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The Broken Canvas

Page 16

by Tai Barnett

  How can one define something as a ‘fated relationship’, when all the tell-tale signs of reality said otherwise? Yet, Lauren had a lot more to learn because while she had given up on optimism and doubting possibilities, the universe and fate did have another plan for her.

  Lauren was heading into town to run some errands. Little did she know that her busted tires, which left her stranded on the side of the road for almost 40 minutes, was about to ignite a very unexpected curiosity.

  Andrew’s truck slightly skidded on the stony and dirty sidewalk as he pulled off the side of the road. He exited the dark blue pick-up and strolled unswervingly to the back of his trunk for his tools.

  “Oh, I am so so sorry, Andrew. I had no one else to call, Michael is in Los Angeles and Vernon is out getting the kids from school. He told me that you were back home for a few days so I just—”

  “Oh, stop worrying your head over such trivial matters. We are like family, after all. You said you had a flat tire, right?” Andrew said.

  Lauren brushed back her long curly hair and sighed, overwhelmed with anxiety. This wasn’t one of her better days.

  “Yes, you’re right, thanks so much again. I just have this awful habit of always apologizing. My tire just…exploded!” Lauren said tiresomely.

  Andrew proceeded to change the tire while Lauren stood to a corner of the sidewalk as the cool afternoon breeze brushed against her narrow chin.

  As he bent to the side of the car and looked up at her, while squinting his eyes and knitting his brow, he noticed the freckles on her cheeks and for the first time, that she was actually a very attractive and sensual woman.

  Andrew looked away and his thoughts quickly pulled the image of my face into his head.

  “I beg to wonder why you’re feeling like you always need to apologize. Don’t tell me that some adolescent fellow who has caused you some undue heartache, has left you feeling so vulnerably?” Andrew asked.

  Lauren was silent for a while, then she folded her arms and looked at him.

  “Oh, absolutely not…” Lauren looked at the cars passing by and looked back at Andrew.

  She sighed once more.

  “It’s pretty much the opposite of that. My boyfriend treated me like a queen. He was the kindest, sweetest most respectful man I ever met. He died in a car crash a few years ago, we were engaged and…yup, that’s what happened—”

  Lauren tried to hold back the tears as Andrew stood to his feet and looked into her eyes.

  “That is so awful and so unfortunate. I am so sorry to hear that Lauren.”

  “Yes, well some drunken teenagers decided to go joy-riding at 10:00 am in broad day light—if you can imagine. And well, just like that, they took the only man who could tolerate my weirdness and snoring away from me! Just like that my soul mate, just—vanished!”I don’t know I am guessing that’s why I always keep apologizing because we had an argument the night before. It was over nothing really. And I never got to tell him how sorry I was."

  Tears started running overpoweringly from Lauren’s eyes.

  Andrew sighed and gave her a hug, then looked at her.

  “I can’t say I understand how you feel but I can only imagine how losing a soul mate must feel. I mean how often does someone find a soul mate right? And some say we have just one true one,” Andrew said.

  Lauren dried her eyes with her sleeve, displaying her powder pink French coated nails.

  “I can’t say I know how all this works Lauren, but I am sure that the right guy for you is out there.”

  “Yes, well, at least, one of us will end up with a soul mate right?” Lauren said.

  Andrew folded his arms and sighed.

  “You’re a beautiful, very attractive woman that any man would want to be with. It’s just a matter of time, believe me.”

  Lauren looked at him and smiled.

  “This is the perfect timing for me to tell you something, by the way. But, please, don’t say anything to anyone else just yet. I want it to be a surprise,” Andrew said.

  “Of course, Andrew…what is it?”

  Andrew sighed. He was suddenly red-faced and silly smiles come over his face,

  “Wow…I am planning to ask Natasha to marry me this Christmas. Yes, well, I plan to ask her on New Year’s Eve night really,” he exhaled.

  “Ohh my God! Andrew, that’s wonderful!” Lauren jumped into Andrew’s arms and hugged him.

  She unexpectedly started sobbing again.

  Andrew walked closer toward her with his eyebrows furrowed.

  “But Lauren this is happy news, why are crying now?” Andrew said while looking down at her and using his thumb to wipe the tears from beneath one eye.

  “These are happy tears. Believe me, I can’t believe Tasha is finally getting married to the perfect man.”

  “Yes, well perhaps that’s bit of an exaggeration but thank you, nevertheless. She is the perfect woman for me also, can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her, Rose, and Charles.”

  “And please, I need you to help me with the engagement party and of course, choosing the perfect ring.”

  “Andrew, I promise you that Natasha is never going to forget this night! This night is going to change her life.”

  Tubby’s Plot

  As soon as Andrew’s happy news had sunken into Lauren, before she could even pop the champagne and day dream about what the wedding dress might look like, I returned home and told her about my infidelity with Brody, making one of Vernon’s mother’s predictions come true.

  “I just can’t understand how you could do this to Andrew, Tasha! What were you thinking sleeping with Brody Banister…again?” Lauren exclaimed.

