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Werewolves & Whiskers: Sawtooth Peaks Wolf Shifter Romance Box Set

Page 12

by Keira Blackwood

  “Get the fuck out of my house,” I growled, giving the man a chance to leave. I could follow him and gauge his behavior. I could watch to make sure he didn’t come back. I could figure it out, if he would only leave.

  “She's mine, damn you! I'm going to fuck her up and take her, right here in your kitchen, you monster.” His eyes told me how serious he was. He wouldn't just leave and let Hailey be. This crazy asshole was going to keep coming after her until he got what he wanted.

  His face was a twisted mess of something between anger and excitement. He swung wildly at us with my knife. I stepped forward into his swing. He sliced my chest as I grasped his head with both hands and twisted.

  He snapped like a twig and fell to the floor. It was done in a moment, and Hailey was safe.

  My wounds bled down my bare chest, nothing that wouldn’t quickly heal. Scars I would gladly bear, wounds that I took protecting Hailey. I knelt down and turned to Hailey, who sat on the floor behind me. I leaned down and cupped her cheeks, tilting her head away from the dead man and up at me. Careful not to touch the wound on her cheek, I looked into her eyes, needing to know that she was okay, that she would always be okay.

  She lunged forward and pressed her lips to mine. My sweet Hailey, with peach on her lips. She kissed me desperately hard. I kissed her back as intensely, shoving my tongue into her mouth, tasting her. I sat with her on the floor, with our mouths connected, moving together.

  I pulled back and asked, “Are you all right?”

  “I am now. Thank you.” She put her arms around my neck, pulling me close. Her body shook gently against mine. I followed her eyes down to my chest, at the wounds that bled on her shirt.

  She looked up into my eyes and said, “Let’s clean you up.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I never thought I'd be happy to see a man die. Cole snapped Frank's neck right in front of me, and nothing could have felt more right. It felt terrible to think that way, but I couldn't help it. He would have killed us both.

  I held tight to Cole's hand as I walked him to the downstairs bathroom. His eyes were sullen, and the stab wounds were still bleeding. “Do you want me to take you to the hospital? Or call Olivia to give you stitches?”

  I knew he healed fast, but I needed to at least see his wounds cared for.

  “I'll be fine,” he answered.

  “Then can I at least wash you? I want to take care of you. It will make me feel better to see you bandaged.” I hated seeing him hurt. I knew I was responsible for this. I should have been more careful to be sure that Frank didn’t find me. I should have warned Cole that Frank was in town. I should have known I didn’t have everything under control, like I’d pretended.

  “Okay, but you first,” he answered, looking at my cheek.

  We walked to the bathroom counter, and Cole dug through a big drawer under the sink. I noticed something on the counter, a surprise in the usually bare space: a bar of my favorite vanilla lavender soap.

  “Is this for me?” I wondered how he knew what brand I used. It was probably shifter super sense. Attention to detail or super power, either way I appreciated the gesture.

  “I wanted this night to go differently,” he said quietly as he looked down into the drawer.

  “I saw the sofa. Are you making your place more girl-friendly for me?” I asked.

  “I want you to be comfortable. Now get up here,” he said, patting the counter.

  I hopped up to sit next to the sink as he pulled out supplies. He dabbed my face with a wet cotton ball, then applied a small bandage to my wound.

  “I hope it doesn't scar,” he said sullenly.

  “Would you still want me if it did?” I asked, a little self-conscious at the idea of a scar across my face.

  “Hailey, I will never stop wanting you. I love you with everything that I am.”

  I blushed and looked him up and down. The naked sex god, beautifully chiseled and dripping blood from protecting me.

  He looked me over, checking my arms and legs for injury. His eyes lingered just above my elbow. I looked and saw the purple mark where Frank’s hand had been. Cole gave the bruise a gentle kiss and then continued examining me. He cradled my foot in one of his hands and picked up some tweezers. In all of the excitement I had forgotten about the glass in my foot. He removed the shard of glass and applied antibiotic cream and a bandage. My foot stung like it just realized it was supposed to.

