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Cynthia- Empress of the Stars

Page 21

by James Patrick Warner

  “I guess we have to get you a session inside the Library too, honey. You should know our history,” I said and kissed my husband on the cheek.

  “How can we be the Parents? They made us. Or at least you and I, sis. So what does this have to do with your altogether human clone daughter?” My sister had good questions. None of us had good answers.

  Caryn and I talked to many of the Parent facilities and shared their thoughts with the men. I had decided to call Craig one of the men. He was, after all, a self-admitted interested party, interested in one of the McDowell women. He deserved to be part of this, as soon as he finished the Parents’ school tomorrow morning.

  We had a great discussion and arrived nowhere. There were still too many unknowns to make any sense of it.

  “Colleen is a verified human being. She should have been killed or maimed like Meph was,” I said at last.

  “There’s definitely more to this than meets the eye. And if our family is getting targeted, I wonder who will be next,” Caryn said.

  “The Repair Station said although they don’t understand it, she is not really seriously hurt. That is encouraging. Maybe we’ll be able to talk like you and I do, sis,” I said.

  She’d be the first human to have that ability. Maybe not the last, I thought as we broke up the meeting.

  When Bill and I went to bed in a spare bedroom, I huddled in his arms for quite a while. And Caryn did the same in Fred’s arms in their bedroom. We were just like a couple girls confronting a big, bad, scary thing. It felt good to be there, protected by our big strong men. I fell asleep almost immediately. I don’t think Bill minded too much, he fell asleep a few moments before me.

  Chapter 27.


  “Is Craig finished?” I asked the Library.

  “Yes. He is sleeping now and should wake up shortly.”

  I took a pod to the Library and went in. He was still sleeping in that big comfortable chair. I found the food synthesizer and made up some chicken soup for us. I heard some noises coming from the learning room and took a tray with the soup in to our new man. Oh yeah, I was sure he was going to marry Colleen. Their relationship had all the earmarks of a loving one. He groggily turned to me and managed to sit up in the chair.

  “Wow. That was indescribable. What is this?” he pointed at the tray.

  “Room service, Romeo. Some chicken soup. Eat up, we have a lot to talk about. And Colleen should be ready to come out of the surgery soon.”

  He ate the soup. Or actually, he drank it up hardly chewing it at all. I remember how hungry Caryn was when she finished a session in the chair. And so I waited patiently and studied him. He was really good looking like many athletes are. Good genetic stock. His hair was a nice color of brown with some red highlights. His eyes were brown with a tint of gold around the edges of the pupils. He appeared to be around 20, give or take a year. He might not be a plebe at all and could be in his second year. Didn’t take Colleen long to find a hunk to play with: my daughter for sure.

  I walked over to him and took away the tray. When I came back he was carefully getting up out of the chair. I helped him and he stumbled. I caught him and we ended up in an embrace. Well, my body was still only 27 technically. No wonder he thought I was her sister. I gently pushed him away. Whew, what a hunk!

  He stood up on his own and I smiled at him, a forgiving smile. I knew he could get really confused with all us gorgeous women around.

  “Remember, Craig, Colleen and I are identical, except for our ages. She will look exactly like me in a few years. Stay with her and you’ll reap vast rewards.”

  “Uh-huh. Wow. You are really something else, uh, Sir. What do I call you anyway?”

  “You can call me Cynthia when we’re not at work. Otherwise you can call me Captain or Sir, whatever fits the situation. And if you marry Colleen, you can call me mom.”

  “Wow. Now I know I’m a dead man.”

  “Come on, Craig, let’s go visit your girlfriend.”

  I led the way out of the Library and back to the pod. We got in and went to the Repair Station. The pod stopped in the hospital, right next to the surgery entrance. We got out and looked in. I could see Colleen, apparently still sleeping, no longer covered by the cocoon.

  “Mom? Is that you?”

  “Oh Colleen, honey! Yes, I’m here. I brought Craig.”

  “I know! I can sense him there with you.

  “Okay hon. Can you come out, or should we go in?”

  “You bring Craig. I’m ready.”

  I could see she was not actually completely ready. She was naked on the bed. But she still looked good. Craig was enjoying the view too. I turned to him.

  “She asked us to come in. Let’s go.”

  He looked at me questioning and I went through the door. He followed right behind. We walked up to the bed. Colleen looked so sexy laying there, but peaceful, kind of natural, not a put-on. She still didn’t open her eyes or move at all.

  “Craig, I think we’ve got a sleeping beauty case here. Why don’t you wake her up?”

  He bent over her, drinking in her loveliness with his eyes. I think that is the moment he realized he did love her. Bending over, he kissed her gently, then warmly, then her eyes opened with a look of shock, then she grabbed him and pulled him to her. I smiled. Yes, this relationship was sealed, with a kiss, as it should be.

  “Cynthia, Colleen told me to come to the surgery. Is she okay?” Caryn said to me, barging into the room. She didn’t waste any time, that sister of mine. Colleen and Craig were still kissing. Passions were heating up. Caryn started to say something. I turned to her and pointed out the door. We walked quickly out of the surgery and closed the door behind us.

  “Thanks mom. Thanks Aunt C. We’ll be out later. Bring me some clothes, please.”

  We sat on a couch and looked at each other, both smiling goofy smiles.

  “You know, Caryn, I’ve never seen a McDowell woman in action before. Wow, what a show. Are we like that when we get passionate?”

  “Yeah, you ought to know.”

  I heard the door to the surgery open and Colleen exclaimed, “MOM! Get me some clothes!” Caryn and I started laughing. Craig was chagrined, to say the least. Welcome to the McDowell family, future husband of my daughter.

  I ran to the pod and got a spare uniform from the storage box. It would fit my clone daughter well enough. Colleen put it on and the skintight silver jumpsuit looked terrific on her. Craig looked her over in admiration.

  “We’ve got to get you two back to school. Your classes start in a few days and you have to find more clothes and get more books and replace your computers and such. Might as well register with the housing people as a couple too, while you’re at it,” I said to them as we walked to the pods. Caryn left in hers and we got into mine. Craig and Colleen exchanged looks. Loving looks, but there were other emotions there as well. “Does she know something I don’t?” I wondered.

  All I could think of was that this young woman was starting out her story with a hell of a bang, pun intended.





  The McDowell Saga, Book 3


  James Patrick Warner

  Copyright © 2018 all rights Reserved

  JPW Publishing

  Clearwater, Florida, USA




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