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Werewolves & Whiskers: Sawtooth Peaks Wolf Shifter Romance Box Set

Page 7

by Keira Blackwood

  Hey, it’s Hailey. New phone.

  Another chore checked off the list. I considered what I should do next. Maybe I should go check out the bar, I thought, and see Cole in his element. Maybe I could bring a meal to him for a change. Would that be too much? I hoped he would like it. I could manage sandwiches.

  I finished my pretzel and sipped on my soda as I watched people walk in both directions past the food court. In the sea of unfamiliar faces, something caught my eye. Someone moved through the crowd, with short salt and pepper hair. Frank Wilson.

  My stomach tightened into a ball. I regretted the pretzel immediately. Thinking I saw Frank was crazy—why would he be here? I told myself that he didn't know me enough to know where I would go. Plus he would have to be missing work to be here, missing a job he was devoted to. I only caught a glimpse then he was gone, whoever he was. If Frank had really followed me here, he would certainly confront me, not blend in with other shoppers.

  I told myself I was just being silly. I told myself I shouldn’t be so paranoid. The hair rose on the back of my neck as I felt eyes watching me. I knew it was ridiculous, that it was nothing, but still, I grabbed my bags and pulled out the small scrap of paper I had written the cab company’s number on. Better to go home, just in case.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Back in front of my sister's house, I grabbed my bags off the seat and paid the cabby. Olivia's blue sedan was parked along the curb next to where my ride had stopped. A sigh of relief escaped me. No time to linger on Elkston, to let my imagination run wild. I would let Liv's good company distract me. I jogged up to the door, bags in hand. The key my parents had given me when I was a kid still worked on the front door.

  I found Olivia on her soft, gray couch, snuggled up in a cream afghan Mom crocheted. Comfy and at ease in black yoga pants and a white tank, Olivia looked like she belonged in a magazine ad for the wine she sipped as she read. Always beautiful, even after a long day of work. I would hate her for how easily she could pull off any look if I didn't love her so much.

  “Reading something good?” I asked, pointing to the book in her hand.

  “Eh, just another mystery from the library. But, I'm much more interested in hearing about your date with Cole. I bet it was steamy since you didn't come home last night.” Olivia put down her book and gave me a teasing smile, waiting for all of the juicy details.

  “Do you have enough wine to share?” I asked.

  “For you, always.”

  I headed to the kitchen and fetched a glass. Liv made space for me on the sofa next to her, and gave it a pat with her hand. I snuggled in, stole half of her blanket, and poured myself some wine.

  “Let’s start with you. I bet it's less complicated,” I said.

  “Well, at work yesterday this guy came in from the lodge with a sprained ankle. Apparently he was out on a guided hike, and they ran into some wolves,” Liv started.

  “Lucky he only sprained his ankle,” I replied.

  “Yeah, I haven't heard much about wolves lately, just a lone one here or there keeping its distance from town. He said the guide ditched him and took off running the other way when they came across a group of three on the trail. Pierce said they chased him...”

  “Wait. His name is Pierce?” I asked, giving Liv a crooked grin.

  “Let me finish my story,” she scolded. “Pierce twisted his ankle climbing up a tree.”

  “Great guide,” I said.

  “Yeah, seriously, you'd think they would be paying for someone with a gun, someone who wouldn't just run away,” Liv agreed.

  “So his name is Pierce. How pretentious was he?” I teased.

  “He was really sweet, actually.” Olivia lowered her eyebrows at me, trying to look serious, but her smile still peeked through. “He's a paramedic in Elkston. He splinted his own leg with a stick and some pieces of his shirt once the wolves left. Then he had to walk back to town on it.”

  “Ouch. Okay, he's kind of hardcore. I will never think of the name Pierce the same way again.” I gave Olivia a salute, and then took another sip of wine. “Is he hot?”

  “He has short, blond hair. He's actually taller than me, which is a huge plus. He asked me out to lunch, so we ate at the lodge,” she answered.

