Book Read Free

Stolen Fire

Page 27

by S. Dalambakis

  “Love, I was always going to come back here, I told you that. I’m from here, born and raised. Spawns from hell can’t go to heaven.”

  “Oh.” The tone of her voice catches my attention. I roll over to my side, reaching out to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear.

  “What’s the matter, love?” I ask softly.

  “I don’t know. I kind of just thought that you could go to heaven. Abaddon said that I didn’t belong there, and that Obsidian wouldn’t either if he confronted whatever happened in his past. I just thought since you’re essentially human that you could go to heaven.”

  “Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen, at least not that I know of. Abaddon is right, you don’t belong down here.” I see her eyes welling up with tears.

  “Who's to say that will still be true after all this is done,” she whispers.

  “Is that what this is about?”

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, and if by some slim chance you do end up here, I’ll find you. I’ll always find you.” I lean forward, placing a gentle kiss to her lips. “How about we get ready for bed. We can worry about where we’re going after we die later.” She nods, getting off the bed and walking to the closet.

  I wonder why she’s worried about where she’s going to end up? If I have any say in the matter, she’s not going to be dying anytime soon, and when she does, she’s going to be so good God can’t help but give her wings. I think being here in hell, seeing that it’s real and everything it entails, got to her. Yes, it seems like it’s all fun and games, until you see and hear the true horrors that are here. Finley only got taste. If she were to explore the torture levels more, the things she would see would scar her for life, more than she already is. The only thing I can do now is to protect her, and I will until my last breath.

  Chapter 22


  I’m restless and can’t sit still. I was the same way trying to fall asleep last night. I’m lucky if I got a couple of hours’ worth. I sit at the kitchen table, but I can’t stand it. I’m up pacing around before sitting again, only to get up and start pacing. The cycle starts again.

  “Finley,” Verkor calls. I stop halfway through my lap around the kitchen island. “Baby, come and sit.” He waves his hand to the seat next to him. “It’s going to be fine.”

  “You can’t promise that,” I say, walking over, taking the proffered seat.

  “You’re right, I can’t. But if we follow our plan, then hopefully we can get in and out without too many problems.”

  “Nothing ever goes as we plan.”

  That’s what I’m worried about. We had to fight and kill to obtain the last piece of the map. There’s no telling what can happen here. We’re in hell, surrounded by demons, stealing from the fucking devil.

  Verkor reaches over grabbing my hand. He fingers the ring on my hand. “That’s true, but we’ll get through this like we did last time. Do you remember what you said?” My eyebrows, confused. What is he trying to get at?

  “I’ve said a lot of things since we’ve been together.” He smiles.

  “That’s true, but you said if you worry about something going wrong, then that’s when it does.”

  “Well, shit. I did say that.” I smile but shake my head. “I see what you did there.” He’s right. Worrying will only make matters worse. At this point, things are going to go how they will, and we’re going to have to roll with it.

  “Did it work?”

  I squeeze his hand. “Yeah, it did.”

  “Good, because it’s time for you to get ready for your date. The rest of us are going to pack our bags and make sure they’re ready to go.” I nod.

  “I need to grab a few things from mine.”

  “Go ahead, baby. I’ll grab your stuff once you’re finished.” I take a deep breath, letting it out.

  I stand and walk towards the hallway. I pause, glancing over my shoulder, seeing Verkor watching me.

  “It’ll be fine,” he says. I sure hope he’s right, because I don’t want to think about what will happen otherwise.

  “You look amazing, love,” Stolas say.

  I give myself a little twirl in the cabaret style dress. The layered black lace skirt flares out around me. It’s one of my favorite parts about the dress, beside the beautiful red, faux corset top. The satin ribbon that laces up the front feels like silk under my fingers. The dress looks amazing with my favorite pair of black boots.

  “Thank you.” I smile.

  “Doll,” Obsidian’s voice comes out low and husky. I turn, seeing him standing in the doorway of the bedroom with desire and lust filling his amber eyes. Verkor pops his head into the room.