  Once he was finished, I hopped off the counter and took a turn with the peroxide and bandages. I dabbed at the gaping wounds in Cole’s flesh that looked much worse than the scratch on my face.

  “Do we call the police?” I asked.

  “I'll take care of it. The Tribunal gets involved when a human dies at the hands of a shifter. I'll have to call them. It's better if they hear it from me than from the police.”

  “Okay. But what about the body? We can't just leave him there while we wait for whoever to come.” I wrapped bandages around his torso, under his arms and over his shoulder, covering his wounds.

  “I'll call Lance. You shouldn't worry about it. I'll take care of everything.” Cole spoke softly. His eyes looked distant.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, concerned about his short answers, about what he’d had to do to protect me.

  “I'm healing already. Really, it's fine,” he answered.

  “No, I mean, with what happened?” I asked.

  “You're okay, and that's what matters.” He seemed to be avoiding giving me a straight answer.

  “But it's weighing on you.” I could tell that it was. It was worse for Cole than it was for me. I felt relieved, shaken but relieved.

  “I've never killed a man before,” he replied.

  “I'm sorry.” I knew it was my fault. The whole situation was my fault.

  “Don't be, I'm not. He was going to hurt you. I did what I had to, and I'd do it again.”

  I left it alone as I wrapped bandages around my hero's torso.

  We walked out hand in hand to the living room. Cole asked me to wait for him on the sofa. I sat down and watched as he started a fire in the hearth. He moved quickly, efficiently placing the wood and lighting the flame. I stared into the fire as Cole left the room. The orange flames started small and spread across the logs, growing in size and warmth as they went.

  When Cole returned, I noticed that he had put on some gray pants like the ones I had worn when I stayed overnight. He left his shirt off, which was always a pleasant sight for me. His tanned, muscular chest flexed when he moved, tempting me to touch it. He handed me a ham and Swiss sandwich on a soft, brown bread with honey mustard and a glass of the Moscato that I had picked for myself earlier in the night.

  I appreciated the care he gave me, tending to my wound first and making sure I was fed before dealing with Frank. I didn’t know why Cole wanted me instead of a she-wolf who could give him more. But I loved him, and I loved how lucky I felt that he did choose me. My nervousness about the evening had changed. I felt silly for thinking I could stay away from Cole. My reservations felt so insignificant compared to what we had been through. Thinking I should live without him seemed years away, as he showed me just how devoted he was to me. How much he loved me.

  I didn’t know what would happen with Cole’s wolf council. Surely they would understand that we were the victims. They needed to understand that none of this was Cole’s fault. I knew nothing about this Tribunal or what they would say, what they would think. I would feel better once it was over, once I knew everything was okay. I sat quietly, lost in my own thoughts, eating my sandwich and drinking my wine. I knew I should feel bad that a man was dead, and I did. But, I couldn't help but bask in the relief that Frank wouldn't bother me again. I didn't have to fear what he would leave on my porch, or that he might be calling or following me wherever I went. I wouldn't have to look over my shoulder ever again.

  I heard the door open and shut. Lance and Cole spoke, but I didn’t listen and I didn’t move from my
seat. I stared into the fire and waited for Cole to return to me. Flames flickered shades of red, orange, and blue, dancing in the heat. I sipped my wine until it was gone. There was the sound of voices, and noises of movement: rustling, and doors opening and shutting. When the quiet returned, Cole came back to the sofa to join me.

  “So, what do you think of the sofa?” he asked.

  “It's soft,” I replied.

  “Let me show you the rest.” Cole said, taking my hand.

  I looked up into his deep, golden eyes and followed him up the stairs. We walked into the first room on the left at the top of the stairwell, the doorway I had entered when I wanted to shower. The space had been empty, a master bedroom waiting to be lived in. Cole flipped on the light switch and looked to me, watching as I took in the scene.

