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If You Could Only See (Buchanan Brothers Series Book 1)

Page 13

by M. E. Clayton

  “You wouldn’t dare,” my father seethed, spittle flying from his mouth.

  “Enough!” All five male Buchanan heads turned towards my mother, but she only had eyes for me. “Do you love this girl, Mason?”

  “With every fiber of my being,” I said, no hesitation whatsoever.

  She turned to my father and said, “I’ve been a neglectful mother, but…but I thought sons were supposed to be brought up by their fathers. Clearly, I was wrong.”


  “Shut up, Harold!” she snapped out, surprising the hell out of all of us. “If Mason wants to be with this girl, then he’s going to be with her, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.” She straightened her spine and looked down at my father; something I’ve never seen her do before. “You’ve seemed to have forgotten that you’re not the only one who came into this marriage with money. And if I have to give up every cent I have, to ensure my sons have a successful future, I will.” She walked towards my father and took my place in front of him, across his desk. “And I will gladly watch, as they build their own empire, while they tear yours apart.”

  We were all stunned speechless. None of us said a word as my mother turned her back on my father and walked out of his study. All these years we thought she didn’t care, but maybe she was just as much a victim of Harold Buchanan’s as we were.

  “I guess The Queen has spoken,” Gabriel quipped.

  My father’s look was sharp and definite, but it was no longer deadly. He lost, and he knew it. “Get out of my house,” he fumed.

  I was about to flip him off when my phone rang with a ringtone I had specifically assigned to Viola. I had gotten her number the next day after my first night with Shane in case of emergencies. I ignored my father and answered my phone. “Viola?”

  “Oh my god, Mason! Oh, God!”

  The fear in her voice was turning my blood cold. “What’s wrong? Where’s Shane?”

  She was crying, but through her sobs, she managed to get the story out. “I was talking to her and then I heard her scream,” she cried. “I couldn’t make out much because she dropped her phone, but I heard her say Branson’s name and…oh, god. She was walking home from work, so I called the police and…”

  “Where the fuck is she, Viola?!”

  “She at County Memorial, Mason. He…he beat her up pre-”

  I hung up on her and ran out of the house with Aiden, Michael and Gabriel hot on my heels. Once we were all buckled in and I was tearing out of the driveway, Aiden asked, “What’s happened, Mase?”

  The words tearing out of my throat felt like shards of metal coming up. “Morgan attacked Shane on her way home from work. She’s at the hospital.” I was speeding down the road at such a reckless pace, and I could only hope I didn’t kill us all. “I’m going to fucking kill him!”

  “Just worry about Shane,” Michael said. “We’ll take care of Morgan.”

  “She’ll be fine, Mason,” Aiden said, trying to calm me down. I didn’t respond. I had nothing to say. My only concern was Shane. I had no doubt that Branson Morgan would be taken care of one way or another. At this point, he could only pray that Shane came out of this okay. If she didn’t, I was going to go to prison for murder.

  And I didn’t care.

  Chapter 25


  I had never felt more worthless as I did now; as the officers were trying to convince me not to press charges against Branson Morgan.

  He attacked and almost raped me, but his last name meant something, and his family had money, so why don’t I just be grateful the cops got to me in time, and as a thank you, maybe the family would set me up comfortably?

  I wanted to throw up.

  Yes, I was extremely grateful that Viola called the police as soon as she realized what was happening. And, yes, I was extremely grateful that the police showed up just in time to pull Branson off of me before he could do anything life changing. But to suggest that I not press charges because his family is important…what kind of bullshit was that?

  I was sitting up on the gurney giving him the most disgusting look I could muster. “All I’m saying, ma’am, is that this would be very hard to prosecute,” Officer Munfred explained-yet again.

  “I don’t see how, Officer,” I retorted. “My friend heard the attack on the phone, so that’s one witness. Two officers pulled up and actually witnessed the attack, having to pull Branson off of me, so that’s two more witnesses.” I pointed to my face. “My injuries have been treated and documented, further evidence of the attack. I fail to see the complications of charging him and making the charges stick?”

  He cleared his throat, and I had to give him points for honesty. “He’s a Morgan, Ms. Slaughter…” His excuses were interrupted when the hospital curtain swung open and four very pissed off Buchanan men stormed in, along with a very worried Viola, and crowded the bed.

  Before I could say a word, Mason’s voiced went to cutting the officers to shreds. “And she’s a Buchanan,” he thundered. “And before you say another fucking word, I know exactly what you meant when we overheard you tell her that piece of shit was a Morgan. And, so, I want you to think long and hard about which last name holds more bearing in this town.”

  I didn’t say a word as Viola’s arm came around me and she cried into my shoulder. I probably should have tried to console her, but I couldn’t turn away from Mason’s showdown with the cops.

  “But…but she said her last name was Slaughter,” Officer Munfred stuttered.

  “Right now, legally, it is,” he answered. “But it will be Buchanan as soon as she heals from her injuries.”

  My gasp wasn’t the only one that rushed throughout the room. Viola’s was also a contender for the gold.