  “Finley,” awe laces Verkor’s voice. I smile, winking at them before twirling in my dress once more.

  “You better not take your eyes off of her tonight,” Obsidian threatens Stolas.

  “Oh, I won’t.” I roll my eyes but smile. I love and hate how protective they are.

  “Do you have everything?” Verkor asks. I turn, picking my violin and bow from the bed.

  “Yup. I don’t think I left anything behind,” I say, facing my guys again.

  “I’ll double check,” Verkor says. He quickly scans the room and the closet, satisfied with what he sees. “We need to get going or you’re going to be late.”

  I nod, taking a deep breath. I turn my attention to Stolas. “You need to shift.”

  He does and when he’s done, he pads over to me, bumping his nose into my belly. I take it as a sign that he wants me to pet him. So, I do, scratching him behind the ears. Then I realize there is more to it, when he whines, but licks the fabric of my dress over my belly. He sits back on his hunches. I would swear he puffs out his chest a little. Well, you could never say he isn’t proud in either form that he’s in.

  “Yeah, yeah. We all know your quite pleased with yourself. But before we go…” I trail off, walking over to Verkor. I slide my engagement ring off my finger. “Will you hold on to this for me? I don’t want to lose it and I don’t want Lucifer questioning me about it either.” I hold out the ring for him and place it into open waiting palm. “You better guard it with your life.” I jokingly tease him, sort of. I do want him to guard it. It’s the third best thing I’ve ever been given. Obviously, our baby and them are the first two things.

  Verkor nods at me, while Obsidian states, “Just like Stolas better do to you.”

  I turn and see him narrow his eyes at Stolas, having some sort of silent conversation with him. Stolas only growls in response, and I swear I can hear his reply, like I would do anything less?

  I clap my hands, getting everyone's attention. “Well, everyone needs to be safe.” I look each of them in the eyes, including Bael who just walked up to the door. They all nod. “Good. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  The walk to the castle is blissfully uneventful. The thing I wasn’t expecting was all the stairs that lead to it. Though now I understand why it looks so high and opposing from a distance. None of us have uttered a word since we started walking, which for me isn’t a good thing. It gives my mind time to wonder and worry about everything, and what could go wrong. Like us all dying, or us failing.

  The sound of a rock rolling down the stairs pulls me from my thoughts. I didn’t realize we reached the top of the steps and looming in front of us is a castle straight out a gothic nightmare.

  Multiple spires rise high into the sky, each a different size and height. The edifice itself is black and shiny, like it's carved out of obsidian stone. The lava in the lake next to the castle cast an eerie red glow onto it, like the castle is emerging from the very fires of hell.

  A hand touching my shoulder, causes me to jump. I whirl, seeing the guys.

  “Easy, doll,” Obsidian says. “We need to start heading around to the back. Be careful.” I nod, trying to calm my racing heart.

  “You guys be careful too.”

  Obsidian leans down givi
ng me a quick kiss. He moves over a step, standing directly in front of Stolas. “If anything happens to her, I will eviscerate you myself.” He doesn’t give anyone a chance to respond before he stalks off. Verkor quickly gives me a kiss, following Obsidian. I watch as they both adjust the bags that they’re carrying on their backs. Bael pats my head, and I turn my attention toward him.

  “They’ll be fine. See you guys on the other side,” Bael says then takes off after the others.

  I stare after them as long as I can before they fade from my view. A cold, wet nose presses against my hand. I look down at Stolas.

  “Well, here goes nothing.” I square my shoulders, take a deep, and walk up to the imposing stone door of the Lucifer’s castle.

  Chapter 23


  I reach out, grabbing the silver goat knocker. Cliché, I know. I pound it against the door three times. Stolas pushes his body harder against me. I thread my fingers through his fur, finding comfort in it. I wait, but it seems like no one is coming to the door. I’m just about to reach of the knocker, when the doors swing open. I expected to see some kind of demon servant, but that’s not who answered the door. No, Lucifer himself did.

