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Warriors of Risnar 4

Page 12

by Tracy St. John

  Selena, guarding Tidem, hurried into the outskirts of Yitrow. They raced deeper into the farmland section, to a small outbuilding that housed feed for the livestock. They gained entry easily, as the owner had said they would, and gathered in the center of the wooden structure’s dirt floor.

  “The containment field was still up. I wonder why,” Arga muttered.

  “Maybe they don’t plan to leave? Or they’d use the tunnels they’ve burrowed,” Thompson suggested.

  “Or they haven’t accessed the system yet,” Tidem added hopefully.

  Arga signaled for quiet. “We’re going into town, two squads. Bej has drilled everyone on infiltration during an invasion scenario. This is what you trained for, though the real deal didn’t come from a containment failure.”

  The warriors nodded. Selena felt relief that they knew what they were expected to do.

  “Let’s move out. Tidem and Selena, stick with me.”

  Moving from the farming zone to the town proper took a long while. Selena estimated they crossed a three-mile swath of fields before the sparsely scattered domes began to crowd closer. Elephant-sized hisers grazed quietly as they passed, the massive furry creatures barely acknowledging them as the warriors darted from tree to building to rocky outcroppings—wherever they could find somewhere to hide.

  Not much action out here. Selena guessed the drones suspected few Risnarish would have fled in that direction once it became clear Yitrow was no longer safe. Certainly they’d expect no attack from that area, at least not so soon after the invasion. It was little wonder they saw none of the enemy beyond the containment barrier.

  That changed as the middle of the settlement came into view, with its market squares and bunched domes that clustered around the temple complex. By then, the sun had begun its descent, an hour into the afternoon. With vegetation thinning out, giving way to lanes and streets, the light was a beacon, exposing the squad. Every sound was loud. The warriors’ steps boomed as if they wore steel-soled boots. Selena’s breathing was a hurricane, her heartbeat a giant, pounding drum. She was reminded of other warzones, how her senses went into overdrive in the same manner, making her feel vulnerable to discovery and attack.

  New sounds reached them from the direction they were heading. Sizzling screams of shooters and the enemy blats of the drones’ scatter-shot, already too familiar, filled the air. Arga’s group froze.

  “Someone’s putting up a fight,” he whispered.

  “I wish we could help them.” Selena grimaced, her clutch on the shooter tightening.

  “They’re offering the diversion we need to reach our objective. The immediate area just ahead appears cleared out.”

  “The drones are securing the town, a section at a time. Working from the edges to the middle, corralling anyone they can find.”

  “Including the Risnarish they caught in capture fields. I don’t see prisoners or the dead.”

  He was right. They hadn’t stumbled across any of the fallen. Selena swallowed and tried not to think the worst.

  Arga jerked his head. “Let’s move.”

  Moving with greater caution, they passed into the outskirts of the town. Creeping from building to building, darting past the open squares, they headed deeper into what was now enemy territory. Whatever bodies had fallen had been taken elsewhere, whether Risnarish or drone, but there were signs of battles. Broken doors to domes and other structures, shattered dishes before the eateries, smashed goods, overturned seats and tables in the squares—all bore mute testament to the violence that had recently occurred.

  As they got closer to the temple complex, Selena noticed something else. The dank, oily scent that hung in the hive had invaded Yitrow. It grew more noticeable the deeper they went into the town.

  As did a strange tapping sound, reminding Selena of raindrops pouring onto the cobbled lanes of the mid-to inner streets. As it grew louder, Arga snarled and signaled the unit to freeze again.

  “What is that?” Selena spoke so low she almost couldn’t hear herself, relying on Arga’s fox ears to catch her question.

  “Drones. That’s the sound of them walking.” He jerked his head, indicating the squad would move south, skirting the center of town.

