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Winning Skyhunter

Page 4

by Jessie Donovan

  As he tried to think of how to respond, Honoria took another step closer and placed a hand on his cheek. The touch sent a jolt of heat rushing through his body, straight to his cock. When she lightly caressed his skin, he barely resisted sighing and leaning into the touch.

  A touch that seemed to soothe his soul.

  Before he could think of why he shouldn't do it, Asher roped an arm around her waist, hauled her up against his body, and kissed her.


  Honoria had been working up the courage to kiss Asher when he surprised her. The second her body pressed up against his, her knees buckled and she had to lean into him for support. Good thing, too, because in the next second he pressed his lips to hers.

  A long-hidden desire rushed forth at the contact, her nerves aware of every inch of him against her. She opened her mouth and Asher thrust his tongue inside, caressing and stroking her breathless.

  Bloody hell, he tasted good. Maybe even better than she remembered.

  While not the pounding need of a mate-claim frenzy, Honoria wanted to kiss every inch of his body. Settling for touching his skin, she ran a hand under his shirt and dug her nails in. Asher growled at the contact, and he moved one of his hands to her arse. He rocked her against his hard cock, and she gasped.

  She needed him inside her, and fast. He could rip off her clothes and take her right here, in the open, and she wouldn't care.

  Asher broke the kiss, his breathing hard. He murmured, "Come on."

  As he tugged her along, she smiled. "No adventurous sex today, I guess."

  He never slowed down his pace. "I want to be the only one who sees your naked body as you come."

  Heat flushed her body. "I hope not in your mother's house."

  "No." He met her gaze. "A place where you can scream my name and no one will interrupt us. My place."

  She frowned, thankful for her long legs being able to keep up with Asher's near-run. "You have a place?"


  She sensed that was all the answer she'd get on the topic.

  Her dragon spoke up. It doesn't matter. He may want us to himself, but it's more that we have him to ourselves.

  They reached the front door of a small cottage made of brick, one in a different section of the clan from his mother's place. Asher unlocked the door, pulled her inside, and shut the door. She'd barely taken a glance at the sparsely furnished place before he backed her against the door and put a hand on either side of her head. His hot breath danced across her lips, a whisper of what she wanted. "Tell me you're on birth control."

  Since dragon-shifters didn't catch venereal diseases, answering yes meant he'd be fucking her without a condom. The thought made her pussy pulse, so she didn't hide the truth and nodded.

  He growled, "Good."

  Asher kissed her and lifted her leg to his side. He wasted no time in reaching underneath and teasing her through her trousers. She gasped as his fingers found her clit.

  But she wanted more than an orgasm brought on by his fingers. So Honoria broke the kiss, dug her nails into his chest, and pushed back. "No foreplay. I want you inside me. Now."

  Her dragon hummed. Yes, yes, he should fuck us hard and rough.

  Asher placed his hands over hers before encircling both her wrists. He maneuvered her hands behind her. "Any way I want?"

  She knew her pupils were flashing between round and slitted, and her voice was husky as she answered, "Yes. Just hurry up and fuck me, Asher. It's been too long for me, too."

  In the blink of an eye, Asher moved behind her and gently tugged her arms. Her dragon hummed at the dominance. He isn't a weak one to cower at us. After the first orgasm, I'm not holding back.

  Keeping her wrists in place with one hand, he ripped her trousers until they pooled in tatters around her ankles. Her underwear was somehow also torn away in the process.

  Moving his hand down, he teased her pussy. She sucked in a breath at his rough fingers against her swollen flesh. He murmured, "This isn't foreplay. But any male who doesn't ensure his female is wet and ready doesn't deserve to have a cock."

  Somewhere in her lust haze, she realized Asher was still an honorable male. That hadn't changed.

  Removing his fingers, he pushed her forward to a small sofa, and he bent her over the back. "If it's ever too much, you say bonanza. Understood?"

