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A Trip to Signe

Page 4

by Sean Benjamin

  He bowed his head. “As you wish, Madam. I will inform him personally.” He looked at his two guests. “I am having a midday meal set up in my dining room, if you would find it convenient at this time.”

  “That would be lovely, Admiral,” replied the Queen.

  Chapter 9

  For the next week, Alexis visited every section of headquarters and all the base buildings. She talked to every department head in the supporting establishment. She presided at fifteen promotion ceremonies for officers and enlisted personnel. These people would be able to tell everyone they had been personally promoted by the Queen of the Aurora Empire.

  After touring the fleet facilities, she toured every ship in port. She met all the captains and all the crews, all except Jackline. Admiral Levant sent that destroyer on a mission to swap out the crews at the two sensor stations on the abandoned bases. He knew the Queen wouldn’t hold a grudge, but it was best to keep Tate from making some grand public apology. The Morales family was known for grand gestures of all types.

  The Queen again did several promotions while aboard ships and had interviews with a variety of people of all ranks. She found her sailors and marines to be motivated and committed to achieving victory. Their recent successes on the battlefield had washed away much of the pessimism of earlier times.

  Over the next six days, the Queen ensured everyone on the Signe base met her or saw her. Despite the distance and the demands on her time, the far-off fleet learned the Queen cared about them and followed their progress with great interest. Her actions showed she loved her sailors and marines, and they loved her back.

  Her consort accompanied her to each event. She introduced him to every audience. The audiences knew of his contributions to the war and wanted to meet him also. He had commanded many of them in a recent campaign that helped turned the war around. They thought the Queen had made a fine choice in a consort. And what did they think of Raferty Hawkins? They thought some guys have all the luck.

  With the full schedule, the week passed quickly. The day before departure, a mission brief was scheduled for almost every warship in port. These ships were going to support the Queen’s departure with only a small number of ships left behind to defend the spaceport.

  The ship captains and squadron commanders sat in rows in front of the briefing table with a raised podium behind it. Standing at the back of the crowded room were ship operations officers. The Queen did not want to be a distraction so sat in a nearby room and watched the briefing via a camera set high in the back wall. She could move the camera around to view anything in the room. Raferty and Admiral Levant sat in the front row while Tactical, Blondie, and Baby Doll stood in the back.

  Admiral Levant left his seat beside Rafe and climbed the three stairs to stand on the podium. “Before we begin the brief with Captain Bond, I have a few comments.” Levant hit the clicker in his hand and two images of Queen Alexis floated over the briefing screen side by side. One was her official image while the other reflected her new haircut and attire and seemed to have been taken only moments prior. Levant gestured toward the images and stared hard at his audience. “I never thought I would have to perform this duty but, apparently so. This is Queen Alexis the first, monarch of the Aurora Empire. She is the one who puts the word ‘Royal’ in ‘Royal Navy’ and we all work for her. That seems to be news to at least two of my officers as they have been face-to-face with the Queen recently and did not recognize her nor render appropriate respect. That is totally, totally unacceptable, ladies and gentlemen. Fortunately for the two officers involved, the Queen is a forgiving sort. Unfortunately for the remainder of you, I am not. If this happens a third time, the officers involved will find their heads decorating the bow of my flagship. I am personally embarrassed by this situation and have apologized to the Queen regarding these incidents. This had better never, ever happen again. Ever!”

  Levant turned to Bond, handed him the clicker, and returned to his seat next to Hawkins.

  Captain Bond dimmed the lights and activated his brief. A series of planets appeared over the briefing table with Signe on one end. Next to Signe was Senka, and the third was Lilitu. There were six more planets hovering over the table. The officers knew the procession of planets in their current locations were the signposts for a trip toward Zelenka. Off to one side was a list of ship names and hull numbers divided into groups. The first two groups had three ships each headed by a battlecruiser. The remaining groups had two ships each, a destroyer and a larger ship.

  Bond stated as such in his opening remarks. “Although not to scale, this display shows the initial segment of a flight to Zelenka. It is how the Queen in Predator will be returning home. We have reason to believe the OrCons will set up a series of subspace ambushes in an attempt to intercept Predator. Recent reports seem to confirm this enemy course of action as the last few days have shown decreased activity on the other side of the border. The number of OrCon patrols encountered have decreased and our last three probes have gone deeper into their space before being intercepted. All those missing OrCon ships have to be somewhere.

  “We believe those unaccounted-for ships have crossed into our territory and spread out along this general route in subspace. We predict they will be divided into small groups of three or four ships in order to maximize their area coverage while in subspace and because they think they will have only Predator to contend with. The disadvantage they have is they have to cover a large area as they do not have Predator’s exact route. We do have the exact route so will be able to cover a large segment of the Predator’s route.”