  “But, you didn’t answer my question. So is he ugly?” I teased.

  Liv threw up her arms, defeated. “Yes, he’s hot. He has a lean but fit look. I’m guessing he’s a runner by his calves. And he has that sexy stubble along his jaw that makes him look just the right amount of rugged, while still making effort on his appearance. He has kind eyes, and seems like someone I could really enjoy spending time with. He was funny, and I don't remember the last time I had such a pleasant date,” Liv said.

  “Sounds nice. How long is he in town?” I asked.

  “Just through the end of the weekend.” Olivia slumped down.

  “Get to know him, and make the most of your time. It's not that long of a drive to Elkston. He might be worth the trip,” I suggested.

  “I hope he is.” Olivia put her head on my shoulder.

  Maybe we had each found a keeper. I hoped so.

  “Okay, your turn. How was your night?” Liv asked.

  “It was amazing. Cole cooked, which I always love. Seriously restaurant quality cooking. He showed me his huge cabin, which he built,” I answered.

  “Really? I wish I could build things. I need help with prepackaged Ikea furniture,” Liv said.

  “Me too. It’s secluded in the woods, and has huge windows. The strange thing is it’s pretty much unfurnished. He says he hasn’t taken the time. It’s kind of cute. He built a house, but didn’t put anything in it,” I continued.

  “Must be a man thing,” Liv said, and we shared a laugh. It felt good spending time with my sister.

  “I guess. We slept on the floor in front of a huge, ornate hearth. I’d thought it would be terrible to sleep on the floor, but he had soft bedding and I slept great.”

  “Probably the company,” Liv remarked.

  “Yeah, probably. And I think I cracked his shell a little,” I replied.

  “He needs to share this time around. I don't want to see you hurt again.” Liv answered.

  “Yeah, it's more like an emotional brick wall he sets up between us, but I think he’ll let me in with time. He said he loved me.”

  “Wow, that's big.” Liv's eyebrows shot up.

  “Yeah, I didn't think he would care so much so soon, especially if there were girls between now and before. I tried to move on at college, but that didn't work out so well. I didn't think we would be on the same page.”

  “Stick with him if you want him, but make sure he’s giving you what you need, too.”

  I could always count on Liv to offer me solid advice. “We'll figure it out. I love him.”

  Olivia put her hand on mine and gave it a squeeze. “I'm rooting for you. He's gorgeous,” she said.

  We shared a laugh, and I pulled Olivia's gift out of my bag.

  “This is for you. It's a thank-you for letting me stay here, putting up with my shit while I figure things out,” I said.

  Liv opened the jar to the candle and smelled the wax inside. “This is great, thank you. And you know I would do anything for my baby sis.” She smiled at me and bumped my shoulder with hers.

  I felt so lucky that my sister was here for me. She always had been, even when it was just the two of us. I needed to remember she always would be.

  Chapter Twenty


  The thin man took a swing at me, so I wrapped my fingers around the back of his neck and used my other hand to remove the blue bottle of vodka from his grasp. I picked him up with ease and carried him out of the bar at arm's length while he squirmed and mumbled. When I released my grasp, he fell to the ground on hands and knees.

  “Next time the lady tells you to leave, you do it.” My voice was deep and coarse as I bared my teeth, all beast in human form. Someone had to take out the trash w
hen Harkins was out. My loyal enforcer hadn't been in at all that day, which was unlike him. The man certainly deserved a day off, and I hoped that was all that it was. Harkins could have drank too much, or lost track of time with some she-wolf. Maybe both. I didn't mind doing the hands-on work myself; it was a nice way to blow off some steam. Leaving the drunk on the sidewalk, I returned to my family meeting in the bar.

  In my absence, all eyes were on Zaria as she spoke in her raspy tone. No one interrupted her as she spoke. Though I didn’t listen to her words, I could tell she controlled the conversation. It was a rare occasion when my tiny mother did not command a room, without ever having to raise her voice. Her ebony hair hung in loose waves around her shoulders, her golden eyes measuring the men around her. I returned to my seat at the meeting table between Lance and my mother, among my waiting family.

