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Stolen Fire

Page 17

by S. Dalambakis

  “I don’t know, love. I can speculate that in the violence level you were trying to survive. You thought Abaddon was going to harm or kill you, so you did what you thought was necessary. The fraud level was different because you weren’t being attacked and almost all of those beings were human. Maybe on some deep level you thought you belonged among them,” Stolas utters. I whip my head in his direction, sucking in a sharp breath in the process.

  That’s exactly why the fraud level affected me, because that’s what I am. I’m a fraud and a deceiver. I steal from people. I lure them into a false sense of security by playing my violin, then I take something from them, and leave. What if I do belong there? Abaddon only said I didn’t belong there, with him, in the violence level. That doesn’t mean I don’t belong in any other level of hell, and with my luck it’ll be the fraud level.

  “You’re right,” I whisper.

  “You don’t belong down here, Finley,” Obsidian growls. “Because if you do then the rest of us do as well. No one, more so than me.” Obsidian stalks away.

  “He’s right, love. You don’t belong down here. If by some chance you did come here, I’ll be here with you every step of the way. Don’t forget this is my home. This is where I’m from. This is where I’ll come back to when I die. So, you’ll never be alone. Not even down here.”

  I sigh. I know what he’s trying to do, but it’s not something words can fix. This is me dealing with my thoughts and me having to overcome what I’m feeling about myself and my life. It’s a working progress, but I hope to get there one day. My guys are helping me, even if they don’t know it.

  “I guess we should go and find Obsidian,” I say, changing the subject, because I don't want to think or talk about it anymore. Verkor and Stolas close the distance between us. They each take a side, sandwiching me between them. That’s when I get my first look of the ninth level of hell.

  “Welcome to the ninth level of hell, treachery,” Stolas states. There are buildings on either side of rocky pathway. Shops, restaurants, and hotels. It reminds me of the greed level of hell, but not nearly as bright. I take a good look at the humans walking around. I glance over at Stolas, wide-eyed and mouth agape. I’m silently asking if what I’m seeing is real. He nods.

  “Well, Obsidian should be easy to find in this crowd.” He’ll be the only one with only one face.


  “They seriously have two faces,” Finely says with a voice full of awe. “How?” We start walking through the crowd. This level isn’t so bad. The worst part is trying to figure out if what you’re being told is true or not. It’s a nice change from all the blood and torture of the previous levels.

  “The beings that end up here are betrayers to loved ones, to their countries, friends, etc. They acted one way to the person’s face, then went behind their backs and acted another way. They were given a second face to show that’s how they acted,” I respond.

  “Not gonna lie, as creepy as this is, I welcome the change,” Finley says. “So, where would Obsidian go in this place?”

  “My first guess would be a bar. He hates the way he acts in the violence level and usually wants a drink to try to forget afterward,” Verkor replies.

  “Well, let’s start with the first one we come across and hope that he’s there.”

  Of course, he wasn’t. We find him in the third bar that we entered, sitting alone at a table in the back corner of the room. His back is to the wall, so he sees us the moment we walk in.

  “You should go and talk to him,” Verkor states. “You’ll have a better chance of getting him to talk than we would.” Finley nods, before she can walk away, I place a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me. There is a tiredness in her eyes. We need to stop for the night soon so she can rest, so all of us can rest.

  “Do you want anything while we’re here?” I ask.

  “Water and something fried,” she says with a smile. She turns, weaving her way through the tables. I watch as she takes the seat next to Obsidian, leaning her head on his shoulder. Even if he doesn’t talk, it’ll be enough that she’s there with him. I look over at Verkor. “Come on, let’s get something to eat.” We push our way to the bar, which is hard to do with each of us carrying two bags.

  “We should have set the bags down,” Verkor says. I shrug my shoulders.

  “If anything, will just use them to take people out if they don’t move out of our way.” He smirks, shaking his head. He knows I’ll do it. It doesn’t take long for the demon manning the bar to make his way to us.

