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Stolen Fire

Page 25

by S. Dalambakis

  “Are you alright?” she asks. I smile. She’s always more concerned about others than herself. I love and hate it.

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” I sigh. “A lot of our plan falls on your shoulders.” Finley moves until she’s on her knees beside me on the bed.

  “I know, but what else are we going to do? This seems to be the best and most effective way to accomplish this. I’ll be fine. Stolas will be by my side. You guys will be in the audience tomorrow just in case something goes wrong.”

  I run my fingers through my hair. “It’s not tomorrow that I’m worried about; it’s when only you and Stolas will be in a room with the devil himself, while the rest of us are off trying to get the map.” I get off the bed and start pacing. I step on my previously discarded pants. Quickly, I pull them back on and face Finley who is sitting in the middle of the bed still stark naked. “The thought of being away from you is killing me. I hate knowing that I won’t be nearby to help if something goes wrong.” I place a closed fist over my heart. “It’s an ache, a pain in my chest, gripping my heart. Every time I think about it, the vise squeezes tighter to where I can’t breathe.” There are tears glistening in her gray eyes. “You mean everything to us. I can’t stomach the thought of losing you.”

  “Oh, Verkor.”

  Her voice is a whisper in the quiet of the bedroom. Finley crawls to the edge of the bed, and I walk right into her open arms. I wrap her in my embrace as tight as I dared. Not an inch of space separates us.

  “I promise I won’t do anything to harm myself or our baby. I promise to listen to Stolas and come back to you in one piece. I promise not to make any hasty decisions. But you have to make a promise to me as well.” She pulls back, cupping my face, staring intently into my eyes. “You have to promise that you will come back to me. Promise you won’t leave me, because I can’t live without you either.”

  Her sweet declaration leaves me breathless, and I do the only thing I can think of, I kiss her. I pour everything I am, everything I feel into this kiss. She is my life preserver when I feel like I’m drowning. Saving me, reeling me in, breathing life back into me.

  I pull back, placing my forehead on hers.

  “I promise. I’ll always come back to you.” I kiss her again.

  Chapter 20


  Last night I made all the guys promise me that they would return to me. I don’t like the thought of being separated from them either, but none of us could come up with a better course of action.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Stolas asks from his perch on the bed. They each have taken a turn asking me that question. My answer is always the same.

  “We don’t have any other option, so yes,” I reply.

  I busy myself with double and triple checking my bag. Dress: check, wings: check, daggers: check, hair chopstick: check, violin: check, mask: check, sanity: questionable. Bael gave me the mask earlier, saying it will only add to the mystery.

  Tonight, probably isn’t even the hardest part about this, but the rest of our plan hinges on this, on me. A pair of muscular arms surround me, pulling me back against a warm body. Soft lips press a kiss to my neck.

  “You’re going to be great, love,” Stolas says while placing another kiss on my neck. If he doesn’t stop, we’re going to end up doing more and we don’t have the time. We’re supposed to be leaving soon.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Of course, I am,” he huffs, turning me to face him. “Just watching you play will captivate everyone. The devil has no chance tonight. Besides, you’re going to have one good looking hellhound at your side all night.” He gives me a smug smile, and I roll my eyes. He’s so full of himself. I will never admit to him that he’s right. He doesn’t need a more inflated ego.

  “You remember your part?” I ask. Stolas scoffs like he’s offended that I would dare ask such a thing.

  “Yes, I remember my part. It’s not like it’s hard.”

  “Are you sure you’re comfortable with it?” I search his silver eyes, seeing nothing but mischief in them.

  “It’ll give me practice for when our pup is here.”

  Every time he mentions the baby his eyes light up. He’s already a proud papa and the baby isn’t even here yet. All my men are going to be great fathers. Stolas will teach the pup how to joke, laugh, and cause chaos; Obsidian will teach the fighting; and Verkor will teach how to be sensitive and loving.

  “Our kid is pretty damn lucky to have you...all of you.” He smiles.

