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The Broken Canvas

Page 21

by Tai Barnett

  “Look, I know it ain’t none of my business but if I were you, I would call him right now before he just…shows up here and starts some kind of a ruckus,” Mark said.

  Surprised by Mark’s unselfish suggestion, I turned around with my eyes full of tears and looked at him.

  “Thank you.”

  I quickly walked towards my room and headed straight for my cell phone that was on the bed.

  Suddenly, I felt when someone came up behind me and I gasped,

  “Ohh Andrew, You startled me.”

  “Ohh, hun, are you alright you look a bit flustered. Are you feeling OK?” Andrew said while holding my arms and looking into my eyes.

  I could feel my legs becoming weaker and a sudden flash of guilt overcoming my entire body. I was even becoming light headed and felt like I was about to throw up. I really just wanted him to leave so I could call Brody.

  “Yes, I am just feeling a bit dizzy. I think I will lay down here for a while. Why don’t you and everyone just head on down to the pool, I am just going to take a five and gather some of my things.”

  “Are you certain? I won’t just leave you here—”

  “Honey, I am fine. Now, go.”

  Andrew kissed me on the cheeks and then walked away.

  I started dialing Brody’s number, but I was not getting through. I quickly called Oscar.

  “Hello, Oscar. How are you, dear? Yes, I am very well, thanks. Huh Oscar, do you by chance have a contact number for Brody? I am sure you are aware that he is in Jamaica as we speak. Ohh, of course not, Oscar. You’re his publicist, after all. But, I am also your very good friend. Now it’s complicated but it will suit us both if you would just give me his number so that I can find out what he is up to! OK! Alright, thank you. You are a sweetheart, I will be waiting for your text.”

  A minute or two later I punched those numbers into the phone like my life depended on it. Still, I was panting, searching for air for some reason and feeling like I had a big lump in my throat.

  “How did you get this number?” Brody said calmly.

  “Brody, what are you doing in Montego Bay?”

  “Ahh, so the good news has already reached you, huh?”

  “Good news? I don’t understand what you are talking about?”

  “I heard that you and the children would be spending Christmas and the New Year in the islands. So, I came to see Charles and Rose. You did say that I could look for him during the holidays, right?”

  “I do remember what I said Brody. But please, on our last conversation, I also told you that we wouldn’t be seeing each other anymore.”

  “Well, this has nothing to do with us. I am simply coming to visit my son for the holidays.”

  “Oh my God! I can’t believe this!”

  “Where are you staying, by the way?”

  “Oh, by a lovely little villa in the mountains. Silent Waters, I think it’s called.”

  I was turning red with rage and honestly almost peed myself.

  “Ohh, well, that’s just lovely. You’re just playing with me right now, aren’t you?”

  “No, quite the contrary. As a matter of fact, I am pulling up at the gate right at this very moment.”

  I impulsively threw my phone unto my bed and collapsed on my knees. But not long after, Vernon, Michael, and Lauren walked through my room door.

  “Natasha!” Vernon shouted.

  “Tasha? Where are you, hun? Andrew told us we needed to check on you because you weren’t feeling well,” Michael said.

  While the three of them cornered the bed, they saw me sobbing on the floor. They rushed over to me and picked me up but then I just held my stomach and started throwing up.

  I hadn’t eaten all morning and the shock of Brody’s visit was certainly making me ill.

  A few minutes later, they sat beside me on the bed looking at me and wondering if I was OK. They gave me something to eat and some good old Jamaican mint tea, but I was still feeling nauseated.

  I was like an abandoned puppy dog that needed to be rescued,

  “Guys, I have something to tell you.” I said and sighed

  Vernon looked at me cross-eyed.

  “Brody…is here.” I said without even thinking twice

  They all looked at each other and then looked back at me.

  “Tasha, whatta mean Brody is here? Here in Jamaica or here in Montego Bay?” Michael asked.

  I swallowed so deeply you could hear the saliva sliding down my scorched throat.

  “Well, he is here—at this hotel.”

  Vernon held his head.