  “What can I get for you?” his voice is gravelly.

  He’s not tall for a demon. He stands at an average human height. His skin is light blue, and there are black nubs protruding from his forehead. They stand out against the white of his hair. If he doesn’t have full set of horns yet he’s definitely a young demon. His tail twitches in agitation from my lack of response. His solid black eyes peer at me.

  “I’ll need a water, glass of hell bourbon on the rocks, fried onion rings, fried cheese sticks, and…” I turn to Verkor.

  “Fae whiskey over ice.” I reach over, showing my titanium ring. The demon reaches under the bar and retrieves the scanner, placing it near my ring. He deducts the appropriate credits.

  “Coming right up,” the bartender says before turning and filling our order.

  I take the chance and look over to Obsidian’s table. He says something to Finley, and she nods. I try to hone in on their conversation, but there are too many noises, and I can’t single them out.

  “I can’t wait until we get this piece of the map,” Verkor says, drawing my attention to him. He’s leaning on the bar. “This trip as has been one of the most exhausting we’ve ever been on.” He turns his head to the side, meeting my eyes.

  “I agree. It’s been hard watching both of them struggle. I hope they’re helping each other right now. I know all of us need a day or two of relaxation, but we can’t afford it right now. I’m worried about what all of this is doing to Finley and the pup. I almost lost my shit when I saw her dive between Abaddon’s legs. The thought of anything hurting her or the baby makes me physically ill.”

  “Are we sure she’s okay? We need to get someone to look at her.” Worry fills Verkor’s eyes.

  “I think we should. We’ll be at my brother’s soon. I hope we can get someone to come out and look at her.” My gaze goes back to Finley and Obsidian. They’re smiling at each other. He reaches over moving a lock of her hair behind her ear. The smell of grease fills my nose. The bartender places a tray filled with our order down in front of me. “I think I should have ordered more.” The food looks and smells amazing.

  “I’ll get more,” Verkor says, taking his drink from the tray. “Take that over to Finley. I’ll be there in a moment.” I nod, grabbing the tray. As I make my way over to them, I may or may not have, hit a few demons with our bags. I place the tray down at the table, setting the bags on the floor underneath it. I take the seat across from Finley.

  “Food!” she says excitedly. As she pulls the tray closer to her, I take my drink. “What is that?” she points a cheese stick at my glass.

  “It’s hell bourbon. The lava rock in the glass is heated with hellfire before the bourbon is poured over the top.”

  “I’d love to see them make it; though, I would also love to drink it.”

  “Maybe next time.” Finley shakes her head.

  “Yeah, it’ll be awhile before I come back here. I don’t want to go through all those levels again, especially the last few.”

  “This isn’t the only bar that sells this drink. There are some in the gluttony and greed level that do, so you don’t have to worry about coming all the way down here. Honestly, if we didn’t have to come this far down for the piece of the map, then I would have never let you come this far. The furthest I would have gone is the heresy level, and only because my house is there. I never wanted you to see this side of hell.”

  “As much as I don’t like it, I’m glad
I did. This is an eye-opening experience. One I don’t want to repeat anytime soon, but still,” she shrugs her shoulders. “If seeing this doesn’t get someone to change their ways, then nothing will.” I would have to agree.


  The conversation stops when Verkor sets another tray on the table. He got extra fried cheese sticks and enough burgers and fries for all of us. We all start grabbing food off of the tray until it’s empty.

  “Okay, what drink is that?” I ask, pointing to Verkor’s glass. The liquid is purple, but when the light hits it you can see a shimmer of silver.

  “It’s fae whiskey,” he replies.

  “That doesn’t look like any whiskey I’ve seen before. It’s pretty to look at,” I say between bites of food.

  “It does look pretty, but it packs quite a punch to non-fae. You would be drunk after one drink.”

  “I’m adding to the list of drinks I want to try next time we come here.”

