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Werewolves & Whiskers: Sawtooth Peaks Wolf Shifter Romance Box Set

Page 4

by Keira Blackwood

  “It's a family practice, right?” I asked.

  “Yeah, we see people of all ages. It's nice because it seems like the type of place where you really get to know people. If there isn't anyone you don't know already in a town this size,” she answered. “People come by from the lodge once in a while, but not too often.”

  “That’s the ski place you mentioned?” I asked.

  “Yeah, Sawtooth Lodge opened about a year ago. It’s a big woodsy hotel. People stay there for guided tours, skiing, and hunting. Since they don’t stay long they don’t really need a doctor unless it’s an emergency,” Olivia answered.

  “How are the people you work with?” I asked.

  “Aspen Walker is the other nurse.” She smiled.

  “Aspen Walker that you were friends with in grade school? I thought she moved.” It was nice to hear a familiar name. Aspen and Olivia had been like two peas in a pod growing up. Aspen was a blond version of my sister: tall, thin, kind, and fun.

  “Yep, she did. But she moved back after nursing school. Her parents still live in California, but she missed home,” Liv said.

  “Small world,” I said.

  “Small town,” she replied.

  “How is she?” I asked.

  “The same as she always was, mostly. It’s great to have a friend at work. We’ve hung out a few times outside of work too. We did a wine and movie night the other week, and a night of dancing and bar hopping the other time. We took a cab to Idaho City. There’s a lot of great clubs there that I had never been to. You should come next time we go out.”

  “Sounds like fun. Just let me know when. So, how hot is the doctor you work with?” I gave Olivia a wide grin, enjoying the girl talk.

  “Eww. I mean, I don't mind older guys, but he is like seventy and just...not my type. But he's really nice.” I loved how even when grossed out, Liv tried to make things positive. “So did you go see Cole yet?”

  I pictured Cole as he’d stood close, as he’d touched me. He’d towered over me, holding me with his thick arms. I felt so small and feminine in his embrace. He looked down at me with deep golden eyes, as I stood broken and unsure. Yeah, I’d seen him, I thought.

  I’d screwed everything up, by leaving before, by running again.

  “Well, kind of,” I said. “I showed up long enough to see how hot he is now. Then I cried and ran away. So typically me.”

  “He really did get all muscular and brooding. He seems different since you left though, like he lost his fun side. I've only really seen him around the bar.”

  “Do you know if he's seeing anyone?” My cheeks heated, but I had to ask.

  “I know he dated some blond chick for a while, one that works at the bar. But I haven't seen him with anyone lately. We don't exactly socialize anymore, so I can't say for sure. Don't worry though, that blonde has nothing on you. Not the history, not those awesome curves—that I would love to have, by the way.”

  “Well I'd love to be able to eat like you and stay so thin. Everything I eat goes straight to my ass.” I poked the side of my pants where my hips flared out.

  “You should go see him.” Olivia gave me her serious eyes, the look she developed to scold me when she was my legal guardian.

  “I'm sure I made quite the impression. Looking like I rolled out of bed then fell down some steps, I show up out of nowhere and cry.” I didn't think it could have gone much worse.

  “So let's make another impression. I'll do your hair.” Olivia grinned and put her hand on mine.

  “Deal.” I was feeling a little better already.

  Chapter Nine


  I still couldn't believe Olivia had left my old room the way it had been, closet full of clothes and every detail the way it used to be. It was a real life saver, after taking so little with me from Elkston, to find my own toiletries and clothes waiting. It reminded me that she really wanted me to feel welcome, that this was my home.

  We combined some of Liv's knee-high boots with my favorite black skinny jeans, a long-sleeved, cream sweater from my old closet, and one of Liv's thick scarves that was the same blue as my eyes, with swirls of black. The combination of products and heat she used on my hair added the ideal balance of volume and wave without the frizziness I never managed to get rid of on my own. She covered my bruises with a layer of natural-looking makeup. I wished I could manage something half this attractive on my own. I actually looked like someone who didn't just have the crap beaten out of her. I looked like I used to.