  Honoria wiggled her hips and widened her stance. Between his heat behind her and the way he wasn't afraid to take charge, she needed his hard cock. "Bonanza. Yes, I got it. Now, fuck me."

  There was no teasing, no joking. Asher positioned his cock at her entrance and pushed in an inch. One bloody inch. "Bloody hell, Asher. Just fuck me already."

  She swore she heard a chuckle, but he thrust into her with one swift motion and she arched her back. "Asher."

  He remained that way, deep inside her, keeping her arms restrained, for a few seconds. She should be frustrated, but more wetness rushed between her thighs in anticipation of what he'd do next.

  So this was what it was like to be taken by a dominant male.

  Her beast snarled. I am just as dominant. The next round is mine.

  Asher moved his hips, his long, hard cock hitting just the right spot. The sofa even moved beneath her from the force of his thrusts.

  The dragonman behind her reached an arm around her and lightly brushed her clit. A few more harsh strokes and Honoria was close to coming.

  Lights danced before her eyes as the world broke apart. Pleasure exploded throughout her body, both the human and dragon roaring in ecstasy. She was vaguely aware of Asher stilling and grunting out his own orgasm.

  Their heavy breathing filling the air, Honoria slowly came back to her surroundings. Her dragon spoke up. No one else has ever come close. I want him again.

  Asher gently pulled her up and kissed the side of her neck. He lazily ripped her top off. Her bra soon followed. Taking one of her hard nipples between thumb and forefinger, he rolled and tugged, making her want him all over again.

  Her dragon snarled. Yes, yes, again. But this time, it's my turn.

  With her beast taking control of her mind, she freed her arms, batted away Asher's hand, and turned. "I will claim you now."

  Her beast rushed Asher and took him to the ground. Turning one of their fingernails into a talon, she put it at his throat. Taking his cock in other hand, she stroked. "Have you had a dominant female before?"

  His pupils were slitted. "No."

  She smiled slowly. "Good. Then this should be fun."

  Her dragon lowered their body onto his cock and clenched their inner muscles. Asher groaned and tilted his head back. Her beast dug the talon deeper. "Look at me." Asher complied. "And don't stop."

  Moving their hips, her dragon rode Asher hard. His gaze never wavered, not even when they both orgasmed shortly after.

  And even then, it wasn’t enough for either woman or beast. It wasn’t just great sex either. There was something about Asher that affected her greatly, to the point it should set off warning bells.

  However, as he took her again, Honoria forgot about everything but the male inside her.


  Hours later, Asher lay on his back on the floor, Honoria a few inches away from him. They'd both taken turns dominating the other, until exhaustion had reduced them to lying like logs on the floor.

  Never had Asher thought giving up control could be as sexy as it had been with Honoria.

  His dragon sniffed. It only is with the right female.

  In other words, one who lets us dominate her sometimes, too.

  Exactly. We're tied two-two, which means we need to schedule a rematch.

  No, dragon. This is a one-time thing. We should both be more levelheaded and focused on the clan leader trials now.

  If not for the trials, you'd want her again, wouldn't you?

  Asher turned his head a fraction and stared at Honoria's profile. While he would never tire of her small breasts or long legs, it was her face he couldn't look away from. Much l
ike he, she had a light sheen of sweat on her forehead. There were also a few nips on her neck that were beginning to bruise. And her lovely hair was tangled, but he knew it was still soft and faintly smelled of some kind of fruit.

  He'd once called her the most beautiful female in the world. That hadn't changed.

  Honoria turned her head and met his gaze. A small smile played on her lips as she said, "I'm almost glad we didn't do this at sixteen. Because I suspect your teenage dragon wouldn't have let mine take control part of the time."

  "Maybe not."

  She snorted. "Which is dragonman talk for never."

  He smiled. Honoria had a way of making him do that. "Teenage dragon-shifters are fools half the time. Anyone who spends time teaching them learns that soon enough."

  She searched his gaze. "Have you been teaching again since being let out?"

  He looked away. His beast murmured, Coward.