  The large stone fireplace mirrored the one I adored downstairs. I had noticed it in passing, but it had never been lit. The fire was burning tonight, just like the hearth in the great room. Tan and white candles lined the mantle above the fireplace, all lit and filling the air with a pleasant mix of vanilla and cinnamon, my favorite scents. Now, the room was furnished with a giant sleigh bed in cherry-toned wood. On the nightstand next to it was a framed photograph. It was the same picture I kept in my room in Elkston and at Olivia’s, the one of the two of us by the stream. I had the same one by my bed at my sister’s place. Still, I couldn't believe he had kept a copy, too. All this time, Cole had been as sentimental as me, and he’d held on to what we had before I had left.

  I was filled with warmth as I took in the rest of the room. A large, cherry dresser with a tall, embellished mirror sat across the room from the sleigh. At the far end of the room was a wall of windows, offering the same amazing view of sunset and sunrise as the living room. I hadn’t noticed the windows when the room was dark and empty, but full of furniture and life I could imagine myself waking up and going to sleep in this room. I could wake to the sun coming up and lighting the room, a natural alarm clock.

  “It's beautiful,” I told him.

  “You deserve a proper place to sleep,” Cole said.

  “When did you have time to do all of this?” I asked, thinking back at how much time we had spent together and how much time he spent at work. The sofa hadn’t been here when I had slept over last, and none of this had been here when I showered.

  “After last night, I needed to do this for you. I went to Greenville and ordered a few things. Hailey, I want you to live with me. To stay with me. I can't lose you. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I answered, with a full heart.

  “Let me show you something,” he said, looking deep into my eyes. He looked vulnerable. It was a side of him I rarely saw, a side of him that I imagined few people ever saw. We had been through a stressful evening dealing with Frank, and Cole was waiting for my response. I appreciated that he let me see through his tough exterior, let me see how he felt.

  We walked hand in hand to the room next door.

  He gave me a kiss on the top of my head, and we walked through the doorway to a dark room I had never been in.

  He flipped on the light switch, illuminating the huge, open room. Shelves and cabinets lined the walls, and in the center was an enormous easel with a blank canvas, taller than me. I clasped my hands to my mouth. I couldn't believe what he had done for me. When I had been thinking about leaving him, about considering a life without him, thinking he could be happier without me—he’d been doing this for me.

  I looked into his sweet, honey eyes. “Yes.”

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “You asked me to learn more about your life, about you. And if I wanted you, you promised to claim me. I think I know you pretty well. Cole, make me your mate. I want to be with you for the rest of my life.”

  He was the only man for me. I loved him. I had never really seen myself with anyone else. Deep down maybe I knew I was meant to be with Cole, the whole time I was away, and ever since I came back.

  Cole reached down behind my thighs and lifted me to his waist. I wrapped my legs around his middle and pulled my arms tightly around his neck. He put his mouth on mine, and I tasted the man I would spend my life loving.

  He carried me to the bedroom, to the bed that we would share. As he massaged my mouth with his, tingles of anticipation flowed down through my body. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything. I wanted his mark, the physical sign that meant I belonged to him. We could figure the rest out later.

  He sat me on the edge of our bed, gently, and lifted my shirt over my head. I reached my arms up to help him, then slowly lowered his soft cotton pants. Lowering the waistband revealed his ready and waiting cock. I was glad to see that he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  I released his pants, letting them pool to the floor. Worshipping his manliness, I licked the length of his huge shaft. Deep noises rumbled in his chest, telling me he approved. I took his balls in my hand and gently massaged him. With my other hand, I wrapped my fingers around his huge girth, sliding up and down his length while I licked his dripping head.

  More animal sounds escaped his chest, encouraging me further. I loved seeing the effect I had on him, seeing him embrace his primal wolf side. I loved the growls, the speed, the strength. I loved everything about him. Using my body, I wanted to show him the way I felt, and give him the pleasure I needed to see him feel.

