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Waiting for Them

Page 10

by Alie Nolan

  “Caleb, Elliott,” Matty’s voice called from behind us. He jogged the rest of the distance between us. “I…” he trailed off.

  “You…” Elliott smirked.

  “Can I come home with you?” He asked quietly.

  “Of course, you can,” I smiled, and Elliott nodded.

  Matty’s expression fell as Max approached. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath. “You ready to head home?” Max asked Matty.

  I couldn’t think of a single valid reason why Matty would come home with us, to a city forty-five minutes away.

  “Yeah, give me two secs,” Matty said, and Max looked a tad suspicious, but walked to his car to wait for Matty—they’d clearly come together in Max’s car.

  “It’s okay, we can hang out another night,” I assured Matty.

  “No, I don’t want tonight to be done yet,” he sighed.

  I didn’t want tonight to be done yet either, if for no other reason than to see if that confidence he’d had under the table was a signal he wanted more.

  “I’ll go home with Max, wait half an hour at home, and then tell him I’m going out with Wyatt or something, and I’ll drive to yours.”

  “Okay,” Elliott agreed.

  He walked away, looking over his shoulder quickly to shoot us a dazzling smile, and even though I knew I was going to see him again in a little more than an hour, I wished I could have given him a kiss goodbye.

  Things with the three of us would be so perfect, I just knew they would be. I could feel it.

  If we were serious about this being more than a handful of dates and getting handsy under a table, this could be everything I’d ever dreamed of having.

  Having both of the men I’d loved since I was a teenager was almost within arm’s reach.



  I didn’t know whether I loved or hated speed limits on my drive over to Caleb and Elliott’s house.

  On the one hand, the speed limits were delaying me from getting there, and on the other hand I was terrified about what might happen once I got there, so was glad for the delay.

  I knew I’d been really flirty and handsy with them both under the table during game night—I had no idea where that confidence came from—but now that I thought about what they might expect once I got to their house, I wanted to turn around and drive home.

  Would they want to have sex with me?

  How would that even work with three of us?

  I knew that people had threesomes all the time, I just hadn’t ever considered the logistics of one until that point.

  It wasn’t just the idea of a threesome that scared me, it was the fact that I hadn’t actually had anal sex before. I’d gone on a few dates over the years that had ended up in handjobs and blowjobs, but I’d never liked anyone enough to go further than that.

  As teenagers, Caleb and I had shared a few fumbling, uncoordinated handjobs, but he’d left before we had a chance to explore anything else.

  Did I like them enough to go further?


  Was I terrified that I’d be bad at it?

  Also, a yes.

  God, I didn’t even know if I’d prefer to top or bottom.

  If they wanted to have sex tonight, it was going to be a disaster, for sure.

  The panic settled when my brain wandered into thoughts of who out of Caleb and Elliott preferred to top and bottom—did they even have a preference? Images of them, hot and sweaty, fucking each other senseless filled my brain, and my cock strained against the fly of my trousers.

  I shifted in my seat, trying to keep my feet steady on the pedals as I adjusted my erection, giving it a few strokes, which only made it harder.

  The idea of getting to watch them fuck had my face heating, and my heart rate rising.

  Before I could debate driving home again, I was pulling into their driveway.

  No turning back.

  Maybe they don’t actually want to have sex right now?

  I was the one who’d made things sexual under the table after all.

  They were just minding their own business, and suddenly I was fondling them. Making them both ridiculously hard in their trousers.

  I’d be lying if I said a sense of pride hadn’t washed over me when I’d realised that my teasing fingers had managed to make them both hard.

  I’d been riding high on that confidence when I’d basically invited myself over.

  I rolled my eyes at myself.

  Were they going to think I was pathetic for reaching twenty-six years old and never having had sex? Were they going to decide they didn’t want to date me because of my inexperience?

  They might not even want to have sex yet! So, stop worrying, and get the fuck out of your car, weirdo.