  “You have a list?” Verkor asks. I nod my head, holding up a finger, waiting until I finish my bite before answering.

  “Yup. Stolas’ hell bourbon is on that list, and now fae whiskey.” I turn and look at Obsidian. “Is there a drink from the shifter realm you like that I can add to my list?”

  “Moonlight vodka. It’s strong. One drink is all you’ll need.”

  “Cool. I’m going to have to write this down, so I don’t forget.” Obsidian smirks. We all go back to eating, scarfing down everything in sight. I’m stuffed. I sit back in my chair closing my eyes, lightly patting my belly. “So good.” Now, I have to pee. I open one eye, looking at Stolas. “Where’s the restroom?”

  “I’ll take you,” he says.

  “I can go by myself,” I respond, sitting forward in my chair.

  “I know. I’m not going into the restroom with you; I’m simply going to wait outside for you.” I sigh. I know he’s going to argue if I tell him no, so I don’t.

  “Well, then lead the way.” I gesture with a wave of my hand.

  Stolas stands, taking my hand. He helps me from my seat and guides me through the throng of people. The restroom is down a hall in the back of the bar. Just as I go to open the door, it opens and a woman walks out. I take a step to the side, letting her pass, before I enter. I hurry into the first open stall and do my business. I hear the restroom door open again.

  “That’s a fine piece of man standing outside the door,” a voice says.

  “Yes, so are the other two men sitting at the table with him. They are equally as sexy,” a second voice responds.

  “Too bad it looks like the one with all the tattoos is taken. They were all over each other before the other two sat down,” the first voice states.

  I try to see who’s talking through the slit between the door and the stall wall, but they’re not in my view.

  A laugh echoes in the restroom. “Like it matters. She’s nothing. Once they get a look at us, they’ll forget all about the pesky human,” the second voice replies.

  “But that wouldn’t be right.” I hear the hesitation in the voice.

  “Who cares if it’s right? If I want all three of them, then that’s what I’ll get.”

  Oh, hell no. I finish up, strut right out of the stall and stop. I was so ready to confront the two women talking about trying to get with my men, but it isn’t two women. It’s one with two faces. How the hell do I confront that? I’m amazed that they both have cognitive abilities. It’s also freaky how only the head keeps turning so they can each primp and preen.

  “Oh, look who it is,” the face on the back of the head says. It’s the second voice I’ve been hearing. The front face looks at me through the mirror above the sink. “It’s the human.”

  The head turns and now the front face is staring at me while the back face looks at me through the mirror. You know what, nope, I’m not doing this. I’m better than this. Don’t let them get under your skin. I trust the guys. I have nothing to fear. I shake my head and walk to the sink.

  “What’s the matter; devil got your tongue?” The second voice says with a laugh as she stares at me through the mirror. I dry my hands and turn to face them.

  “No. I also know that none of those guys will give either of you the time of day.” I say pointing at both of their faces. The second voice laughs again. The first voice looks like if it could disappear it would.

  “You don’t know how persuasive I can be.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “It won’t matter what you do. I know they will never buy what you’re selling.” I give them a once over from head to toe with my eyes. She knows exactly what I’m saying. I don’t want to give them any more of my time. I move towards the door, but the two-faced woman steps in my way.

  “We’ll just have to see about that.”

  I smile because I know my guys. “I guess we will.” I purposely bump into her shoulder on my way to the door. Just as I get ready to open it, the second voice calls out to me.

  “Remember human, two heads are better than one.” I don’t stick around to hear anymore. I push open the door and run smack into Stolas.

  “You okay, love?” Stolas reaches out to steady me.

  “Yup.” I glance back at the door. I grab Stolas’ hand tugging him from the hallway.

  Every two-faced person I pass, I look at differently, knowing that both faces can think for themselves. It’s creepy. I’m ready to leave. Plus, I don’t want to give that woman a chance to even touch my men. We make it back to the table, but I don’t sit down.

