The bedclothes whispered against skin as she sat up and touched his shoulder. “Is it time?”

  He sighed. “It will be soon. We should prepare

  The sun had climbed above the horizon by the time Gabrielle finished dressing. The queen’s servants had laundered her old clothes, and it made Tarek oddly wistful to see her dress again. She was every bit as lovely in her normal clothes, but they only reminded him of the distance, that she was a stranger in his world.

  After fussing with her hair for a few minutes, she threw up her hands and said, “This is as good as it gets. Apparently hair-ties aren’t a thing here.” Her dark hair hung in loose waves around her rosy-cheeked face.

  He eyed her. “One could not ask for better.”

  “Stop it,” she said, though her lips quirked up into a smile.

  “Are you ready to go home?” he asked. The words felt like bitter ashes on his tongue.

  She hesitated, then gave a perfunctory nod. “I guess I am. It feels like it’s been forever, but it’s only been a few days.”

  Tarek felt a sense of heaviness, like he was barely holding something back. Gabrielle seemed unaware of his discomfort, busying herself with straightening the bedclothes and looking around for anything she had missed. He wanted to say something, but he wasn’t sure what it was, only that it was important and his chance was slipping away.

  Gabrielle looked up suddenly. “What about this?”

  Her voice startled him. Her hand rested on the hanassa amulet lying on her chest. “We have to return it to the queen,” Tarek said. He crossed the room quickly to help her. Sweeping her hair away from her neck, he unfastened the chain.

  Gabrielle turned to look up at him, fixing her warm gaze on him. “This was like a dream,” she said.

  He hesitated. Looking down at her sparked his desire again, and he was overcome with the need to lift her off her feet and take her to bed again. But that would only make what was to come more difficult. Instead, he kissed her delicately on the forehead. “A beautiful dream. But—”


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