  Bond pressed his clicker and a long red line appeared on the display. “This is Predator’s route for returning home. The first two groups of three ships each will be two trailing groups who will follow behind Predator in normal space. They will be headed by a battlecruiser. They will be located on Predator’s starboard and port quarters, thirty minutes behind her. We need the separation to ensure any OrCon subspace force will not hear those two groups when they pick up Predator on their white phones. Also, those two groups have to stay behind Predator in case the enemy has a freighter or some other lookout in normal space. That OrCon lookout must be given the time to send a signal to the subspace ships so these subspace ships will commit to the attack before the two pursuing groups are spotted by the lookout. Admiral Levant will command one of the trailing groups in Typhoon. The other group will be headed by Zephyr and commanded by me.”

  He pressed the button again and a series of numbers appeared along the red route line. “The remaining groups of two ships each are ships that will be in subspace along the route. This shows the location of each subspace group along the route. Each group will be on the port side of Predator as Predator moves along her route. That is important as Predator will pick these groups up on her white phones and needs to know they are not the enemy lying in wait.

  “The subspace groups will begin to depart soon after this brief so they can be in position well before Predator’s arrival on scene. As you can see by the ship roster displayed here, we are spread thin as we have to cover the entire route. Subspace groups will be approximately one hour of normal space travel time apart. The senior officer in each group commands.

  “Each ship’s captain and OpsO has a briefing packet. Within the packet are the group departure times from here, the coordinates where you will go subspace, the subspace routes to your holding areas, and the time of arrival at your areas. You will hold in your areas until you hear Predator approach at max speed. When you hear her, you will hold position off her port side. The last thing we need is Predator or one of our trailing groups listening on white phones and thinking you are the enemy in subspace. The subspace enemy ships will be moving. Ensure you are not. When Predator passes you, you will continue to hold for half an hour until the trailing group passes you. After that, your part in this plan will be complete. You all have follow-on orders in your briefing packets and you will carry out those orders. For some of you that will mean a return to
base while others will carry out patrols or assigned missions. I’ll tell you now that the follow-on mission for the two earliest subspace groups will be to move to the border and take up a parallel course to Predator while remaining well behind. These four ships will intercept any enemy ships attempting to return to Orion space during this time.

  “The briefing packet has the mission details for each group, but let me make a general statement here. The primary mission of the subspace groups is to protect Predator at all costs. The two following groups will move up quickly and cover you and Predator with interceptors, but you will be alone for the three minutes of flight time that it will take our missiles to arrive. If you become engaged with the enemy, you should be firing interceptors and utilizing all defensive measures to protect yourselves and Predator in the early stages of the fight as the Typhoon and Zephyr groups close in. Once we get engaged with our interceptors to cover you, then you can go offensive.

  “After five days of travel, Predator will be at our AOR border with Home Fleet, and she will be provided an escort from Home Fleet through their AOR and on to Zelenka.”

  He paused and then added, “This is speculation, but it is possible there will be multiple battles as the enemy in subspace will not know what happened prior to Predator’s arrival near them. We could have a battle on day one and then another one further along the route. I will state the obvious here. Your signal to come out of subspace will be the sounds of battle on your white phones. Group commanders will brief their groups at the conclusion of this brief.” He looked at Admiral Levant. “Admiral.”

  Levant stood up and went up on the podium as Bond stepped back. He addressed the ship captains. “I don’t know if they are out there. I would be if I were them. They think they have a shot at the Queen of the Aurora Empire. That opportunity doesn’t come along every day. I think they will try to convert the opportunity. We will not let that happen.” He held up a briefing packet. “Lot of stuff in here, but it is really very simple. Some of us will trail Predator while others will wait in subspace to ambush the other subspace ambushers. You hear a fight, feel free to join in.”

  Chapter 10

  Predator departed on schedule the next day. Two groups of three ships each departed after her and took up positions well off the port and starboard quarters of the pirate ship. All the warships covering her route had departed at various intervals over the preceding twenty-eight hours. They needed to move quickly as they would travel part of their route in subspace so that would add to their transit time.

  Predator moved at maximum sustained speed to ensure the OrCons would know she was a warship if they heard her on white phones. The first subspace support group was an hour beyond the outer defensive ring around Signe. Then there was a group placed every hour.

  Nothing happened for four days. Predator remained at modified combat stations as crewmembers went about their normal shipboard routine as much as circumstances allowed. Everyone had been briefed on the tactical situation and understood the upcoming possibilities. Nobody was unduly concerned. They had been in tight spots and uncertain circumstances before and had prevailed. Everyone was sure the same would happen here.

  Alexis sat in the command chair with her personal breathing apparatus strapped on and the safety belt for the chair secure around her shoulders and waist. The remainder of the bridge watch were also strapped in and had their survival gear with them. If this happened, it would be fast and furious. She had three floating screens around her. The two following groups were thirty minutes back at the five and seven o’clock positions, right where they should be. Anyone in subspace would hear Predator for several minutes before picking up the trailing ships. Hopefully, the subspace group would act before the chasing ships would be on their white phones. Predator’s speed would force them to make a decision or risk allowing their prey to pass by them.