  “Can we go?” I ask. Stolas turns me so that I’m facing him.

  “Did something happen back there?” he asks.

  “No. I just…” I pause, when the woman from the restroom walks by and winks at me. “They just freak me out. I thought the second face was just ornamental, but it talks and thinks, and it’s weird.” Stolas furrows his eyebrows.

  “Are you sure nothing happened, because you weren’t in a hurry to leave until you came out of the bathroom.” He crosses his arms over his chest. He’s not going to let this go. He’s getting just as bad as Obsidian. I throw my hands up in the air.

  “Ugh, fine. There was a woman in the restroom, and she was having a full-on conversation with her second face. I didn’t like what they were saying.”

  “What was that?” Verkor questions. I cross my arms over my chest.

  “They were talking about you. All of you, and I didn’t like. The one face is determined to try to persuade all of you into her bed. I was trying to avoid all of that by leaving.” I put my hand up to them from saying anything. “I know I can trust you. I even said that to them myself. But I’m sorry that I would rather avoid seeing some other chick trying to put her hands on you.” My voice comes out as a growl, and there is smoke coming out in puffs from my nose. “I know you would never do anything with her, but I can't help but feel territorial. You guys are mine.”

  I glance around, meeting the eyes of each of my mates. Verkor is trying to hide a smile behind his hand. Obsidian has desire and lust shining in his eyes, like he wants to strip me naked and have his way with me right here on the table. I might just let him. Stolas has a shit-eating grin spread across his face.

  “I love this jealous side of you,” Stolas says. I huff, because I don’t like it. I don’t like that it makes me look insecure about myself.

  “Let’s go,” Obsidian says, standing and grabbing two of the bags from under the table. “I’m ready to get out of here.”

  Verkor grabs the other two bags before standing. Stolas laces his fingers with mine and guides me through the bar. The two-faced woman from the bathroom is leaning against the bar whispering into some guys ear. As if sensing I was looking at her, she turns and our eyes lock as I walk by, and I make sure to wink and smile at her. I expected her to get angry, but instead she tips her glass in my direction before taking a sip. I wonder if she was actually going to attempt anything. She had to know I was in the restroom if she saw Stolas standing outside the door.

I glance over to the guy she was talking to and see that he is looking at me. His blonde hair is perfectly styled and coiffed. His blue eyes are a light with mischief and there’s a cheeky smirk on his face. Stolas tugs on my hand and I look at him. I realize that I stopped to stare at the woman.

  “You okay, love?” Stolas asks.

  “Yeah, let’s just get out of here.” He nods. Right before we walk out the door, I look back to the bar and neither of them are there.

  The smell of sulfur hits me the second later. I try not to pay attention to the people around me, but I can’t help it. There are a couple of two-faced people having an argument. It’s a sight to see. The people’s heads keep turning. All the faces are yelling at each other.

  “Can I have a moment of your time?”

  The voice startles me, coming out of nowhere. I look to the side and see that it’s the guy from the bar. Where the hell did he come from? I try to glance over my shoulder to see Verkor and Obsidian, but they aren’t there. I’m suddenly ripped from Stolas’ grip by being pulled in the opposite direction.

  “Finley!” Stolas yells.

  “Let go of me,” I say while smacking at the hand that is gripping my arm.

  The hold is too tight and doesn’t deter the man from trying to drag me away. I pull back trying to wrench my arm from the hold, but it doesn’t work. I drop my arm down. It hits my side, brushing against my blade. My blade! I quickly grab it, bringing it down against the man's arm. He screams letting me go. I turn getting ready to run in the direction I last saw Stolas.

  “Wait, I have something to tell you. It’s something that you’ll want to hear,” he yells. I stop in my tracks, pivoting to face him. His holding the arm that cut, wincing. I see that his vein are turning black stemming from the cut I placed on his arm.

  “What could you possibly have to say to me? You don’t know me.” I narrow my eyes at him, holding the dagger up between us.


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