  “Damn straight.” He puffs up his chest, completely pleased with himself. “Don’t sell yourself short, love. This kid is pretty damn lucky to have you too.” That’s sweet of him to say, but it fucking terrifies me.

  He leans down, placing a kiss to my lips, pulling me close to his body. His hands roam down my back, cupping my ass, squeezing the globes. My hands grip the fabric of his t-shirt. Stolas’ kisses are all consuming. He may like to joke around, but when it comes to kissing, or touching me, he doesn’t.

  “Are you ready to go?” Obsidian asks, interrupting what I’m sure was going to turn into a round of hot sex.

  Stolas doesn’t release me right away. Oh no, he takes his sweet ass time. I know a part of it is to annoy Obsidian. When Stolas does pull back, he winks at me. See, told ya. I look over to see Obsidian and Verkor standing in the doorway.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.” My voice comes out a little huskier than I intended.

  “In more ways than one,” Stolas chimes in. I elbow him in the stomach, and all he does is laugh. I move around him, grab my bag, and head for the others. Obsidian takes my bag from me the second I get within arm’s reach.

  “Oh, one more thing.” I turn to face Verkor. I take my engagement ring and hold it out to him. “Will you hold onto this for me?”

  “Of course.” He holds out his hand and I place my ring it. I watch as he puts it in his pocket. “I’ll give it back afterward.”

  “Are you going to shift now?” I ask, facing Stolas.

  All he does is wink at me before the sound of bones popping greets my ears. I don’t remember hearing that the last time I saw him shift. Then again, we were in the middle of a fight and I was distracted. I watch as his body contorts. His face, arms, and legs lengthen. His fingers grow into claws. Black hair sprouts all over his body. He drops down to his paws. When he looks at me, his silver eyes flash to the glowing red of his hellhound. Even though his change only takes a handful of seconds to complete, watching it happen makes it feel like a lifetime.

  Stolas stretches and shakes out his fur. He pads over to me and licks my hand. I reach out and give him a scratch behind the ear. I chuckle as his tail wags.

  “Alright, let’s go do this.” Obsidian and Verkor nod. I square my shoulders, take a deep breath, and follow them. Time to bewitch the devil.

  Stolas trotted beside me in his hellhound form as we walked through the streets. Once we arrived at The Inferno, Drew ushered me toward the back with Stolas hot on my heels. Drew gave him a skeptical look, but otherwise didn’t question it. He did ask if I was going to use the band. When I said I was, he asked for the name of the song I planned on playing so they would be ready for me. After that, he said I had an hour before my slotted time and to make sure I was ready before walking out, leaving me and my hellhound alone.

  I change into the white dress, wings, and mask. I’m strapping a dagger to my thigh when Stolas whines. I look over at him, laying on the floor, head on his paws. It’s fucking adorable, and I tell him so.

  “You know,” I say leaning down to scratch behind his ear, “you look cute like this.”

  He huffs, and little smoke escapes his nose. I chuckle, because I can hear him saying he’s a ferocious beast and is in no way cute. Which is true, he is a ferocious beast, but in my eyes he’s still cute.

  “You’re worried, aren’t you?” He licks my hand, and I take that as a yes. “Don’t be. I have you protecting me. We’ll be fine.”

  The door to the dressing room opens, and Drew peeks his head in. “Five minutes,” is all he says before shutting the door.

  “Looks like it’s show time.”

  I check to make sure I have all my daggers hidden but in place. I grab my violin and bow from the case. Opening the door, I follow Stolas out and down the hall to the back entrance of the stage. He pads up the few steps, stopping a few feet in front of me. I glance over at the band, giving them a nod. Stolas lays down, and I climb on his back. I’m rocked side-to-side as he stands. I’m barely able to keep myself from falling off.

  “We should have practiced that,” I whisper. Stolas huff sounds suspiciously like a laugh, you know, if he could laugh in this form. The demons in the band behind me chuckle. Luckily, the black curtain on the stage is lowered so no one can see me.

  “Next up to the stage is a newcomer. Please put your hands and claws together for this angelic beauty,” Drews voice booms out.