  All sensors were clear except for the six trailing warships, but that meant nothing if you were expecting an assault from subspace. Alexis consulted the plan once again. At this moment they were approaching one of the subspace groups. Alexis smiled as she noted it was Jackline and the heavy cruiser Nile. She then, for the umpteenth time, ensured all shields were engaged and the lockouts were off all weapons systems. She and Predator were ready and had been since leaving Signe.

  Madison Hopkins was manning the whitephones. She was intent on her listening and hadn’t moved in minutes as she sat with the hands over her headphones and her eyes closed.

  She calmly remarked, “We’re passing two ships off to port. They are holding position.” Maddie knew the plan so knew these contacts were Nile and Jackline.

  “Roger that,” acknowledged Alexis. She looked at the nav screen and noted the two warships in subspace were exactly where they were supposed to be.

  Four minutes passed in routine operations. Maddie suddenly sat upright as she pressed the headphones hard to her ears. She spoke rapidly, “Ahead of us. Just in range. Surfacing. At least three.”

  Tactical was at the ops station and pushed the general quarters alarm. She reached for the missile control as Alexis said, “Shoot.” Interceptors flew out of the missile tubes and from the one-shot launchers bolted to the hull, facing forward.

  Five seconds later, Captain Hawkins came onto the bridge from his day cabin hatch. Alexis sensed his presence and pivoted the chair to face him. She reached for the belt buckle at her waist to undo the seatbelt and leave the chair. Hawkins shook his head and leaned back against the day cabin hatch. Alexis smiled at her consort and rotated the chair back. She was in command.

  The emerging OrCon force was four ships—two destroyers, a light cruiser, and a heavy cruiser. They surfaced well beyond immediate missile range to ensure they would not be hit during their eight-second emergence. Since they were on the edge of Maddie’s white phone detection range, that meant they had begun to surface when Predator was on the edge of their white phone detection range so they had no idea what was around them other than Predator. Once clear of subspace, their sensors would reveal the two trailing groups thirty minutes behind Predator. The OrCons had three choices—engage Predator and then fight the oncoming reinforcements, engage Predator for a short time before the reinforcements could become involved and then retreat, or run away at the start. The OrCons took the middle course of action. They opened up on Predator while moving away from her and the oncoming six Royal Navy warships.

  “Pull back,” ordered Alexis. “Stay all defensive.” Predator retreated back along her route as she was waiting for the other reinforcements. The four Orion warships were ten minutes away when they emerged so would be in range for several more minutes, regardless of Predator’s moves. The six Zeke pursuing warships began to close on her position as they started shooting interceptors in support of her. They were thirty minutes away so missile flight time was three minutes. The two Zeke ships in subspace were just a few minutes from Predator, but would not emerge until they heard missile explosions and realized there was a fight on.

  Since Predator shot first, the two opposing streams of missiles merged just beyond the halfway point between the pirate ships and the OrCons. The interceptors took out half the first wave of Orion missiles, but it was four ships shooting at one and the interceptors were losing the battle as the flow of enemy missiles closed on Predator. The pirate destroyer began putting out cannister rounds and lasers danced around the ship while continuing to move away from the enemy.

  The missile explosions brought Nile and Jackline out of subspace and into the fight. The two ships were only two minutes behind the retreating pirate ship and they quickly put missiles downrange. Predator’s gun-fired cannister rounds took out several missiles and lasers destroyed a few more, but missiles started impacting the shields.

  “Rotate port, Eli,” Alexis calmly ordered. She was maneuvering the ship to present different shield sections to the enemy to allow regeneration for shields taking hits. A few seconds later she ordered, “Hard starboard.” Predator twisted and turned as missiles
were taken on both the port and starboard sides. Tactical calmly reported shield strength as they ebbed under the onslaught and then recharged as Alexis took them out of the line of fire.

  Predator was maneuvering smartly and stretching out the battle. If alone, she would have eventually succumbed to the attack. Unfortunately for the OrCons, she was not alone. The missiles from Jackline and Nile flew past Predator and intercepted the stream of incoming missiles. The flow was disrupted enough to end the immediate threat to the pirate vessel. She still took shield hits but not in the staccato fashion needed to overwhelm a shield section and get to the hull. Predator retreated until she was abeam Nile and Jackline and then she stopped and rotated to face the enemy. The two reinforcements took positions on either side of Predator and the trio threw out missiles, cannister rounds, and lasers in a coordinated defense. Two missiles hit Predator’s bow shields and Jackline immediately jumped in front of the pirate ship. She took the next three missile hits.

  “Jackline, get out of the way,” Alexis calmly ordered over the command net. She appreciated the action but wanted no special treatment.

  “Of course, Your Majesty,” Captain Tate responded as Jackline slid to port and out of the way. More supporting interceptors came in from behind the trio as missiles from the six trailing Zeke ships arrived at the battle. This new wave took out the enemy’s missiles further and further in front of the stationary trio. The window of opportunity closed for the four Orion ships, and they knew it. They turned and ran directly away from the three ships and the oncoming reinforcements.


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