  I sat on the back porch while I was still meddling with my canvas and Lauren was standing over me with her arms folded and her face almost black. She was looking at me like I had just stolen something valuable away from her or like I had killed and buried someone. Although, was it really that different? I killed my loyalty and respect for myself and Andrew.

  “Well, I wasn’t thinking with my heart or my head Lauren, that’s the problem. And you know that when it comes to Brody, my body and my lady parts overcome all of my logical negotiations and morals! He is like an addiction—like alcoholism or drug addiction.”

  “You do realize that all of your references are highly toxic that will eventually kill you right? And none of those things are involuntary, so you can’t really be sitting here and telling me that wanting to be with Brody is natural and something that you cannot control Tasha?” Lauren said.

  “No, Lauren, what I am saying is that I love him. I always have, and I always will.”

  Lauren tilted her head slightly down while she caught sight of the picture being painted on the canvas. After one moment of gripping realization and empathy, she looked back at me.

  She sighed and sat beside me on the concrete bench.

  “Well, I know what it feels like to love someone Tasha, but I am just concerned about you, the kids, and this entire situation. How is this going to affect your career when Tubby and his loyal go-fer print those other pictures? And what about Andrew?”

  “Yes, well, Brody doesn’t feel the same because I am not his type, he will never want to marry or settle down with just me. So, continuing with this thing is out the window.”

  “Well, screw Brody Banister for not wanting to be with someone like you. You’re such a successful, exemplary woman that is an excellent mother, he is just crazy or stupid not being able to want that. Why do you love him anyway? He is just such a dick!” Lauren asked.

  “I continue to ask myself that every day. I don’t know. From the very first time I saw him on television, I felt this instant connection like I had known him my whole life. I get this overwhelming warm feeling like I just want to look into his face every day. When I first met him in person, I found him repulsive but then, I got to know him a bit more. And, now, when I am around him…ohh, it’s just crazy cuz! Just looking at him gets me aroused. Just a touch
from him, the very sound of his voice makes me want to get naked. I love him and hate him all at once.”

  Lauren smiled, folded her hands and rested her back onto the bench.

  “I know it sounds ridiculous, right?” I said

  “No, I am just thinking that Andrew said the very same things about you, and how ironic it all is,” Lauren said. She exhaled, stretched her arms into the air, and rolled her eyes. She looked back at me, although what she really wanted was for me to feel guilty.

  “Don’t you think it’s killing me, Lauren? Fooling around, you know I have never fooled around. I love Andrew, I really, really do. He is so dreamlike. Sometimes when I look at him, I cannot believe that a man like him really exist and worst, he is so young and so level-headed. It’s like the universe sent him for me, and then it also sent Brody to tempt me as well.”

  Lauren rolled her eyes a second time and leaned her elbow onto the bench.

  “Look, I would be lying if I said I felt the same craving for Andrew that I feel for Brody. And I have no idea why either, because he is just as great in bed—I mean he really, really, really knows what he is doing in bed. He is gorgeous, successful, sweet, kind caring and Brody, well—”

  “Brody is an uncontrollable playboy that you happen to be madly in love with!” Lauren bickered.

  “Exactly. It makes no sense, I know.”

  “Well, if you’re so in love with Brody, you need to just tell him. No matter what you think he thinks of you. And without a doubt, it is extremely unfair for Andrew, when he feels the same unexplained passion and desire that you feel for Brody,” Lauren explained.

  “Well, Brody has this system, he doesn’t believe in love.”

  “Well, I must be mistaken because so do you. You have your own system, remember?”

  Looking into the distance at the cherub water fountain, Lauren’s words hit me like a mighty lightning bolt into the chest. I looked at my little cousin and sighed.

  “Well, you’re right. And sometimes Lauren, you just have to make the most sensible and logical decisions and stick with the one that loves you. It’s not about who you love the most. I mean Andrew loves the kids and I know he loves me and I truly care for him and his happiness. He will make such a perfect husband one day.”

  “Yes, well you must see that Andrew doesn’t deserve to just be the safest decision. And what about Tubby? We have to stop him before he prints those photos,” Lauren said.

  “You know what? I am going to handle this personally. Give JC News a call, I am going to give Mr. Tubby all the stories and pictures that he wants, and we will match any figure that it takes for him not to print those pictures.”

  The Remnants of Winter

  So, I guess by now you must be wondering what it is about Brody that has me so weak huh? What in the world does she see in him when she has such a faithful and fine-looking gentleman like Andrew?

  Well, let me tell you a little about our meeting and how it all went down and then you decide for yourself.

  It was the filming of one of my first major screenplays, a little bit after I had met Andrew. I was asked to be a consultant on the set of this action adventure film, featuring several major leading actors in Hollywood. Being asked to be on set was a relatively rare thing for most writers so I felt honored to have this opportunity.

  The Remnants of Winter was about a terrible and catastrophic terrorist attack that happened at a hotel in England during the winter. It was about a group of fire and rescue workers and how they joined the victims and how it dramatically affected their lives, even after they returned home. The fragments of the suffering they all went through, left them bonded forever. It was a wonderful script and I needed everyone to realize its potential and embrace the significance of the message.

