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Einstein in Bohemia

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by Michael D. Gordin

  Pfempfert, Frank, 1t5

  phenomenology, 130, 141

  Philosophy of Science Association, 142

  photoelectric effect, 24, 48, 57

  Pick, Georg, 195, 206, 208, 229; deportation and death of, 209, 253; Einstein’s closeness to, 55–56, 76, 93, 109, 110; relativity defended by, 117; as search committee member, 23, 24, 38–39, 113

  Pick, Otto, 160

  Pitter, Přemysl, 203–4

  Pius IX, Pope, 130

  Planck, Max, 49, 69, 78, 187, 210; Einstein praised by, 24, 25–26; Mach vs., 117, 118; thermal radiation research by, 48

  Plicka, Karel, 256

  Poincaré, Henri, 49, 61, 114

  Poisson equation, 63, 67, 74, 75

  Poland, 28, 231, 236

  Polanyi, Michael, 112

  Pollak, Leo Wenzel, 65, 223, 233

  Popper, Karl, 112

  Prag (Kraus), 158

  Prager Tagblatt, 106, 109, 110, 126, 133, 150–51, 186–87, 215

  Prague (Plicka), 256

  Prague Linguistic Circle, 139, 219

  Prague Spring, 2, 247, 248, 249

  Prague Urania, 109, 111, 112, 140, 215

  Přemyslid dynasty, 17, 26, 27

  Princeton University, 66, 261

  The Principle of Relativity (Nachtikal), 225–26

  Principles of International Law (Bentham), 131

  Principles of Physical Optics (Mach), 118

  The Principles of the Theory of Heat (Mach), 116

  Protestant Reformation, 2, 30

  Prussia, 28

  Puchta, Anton, 55

  Purkyně, Jan Evangelista, 225

  quantum theory, 7, 23, 51, 60, 61, 173, 187, 243; attacks on, 39; Einstein’s turn away from, 52, 75; philosophical implications of, 114, 142; Solvay Conference on, 48–50

  Quine, Willard V. O., 125

  Rabinovitz, Isidor, 208

  Rádl, Emanuel, 90, 213, 226

  Rauchberg, Heinrich, 107

  Raudnitz, Robert, 186

  Reichenbach, Hans, 124, 126–27, 135, 142

  Reiser, Anton (pseud. of Rudolf Kayser), 85, 159–60

  Reitler-Eidlitz, Clara, 129

  relativity: attacks on, 39, 73, 111, 113, 118, 128–29, 132–43, 176, 226, 228–29; Einstein’s lectures on, 7, 91–92, 95, 110, 229; Entwurf theory of, 51, 72, 75, 76, 117; international recognition of, 7–8, 12, 104; Mach’s view of, 117–20; nationalist invocations of, 109–10, 216–17; Nazi denunciations of, 39; philosophical implications of, 114, 115, 117, 119–24, 242–43, 246–49; Planck’s view of, 24; popular works on, 10, 111, 187–88, 202, 214, 225–26, 228, 229, 258–59; Soviet views of, 238, 242–44, 246–49; Záviška’s promotion of, 227–30. See also Entwurf theory of relativity; general relativity; special relativity; static theory

  Relativity (Einstein), 214–15

  Relativity (Frank), 123

  Rendiconti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, 69

  Renner, Karl, 290n28

  Rëubeni, Prince of the Jews (Brod), 174

  Rey, Abel, 114

  Rhineland, 28

  Roma, 236

  Romania, 231

  Roscoe, Henry, 220

  Rosen, Edward, 307n33

  Rothmund, Viktor, 23–24, 38

  Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences, 217

  Ruark, Arthur, 208

  Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, 152, 154, 168

  Ruppin, Arthur, 199

  Russian Revolution, 2, 231

  Růžek (student), 238, 239, 240

  Sadan, Dov, 177

  Šalda, František Xaver, 163–64

  Savić, Helene, 100

  Saxony, 28

  Schilpp, Paul Arthur, 121

  Schlesinger, Georg, 200

  Schleswig, 28

  Schlick, Moritz, 112, 124, 126, 127, 141

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, 101, 151

  Schröter, Carl, 88

  Schumann, Wolfgang, 161

  Schussnigg, Kurt, 230

  Schwarz, 209

  Schweitzer, Albert, 139

  The Science of Mechanics (Mach), 116, 118

  Second World War, 2, 35, 216

  Seelig, Carl, 256, 289n24

  Selbstwehr (periodical), 192

  Serbia, 96, 99, 100

  Seton-Watson, R. W., 29

  Seydler, August, 218

  Shapley, Harlow, 142

  Skokan, Jindřich, 228

  Slánský, Rudolf, 245

  The Sleepwalkers (Koestler), 157

  Slovakia, 234, 236, 254

  Smetana, Augustin, 90

  Smetana, Bedřich, 161

  Smoluchowski, Marian von, 69

  Society for the Promotion of German Science, Art, and Literature, 217–18

  Soldner, Johann Georg von, 285n41

  Solovine, Maurice, 178, 233

  Solvay, Ernst, 47–48, 49, 50

  Solvay Conference, 47–50, 78, 96

  Sommerfeld, Arnold, 26, 45, 60, 72, 126

  Somnium (Kepler), 145–46

  Soviet Union: annexations by, 236; Czechoslovakia dominated by, 237–38, 245; decline of, 254; Prague invaded by (1968), 2, 247, 253; science and ideology in, 241, 242–44, 247–48; Western overtures to, 125

  special relativity, 7, 47, 50–51, 65, 73, 124, 225, 227, 247, 264; Abraham’s theory vs., 69, 71–72, 76; basic features of, 57–63; Einstein’s lectures on, 91–92, 95, 110, 239; general relativity distinguished from, 57; Mach linked to, 117; precursors of, 48; skepticism toward, 135, 138