  I took his tip in my mouth, tasting his salty anticipation. He filled my mouth easily as I licked around his smooth ridges. His eyes closed and his head hung back. His beautifully chiseled core was tight as I showed him my affection. My breasts ached and my panties got soaked. I took him deeper into my throat, in and out, moving my tongue, exploring him with my mouth for the first time. It was exciting to know him in a new way, learn more about his body. When I reached half his length, he pulled back.

  He gently pushed me down onto my back, his eyes on fire. He put his lips on mine and grabbed my breast roughly through the bra. The sensation was amazing. I wanted more, wanted him so badly. My thighs ached and I moaned as his tongue pressed deeply into my mouth.

  He pulled back and ripped my bra in half from the middle, freeing my aching breasts. As he unbuttoned my jeans, he flicked my nipple with his tongue, biting gently, and sucking. It felt so good, but my other nipple felt neglected. Like he could read my mind, Cole switched to the other side. I grasped his ebony hair. He slid my jeans down off my hips and released my aching nipple. He pulled off my jeans and my panties in no time, and stood before me as I lay on the edge of the bed naked and needing him. I wanted to savor the ecstasy of being as physically and emotionally close as two people could be. I wanted to feel him inside of me, and know that I would be his forever.

  He knelt before me, putting each hand on my exposed breasts. His breath was warm on my needy cleft as he nuzzled his nose on my clit. His touch was electric. Pleasure met in my middle, radiating from my clit and breasts. He licked my folds, giving me exactly what I needed.

  “Yes, yes,” I moaned as he pushed me closer and closer to climax. He pulled back, still squeezing my breasts in each hand. He stood before me, huge cock dripping over me as I lay on my back waiting for him.

  Cole put his hands around my waist and moved me farther onto the bed and then climbed on top of me. His giant head tickled my opening, teasing me.

  “Please,” I begged.

  He pressed forward, slowly stretching me inch by inch. When he pressed the last of his length inside, I was gloriously full. We were one as he moved back and forth deep inside of me. We were meant to be like this, entwined as one. Every inch of my body tingled with the euphoric anticipation. Pressure built, so close to unfurling. Just a little bit more. I exploded around him, aftershocks radiating through my body. I felt open, closer to Cole than I had ever been. He smiled at me as hair hung over his eyes, waiting for me to come down from the high.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Mmm-hmm,” I answered, basking in the pleasure he caused.

bsp; “Hailey. This is serious.” His eyes met mine, searching for what he needed to hear.

  “I've never wanted anything more,” I promised.

  “Get on all fours, I'm going to mark you. You should know, it will hurt.”

  I happily obeyed, pulling off of him and waiting on the bed with my ass in the air.

  “Mmmm,” he said, deep and throaty. “You're so beautiful.”

  He slid his hands over my ass and came up behind me. I was a little nervous about being taken from behind, but more than a little excited. It was so primal, so wolf. I wanted the mark, and I wanted to give him everything. There was no teasing or easing in this time. He entered me, pressing forward, faster and harder than before. In this position he pressed deeper inside of me, deeper than I thought possible. It felt so good, so big.

  Cole wrapped his body around mine, one arm supporting his weight, with his other hand down between my legs, massaging my clit. It didn't take long before I felt the pleasure building inside me once again.

  “I'm going to come,” I gasped. He slammed harder, and rubbed faster. I exploded in the most powerful orgasm of my life. “Yes, yes!”

  His fluid filled me as we came together, pleasure blinding me as it overtook my body. We were as close as two people could be. We entwined our bodies and souls, two as one. Sharp stabbing pain pierced my neck, heightening the pleasure that overtook me. I knew what it meant; it was the mark I had been waiting for. It was Cole’s promise to love me forever. Our commitment to each other in his world, the world he chose to share with me.

  “I love you, Cole.” I gasped, sinking down on the bed beside him.


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