  The sounds of clapping and whistles resound through the air as the curtain lifts. Those quiet as Stolas walks us over to the middle of the stage, lowering so I can climb off his back. I pet him before he trots over to the side of the stage and down the stairs. He walks over and sits as a sentinel on the floor below, in front of the stage.

  I position myself with my body leaning slightly to the right, with my violin already under my chin and my bow poised and ready laying across the strings. The white wings on my back expand out the width of my arm span. They look like raven wings, except for the color. My toe is pointed out to my side, in my black boots, flashing my creamy thigh through a slit in the asymmetrical skirt.

  I’m nervous; this has to work. I need to gain the attention of Lucifer. I need to get that date. I take a deep breath. The band behind me starts to play, but I wait until my cue to join.

  I slide the bow across the strings, releasing the first notes as I move my leg in towards my body and back out, again and again. I sway my hips from side to side to the tempo of the music. I turn my body, walking on my toes, dragging the tips of my boots along the floor with each step, making my way to the side of the stage. Quickly, I descend the steps. I spin on the tips of my toes twice; my lace skirt flares out around me.

  I spot Verkor, Obsidian, and Bael, sitting at a table in the far corner. Bael is pointing to a table off to the right. I spin in that direction and see a dark-haired man, dressed in an immaculate suit, sitting at the table on the platform that is covered in the red tablecloth. That has to be Lucifer. I flit and dance between the tables. As I do, the melody of the song changes. The tempo starts to increase. The drumbeat gets heavier, and I know I need to do something to really draw him in. I have the perfect idea. I dance my way over to my guys’ table.

  “Light the tips of my wings on fire,” I whisper to Verkor.

  “What?” he says shocked. “No.”

  “Please, I don’t have much time. I need to do something big.” I sway my hips enticingly.

  “No,” he refuses.

  “I’ll do it,” Bael says. I move to where he’s sitting, arching my back. I smell sulfur, then hear the crackle of hellfire on the wings.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, before rightly myself, and dancing through the tables.

  I stop near Lucifer’s table. I gaze at his handsome face, offering a shy smile, and lower my eyes. I twirl a few steps from the table. The last thing I need is to light the devil’s table on fire. Though that would certainly grab his attention, but maybe not in a good way. When I'm a safe distance away, I sweep my left leg out into an arch in front of me, making sure to display my thigh.

  I kick my leg up then without missing a beat, I swing it back behind me and up, lean back. Sweat breaks out along my brow under my mask. The hellfire is making me hotter than I normally would be. But the song is almost over, and the beat is getting sharper. I change my upper body movements to match. There’s only so much I can do while playing the violin. Most of my movement comes from my hips and legs.

  I roll my body, hopping up on the tops of my toes, swinging my upper body to the beat. The drum beat mimics the sound of clapping and the patrons of this club clap to match the beat. I pop my hips to the sound. I spin, arching back, before slowly righting myself. I glance over to the devil and watch his eyes follow every move I make. I smile. I exaggerate my walk toward Lucifer’s table.

  The melody of the song starts to slow, signally the end is near. As the song ends, I sink to my knees in front of the devil's table, playing the last few chords. I lower my head, moving my violin and bow to my side. The sound of clapping and cheers is deafening, but I don’t move. I close my eyes, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat. I feel a wet nose against the back of my neck, and I know without looking it’s Stolas.

  I feel fingers under my chin before my head is being tilted back. I open my eyes to stare into a pair of honey colored ones, as Lucifer is crouched in front of me. The devil is beautiful. A straight nose, firm full lips, angular jaw. I sigh. Lucifer smiles, and I swear I hear angels singing. He runs his thumb along my lower lip. His hand falls back to his side and he stands, holding out a hand to me. Tentatively, I place my hand in his, and he helps me stand. With his other hand he snaps his fingers. I’m instantly less hot. I look to my wings and see that he put them out. I whip my gaze back to Lucifer.