  Olivia and I parted ways at the door as she headed to work. Crisp fall air hit me as I stepped out onto the porch. It pinched at my face, while warm, bright rays of sun beamed down from the cloudless sky. The combination screamed for the world to wake up. Pine needles rustled in the gentle but cool breeze, while birds chirped in the distance. The grass was speckled with fallen leaves and needles from shades of browns and greens to yellows. I headed down the porch steps, appreciating the natural signs of fall that weren't present in the city. Though I couldn't imagine it going well, I was sure I needed to make Cole’s bar my next stop.

  Walking back the way I came from yesterday, I was feeling a bit more confident and more myself. Twenty-four hours without seeing Frank and a little bit of quality time with my sister had made more of a difference than I had expected. I was grateful for the boost, and whatever happened with Cole, I had to remember this moment of feeling comfortable in my own skin.

  My stomach knotted more and more the closer I came to seeing Cole, a feeling I'd become too familiar with. I was glad I had decided to skip breakfast, probably couldn't keep anything down anyway.

  I wondered if I would get to see Cole in another three-piece suit. I sure hoped so. He never used to be a suit kind of guy, but in that sharp, black jacket with hard lines that followed his broad shoulders and the cinched buttons down his chiseled chest, he definitely pulled it off. The thought of getting another look at him made me giddy, while the idea of talking to him wracked my nerves. My emotions were all over the place over Cole, something I'd never experienced with anyone else. He had said he missed me, but would he still feel that way after the shock of seeing me had time to wear off?

  Lost in thought, my body moved on autopilot. I arrived at Sawtooth Den before I registered how close I actually was. Four blocks in no time, in heels. I stood for a moment in front of the door, afraid to open it and go inside. I couldn't screw this up. Maybe he would accept me as a friend, be able to forgive me for leaving. I reached for the door handle, but a large, hairy hand beat me to it.

  I looked to the man the arm was attached too, startled by his sudden appearance. Had he been there the whole time? Was I that lost in thought? I didn't think so, but that was too fast to appear from nowhere. His short, dirty blond hair spiked all over the place, a look that said he rolled out of bed that way. His worn leather jacket, t-shirt, and tattered jeans reminded me a bit of the way Cole used to dress. His features were sharp and narrow, his face split in a devilish, curved grin. His deep, nearly-black eyes looked me up and down slowly, lingering longer than I was comfortable with on my breasts. I squirmed, feeling naked under his gaze. His arm remained firmly on the door handle, placing him between me and my destination.

  “Excuse me,” I said, nodding at the door.

  His grin widened and he took a step closer to me, licking his lips. His breath reeked of liquor, and as I looked into his eyes I became more uneasy. His pupils were dilated; he reminded me of a crazed animal, starved and ready to attack.

  I straightened my back, held my chin up, and stood my ground.

  The door slammed open from the inside with a crash and a deep growl from a man within. The man inside pushed the creep out of my way, and before me in the doorway stood a six-foot vision in a charcoal suit. Cole. My heart beat happily in my chest.

  The shirt underneath his jacket was left unbuttoned at the top, allowing me a peek at the firm, tanned chest underneath. His dark hair sat neatly combed back from his strong, square fa
ce. He had shaved since yesterday, and I admired the hard lines of his smooth jaw. I ached to touch him, to feel the hard body under the expensive suit.


  I looked up at Cole's beautiful, golden eyes and saw concern in his furrowed brow. I loved the way he said my name.


  “Are you okay?” His words were gentle, though his face was firm.

  “Yeah.” I tried not to stammer as I stared in awe at perfection. Butterflies swirled in my stomach. “I, uh. Can we talk?”

  His face softened as he gave me a gentle smile, a smile that I had almost forgotten, so warm and familiar. “Yes, of course. How about a late breakfast? Have you eaten?”

