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Stolen Fire

Page 5

by S. Dalambakis

  “Then we get the next piece. Who knows how long that will take? Plus, then we have to follow the damn map to get to the treasure,” I groan. “At least we have another seven to seven and a half months to get this done.”

  “Um, less than that.” I whip my gaze to Stolas.

  “What do you mean?” Obsidian growls.

  “Hellhound shifters are only pregnant for five months,” Stolas replies.

  “But she’s not a hellhound shifter,” I state. “We don’t know what Finley is mixed with so we don’t know how long this pregnancy will last.”

  “Fuck. There’s no way we can keep this from her. We need to let her know soon. She’s going to need to see a doctor so we know for sure how long we have. She’s going to want to know as well.” My thoughts exactly Obsidian.

  “Who wants to tell her?” Stolas voices.

  “I vote you, since you’re the biological father,” Obsidian states. Can’t argue with him there.

  “On a scale of one to ten, how mad do you think she’s going to be?” Stolas questions.

  “I don’t think she’ll be mad. I think she’ll be shocked, then mad,” I say.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll all be there when you tell her. We’ll even protect you if she starts throwing things at your head,” Obsidian says with a laugh. Stolas groans.

  “Finley won’t do that, but I do think we need to be prepared in case she freaks out,” I interject. “We just have to reassure her that everything will be fine, and that she’s not doing this alone.” The guys nod in agreement. We all look over at Finley who is sleeping peacefully. As if everything else in our lives was crazy enough, this gets thrown into the mix, but we’ll tackle everything...together.

  Chapter 4


  I wake up rested and snuggled between my men. I hear a growl, thinking that it’s Obsidian, but Stolas chuckles and I realize that it’s my stomach.

  “Hungry, love?” he asks.

  “Apparently,” I chuckle. Obsidian stirs on my right side and Verkor stirs on my left.

  “Lucky for you, I went out and got breakfast,” he smiles.

  This shifter knows the way to my heart is clearly through my stomach. I roll my eyes and smile, shifting until my back is against the headboard. I watch as Stolas grabs a couple of containers from the chair, bringing them to me. I open them and am immediately hit with the smells of pancakes, syrup, and bacon, and I moan. I’m ravenous. I have no idea why. I swear, I get hungrier by the day. Maybe it’s all this traveling to other realms. It was nice having that month off between getting the piece of map from the Winter Court, to coming after this one. It was also nice having that month to get to know my guys. I shake myself of my thoughts and tuck into my breakfast. Obsidian and Verkor move from the bed, grabbing their own meals. Once everyone is settled and eating, I get down to business.

  “So, what is the plan for today? Do we have anything to worry about in this level? How many levels do you think we can get through?”

  “This level is pretty tame. But don’t be surprised by demons and other supernatural creatures going at it. That’s what this level if for. There are plenty of clubs here for whatever your predilections are.” Stolas wiggles his eyebrows up and down. I shake my head. “As for how many levels we can get through, that depends.”


  “If we encounter any problems. My plan is to get through as many levels as possible. I say around two to three. Our plan for today is to let you see some of the sights on this level, but then move quickly through the next, but I don’t know how that will work once you see what’s there.” That has me intrigued.

  We finish our breakfast in companionable silence. I stuff myself to the point of bursting.

  “Alright, doll. You have to get ready,” Obsidian says. I look at the guys and see that the rest of them are ready to go. Stolas has my clothes in his hand, and Verkor has my brush. I groan. I don’t want to move, but I know we have to.

  “Fine,” I grumble.

  I roll out of bed, taking the clothes that Stolas has proffered. I change quickly into the black pants and black t-shirt. The bruise on my side looks worse today than yesterday, and it makes moving hard, but I can’t let the guys see that. They’ll insist that we stop and go home, but we can’t. Taking a look in the mirror, I wince at the sight. My hair looks like a rat’s nest, and I could use some makeup. Oh, well. I go back to the bedroom where Verkor is waiting for me. He points to the spot on the bed in front of him. I sit. As he gently runs the brush through the tangles in my hair, Obsidian moves and puts my boots at the end of the bed. Verkor taps my shoulder when he is done. I move to put my boots on, and he grabs the rest of my things, packing them away. I pat my side, checking for my dagger, when I realize they never handed me one. It’s then I realize, I’m only wearing a t-shirt, not a corset where I normally hide them. I turn to the guys who each have a pack and notice that Obsidian has mine as well.

  “Where are my daggers? I don’t like not having them near.”

  “I have them,” Stolas states. He opens his bag, pulling something black from it. “I got something else for you. Your corsets are going to be uncomfortable the further down we go. So, I bought you this.”

  He comes closer, kneeling down before me. He straps the belt around my waist, before going back in his bag and grabbing out my daggers. He puts them into the slots along my sides before standing and taking a step back. There are more empty slots along the front, and I would assume there are some in the back as well.

  “This is awesome. Thank you. For a minute there, I thought you guys were trying to keep them from me.” I glare at them, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

  “I almost did that,” Obsidian says. I knew if any of them would try to keep my weapons from me, it would be him.