  They circled for what felt like another hour, though Selena swore the revealing sun sank no lower in the sky. At intervals, the tapping of drone feet swelled, coming closer, and the warriors held their shooters at the ready. Twice, Selena spotted a tiny gray body darting between the domes. Then the steps faded into the distance again, though never enough for her peace of mind.

  She could hardly believe it when the familiar sight of the armament guild loomed before them. At that point, the second squad rejoined hers, and the full company reconnoitered the exterior of the guild. With no signs of detection or surveillance, they moved to the entrance.

  Arga motioned to the other squad. “You have point. We’ll follow. Once we know the dome is secured, we’ll guard the perimeter while Tidem cleans out the database and Selena and I grab the components. Okay—now.”

  Thompson was part of the other squad. Before she disappeared inside the guild, she gave Selena a wink. The black-haired woman was in her element, a born soldier, a fighting hero in every sense. Human or not, she moved among the Risnarish warriors as if she’d always been a part of their world. Selena returned her wink with a grim smile.

  A few seconds later, when no warnings were called out and no shots were fired, Arga’s squad entered the guild too.

  Tidem didn’t hesitate for an instant. He ran straight for the bank of computers against the wall, calling out. “System, isolate all battle plans on Monsudan and Earth portal accesses to hive computers alone, including weaponry and test results. Expunge all those records from Yitrow’s mainframe.”

  “Authorization from Head of Assembly Notlin or a sanctioned representative is required for mainframe records purge,” the system prompted.

  Tidem supplied the needed codes. Meanwhile, Selena and Arga worked to fill backpacks with explosives hardware. Fortunately, the components were small and easily fit in the carrysacks the Risnarish used to haul extra power packs for their shooters.

  “Each warrior gets a pack. Come claim them as we close them up,” Arga called to the warriors who’d entered with them.

  “Holy cats, Tidem, how many of these did you manufacture? I thought the other villages were making their own.” Selena handed off a pack to a green-and-gold man who appeared at her side.

  “I didn’t want anything left to chance. We made backups and backups for the backups.” Tidem was checking and rechecking the information on the computers. “I see no sign the drones have accessed the records yet, though they’ve tried to hack into everything. Make that, are trying. I’m tempted to throw in extra blocks, but that might lead them to our location. Safeguards are keeping them out of our secured files for now.”

  “At least there’s a little good news.” Arga’s hands and tails flew, packing two bags at once. Despite Tidem’s enthusiastic manufacture, almost all the components had been collected.

  “Tidem, your ability to organize is a thing of beauty,” Selena marveled. “We’re already just about done here.”

  It was a good thing, too. Thompson called from the dome’s entrance. “We’ve got company coming!”

  “How many?”

  “A lot! They’re heading straight for us. They know we’re here.”

  The sounds of shooters going off and the answering blats of scatter-shot put an exclamation on her report.

  Chapter Twelve

  “They found us fast,” Selena muttered as the firefight grew in intensity. She shut the last backpack and slung it over her shoulders. Made for the larger Risnarish frame, the damned thing hung to her ass.

  “The drones must have tapped into part of the system. They failed to access the secured files, but they could have set up for a warning if a member of the Assembly tried to access them. The instant Tidem used those codes, the drones must have been warned.” Arga
slung a pack on and called to the rest of the warriors. “We have to hold the guild until Tidem confirms he’s isolated everything to the hive computers and erased our attack plans in the mainframe.”

  “I’m almost there, Arga.”

  While the guildmaster continued to work feverishly, Selena and Arga moved toward the dome’s front entrance, ready to fight. Thompson, stationed by the doorway, glanced at her fellow Earthling.

  “Boom-Boom, protect Tidem. We’ve trained a very specific way to fight the drones, and we need you to stay out of the way.”

  Selena nodded and dropped back to stand next to her mentor. A second later, the computers went dark and the electronic female voice spoke. “System offline at this access point.”

  “Done,” Tidem confirmed. He gave the area where the explosive components had been stored a final gaze and nodded, satisfied.