  “Lord have mercy,” Vernon said.

  “Ohh, my God!” Lauren said while placing one hand over her mouth.

  “Well, I don’t understand. What the hell is Brody Banister doing in Mobay?” Michael exclaimed while he cocked his head a little to the right.

  “Like all you need is dem two men starting a fight and ruining the holidays for everyone. It’s a good thing that you two ain’t still together Tasha. Because a love triangle is bout the last damn thing you need while shooting this reality show!” Vernon exclaimed.

  I held my hand to my mouth because I was feeling more and more nauseated and then something suddenly occurred to me.

  “Lauren, could you possibly buy me a pregnancy test?”

  Well, Slap My Head and Call Me Silly

  “Positive! I am pregnant.”

  I was pregnant for the third time but for the very first time, I had no idea who the father was.

  “But, Tasha, how could you not suspect something? Didn’t you miss a period? I mean, honey, you are almost 45-years-old. No offense,” Michael asked.

  I was calculating in my head but, truth be told. I was so busy and stressed that my pills and period were the last thing on my mind.

  “Well, I am a couple days behind when I am thinking about it now.”

  “Well, darling, while this may come as a surprise to you, I am quite happy for you and Andrew. He is going to make such a good fatha. I would love to see the look on old Banister’s face when he finds out!” Vernon said smiling.

  Michael looked over at Lauren. But Lauren’s guilt of hiding something was printed across her face and her brother knew her well.

  “Well, I thought you would be all excited and smiling. You’re always the first one to be happy for Natasha when she is pregnant, what’s the matter Lauren?” Michael said.

  “Well, of course, I am happy for her, Michael.”

  He saw when Lauren looked over at me and sighed.

  “Then why the hell you two looking at each other like y’all hiding something from us?” Michael exclaimed.

  Vernon walked over to me with his eyes wide open.

  “No honey, they’re definitely hiding something,” Vernon said.

  “Well, what is it?” Michael said.

  I was feeling weak and my head was getting dizzy, so I decided to just tell them.

  “Well. Oh, I will just come out and say it. Andrew might not be the father.”

  Michael narrowed his eyes and turned his head from side to side then put one hand at his ear.

  “Say what now? Because I thought you just said that your boyfriend might not be the real father of your child?” Michael responded and even more now like a pissed off drama queen.

  Vernon sighed while shaking his head from side to side.

  “Hmm…hmm. Well, slap my head and call me silly! Tasha, you dun lost your damn mind! Then who else might the fatha be, if it ain’t Andrew, Tasha?” Vernon exclaimed.

  Michael sighed and adjusted his purple jacket that he had on, trying to see if he could possibly understand my mistake.

  “Well, OK, you made another mistake and for a minute there it sounded like we were in one of those weird day time talk shows. We are all allowed to make a mistake, at least once. Although, you already did that with both Nathan and Brody. So, who was it this time Tasha? And why don’t any of us know about this mystery man anyway?” Michael asked while smiling

/>   They all stood around me waiting on bated breath for an answer.

  I held down my head and breathed in deeply.

  “Well, it seems I made the same mistake twice with the same man because it’s Brody,” I was whispering, trying not to reveal the truth and hanging my head in shame.

  “Ohh Lord, help me, please!” Vernon shouted as he walked over to the opposite side of the room with his hand over his mouth.

  Michael started giggling

  “Oh, please guys, Tasha is just pulling our legs.” Michael said. He was still giggling and looking into the air and then back at me.

  Vernon came back over and looked me in the eye.

  “And the truth shall set you free—and the truth is written all over her face. Tasha, the way I am angry right now I could piss off the Pope!” Vernon exclaimed.

  “Listen honey, I know in the past I might have encouraged you to be a little slutty but this, this is just some straight up bullshit, Tasha! Now, what in heaven possessed you to do such a silly thing? It was the one time, right?” Michael inquired wide-eyed.

  I looked at Lauren for a bit of support.

  “Don’t be looking at her for answers right now, Tasha! Lauren wasn’t the one making your decisions for you. You did that all on your own!” Michael said.