  I was a completely focused and relentless writer during the earlier days in my career. I was driven in being the best and having a name for myself and I was certainly not going to let any man prevent me from being the person that I wanted to be like Nathan did for several years.

  It was the fifth month of filming and I had already been introduced to the cast which included Brody. The set was nothing like my previous gig with Andrew. It was much more elaborate and tedious. But the worst part about it was being patient with the seasoned and sometimes, overrated—overpaid if you ask me, actors who knew nothing about humility.

  However, there were pockets of actors who seemed to remain well-bred and courteous sometimes, beyond reason. But for the most part, if they weren’t tardy, they were re-writing the script—my script! And inundating their scenes with outlandish improvisations. Of course, I was not going to let one of my first big scripts be misrepresented or lose the authenticity of my vision.

  It was because of my very verbose opinions and ruthless suggestions of the actors sticking to script is why I gathered that they all were less than pleased to have me on set.

  Eventually, Author Madison, the modest and incomparable two-time Oscar award winning director and Ted Wilde, one of the more upbeat and friendly producers, took me aside to discuss the less than encouraging sentiments of me being on set.

  “Darling, most of these actors are not used to hearing the opinions of the writers—at least, not on set,” said Author.

  “Yes, well, Author, while I do respect your position and theirs, I couldn’t care less about their opinions of me. What I want is for this script to effectively deliver in the way that I know it can,” I said sternly.

  “And that’s why we love that you’re here Natasha. Why else would we ask you to be here? All the guys are asking is for you to just…cut them some slack and trust in their abilities a little bit. Give them some space. At least to show you what they can do. I am sure you will not be disappointed,” Ted said.

  I breathed deeply while looking crossly at them with my hands folded.

  “OK, OK! But Author, please bear in mind that you’re the director. We discussed exactly how we want this to be done, remember?”

  “Not to worry, my dear, leave it to me, you have nothing to worry about,” Author said. He rubbed his bald head, stretched out his long hands and sighed.

  “Oh, and one more thing. I noticed that you said, the guys, so the main fire and rescue cast are the ones complaining? I mean I am not surprised. How do you deal with them? They are always late, flirting with the crew, in the gym or pulling off some bizarre lark on set.”

  Ted and Author looked at each other and shook their heads while looking back at me.

  “Natasha, that’s how they relax. Some of them are here 15, sometimes 20 hours a day on set. After a while, you just need to release some steam—fool around a bit,” Author said.

  “And that Brody Banister, I bet he is the ring leader in all this. Never have I dealt with such an unprofessional—I honestly thought working with him would have been a brilliant experience but…”

  Ted rubbed his rugged beard and re-positioned his trucker hat more comfortably onto his head.

  “Brody is…just a bit of a wild card! But, I can promise you that he does deliver I can tell you that much. Just give him some space and see what happens,” Ted said.

  “Well, OK. I am backing off, but I swear to you if any of them pull a prank on me, I will have no problems telling them exactly how I feel.”


  The next week, while sitting on set, I decided to grab a snack. I should have known that something was afoot because they were all way too nice to me that evening.

  As I scoped the nacho dip into my plate, I noticed something strange and bulbous inside of it. As I cautiously used the spoon to have a closer look, I saw what looked like worms sticking out from between the clammy avocado dip. I screamed and yelled for a few seconds after which I noticed the guys laughing in the distance.

  I quickly rushed towards Author’s trailer. After I knocked at the door three times, he opened it and looked at me with half opened eyes. It seemed that he had been resting.

  “Oh, hey…is everything alright dear?” Author sa

  I folded my arms and cringed.

  “I am afraid not Author, your cast put worms into the dip that I was about to eat.”

  Author shook his head and glanced over at the men who were still laughing and fooling around with some of the set equipment and gadgets.

  “Oh boy, they are like children,” Author mumbled while stepping out of his trailer.

  I looked over and saw them all smiling, and Brody yelled, “Oh come on Author. It was just gummy worms that Susan coated to look real.”

  “Yeah, come on, Natasha. They’re not real love. Although, Susan did an excellent job of making them look that way!” David shouted in an Australian accent.

  David was a supporting actor and very successful in Australia. He was one of the more tolerable of the gang because he was so charming and respectful for the most part.

  The guys laughed again while Author and I walked over to where they were standing.

  Susan, the make-up expert, was walking pass us with a fresh batch of fake blood that she just prepared. She was short and chubby and her jet-black hair was part down the middle and styled in a ponytail.

  “Author, I swear they told me it was for the set. You need to control these teenagers or else they’re going to get us all into trouble one day!” Susan said.

  “No worries Susan—get on with what you’re doing,” Author said.

  “Oh, come on, Sus, you rat us out like that?” David yelled while laughing.

  “You guys had it coming, planting that snake in my purse the other day,” Susan yelled while hurrying to the set.

  There finicky ways were not amusing. I found it rude and insulting and frankly juvenile. My feeling toward their behavior was obvious also as I stood there with my arms folded and face frowned.

  “Guys, we have less than a year on set. Can you all manage to be civil? No pranks, whatsoever!” Author exclaimed.

  They were all scattered laughing and whispering as they all looked at me and Author.


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