  Ignoring his dragon, Asher whispered, "A little."

  Her hand found his and squeezed. Rationally, he should jerk his hand away and keep a distance between them. Sex was one thing, but sharing more of him could only lead to trouble later on.

  And yet, he squeezed her fingers back. With her warm hand in his, the usual dread that came when talking about his past seemed to stay at bay.

  His dragon grunted. Talk to her.

  Why? She's not ours, and never will be.

  She could be.

  Not allowing himself to think of Honoria in his bed every night, pulled close against him, Asher focused on Skyhunter. Any good clan leader would do the same. "Teaching was great, but leading the clan back into the light and earning the trust of Stonefire and the other clans will be even more rewarding." He did meet her lovely blue eyes again. "I've spent the last six months dedicating myself to taming my demons."

  "And did you succeed?"

  He should scream yes and be done with it. However, the words spilled from his lips, "Mostly. Enough to be declared sane and stable by the counselor, at any rate."

  He paused, debating whether to say more. Then Honoria gripped his hand tighter, and he couldn't resist the comforting gesture. When it came to the female next to him, Asher had a definite weakness. He added, "But unlike most other leaders, I plan to have a better structure in place surrounding the clan leader, to ensure nothing like Marcus's reign of terror happens ever again. I would be in charge, yes. But I'd also have others working with me on various tasks and specialties to better distribute the workload."

  Honoria's eyes widened and her lips parted. "That just sparked an idea."

  "Which is?"

  She bit her bottom lip, and Asher somehow resisted moving over and kissing her again. He instead focused on her response as she said, "You aren't going to like it."

  He raised an eyebrow. "And you think saying that is going to make me shrug and drop it?"

  Smiling, amusement danced in her eyes. Honoria had such beautiful blue eyes. Ones he could easily lose himself in if Asher weren't careful.

  His dragon huffed. Stop being poetic and just fuck her again.

  Honoria spoke before he could reply to his dragon. "Well, the UK and Ireland have been pushing boundaries and trying new things in their clans over the last few years, right?" He nodded, and she continued, "What would you say to pushing a boundary even further?'

  He frowned. "You're being cryptic. Just spit it out, Ria."

  Releasing his hand, she sat up and motioned for him to do the same. Once he was upright, it was harder to keep his eyes on her face. But somehow he managed it as she spoke again, "What if Skyhunter had two clan leaders, working together? Sort of like co-leaders, you could say. After all, you know Skyhunter better than anyone, and I have knowledge gained from my time in America concerning some of the most modern practices between dragons and human oversight. If we combine those things, as well as our other numerous strengths, we could make Skyhunter respected once again, and this time not out of fear."

  He blinked. "Two clan leaders? Has that ever been done before?"

  She shrugged one shoulder. "I have no idea, but does it matter? I know it's going to be hard to convince not only the DDA of how it could work, but also the other four dragon clan leaders in the UK. However, I think we could do so much together, Ash. More than either of us could on our own."

  He stared at Honoria. The idea wasn't bad, but it also raised other important issues.

  His beast spoke up. So you're open to it?

  She has a point.

  And it has nothing to do with seeing her sparkling eyes every day?

  Asher mentally grunted. It would be a bonus, but it's not the main reason.

  However, as he searched Honoria's gaze, he wondered if he truly knew what she was proposing. "It's a good idea." She opened her mouth, but he raised a hand to stay her and continued, "But I haven't agreed to anything. Everyone will talk, Ria. They'll think we're together, and many of them will still think the male of the pair is ultimately in charge. Could you handle that?"

  She sat up taller. "They may assume that in the beginning, but with time, they'll learn that certain areas are my jurisdiction, and others are yours."

  The bold girl from his youth had blossomed into a confident female, one he wanted to haul into his lap and claim all over again.

  His beast snorted. If you're thinking about a platonic relationship, I don't think it'll last.

  It'll last because it has to.

  Want to wager on it?


  Only because you know you'll lose.