  I got out of my car—a snail could have gotten out of it quicker than I did—and made my way to their door, placing a timid knock on the dark wood.

  Elliott opened the door and his face lit up in a smile as he pulled me towards him. I let myself be pressed against his hard chest, and he placed a soft kiss to my lips before releasing me.

  He motioned for me to enter further into the house, and I was met by Caleb, who took my lips in a kiss just as sweet as the one from Elliott.

  I could definitely get used to greetings like this, I thought to myself.

  “I need to talk to you both,” I blurted, my mouth forming words without my brain’s permission.

  Caleb’s smile faltered slightly as he led me to the lounge, Elliott following behind.

  Elliott and Caleb sat on one of the sofas, leaving a space between them for me to sit.

  I didn’t sit between them, opting instead to perch on the edge of the coffee table in front of them.

  “What’s up?” Caleb asked, worry lines forming on his forehead.

  “Please don’t look so stressed,” I smoothed the lines in Caleb’s forehead with my thumb and he relaxed a little. “It’s nothing bad. It’s just that… well,” I took a deep breath. “I’ve never had penetrative sex before, I’ve shared handjobs and blowjobs with men before, but never more than that, and after earlier, when I was teasing you both, I thought maybe you’d be expecting that when I got here, and I’m not sure whether I’m ready or not, I might be, but I’m not sure. I just wanted to put my cards on the table. Wyatt told me that the key to a relationship like ours is communication. So, communication is what I’m doing,” I rambled.

  “Relationship?” Elliott smirked.


  We’d been on one date, and I was throwing the word relationship around.

  “Bollocks, I didn’t mean to say that, it’s too soon, we’ve been on one date, I’m sor—” Elliott’s lips on mine brought my babbling to an abrupt halt.

  His lips were immediately replaced with Caleb’s, and my body relaxed under their attention.

  “Please don’t apologise,” Caleb grinned. He looked to Elliott, and then back to me, something unspoken passing between them. “If you didn’t mean it, that’s fine, we can forget you said it. If you did, then we would love to officially be in a relationship with you… but we can take it slow. This is new to all of us, and we aren’t going to rush you into anything you’re not ready for.”

  “What he said,” Elliott smiled.

  “So, you don’t mind if we don’t have sex tonight?

  “Not at all,” Elliott took one of my hands, while Caleb took the other.

  “We can do whatever you want, and if just sitting on the sofa cuddling is what you want, then that’s what we’ll do,” Caleb said.

  I let go of both of their hands and shuffled into the empty space between them on the sofa, before retaking their hands in mine.

  Cuddling sounded like fun, but just because I wasn’t ready for everything didn’t mean I wasn’t ready for some stuff.

  I turned my head to Caleb and slanted my lips over his in a passionate kiss, brushing my tongue against his and making him moan the most incredible sound into my mouth. The sound went straight to my coc
k. When we separated, Elliott was there, ready to take my lips.

  They kissed so differently, but both kisses were equally perfect.

  Flashes of my earlier fantasies of them together entered my brain, and I realised that I’d never seen them share a kiss with this much passion. I’d seen them kiss, obviously, but they always seemed more focused on giving me attention than each other.

  I untwined my hands from theirs as I pulled back from Elliott’s kiss, and placed a hand on the back on both their necks, angling them so they were facing each other.

  With a gentle nudge, they quickly realised what I wanted, and their lips slammed together.

  Watching them kiss was just as incredible as being kissed by them.

  I leaned back on the sofa cushion as they claimed each other’s lips across me, letting my hands slide off their necks and down their arms.

  Caleb cupped Elliott’s jaw, tilting his head for a better angle, and Elliott’s hands fisted in the front of Caleb’s t-shirt, pulling him tightly against him—as tightly as he could with my legs between them.

  I watched as their tongues tangled, their kiss so practised it was like their lips were dancing.