  The devil is too handsome for words. He looks elegant and regal in his red suit. His shoes are as shiny as his damn castle, and his honey colored eyes sparkle with too much merriment. He’s enjoying this, the little shit.

  “Please, come in.” He stands to the side, gesturing me into the castle.

  To say that I’m surprised by what the inside of Lucifer’s castle looks like, would be a lie. I’m...I’m stupefied. Yes, let’s use that word. I feel like I walked into one of those Earth Realm fun houses with all the mirrors, but instead of it being mirrors its glass. The walls are covered from ceiling to floor in a honeycomb pattern. The ceiling itself isn’t glass. It’s solid black in color. The tile under my boots is so shiny, I can see the shock on my own face in glorious, horrifying detail. Of course, no castle is complete without its ostentatious chandelier. But this is no ordinary chandelier, because why would the devil have that. No, this one is made of bone. I would rather not know if they belong to humans or demons. I think some things need to be left as a mystery. I would be lying if I said that was the worst part, but it’s not. The bones are all bejeweled. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, all encrusted into the bones.

  “Come, little muse,” Lucifer says, offering me his arm.

  I didn’t hear him approach me, and that’s not a good sign. I’m disappointed in myself. I know better than to leave my back open for an attack. I loop my arm through his and let him guide me through his castle, with Stolas walking on my other side.

  “How about a little tour before dinner,” he says as more of a statement than a question.

  But I get the feeling that I wouldn’t have been able to tell him no, even if I wanted too. Look on the bright side, this will only give the guys more time to infiltrate the castle.

  “I’d love that,” I say, doing my best to plaster a passable smile on my face, and feeling like I needed to answer. He smiles in reply.

  “Good. First stop, the throne room.” Okay, I admit, that is something I do want to see.

  The sound of Stolas’ claws and Lucifer’s heels echo in the large open space. We walk down the hall a few feet before Lucifer guides me over to one of the glass paneled walls. I’m confused as to why we stopped here, until he reaches out and I see a cleverly disguised handle. Then I understand that some of the panels are doors. Lucifer opens the door, allowing me to walk ahead of him. Stolas squeezes his way past me, so he’s first to enter the room. More than likely he’s just looking for a threat, which I’m more than grateful to have him with me, so I don’t walk into any kind of trap.

  Lucifer’s throne room is just as imposing as the entrance hallway. The room is gray, black, and red, with the throne taking up a large portion. What I’m surprised about is how big the chair is. It seems too much for the man standing next to me. I walk closer wanting to get a good look.

  The chair itself is made from some sort of black rock, expertly carved. There’s a large and imposing goat head on the top of the back of the chair. The horns curve out then up. Poking out from the sides of the chair and above the goat head are swords. The beautiful part is the ancient Greek like columns on either side of the chair. The most frightening part is what's behind the throne. Skulls in different shapes and sizes litter the wall. I shiver thinking of why they’re there.

  “What do you think?” Lucifer asks, grabbing my attention.

  “Um, it’s magnificent,” I lie. “It’s unlike anything I have ever seen.” Not a lie, and not something I would ever like to see again, if I had a say. “But, why is it so big?”

  “Ah, it has to be able to hold my other form.”

  “You have another form?” I ask. I’m not sure why I’m surprised. Lucifer just chuckles.

  “Would you like to see it?” he inquiries.

  I nod my head, mildly, yet frighteningly curious about what I’m about to see. He walks past me and up the few steps in front of the throne. He sits. With a flash of hellfire, I’m no longer looking a man, but a twelve-foot, red demon with black, leathery wings, a huge fucking tail, and a pair of the biggest horns I’ve ever seen.

  His eyes are completely black, and when he opens his mouth I take a step back. The teeth he’s baring are long and jagged. They’re brown near the gum, but yellow towards the tip. Those teeth could rip anyone and anything apart. My gaze drifts down to his hands and the enormous black claws that could shred through anything. My eyes continue to travel down his body and I note every defined muscle on display, including the one between his legs that he’s not bothering to hide. I pause briefly on his giant feet that also have large black claws. I whip my gaze up and meet his eyes.