  “You know I would have tried to get them back. I would have hurt you to do so.”

  “I know, which is why I changed my mind. Plus, I would feel better if you had your own protection. It has proven useful in the past,” Obsidian grumbles. I sigh.

  “At any rate, let’s get going. We have a lot of ground to cover today,” Stolas steps in, trying to stop an argument before it begins. Obsidian takes the lead, followed by Stolas. Verkor stops and walks next to me, as we make our way out of the hotel.

  “How are you feeling today?” Verkor asks. I shrug my shoulders.

  “I’m okay. I'm a little sore, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  “You don’t have to be strong all the time. You can lean on us.” I look over at Verkor.

  “I know, but it’s who I’ve always been. I have to be tough. I’ve learned a long time ago that people will exploit any weaknesses that they see. I learned how to mask what I’m feeling. It’s things like that, that kept me safe. Besides, I have three strong supernatural beings as my mates.” Verkor’s brows furrow, and there is worry etched on his face. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, but promise me, if something starts to become too much, you’ll tell me. Don’t let your pride keep you from asking for help. Sometimes, even the strongest people need someone to lean on.” I didn’t realize we had stopped walking until Verkor reaches out a hand, moving a piece of my pink hair, tucking it behind my ear. He cups the side of my face, and I lean into it. “None of us would know what to do without you. You are everything to us. We can’t lose you.” I see the fear in his eyes. Yesterday must have hit them harder than they let on. I reach up, placing my hand over his, and my other hand goes to his heart. I look Verkor dead in his eyes to show that I’m serious.

  “I promise.” I wouldn’t know what to do without him...without any of them. In the short amount of time that we’ve been together, they mean more to me than any treasure could. Now, I just have to start showing them that.

  “Good. Now, we have to go and catch up,” Verkor takes my hand and we start walking again. Obsidian and Stolas were waiting in the lobby for us.

  “I checked us out,” Stolas says, coming over to me, taking my
other hand. “You ready to explore the lust level?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”


  Everything that Stolas mentioned last night has been going on a loop in my head. I can’t stop thinking about it. Finley, my mate, is pregnant. She’s going to have Stolas’ baby. I know Stolas said we’re all going to be a father to the pup, but I can’t help the direction in which my thoughts are going. A little shifter made of me and her. The thought of her swelling with my child has me growling. It’s a sight I want to see more than anything, but there comes a price with that. Am I really willing to bring another hamrammr into this world? A world where my child will be hunted for just being what they are. How would that work? The child would be only half. Who’s to say if the child would be capable of shifting?

  “Hey, Siddy.” I look over at Finley. “What are you thinking about so hard over there?” I know I should just make something up. Something about going through the levels of hell, but I can’t seem to do that. I need to know if she would be willing to have a child with me, eventually.

  “Have you thought about our future? What our lives will be like once we have all the pieces of the map? Once we find the treasure?” Her eyes widen.

  “What do you mean?” she asks. I see out of the corner of my eye that Stolas is furiously shaking his head at me.

  “Have you ever thought about having kids one day?” I see her feet stumble a step before she catches herself. She stops, eyeing me critically.

  “What’s this about? You’re the last one of the three of you that I thought would bring this up.” I shrug my shoulders.

  “Just curious.” She tilts her head slightly. She’s looking at me like she can see into me, to see what I’m really thinking. Seeing more than I want her to.

  “Are you worried? Are you worried about what would happen to your child? I know we haven’t talked a lot about your past, but I remember you saying that you were hunted.” She walks up to me, placing her hands on my chest. “When that day comes, we will do everything to protect that child. Plus, we’re not alone. We have Stolas and Verkor, and any child we have will be safe, protected, and loved.” She moves so she can look at all of us. “Having kids wasn’t on my radar. It’s not something that I wanted, but now that I have you guys, I’ve changed my mind. But we’ll figure all that out when that time comes.” We all nod. “Good. Now, I want to see the inside of one of these clubs. Who’s going to take me? They say practice makes perfect.” She gives us an impish smile. I don’t miss a beat. I toss my bag and Finley’s at Stolas and Verkor.

  “Let’s go. I know just the place.” I scoop Finley up and she giggles. She looks over my shoulder.

  “Be back in a few,” she yells. There is a club here that I like. It caters to shifters like me, for what I like in the bedroom. I set Finley on her feet outside the club, Demon’s Sin.

  “When we get in there, you’re going to have to do exactly as I say. Do you understand?”


  “We’re going to take a step up in introducing you to what I like. I’ve been tame with you, and I explained why, but this is different. This is more involved. If you’re not ready to take this step, you need to tell me now.”

  “I’m ready.” She doesn’t even hesitate.

  “When we go in, you can stand next to me but keep your eyes down cast. Don’t speak unless spoken to. We’re going to wear bracelets; the color signifies what we’re willing to do. Our color will be white. It’ll mean that we are together and not willing to let outsiders in. That means no sharing. You don’t have to worry about anyone but me touching you. You’ll hear some degrading things, but you’re going to have to let it go. Once we get our bracelet, we’ll go straight to a room. Once there, we can resume being ourselves, but when we leave, you’ll have to go back to obeying me until we leave. Don’t worry, doll, I won’t linger.”