  “Secondary entrance is showing the least resistance, Arga. Most of the fighting is from the front.” Anneliese snarled at the fight in front of her.

  “We’ll go out the rear. Head straight to your dartwings and the hive, warriors. Do not stop to assist anyone else. We have to take these components out of the village. Tidem, to the middle of the squad so you’re protected. Selena, you’re slowest, so keep to the rear and watch our flank,” Arga ordered.

  “Got it.” Selena took position at the end of the assembled group.

  Thompson and another warrior glanced at each other. A quick nod, and they burst out of the door, their shooters joining in the battle outside.


  At her signal, those in the guild stampeded out, firing at the oncoming drones. The following minutes consisted of dashing from building to building, trying to find what cover they could. There wasn’t much shelter to be had with the number of spindly drones that raced after them. The containment belts, which deflected fire from the scatter-shot, kept the squad from getting pinned down.

  Selena didn’t allow herself to contemplate the seemingly vulnerable creatures that chased after them. The drones were barely four feet tall, and the idea they could be lethal seemed laughable. Yet no matter how many fell before the Risnarish fire, more kept arriving, not hesitating for a second to come after them. And they were fast. Too fast.

  Selena cursed her short legs. She couldn’t keep up with the squad, the gap between her and the warriors lengthening every second. Despite the drones being smaller than she, they scurried fast as lightning, drawing ever nearer, even with her shooter set on wide spray.

  A flash of dark brown and ivory appeared at her side. Arga was next to her, firing at the closing threat. She shouted at him.

  “Go! Don’t wait for me!”

  “Behind that building!”

  Cursing, Selena followed his orders. There was no arguing with the fight on top of them.

  “Hold and fire on the enemy!” Using a dome for cover, Arga halted and targeted the drones chasing after the main group.

  Selena crouched low, with Arga standing over her. Their barrage of fire slowed the oncoming drones enough that most began to peel off, searching for another route to chase the fleeing warriors and Tidem.

  As she and Arga continued to hold off those that persisted in trying to close on them, she yelled, “Damn you for staying with me when the mission needs you!”

  “Shut up and fight! We’ll give the rest of our group room to run by diverting pursuit.”

  They hung in, firing grimly for several more minutes as more drones showed up to harass them. At last, Arga said, “We’ve done what we can. We need a place to hide. Follow me!”

  Selena took off after him, navigating the maze of Yitrow’s lanes and alleys with no idea of where they were heading. Her heavy pack bounced off her ass, but she refused to let it distract her. Much of her attention was focused on following Arga and fending off the drones that chased them, but a portion of her mind centered on him risking himself for her.

  It had nothing to do with providing cover for the rest. He stayed for me. Did it mean to him what it did to her?

  That he was ready to sacrifice his own safety pissed her off. It delighted her too.

  Within minutes of hurrying along the twisting lanes of the town, there remained no sign of pursuit. Arga led her into what might have been a business facility, though it was at least three domes away from the nearest market square. They slunk into the dark interior of the dome.

  They stood in the dimness for several minutes, silently letting the seconds tick by. The sounds of firing grew distant, slowly fading. After a while, things went silent, but for their harsh breathing and intermittent tapping of drones’ feet hurrying past. The sounds occurred often enough to keep them from peering outside.

  Arga tapped Selena’s shoulder. She squinted at him in the gloom. His head jerked, indicating he wanted her to follow him toward the rear of the dome.

  Selena carefully navigated what she took to be a dining establishment, letting Arga’s broad silhouette guide her past a labyrinth of tables and chairs. A dark rectangle signaled an open doorway, which led to a curved hall. Light spilled into the beige-colored space around the bend, and they eased close to the open back door.

  The tapping of enemy activity was constant. Selena and Arga crept to the door until they had a view of drones marching by, escorting carts that hovered above the ground. The carts were loaded with pieces of machinery and massive cylinders that Selena had learned were energy containment units.