  Stalin, Joseph, 243, 245

  Stark, Johannes, 39, 57, 138

  Stark effect, 39

  Starkenstein, Emil, 188

  static theory, 51, 61–62, 63–65, 67–68, 71, 73–75, 79, 105, 117

  Steiner, Rudolf, 8–9, 94

  Steinherz, Samuel, 222

  Stern, Alfred, 86, 105–6

  Stern, Clara, 86, 105–6

  Stern, Otto, 55, 206

  Streitbares Leben (Brod), 169

  Strouhal, Čeněk, 218

  Struik, Dirk, 248, 326n87

  Stumpf, Carl, 20, 21, 45, 193–94

  Stürgkh, Karl, Graf von, 26, 38–39, 41–42, 43, 186–87, 188

  Der Sturm (periodical), 165

  Sucharda, Stanislav, 82

  Sudeten German Party, 211, 232, 236

  Suslov, Mikhail, 246

  Swabia, 28

  Switzerland, 28, 33; Bohemia likened to, 89–91

  Taussig, Eduard, 150

  Taussig, Elsa, 150

  Tengnagel, Frans Gansneb, 153, 154, 156

  Teweles, Heinrich, 215

  Theresienstadt, 209

  thermodynamics, 23, 48

  Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648), 2, 30

  Three Lectures on Jewry (Buber), 238

  Thun, J. M., 5–6

  Thuringia, 28

  Tietze, Heinrich, 105

  The Time Machine (Wells), 265

  Tito, Josip Broz, 245

  Der Tod des Löwen (Hauschner), 158

  Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919), 221

  The Trial (Kafka), 6, 131, 148

  Trieste, 2

  Ein tschechisches Dienstmädchen (Brod), 101–3, 151, 161

  Tschermak-Seysseneg, Armin, 222

  Tutsch, Heinrich, 203

  Tycho Brahe (Dreyer), 157, 162

  Tycho Brahe’s Path to God (Brod), 146–49, 151–56, 173, 174, 177; critical and commercial response to, 158–61, 163, 164; as roman à clef, 157, 165–66, 167–71; sources of, 157–58, 161–62

  Ukrainians, 236

  Umschau (periodical), 135

  Under the Banner of Marxism (periodical), 242

  Union of Czech Mathematicians, 218

  United Kingdom, 171, 232

  University of Berlin, 3, 7, 12

  University of California, Los Angeles, 141–42

  University of Geneva, 47

  University of Kraków, 33

  University of Lviv, 33

  University of Paris, 27

  University of Prague, 29–31, 33–

  University of Utrecht, 77

  University of Vienna, 32

  University of Zurich, 22, 42, 44, 78, 125

  Urbach, Benno, 135

  urbanization, 35

  Utitz, Emil, 144

  Utraquists, 30–31, 33, 34, 36, 217

  Vaihinger, Hans, 135, 137

  Vienna, 17, 112; migration to, 35

  Vienna Circle, 92, 125, 127, 128, 141, 223

  Vienna Urania, 224

  Vltava River (Moldau), 17, 27, 80, 87

  Wähner, Franz, 109

  Walden, Herwath, 165

  Waltenhofen, Adalbert von, 42

  Washington Declaration, 213

  Weierstrass, Karl, 55

  Die weißen Blätter, 152

  Weizmann, Chaim, 195, 201, 202

  Wells, H. G., 265

  Der Weltfreund (Werfel), 167

  Weltsch, Felix, 160, 195

  Weltsch, Robert, 7, 95, 209, 234, 263

  Wenceslaus IV, King of Bohemia, 28–29

  Wenig, Adolf, 161–62

  Werfel, Alma, 170

  Werfel, Franz, 167, 169, 170, 173, 174, 178

  Wertheimer, Max, 136

  Westphalia, 28

  Wheeler, John Archibald, 250

  Wien, Wilhelm, 68

  Wilson, Woodrow, 109

  Winder, Ludwig, 173

  Winternitz, Josef, 124

  Winternitz, Moriz, 95, 109, 124

  Wolff, Kurt, 152, 159, 166

  Wollstonecraft, Mary, 2

  Wolmar, Wolfgang Wolfram von, 29

  Wolters, Gereon, 297n36

  Wyclif, John, 30

  Yiddish, 189

  Žáček, Augustin, 225

  Zahn, Ernst, 47

  Zahra, Tara, 21

  Zakel, Eva, 331–32n32

  Zakel, Ludek, 331–32n32

  Zangger, Heinrich, 50, 54, 67, 77, 86, 87, 98, 183

  Záviška, František, 218, 225, 226–30, 249

  Zionism, 12, 13, 172, 182, 192–200, 238; Brod’s embrace of, 150, 151; Einstein and, 94, 185, 189, 195, 198–202, 211

  Živa (periodical), 225

  Zurich, 45, 84, 88, 89, 91

  Zvon (periodical), 162, 164

  Zweig, Stefan, 173




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