  I swear I stop breathing. This is the stuff of legends, of myths, of nightmares, and I’m staring at it face-to-face. On reflex I take a few steps and squeeze my hand tighter around the neck of my violin. I feel the strings digging into my palm. Stolas stands in front of me using his butt to push me back a few more. There’s another flash and the human looking version of the devil stares back at me. He stands, descending the steps, and walks straight to me. I know I should move, but I’m scared stiff. Stolas growls as Lucifer approaches.

  “Easy hellhound. I wish her no harm.” He stops in front of me. “Though, I do see I should have waited.” He reaches out running his knuckles down the side of my face. “You’re shaking like a leaf, little muse. Did I scare you that much?” I don’t say anything, I don’t think I can. “I promise no harm will come to you. I would still very much like for you to accompany me to dinner.” I do nothing but stare, wide-eyed. Lucifer’s fingers snap in front of my face, snapping me out of my fear. Well, not completely.

  “I’m...I’m sorry,” I stammer. Lucifer waves a hand dismissively.

  “It is I who should apologize.”

  “No. It’s alright. I just wasn’t expecting that.” He laughs softly.

  “No one ever is.”


  Obsidian, Bael, and I are slinking around to the back of the castle, weaving through the shadows, and I’m surprised by the lack of guards. Either Lucifer, is too cocky thinking that no one would dare penetrate his domain and try to steal from him, or we’re walking into a trap. I hope, for our sake, it’s the former.

  Bael is leading the way and is currently crouched along the wall that surrounds the garden. Slowly, we take measured steps, making sure we don’t make a sound. I’ll be fine, because if we were spotted right now, the only ones they would see is Obsidian and Bael. I called the shadows to me the second we stepped into them. I have them guarding my body, helping me blend into the night.

  If I need to, I’d draw Obsidian into the shadows long enough he doesn’t get caught. No way will I risk the wrath of my mate if I didn’t try to protect him. Bael, on the other hand, would be on his own. I know he’s Stolas’ brother but I have to protect my friends first and
make sure they come back to Finley.

  Bael holds up his hand, and we all pause. I don’t hear anything, but my hearing isn’t as good as a hellhound, and Obsidian’s beats theirs. Bael looks back over his shoulder, holding a finger to his mouth. I drop some of the shadows around me, letting myself be visible. We wait until Beal clears us to move again. This time we move quickly. He stops when we reach the corner of the wall. Carefully, he peeks around the edge and whips back, pressing his back to the wall. Bael glances over at us, holding up two fingers and motioning around the corner. There are two demons guarding what I assume is the back entrance of the garden.

  “Once we turn the corner, they’re going to see us. When that happens, a fight is going to break out and alert other demons that something is going on, and that’s going to bring unwanted attention our way,” Bael whispers.

  “I got this,” I reply. I shrug the straps of the bags I’m carrying off my shoulders, handing them to Bael.

  “What are you going to do? You can’t go out there by yourself,” Bael states.

  “He’ll be fine,” Obsidian says softly. “Trust me, he’s the best one for this part.” I nod once at Obsidian, before moving around them. I wait until I’m at the edge of the wall, before calling the shadows back.

  “Where the hell did he just go?” The surprise evident in Bael’s voice.

  I smile knowing that the shadows have once again concealed me. I take a deep breath and turn the corner. I keep my back plastered against the wall, inching my way along it until I’m behind one of the demons. They don’t realize I’m there. Slowly, I move the shadows along the ground, stopping when it’s behind the second demon. At once, I urge the shadows to wrap around their throats. No sound escapes them, as I command the shadows to squeeze a little tighter. Just enough to knock them out and not kill them. They bring their clawed hands up to their throats, grasping at it but not finding anything there. It must be terrifying knowing you’re being attacked, but there is nothing you can do to stop it. It doesn’t take long before they both crumble to the ground.


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