  “They’re stripping our resources,” Arga whispered in her ear. “If I’m reading the placement codes on that machinery correctly, we hit the armament guild just in the nick of time. Another few minutes, and the drones would have stumbled across the explosives components.”

  “They could have guessed the other villages were manufacturing them too. Even if they believed we only planned to destroy the hives and not the Earth portals, it would have been plenty to put them on their guard. You’d have lost the element of surprise.”

  “The flow is slackening. They’ll finish cleaning out this portion of the guild area soon. Then we’ll make our move and head to the outer ring of the temple complex.”

  Selena stared at him in shock. “We’re heading straight into the belly of the beast?”

  “The drones won’t expect us to hide so near to the center of their operation. Besides, I’ve decided to see what else they’re up to, if it’s possible. Any information we can take back to the hive will be valuable.”

  The lull he’d waited for arrived perhaps half an hour later. When the paths outside were clear, they slunk from dome to dome, listening carefully for the telltale patter of drone feet on the stone-paved lanes. They ducked into the silent buildings of stripped guilds and research facilities when they became aware of enemies approaching.

  Little by little, they made their way to the outer ring of the central complex. The main temple loomed overhead, its dome a mountain in its own right. Under its shadow, Arga found the building he was looking for and ushered Selena in. As soon as they were inside, Arga dashed about, pulling slender rods from his backpack and setting them on either end of the two doors that accessed the building.

  “Those aren’t part of the explosives ordinance,” Selena said.

  “Portable containment units. I grabbed them at the last second when we evacuated the armament guild. If the drones decide for some odd reason to come in here, they won’t be able to get past the barriers.”

  “Smart thinking. What’s that?” She pointed at the metal rectangular cube he took out of his carrysack. It didn’t look typical of Risnarish manufacture.

  “A capture field emitter, taken from the hive. I snagged it before we left, thinking it might come in handy.”

  “Nice. I don’t suppose you brought a guitar to serenade me while you were at it?” Selena had a look around the foyer of the dome they’d entered, wondering at Arga’s assertion that the drones weren’t likely to do a second sweep.

  The cozy space seemed innocuous, similar to a tiny but well-appointed hote
l lobby. Upholstered benches lined a portion of the curved wall. In the center was a tall desk, where Selena imagined staff greeting and checking in weary travelers. A lovely fountain trickled halfway between it and the benches. Behind the desk stretched a long, flat wall, bisected by a few corridors which reached to the rear of the dome. Numerous doors dotted the walls.

  Selena frowned. Most of the domes she’d been in hadn’t possessed walls that completely enclosed rooms. Low partitions were the rule for Risnarish interiors, with the exception of their lavatories. Somehow, she doubted Yitrow boasted a Ministry of Toilets. What was this place?

  She went to a door, which obligingly opened for her. At first glance, she thought her first impression had been correct. A bed, its linens flung to the side, suggested a hotel room.

  The restraints hanging from the iron head and footboard spoke of something else. As did the fake striped phallus—make that a two-pronged phallus—lying abandoned on the floor.

  “Woof. I hope there was a happy ending before the drones showed up,” Selena muttered. She left the room to join Arga, who was zipping his backpack shut, having finished setting up the invisible barricades. “The happy sex dome, huh? Hell of a hiding spot.”

  “There’s a kitchen here. We can get some water, maybe a bite while we figure out our next step.”

  Selena followed him to the sparkling white room. The sound of far-off fighting seeped through the walls as Arga poked through the available snacks.

  “How can you eat at a time like this?”

  “We have to keep our strength up.” He opened a cylindrical container and shoved what resembled green French fries in his mouth.

  He wasn’t so different from the soldiers Selena had served with. She herself had learned to sleep standing on her feet. However, eating under stressful situations had never been a skill she’d managed to acquire.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “It’s relatively early since the drones broke through, and now they’re on alert for the squads we sent in. We should give things another hour to settle down, then attempt to find out what it is they came here for.”


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