  My cock was harder than it had ever been as I watched their lips, imagining what those lips would look like wrapped around each other’s erections… around mine.


  I must have moaned that aloud, because they both turned to me, with their lustful gazes and moistened, kiss-swollen lips pulled up into smiles.

  “You like?” Caleb smirked.

  I nodded enthusiastically, my throat so dry I couldn’t form words.

  Elliott cupped my face, his fingers tenderly stroking the shell of my ear. “Would you like to watch us do more than kiss?” Elliott’s growled.

  Caleb’s hand mirrored Elliott’s, taking the other side of my face.

  “Y-yes,” I croaked.

  Holy shit. Was I going to get to live out my fantasy from the drive over?

  They both leaned in, and all three of our lips met in the middle.

  I hadn’t known it was possible for three people to kiss at the same time, but not only was it possible, it was fucking incredible.

  It was all lips and tongues, hot breath and wandering hands.

  My entire body felt like it was seconds away from going up in flames, and my cock was straining so hard against the fly of my trousers, that it bordered on painful.

  Caleb stood from the sofa, extending his arms so Elliott and I could each take one of his hands. We did, and he led us in the direction of their bedroom.

  “Baby,” Caleb whispered near my ear, immediately grabbing my attention by the use of the endearment—the endearment he’d called me a decade before, and that no one had called me since. He kissed me again, as though he couldn’t wait long enough to finish his sentence. “This is your show, tell us what you want us to do.”

  There was a comfy-looking chair in the corner of their bedroom, and Caleb led me to it, ushering me to sit down.

  “I don’t mind, just hurry,” I pleaded, and my eagerness made both of them chuckle.

  I got comfy in my seat and watched as they wrapped their arms around each other. The kiss they shared was frantic as they tore at each other’s clothes.

  They broke their kiss briefly to remove their clothes, and then returned to kissing. I had wondered a few times whether the tattoos on Caleb’s arms, and the ones that occasionally peeked out of the neck of his shirts went further… and, holy shit, did they! Gorgeous, intricate, black and grey artwork ran seamlessly from his hands, up over his shoulders, and across his chest, it was fucking beautiful, and I wished I could see it better from where I was sitting.

  I was hoping I’d eventually get the chance to be as close to both of their naked bodies as they were to each other’s right then.

  Caleb ran a hand down Elliott’s naked back, until he reached his arse. He gripped the round globe in his hand, giving it the occasional squeeze as they kissed.

  Seeing them naked, with their large, toned bodies, and their hard cocks pressed together between them was almost enough to make me come on the spot. The contrast between Elliott’s clear, pale skin, and the dark tattoos covering Caleb’s body was beautiful as they wrapped themselves around each other. I gripped my erection tightly through my jeans, trying to calm it down.

  We hadn’t even got to the best part yet, no way was I ready to come.

  I thought for a moment that they’d got so sucked into their lust for each other that they might have forgotten I was there, but then they turned so Elliott’s back was to me, and Caleb spread Elliott’s cheeks apart.

  Caleb grazed a finger down Elliott’s crease as he exposed his hole to me.

  I groaned, my hips bucking off the seat, my dick in desperate need of attention.

  Without a second thought, I took my erection out of my trousers, and gave my heated length a handful of lazy strokes as I watched Caleb tease Elliott’s entrance.

  This was better than any porn I’d ever seen in my life.

  Better than anything I’d ever seen in my life.

  I could have died happy in that moment.

  Caleb laid Elliott down onto their bed, and quickly retrieved a bottle of lube from one of the bedside table drawers before returning to him.

  I felt like I was on fire, and all my clothes felt too tight for my body, so I quickly shucked them off before settling back into my seat. Naked, and much more comfortable.

  Caleb lowered himself on top of Elliott and they ground their bodies together, moaning and writhing against each other.

  Caleb slicked his fingers with lube and teased at Elliott’s entrance before slipping a finger inside him.