  “Yes. No. I um…” I should really think before speaking. My face heated to what I was sure was an unattractive shade of red.

  Cole's face showed no sign of amusement or acknowledgement of my fumbling. I bet he got that reaction a lot. What girl wouldn't trip over her feet at the sight of him?

  I cleared my throat and said, “I would love breakfast.”

  He took a step closer to me, and I stared into his warm, golden eyes. They looked like impeccably surreal bits of sunlight. He placed a hand on the middle of my back, sliding it down to rest just above the top of my pants. Every hair stood on end at his touch, an electric spark that set me on fire. Hormones trumped all rational thought, my nervousness forgotten. All I could think about was his touch, how good it felt, how I needed more. His hand lingered on the small of my back as he walked me behind the building.

  I expected to see the beat up junker of a car he used to drive, but was surprised by the large motorcycle we stopped in front of. “You drive a Harley now?”

  “A lot has changed.” He straddled the giant machine and held out a small black helmet for me. The massive ride suited his huge stature; and he looked natural seated on it.

  I eyed the space on the seat behind Cole. I had never ridden on a motorcycle before. I put on the helmet, thankful for the protection it offered. Careful not to fall as I stretched my leg up over the back of the seat, I climbed on awkwardly behind Cole. Thank god I hadn’t worn a skirt. My feet dangled off the sides as I searched for the place they were supposed to rest. When I was settled, we took off. I tightened my arms around his hard chest, nervous but enjoying the feel of him. He was as hard as he looked, and I was so glad this wasn't a car. A lot had changed.

  Chapter Ten


  Hailey warmed me as she clung to my back, pressing her supple curves against me. The softness of her felt so right that I didn't want it to end. I drove slowly through the woods, taking my time.

  She looked amazing today, almost as I remembered her. I worried that the weight she lost had been due to stress. I worried that she may not be as healthy as she should be. That I wasn't there to take care of her. That I wasn't there to protect her from whoever dare lay a hand on her, marring her otherwise flawless face. She’d covered it well today, but I couldn't forget the dark bruising that hid underneath the makeup. No one would hurt her again. A growl rumbled in my chest. My animal instincts showed through—a wolf protects.

  I couldn't show her my anger again, couldn't let her see my primal need to protect her, to love her. I couldn't risk scaring her away. I couldn't show her my inner wolf. I focused back on what I could do. I felt her hips pressed just behind mine, and her full breasts pressed into my back as her arms pulled me close. Hailey’s gentle face nuzzled in against the wind. I loved feeling her small size against my huge frame. Her feminine softness made me feel more rugged in comparison.

  Chapter Eleven


  As I squeezed against his back, I wondered where Cole was taking me. I didn't think there were any restaurants this far out into the wilderness, but I hadn't been home in a long time.

  We pulled to a stop and I released Cole from my grasp, reluctant to let him go. He tilted the bike slightly to the side to allow me to hop down. This place didn't even feel like the outskirts of a small town anymore—we were alone in nature.

  Then I looked up at a huge cabin that seemed more a part of the landscape than any house that size had a right to be. The colors mirrored the surrounding woods, warm cedar with accents the shade of pine needles. The clay and gray stones of the foundation looked like they could have been picked up off of the surrounding forest floor, and they supported the walls that cut into the mountainside. Wooden decking wrapped around both sides of the building, expanding the width to include almost as much outdoor living space as indoor, and meeting the earth on one side. Enormous windows allowed me to see straight through the center of the house to the dense trees and blue sky on the other side. It must have been an amazing view for sunrise and sunset. No detail was overlooked, as stated by the ornate carving nestled on the front of the home between the roof's eaves. It must have been chiseled by hand, a mountain in the background, a pine in front and to the side, and a wolf in the foreground. That I could distinguish the shapes and detail from this distance was a true testament to the talent of the artist. If only my paintings could inspire as much awe as this work provoked in me.

  “It's beautiful,” I said as I stared at the building that belonged in a fairytale.