  “Such a beautiful creature,” he says, running his knuckles down the side of my face. The devil has the kind of voice that makes me want to roll around in bed all day, deep and sexy. “Come.” He curls his finger at me.

  He turns, walking back to his table. I follow behind him, sparing a glance in the direction of my guy’s table. Obsidian and Verkor have scowls on their faces, while Bael is staring wide-eyed. I hear Stolas’ claws clicking against the floor. The sound is oddly comforting.

  “Please sit,” Lucifer gestures to the chair across from him. He unbuttons his suit jacket, before sitting. I do as he says and sit. “I would like for you to remove the mask. While I like looking into your stormy gray eyes, I would like to see the rest of your face.”

  I don’t speak. I don’t think I could if I tried. I move a hand to the back of my head, pulling on the tie holding my mask in place. I move my other hand to my mask, letting it fall into it. Placing the mask on the table, I take a deep breath, meeting the devil's eyes once more. I shift in my seat under the scrutiny of Lucifer.

  “You are quite lovely. What is your name?”

  I clear my throat, trying to loosen the tightness. I can’t make myself look like a fool in front of the devil. “Finley.” My voice comes out strong, which is the complete opposite of how I feel.

  “The name is as beautiful as you.”

  “Thank you.” I give Lucifer a smile as Stolas growls at him.

  Lucifer turns and eyes Stolas, who is sitting next to me. He raises his eyebrow. I reach out and start stroking him from the top of his head to the middle of his back. It eases the tension I feel radiating from him beneath my hand.

  “Interesting choice for a pet.”

  I chuckle, waving a hand dismissively. “I ran into him out shopping at the markets. He started following me and protected me when someone got a little too handsy.” I shrug, giving Lucifer a big smile. “I felt like we kind of bonded.”

  “I just bet you did,” Lucifer murmurs. I chose to ignore what he says, playing into the fact that I think Stolas is just a normal hellhound.

  “I took him home with me, and the rest is, as they say, history.” I turn kissing Stolas’ nose. “Isn’t that right, my big ball of love,” I coo. Stolas’ tail beats against the floor, and he licks the side of my face. I giggle at his antics.

  “Well, he seems like he loves you.” I turn my attention back to Lucifer.

  “I love him too. He showed up in my life when I needed someone the most.” My throat tightens with emotion, because I didn’t know how true the words are until I spoke them. Stolas whines, placing his head on my lap. “I’m okay. I promise,” I whisper. I take a deep breath, before looking up at Lucifer, gi
ving him a smile, which he returns.

  “You dance and play beautifully, just like a little muse.” My brows furrow.

  “A muse?” I question.

  “They’re minor goddesses that live in heaven and inspire different forms of art.”

  I laugh. “I can assure you I have never inspired anyone.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” He gives me a cheeky grin. I dip my head, so he wouldn’t see me roll my eyes. “Would you do the honor of coming to dinner tomorrow night at the castle?” My head whips up, and my eyes widen. I tighten the hand I have in Stolas’ fur. He chuckles. “I see that I surprised you.”

  “To say the least. If you don’t mind me asking, why?” Smart, Finley, smart. Why the hell would you ask why? You got what you came for, now make an exit.

  “You intrigue me, little muse.” His gaze flicks down to Stolas before returning to me. “As much as I would love to continue, I am needed elsewhere. What do you say? Will you be my dinner guest tomorrow night?”

  “I would love too. Thank you.” Lucifer waves a hand dismissively.

  “No thanks are needed.” Lucifer stands, buttoning his suit jacket. He moves, standing before me. He grabs my hand, kissing the back. Stolas growls, and Lucifer grins. “Until tomorrow, little muse.” Lucifer turns and starts walking away from the table but stops and looks over his shoulder at me. “A word of advice, little muse. Be careful with your hellhound there.”

  “Why?” I ask, still playing along like I have no idea who Stolas really is.

  “Let’s just say, there’s more there than what you see on the surface. Be careful, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” He turns to leave, then I remember he didn’t say what time.

  “Wait,” I call out, and Lucifer pauses. “What time?”


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