  I started trembling and tears started running from my face as I wilted into one side of the bed. Lauren drew closer to me and started rubbing my shoulders.

  “I am so stupid. I am so sorry, guys.”

  “Well, ain’t no sense crying over spilled milk, Tasha, and you know we hate to see you like this. But what on earth influenced you to sleep with that old horn-dog again?” Vernon exclaimed.

  “I love him, Vernon, I truly do. I know that you guys think that he is conceited and self-centered, but he has such a sweet kind heart, too.”

  “Well, how did you expect us to act, Tasha? Andrew’s bout the best damn thing that ever happen in your life except for dem children! I can’t even tell you what I am feeling right now and all I know is, people always be making up excuses for the silly things that they do. They always talking about it’s because I love him, he just drives me wild, and I love him! Well, that’s just a load of horseshit, if you ask me. Because. If it’s one thing that I do know, true love that comes from the heart…a genuine place, ain’t deceitful or ugly!” Vernon exclaimed.

  Michael hissed his teeth and came over to me and took his hands and wrapped them tightly around me.

  “Then, what about Andrew? Don’t you care about him, too?” Lauren said.

  “Why, of course, he is sweet and sensitive. I am just so confused.”

  Michael hugged me tightly while he rocked me from side to side.

  “Well, this is very bad, Tasha. But ain’t your fault falling in love with two men at the same time. What matters now is what you’re going do about it,” Michael said.

  “Well, you better not say a thing to Andrew. Even if you were thinking it. Sometimes, the best thing to do when the porch light is on and ain’t nobody home is to just, not say a damn thing at all. Some things are worth keeping to your own damn self! Especially, if it may provoke the kind of anger that will make heads roll,” Vernon said as he came over to me and gave me a hug.

  “I agree with, Vernon. The less you, say the easier it is to clean up this mess,” Michael said.

  But I was still sobbing wildly.

  “It’s OK, hun. You’re gonna get through this OK. You always do,” Vernon whispered.

  Sent from up Above

  "So, what you’re saying is, Brody being here for the holidays doesn’t bother you—at all?" Vernon asked Andrew.

  Vernon was standing on one side of the steps by the pool with Michael and Lauren while sipping cocktails that they had ordered from the bar. He was just about to relax by the pool hut, where Andrew and Rose had been swimming all morning.

  Andrew held Rose around his shoulders, and they were about to fetch one of the several pink noodles from the pool.

  Andrew looked up at Vernon as Michael and Lauren watched.

  “I figure he hasn’t seen his son from the day he was born, so it wouldn’t hurt to patronize him for the holidays,” Andrew said.

  Rose jumped from Andrews head into the pool.

  “Well, anyway, I will catch you guys later on. Join you for a drink soon!” Andrew said.

  While taking their individual seats, the three musketeers sat underneath one of the pool lounge and gazebo that was surrounded by the Olympic sized swimming pool. The view of the turquoise Caribbean Sea would make for the perfect relaxation and getaway for friends and family had it not been for the ‘impending problem’.

  Vernon shook his head as he watched Andrew and Rose. And Michael’s uncertain stare was enough to make Lauren understand that the day’s topic would definitely be about my love triangle.

  Vernon removed his sunglasses and placed his towel, two bottled water and phone on the table. He was wearing, sandals, white shorts and a floral green and white top. He looked at Andrew and Rose playing in the pool once again as he sighed and sat back.

  “You see y’all, I just don’t know about all this because that Andrew seems to be the real deal. It’s like, Tasha had her own personal little conversation with God before she was born, and they made a deal that Andrew was going to be the one and only man for her,” Vernon said.

  Michael was in a full black short set with an artic framed sunglass, and a Flat Bill Hat. His skin was well oiled, and he smelled cool and spicy. He had just gotten a clean shave and haircut, so his head was nice and shiny and skin as smooth and velvety as caramel.

  “Well, honey, he is fine as hell and he is sweet. But he just seems a little bit too sweet, if you know what I mean,” Michael said.