  “Where is Morgan right now?” Michael asked the officer.

  Officer Peetle answered him. “He’s in custody, but I imagine his family is in the process of bailing him out. The family lawyer was called as soon as he made his phone call.”

  My gaze never left Mason’s as Michael was the beacon of calm, cool and collected. “Okay, well, here’s what’s going to happen, Officers. My brother is in a highly emotional state right now and I’d hate for him to say some shit he can’t take back involving murder and mayhem, so let me be frank here. You will charge Branson Morgan with…” he paused and when I looked over at him, he was looking at me and waiting.

  I knew what he was waiting for, and I knew it might push Mason over the edge, but I wasn’t going to lie. “He, uhm…he hit me and...he ripped my clothes and tou…touched me. He was threatening to rape me as his hands…” My eyes found Mason’s and I stopped talking. He looked like he was one more descriptive away from tearing the place apart.

  Michael cleared his throat. “So, you’re going to charge Branson Morgan with assault, sexual assault and attempted rape.”

  Gabriel spoke next. “If you don’t, we’ll use every dime our family has to burn down this town, the police department being the first to go up in flames.”

  I tore my gaze from Mason’s and saw the officers exchange a look. Officer Peetle cleared his throat and said, “Of course.” He looked at me. “We’ll be in touch, Ms. Slau…uh, Mrs. Buchanan.”

  Mrs. Buchanan? Christ, this was all too much by half.

  The second the officers disappeared behind the curtain, Viola gasped. “Oh, Shane, babe, are you okay?” Her tears stopped, but she still looked devastated.

  I hugged her. “I’m fine, Vi. I look way worse than I feel, honestly.”

  Michael’s hand clamped around my ankle. “You’re still pretty, Pretty Girl.”

  I laughed. “You’re such a horrible liar, Michael.”

  “How the hell can you tell them apart,” Viola asked, shocked.

  I looked over at her and smiled. “It’s a secret.”

  Aiden scooted Viola out of the way and kissed the top of my head. “Glad to see you’re okay, Sis.” My stomach hollowed out at his endearment, but I didn’t comment. I just n
odded my head.

  Gabriel flat out came in for a hug. “Never again, Shane. Never again.”

  I held onto him a second too long. While I appreciated them all being here, I needed to talk to Mason. I scanned their faces before I said, “Do you guys think you can give me a minute with Mason, please?” There were a couple of head nods, but no one said a word as they filed out to the other side of the curtain.

  As soon as they left, Mason reached over and plucked me out of the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and held on as if he was never going to see me again.

  I hugged him back even though my body hurt like hell.

  After a few silent moments, he finally pulled back and looked at me. I thought he was going rant and rave and make threats about Branson, but he surprised me when he said, “I will never let you down ever again, Shane.”


  He didn’t let me speak. “I fucked up,” he continued. “I fucked up and I will regret it for the rest of my life. You were right. I was a coward and nothing with you means more than everything without you.” He cradled my face in his hands. “I’m so fucking sorry, Shane.”

  I started crying. “I’m sorry, too, Mason. I should have given you a chance to explain…”

  “I’ll tell you everything you want to know. I can explain about my dad an-”

  I shook my head. “No…no, Mason. I…” I searched his eyes. “Do you love me?”

  He huffed. “You’re going to be Mrs. Mason Buchanan by the end of the week, Shane. So, yeah…yeah, I love you.”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “Oh, yeah?”

  Mason smiled, and it warmed my heart. “I’m never going to give you space ever again, Shane.”

  “What about-”

  “Let’s just get you out of here and we can talk at home, okay?” I nodded and went into his arms.

  Because they had already discharged me before the police came in to speak with me, I was able to leave without having to notify anyone. We met everyone in the waiting room, and it was hard to keep my eyes from misting over.

  I knew Mason and I had a lot of things to discuss, and I wasn’t too sure about my upcoming nuptials, but seeing Viola, Aiden, Michael and Gabriel all stand up as we walked into the open space, I realized I wasn’t alone anymore.

  I finally had a family that chose me specifically.

  And I realized I could finally let Adam and Maggie in. I wanted to learn how to trust.

  As soon as we approached them, Viola busted out with, “Are you seriously getting married next week?”

  “No, we-”

  “Yes, we are,” Mason spoke over me. “As soon as her bruises can be hidden by makeup, we’re getting married.”

  “Mason?” He couldn’t be serious. We’ve only been together two weeks!

  He looked down at me, and in front of anyone who could hear, he said, “I’ve been in love with you since I first saw you freshman year. I was stupid in thinking I needed to follow a plan before I could make you mine. Well, I’m done being stupid, Shane.” The tears started again. “And you can love me back or not love me. It doesn’t matter because I love you and I’ll take you anyway I can get you, baby.”

  I threw my arms around his neck and jumped into his arms. “I love you, Mason,” I whispered for only him. “I love you, so much.”

  “Shane Buchanan. It sounds perfect,” Viola announced.