  “Thank you.” Cole smiled down at me from my side. He’d already climbed off the bike, and I hadn't even noticed his movement. I must have been really lost in thought to miss the sound of him.

  “I don't see any signs—do you own this restaurant?” I looked at him, confused.

  “This is my home.” Cole just watched me, waiting for my response.

  “You live here?” My eyes widened at the thought.

  “You don't like it?” His eyebrows lowered in concern.

  “It's amazing. How did you afford something like this?” It really was amazing, a work of art.

  “Come inside. We can talk over breakfast.”

  Confusion and frustration built inside me. I wondered why he wouldn't just tell me what was going on with him? Why couldn't he just give me the full truth, tell me straight, for the first time in forever?

  Trying to get my thoughts clear and into words, I took a deep breath and sighed. How could being near this man throw me off so much?

  Before I could put up an argument, he placed his hand on the small of my back and ushered me toward the front door. His touch calmed me, clearing my thoughts so all I could think about was the warmth of his hand and the vulnerability I felt at the small contact. I wanted to feel more of him, to touch him back.

  A stone path led us to a large, ornate wooden door. In the center was the same carving I’d seen from where we parked. I placed a finger on the wolf as Cole unlocked the door. I felt the grooves and ridges, the fine detail that must have been done with care by hand.

  “What is this?” I asked, appreciating the craftsmanship.

  “It's a wolf.” Quite the response.

  “Duh. I mean, what does it mean?” I really needed a conversation with him that offered more.

  “It's my family crest, passed down with my father's name. It reminds me of him, of my line.”

  My heart warmed as he opened up to me, answering one of my questions instead of deflecting. I smiled at him and took his hand as he led me inside his home. The entry opened into the heart of the building, a beautiful but bare space. Tall, thin windows on the sides of the door were mirrored across the room from floor to ceiling, along both sides of a giant stone hearth. Pine boards covered the floors; I guessed the same tree type as the evergreens surrounding the home. There were no furnishings or signs anyone lived here except a pile of pillows and blankets gathered in front of the hearth.

  “Haven't lived here long I'm guessing.”

  “No.” And we were back to one word answers.

  “Didn't even get a couch yet?” I asked, hoping for more.

  “Work keeps me busy, and I don't have a lot of guests,” he answered.

  “I can see that. Nowhere to sit.”

  “Come,” he commanded, gentl
y pulling my hand and leading me farther into the house.

  I gladly obeyed, eager to explore more of his space, to explore more of the man he had become. We crossed under an arched entryway to the next room, which opened into a stainless steel, state-of-the-art kitchen with marble countertops, wooden cabinets, and heavy wooden bar stools along a butcher block-topped island. The earth tones matched the mountain and the style of the house. The cabinets looked custom built; a lot of care was spent designing and putting together this kitchen.

  “Soooo, I'm guessing you still like to cook,” I said, taking in the room.

  “Love to cook,” he replied.

  I smiled at Cole as he walked toward the fridge. He opened the steel door and started placing food on the counter. He pulled two plates out of the cabinet next to the fridge without looking, eyes focused on the food. He must know this space well, I thought to myself.

  “Anything I can do to help?” I offered.

  “Have a seat, I've got it.”


  “Let me do this for you. Rest and enjoy. Tell me about college.”

  He wanted to cook for me. I didn't remember the last time a man did that for me. Well yeah, I did. The last time was before I left; Cole liked to cook for me then too. How hot is a man that can look so good in a suit, drive a motorcycle, and cook? I sat down on the stool as I was told, a little surprised at myself for so eagerly following every command.

  “What are you making?” I asked, feeling how empty my stomach was.

  “A surprise.” He looked at me over his shoulder with a smug grin as he chopped something out of my sight. “So what did you choose to study in school?”

  His body turned back to the work in front of him, but his attention was on me. I watched his strong silhouette as he chopped, and appreciated the hard masculine lines of his natural stance, the tightening of his shoulders as his arms moved.


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