  "Ash? Is your dragon against the idea?"

  He shook his head. "No. He's just being a smug pain in my arse, is all."

  She grinned. "So in other words, just a male dragon?"

  His beast cackled inside his head, but Asher ignored him. "He's the only dragon I have, so I don't know."

  Searching his gaze, she leaned forward. "So? What do you think?"

  There were a million reasons why he should dismiss Honoria's idea and earn the clan leader position on his own.

  And yet, just imagining Honoria always nearby, ready to take charge if something triggered a flashback to his torture, was too irresistible. Especially since she would have a hard time winning over the older clan members on her own. Not everyone was as open to a female leader as Clan Glenlough in Ireland.

  His beast grunted. Honoria's entirely capable and skilled.

  I don't disagree. But our stubbornness won't instantly change everyone's minds.

  He finally answered Honoria's question. "I'm open to it." She squealed in delight, but he carried on. "But it's not ultimately up to me, Ria. We have to convince the DDA to allow it, which won't be easy."

  She grabbed his hand, her warm skin against his making him want to kiss her again. "No worries, we can do it. I know we can, Ash. We need to schedule a private meeting with the DDA human as soon as possible. Where's my phone?"

  He finally pulled her closer and rearranged her on his lap. "You can call them after we have our tie-breaking match."

  "Ash, we shouldn't waste time."

  His hand moved to between her thighs, and he lightly stroked her folds. He groaned at how wet she still was. "Cede to me straightaway and it won't take long."

  Her pupils flashed to slits and back. Instead of speaking, she pushed him back and raised herself to her knees while straddling him. "I don't think so."

  With his hard cock in hand, she lowered down and began riding him rough, digging her nails into his chest as she swirled her hips.

  He should be upset at losing, but as Honoria gripped his cock with her pussy and increased her pace, he said fuck it. Sometimes, losing wasn't so bad. Especially when Honoria Wakeham was involved.

  Chapter Four

  The following day, Asher sat next to Honoria in what was usually the clan leader's office. For the time being, the human DDA employee was using it as her home base.

  It was strange to see a human sitting behind the massive desk that had been used for centuries by Skyhunter's
leaders. Some may think it should be destroyed, to cleave all ties to Marcus King's reign. However, Asher thought keeping the desk and sitting behind it to do good would be better. Most of Skyhunter's past wasn't so dark, after all. There were even times in history, such as during the Second World War, when they'd been viewed as heroes.

  Not that he should be thinking about the desk at all. Honoria had just finished telling Penny about her co-leader idea, and they awaited her response. The human kept looking at each of them in turn, her brows furrowed, clearly thinking.

  When she finally spoke, her voice was firm. For a human, at least. "Part of me wants to outright dismiss the request since Skyhunter will face enough challenges with just one new leader."

  At her pause, Asher jumped in. "I sense a 'but' coming."

  Penny sat back in her chair and sighed. "But, it could be a good thing, too. After all, having two dragon-shifters working together, not to mention the additional support staff you propose, would severely decrease the chance of corruption. It could still happen, mind you. But it'd be less likely, given all the dragon-shifters involved in keeping the clan running."

  Honoria tapped her hand against the arm of her chair. Asher remembered her having the same tick when she'd been younger, and it was the only sign she was anxious to hear a verdict. The dragonwoman asked, "So may we compete as a pair?"

  "The others will no doubt make a fuss. We'd have to extend the chance for them to compete as a team, too." She looked at each of them. "Do you still want to do this?"

  They both nodded, but Honoria spoke first. "Of course."

  "Right, then I need to call my boss first and then Stonefire."

  Asher's brows drew together. "Why do you need to talk with Stonefire?"

  The human answered, "They are the other English dragon clan, and probably the one you'll be working with the most closely. It's essential you two get along. Given what I know of Bram Moore-Llewellyn, it shouldn't be a problem. However, I need to clear it with him first."

  It was on the tip of Asher's tongue to say fuck Stonefire, but he held back.


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