  As they spoke, Lauren started removing the white crotchet tunic cover-up that she was wearing over her bikini.

  “I am so sorry this happened, because we all know how much Andrew really loves her. I mean, why would Tasha even need to cheat on a guy like him? He is so charming and caring,” Lauren said. She took a sip of her drink and sighed.

  Although, what Lauren was feeling was admiration for Andrew. Suffice it to say, she was even attracted to him.

  “I can’t help to be thinking though that Andrew has got a lot more to him that meets the eye. Like there is a whole other level that we ain’t never seen. I mean how can he be OK with Brody being here, am I right?” Vernon said while taking a taste of his Brewsky Sangria.

  Michael took a mouthful of his drink while he and Vernon suddenly stopped talking and looked at Lauren.

  “What the hell Lauren! What the hell do you got on girl?” Vernon exclaimed.

  Michael’s eyes widened as he took a second sip of his cocktail and stood dramatically.

  “Oh yes, girl! I’ve been telling you to work that body for far too long now! Could you just look at her, Vernon? Can you believe that my little sister looks like she just walked out a Victoria Secret Fashion Show? But where the hell did you get that skimpy little thing you are wearing, Lauren?” Michael exclaimed.

  Vernon looked at Lauren as she sat and crossed her legs, giggling. She continued sipping her drink,

  “Skimpy…Lawd knows that we bout to see the promise land wid what she’s got on,” Vernon said while he laughed.

  “OK, OK, please just be quiet. I don’t want any attention,” Lauren said.

  Michael sat and looked at her.

  “You sure look like you are looking for some kind of attention with what you got on though,” Michael said.

  Lauren would turn every head on the Red Carpet. Although, her ensemble was more befitting a lingerie or bikini model on the runway. She was wearing a very tasteful and elegant white bandage wrapped swimsuit accented by a black and sheer wide brim floppy hat that complimented her big and curly black hair. Her tan complexion revealed the suppleness of her skin from head to foot. Her tiny waist, broad hips and well-proportioned bottom held every inch of the fabric effortlessly. Her breasts were the
perfect size and boundary—like the breast-shape hill in the Western Sahara Desert.

  “I give it to you though, Lauren. You look ravishing, honey. I just recognize, too, that that’s the bikini you bought for your honeymoon, hun,” Vernon said.

  Michael realizing the distress of the situation, smiled and pulled his chair closer beside his sister,

  “So, what got into you today, honey, that your dressed half naked by the pool-side?” Michael said.

  Lauren looked at Michael and smiled as she reached for her watermelon-tequila cocktail, sighed, and took a taste.

  Her blood-red lipstick left a stain on the glass.

  “Well I don’t know, but if I don’t wear it now, when am I ever going to wear it? It has been almost six years since I bought it, I am just happy that it still fits,” Lauren said.

  “Well, girl, you bought to be turning heads up in here with that outfit. And you do have a few other guests around. Well, none that would suit you, ’cause most of them are either bald, almost dead or married. But, a little attention and compliments from anyone can sometimes be fun!” Vernon said.

  “That’s sure right, Vernon. And I am sure you’re glad you ain’t Tasha right now, cause she is getting a little too much attention,” Michael said.

  Lauren walked to one of pools that was nearer to where they were sitting and on the opposite side to where Andrew and Rose were swimming. She slowly walked into glistening blue water and turned around and looked at Vernon and Michael.

  “I just want all of this to be over with because I can only imagine what Tasha is feeling right now!” Lauren exclaimed.

  “So, is anyone joining me?” Lauren asked.

  “Honey, you crazy to be thinking that I’ma gonna get my hair wet!” Vernon exclaimed.

  “I’ll join you a little later, Hun,” Michael said.

  “OK!” Lauren yelled.

  “I bet old Banister up there giving Natasha more sweet-talk right now. They be takin’ mighty long to get Charles ready for his afternoon out with his dad,” Vernon said.

  Michael looked over at one of the Villas and saw me walking casually with my navy-blue pool tote over my one shoulder and Brody carrying Charles in one hand.


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