  We were all far from perfect, but that was okay. I had my best friend, my soon-to-be husband and brothers in my life now and that was just perfect enough for me. And when I had the chance, I was going to call Adam and Maggie, and hopefully, I’d have real parents, too.

  I turned away from Mason and I smiled as I scanned everyone’s faces. “I love you, all, and I’m so glad you guys never gave me a choice to have you in my life.” They each gave me a hug and whispered words of love and affection.

  When I found myself back in Mason’s arms, I knew it was where I belonged and where I was always meant to be.


  Shane ~ Two Years Later

  My head jerked up at the sound of a heavy envelope being dropped on my desk. I peered up at Mason and asked, “What’s this?”

  “Open it,” Mason instructed, instead of answering. We’ve been married two years, and he was still as demanding as he ever was. But shadowing his father to take over Buchanan Industries in the near future couldn’t be easy.

  I opened the envelope and documents as thick as my arm slid out. Mason took a seat on the edge of my desk as I scanned the papers. “Mason, what in the hell is this?”

  “The Morgan Corporation is now yours, Shane.”

  I looked up at him, my eyes as wide as saucers. “What?!” I screeched.

  “BI ran it to the ground, until they had to sell it to us,” he explained. “Now it’s yours.”

  “Mine?” I had gotten a job with a small accounting firm shortly after we had graduated, but the job only lasted a year. While I wanted nothing to do with Buchanan Industries, Mason had insisted on me working for him because he didn’t like going all day without seeing me. It was ridiculous, but because I missed Mason terribly because of his long days of learning the ropes, I caved. I had gone to work for their accounting department, which Aiden was expected head up soon.

  “Yeah, yours.”

  “But…how? Why?” I asked.

  “Even though Branson got the book thrown at him, it still wasn’t life in prison,” he said. “I was never okay with that. So, I made sure that whenever he gets out, he has nothing to come home to.”

  The implications of what he was saying weren’t lost on me. “But, Mason…that means you destroyed his entire family’s livelihood and legacy.” The idea was shocking. “You don’t think that’s a little harsh? He didn’t actually rape me, you know.”

  Mason’s jaw clenched as he planted his hands on my desk and lean into me. “I don’t give a fuck if he had only moved one hair on your head out of place, Shane. I want the sonofabitch dead. So, no, by comparison, I don’t think this is harsh at all.”

  “Mason, what am I supposed to do with this?” I should be chastising him about the severity of his mental issues, but his gesture was kind of sweet in that you’re-crazy-but-I-know-you-mean-well sort of way.

  He stood tall again and shrugged a shoulder. “You can do whatever you want with it. Take over the business, sell it off or let it rot into the ground,” he answered. “I really don’t care.”

  I leaned back in my chair and regarded him. “You know, most husbands just give their wives flowers or candy,” I quipped.

  Mason smirked. “Most husbands don’t know how lucky they are to have a wife who’s you.”

  I stood up out of my chair and walked over to my husband. His arms were already opening for me and I glided into his embrace the same way I’ve been doing for the last two years.

  Harold Buchanan had crumbled under the threat of his sons and the backing of their mother, so Mason was able to continue school and when he got his degree, he went to work for his father immediately. It hadn’t taken much for Mason to incorporate himself into the routine of things since his father had been training his sons in the business since they were little boys.

  Harold and I didn’t interact often, but when we did, he was cordial, if a little reserved. But I didn’t mind. He was a horrible man who raised his sons under the umbrella of abuse and intimidation; I didn’t really care if he never spoke another word to me ever again.

  Mason’s arms tightened around me. “I love you, Shane.”

  My arms tightened around him. “I know you do, Mason. I love you, too, so much.” He still hasn’t forgiven himself for the attack, and I wasn’t sure if he ever would, but I would not let him make us live in the darkness of that time in our lives.

  Our lives have been two years of unparalleled love and explosive sex, and that’s where I wanted to be. “What would you say if I told you to go lock the door?”

  “I’d say it’s already locked, baby.”

pulled back and looked up at his handsome face. I lifted the corner of my lip. “Hmm, pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  He smiled. “When it comes to you, I’ve never been more sure,” he replied, his face full of love.

  I smiled back as my hands started working on the buttons of his suit jacket, knowing I was going to spend the rest of my life being loved by this man.

  The End.


  Mason & Shane

  Tattoo – Jordan Sparks

  Hysteria – Def Leppard

  I knew You Were Trouble – Taylor Swift

  Nobody’s Fool – Cinderella

  I’m A Loser – Three Doors Down

  Never – Heart

  About the Author

  M.E. Clayton works full-time and writes as a hobby. She is an avid reader and, last year, she decided to trade in some of those reading hours to try her hand at writing her first book. With much self-doubt, but more positive feedback and encouragement from her friends and family, the Seven Deadly Sins series was born and a hobby she is now very passionate about. When she’s not working, writing or reading, she’s being pampered by the best husband in the world, having heart to hearts with her son, giving her daughter life advice or spending time with her grandchildren If you care to learn more, you can read about her by visiting the following:

  Smashwords Interview at:

  Bookbub author page at:


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