  Elliott moaned and pushed down on Caleb’s finger, seeking more. Caleb gave him another finger, and then another, until Elliott was so desperate, he was fucking himself on the fingers inside him.

  “Fuck me,” Elliott begged.

  I gripped the base of my cock, giving it a tight squeeze to stave off some of my arousal, Elliott’s desperate pleading bringing my orgasm too close to the surface.

  Caleb pulled his fingers out of Elliott and slicked his erection with a generous amount of lube, before lining the head of his cock up with Elliott’s entrance.

  They both moaned as Caleb slid into Elliott, inch by inch, until he was fully seated inside him.

  I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have Caleb—or Elliott—pushing into me, filling me up.

  I wanted that.

  So badly.

  I hadn’t thought I was ready for that earlier in the evening, but I was.

  I wanted one of them to fuck me so badly. My hole clenched at the thought of them taking it in turns to sink inside my willing body.

  Tonight though, I was just going to enjoy the show they were putting on for me, because I had been gifted front row seats to the single hottest sight known to mankind, and I was not going to waste a single second of it lost in my own thoughts.

  “Fuck,” Elliott whined. “Harder.”

  Caleb pounded into Elliott, speeding up his ruthless thrusts, the sound of moans and skin slapping together echoing off the walls.

  Caleb angled them so that I had the perfect view of him sliding in and out of Elliott, and I couldn’t fight the moan of pleasure that escaped me.

  Caleb wrapped his hand around Elliott’s erection and began to jerk it in time with his thrusts.

  Elliott groaned. “Gonna come.”

  Elliott came on a shout, his release splattering across his stomach and Caleb’s hand.

  I worked my hand on my erection faster, and it only took a few tugs before my orgasm was barrelling through me. The corners of my vision darkened, and my hips bucked off the chair as my cock spasmed in my grip, painting my chest and stomach with ropes of my cum.

  I heard a series of grunts and curses, and refocused my attention back on Elliott and Caleb, just in time to see Caleb’s body tense, his head thrown back, as he filled Elliott with hi
s release.

  A sated smile spread across my lips as I watched Caleb bend down and place a tender kiss to Elliott’s lips. My limbs felt heavy, and my body was still vibrating from the high of my orgasm, as Caleb carefully pulled out of Elliott, his cum spilling out of Elliott’s well-used hole.

  The sight had my cock perking up against, despite being wrung out from one of the most amazing—no, the most amazing orgasm—I’d ever had in my life.

  Elliott shuffled over on the bed a bit, while Caleb stood by the end.

  The three of us shared a series of heated glances before Elliott patted the mattress beside him. “Come here.”

  I hopped up out of my chair and made my way over to the edge of the bed. Elliott tugged my wrist, and I got onto the bed, lying snuggled against his side. He peppered my face with kisses while Caleb went to the en-suite.

  “Was that okay?” he asked.

  “Are you joking?” I laughed. “That was the best thing that’s ever happened in my entire life.”

  “I think I’d like to watch you and Caleb at some point,” he whispered in my ear, his voice so deep and growly, it sent shivers through me.

  Caleb returned from the bathroom with a warm, damp cloth, and carefully cleaned both of us up, before throwing the cloth into the wash basket and getting into bed.

  I was sandwiched between them, their larger bodies caging me.

  I knew then that I wanted this relationship to work.

  I wanted to be with Elliott and Caleb.

  I wanted to be a permanent part of the life they shared together.

  Caleb ran his fingers across my stomach, tickling the skin and making me smile.

  “Do you usually top?” I whispered to Caleb, interested to know if Elliott ever topped, because I was now very interested in being fucked by each of them.

  “It’s pretty evenly split, we’re both vers,” he shrugged.

  “I need to see Elliott fuck you,” I moaned.

  “I think we can arrange that,” Elliott chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to my lips before doing the same to Caleb and the three of us snuggled together and drifted off to sleep.


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