  “What are you going to do to me inside the room?”

  “Give you nothing but pleasure.” Her pupils dilate, and her breathing hitches. She loves the way I pleasure her. She licks her lips and runs her eyes over my body.

  “Then what are we waiting for.”

  I grab her hand and stroll up to the door walking in. I’m going to be the envy of every supernatural here. Finley does what I explained. She keeps her head downcast but stays at my side. There’s a red skinned lust demon behind the counter. Her black hair is straight and reaches her waist and she has two small black horns protruding from her forehead. She has on a skimpy outfit that barely covers her breasts and pussy.

  “Good afternoon, and welcome to the Demon’s Sin, where your every devilish desire comes true. What color bracelet for you and the beauty beside you?” she smiles.

  “White.” The lust demon hands over the bracelets. I place one on Finley’s wrist, then put the other on mine.”

  “You know the house rules?”


  “Good. Enjoy your time.” I nod, squeezing Finley's hand and guiding her through the black curtains.

  “You may look up and see your surroundings if you choose. Personally, you’re not missing much.” I know Finley will look, she’s just too curious not to. No sooner after the words are uttered from my lips, Finley raises her head. She squeezes my hand, showing no other outward expression. I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Good girl.” I nip at her earlobe rewarding her for her good behavior.

  The club has a nice steady beat playing softly in the background. There is a bar that takes up the right side of the room where a few supernaturals are drinking and chatting with each other. Off to the side of the bar, in the corner, are a set of stairs that will take us up to the second level where there are special rooms, the rooms where I plan on taking Finley. The rest of the room has chairs and couches with a few supernaturals in the middle of sex. There are also a few that have their companions sitting at their feet with a collar and chain. I give her a few minutes to look around before guiding her to the rooms on the second floor.

  We go about halfway down the hall before I find an open room. I open the door, letting Finley go ahead of me. Once we’re inside, I close and lock the door behind me. Finley hasn’t moved from her spot. She’s looking around the room. There’s a four-poster bed straight ahead with black silk sheets on it. On the left side of the room, the wall is decorated with different types of sexual toys. Floggers, feathers, paddles, ropes, and scarves. A red dresser is on the right side. I know it’ll have different sizes of butt plugs, vibrators, and nipple tassels. There are a few other pieces of furniture in the room and a sex swing hangs from the ceiling. I walk up behind Finley, wrapping my arms around her.

  “Are you nervous, doll?”


  “Good. You know I’d never hurt you. I’ll never do something you don’t want.” I move my hand and grip her chin, turning her head to the side. My gaze flicks down to her full pink lips, before moving back up. I see the silent plea in her gray eyes. “Do you want me to kiss you, doll?”

  “Yes.” Leaning down, I hover right above her lips.

  “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes,” her voice is barely above a whisper.

  “Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”


  Obsidian finally gives me what I want, his mouth on mine. I moan. I’ve been getting steadily more excited since we walked in. I’ve heard of places like this. Earth and the Magic Realm have them. I’ve never been to one before, and I’m glad my first time being in one is with my mate. He won’t go further than what I’m ready for.

  Obsidian nips my bottom lip, tugging on it lightly. He pulls back, and I start to chase his mouth with mine. He chuckles, causing me to open my eyes. He releases me but walks and stands in front of me. His hands go to the hem of my shirt, lifting it up and over my head, tossing it to the side. I reach for his shirt, but he takes a step back.

  “Not yet, doll. I want to see you naked and tied to that bed first. Hands to yourself.”

sp; I almost groan, because he knows how much I hate that. I want my hands on him, just as much as he likes his hands on me. But I know I’ll get my turn. He can never go too long without my hands on him. I watch as he unbuckles my belt of daggers, carefully placing it on the floor. Before I can blink, he’s pulling my pants down, helping me step out of them. I have to clench my fists to keep me from touching him to steady myself. Once my pants are removed, Obsidian stands, walking behind me. He unhooks my bra, letting it fall from my arms to the floor. I feel his lips on my shoulder, placing soft kisses. I move my head to the side, giving him better access to my neck. By the time he reaches my ear, I’m ready to break his rule, consequences be damned.

  “You’re doing so well, doll. Now, I want you to walk over to the bed and crawl up to the middle, then lay down on your back.”

  I walk to the bed, slowly, putting an extra sway in my hips. I don’t have to touch him to tease him. When I reach the foot of the bed, I crawl up. I don’t get far before I hear a growl. A second later, Obsidian bites my right cheek, then a quick smack follows on my left. Not hard, but just enough pressure, to excite me. Obsidian places his hands on my hips, halting my progress. He runs his hands from my hips down the side of my legs and up the back. He squeezes the globes of my ass, and I moan, wiggling my hips at him. A sharp sting blooms across my cheek from Obsidian smacking it. A quick succession of slaps happens followed by him rubbing the heated spots. I drop the front of my body down to the bed, lifting my ass further in the air.

  “Are you wet, doll?” Obsidian asks in a husky voice.


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