  Axel stood up. His knuckles were white as his balled fists pressed into the table. The only one standing, Axel's greasy, yellow hair hung down over his furrowed brow and black eyes. He snarled, distorting his barely human face. His shoulders arched stiffly from the tension in his arms. Axel's inner wolf boiled at the surface, barely held in check. There was little human in Axel on a good day, but when he was angry he struggled to keep himself in human form. His lack of self-control was dangerous to those around him, and to his ability to keep the secret of our dual nature from the rest of the world.

  “No fucking waiting. We need to act now!” Axel raised his voice in agitation.

  My mother had been wise to have Amy clear out the customers before this meeting.

  “Soon. I think we are all in agreement on that.” Zaria's golden eyes showed no sign of emotion as she looked upon Axel's twisted face.

  Lance listened quietly, only his crisp, blue eyes showing his awareness of the tension in the room. His body was languid in the seat, with arms crossed casually across his partially unbuttoned silk shirt. Shea stood behind him, clearly enamored, and outside of the circle of discussion. Her small freckled hands moved along his neck and down his chest.

  “Not soon enough. We wait, he's dead.” Axel turned and stalked out, doors slamming behind him.

  “They won't hurt him while he’s on a mission of peace. If they do, they risk all-out war,” my mother continued, her tone even.

  “Harkins sent scouts. We wait until we hear back. There’s no way to know what happened until then. Lance, follow Axel. Don't let him anywhere near the valley.” My tone left no argument.

  Lance gave me a curt nod, disengaged from Shea, and left. He knew the rest: don't let Axel cause any damage anywhere else, bring him back by force if necessary.

  I met my mother's gaze and found a hint of sadness. No one should have to bury a lover before the age of fifty, let alone two.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I lingered on the picture of him in my head, shirtless and wet from his shower. Black hair hanging around his square face, golden eyes enchanting me. His slightly parted lips begged to be kissed. His hard, muscular chest begged to be touched. His thick arms flexed, strong enough to lift me with ease. The cinnamon scent of his soap still clung to my skin, a constant reminder of our night together, stirring my desire to see him again. To touch him again.

  This time I would ask him on an evening picnic. I carried a basket of simple roast beef and Swiss sandwiches on rye, grapes, a bottle of sparkling wine, a camping lantern, and a blanket to sit on. I would get my turn to worship him, to worship his body the way he had worshipped mine. I hoped it wasn't too presumptuous to think he wouldn't have other plans on a Saturday night. After our night last night, I bet he would clear his schedule.

  I wore the dress I had on in the picture I kept by my bed. A reminder of our history, of our first time. The orange and gold sundress pulled in on my waist, showing my hourglass figure. It was more modest than the corseted number I had worn the night before, but the squared neckline showed enough cleavage to be suggestive. The last time I had worn this dress, it had been summer, and I hadn't needed to pair it with a coat. Lance and Olivia had joined us for a picnic by the stream deep in the woods. We spent the afternoon chatting, splashing in the water, and dreaming about the future. After Olivia and Lance left, Cole made love to me under the big pine tree.

  Three years later, the fall air was crisp so I needed the warmth of my cream-colored trench coat. I wore my dark hair down in loose, natural waves and chose orange ballet flats for a walk in the woods. My legs were still exposed to the cold, but the anticipation of Cole's touch kept me warm on my walk.

  I approached the intersection of Main and Third streets, waiting for a car to pass before crossing. Sawtooth Den lay before me, a well-maintained historical wooden building, similar in age and style to the other stores and homes in the downtown area. Sawtooth Peaks was established in 1903, with most of the original buildings remaining in the classic Victorian style. Sawtooth Den was no exception, though the wood siding remained unpainted. It had a more masculine feel than the pink, blue, white, and yellow buildings that surrounded it. Many of the storefronts on Main Street were connected townhomes that were later converted into businesses. Sawtooth Den had been the go-to place to grab a drink since the town was established, standing alone with a long covered porch and a decorative turret to the left of the front door. I noticed a new sign, hand-carved with the establishment's name and Cole's family crest beside the door. I hadn't taken the time to appreciate the details when I came by before. I looked at the building closer this time and noticed small personalized improvements that Cole must have added after taking over. The windows were larger than they used to be, with custom crimson shutters adorning the sides.

  Standing there staring, I hadn't noticed the road had cleared. I was about to cross the street when I caught sight of Cole walking along the side of the building, his hand on the small of another woman's back. The petite blonde walked next to him, leaning in against him, her feelings for him clear. I froze, unable to move. They stopped and she put her arms around Cole, squeezing him from the side. She stood on tip toes and kissed the side of his face in a way that suggested they were more than friends. He didn't push her away. That was all I needed to see.

  A knot formed in my stomach, squeezing and twisting. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and my feet started moving. I clutched the basket to my chest and tried not to think. My only instinct was to get away.

  Before I knew it, there were trees all around me. I stood there, alone in the woods behind the bar, tears streaming down my face. I was blindsided. I thought our night meant to him what it did to me. He said he loved me. I thought there would only be me.

  A deep, dog-like growl snapped me back from my thoughts. I looked up slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements. A wolf stood before me, nearly three feet tall with light gray fur covering most of its body. A thick strip of white traced its underside, nose to tail. It looked me in the eyes like I was a snack to be devoured. Just like Olivia's date had said, wolves were too close to town with no fear of humans.

  My hair stood on end, I was paralyzed. My breathing quickened, but I tried not to show my fear. Should I run for it? Stand my ground?

  The wolf took a step forward, head low, a predator stalking its prey. I took one step back, slowly, in time with the wolf's approach. I had to run. It was going to tear me apart. I could see it in his eyes. Before I could move, it lunged. I tried to run, to get away. I managed to back into a tree root and fall on my ass. My heart raced and I screamed for my life, anticipating its teeth breaking my flesh. This was it.

  A huge, dark streak flashed past. A black beast much larger than the first stood in front of me, a wolf with fur the color of midnight. He stood nearly a foot taller than my attacker, who lay motionless on the ground at his feet. The beast's golden eyes looked over at me, familiar shards of sunlight.

  The gray wolf took advantage of the black wolf's distraction, regained its footing, and sank its teeth into my rescuer. Crimson dripped from the black wolf’s shoulder, splattering
the ground below. The black wolf turned and fought back, without even a flinch from the bite. He charged toward the smaller beast, teeth first.

  I stood, adrenaline pumping, and ran. Snarls and sounds of tearing flesh fought with the pounding of my racing heart. My feet mechanically slammed the ground as I ran. I was numb to the sensations of the world around me, numb to everything but the sounds of wolves. Tears ran down my cheeks, the world spun. To think this evening had started with hopes of a picnic with the man I loved. It would end knowing Cole didn't really want me, as I lay torn to shreds in the woods by wolves.

  Hailey. A voice in the wind. A voice almost familiar, almost like Cole's. My vision darkened as the drumming of my pulse beat in my ears. Then quiet.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  My paws hit the earth over and over. I followed the scent of my soap, of my Hailey. I knew she wasn't injured; the only blood I could smell was the attacker's and mine. She must be safe, I told myself. I had to be sure she was safe.

  That bastard must have smelled me on her, the faint scent of wolf lingering from our night and morning together. If I had found him just prowling this close to the club, I might have had the sense to ask him why he was here. Was he visiting the bar? A messenger from the valley? Someone with information on Garret's whereabouts? Or did he just come by to fuck with me? But he didn’t just come to the club, he had the nerve to attack the woman I loved. Any other intention didn’t matter when I heard her scream and smelled her fear, when I saw the tear in her peach-hued dress, just inches from her skin.


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