Book Read Free

The Beginning

Page 13

by Teigen Harper

  “Yeah, this doesn’t get used that often. Carol only has guests stay here when the main house is full.”

  “Such a waste,” I say as we walk through to the living room. I take a seat on the sofa, and he takes the spot right beside me. I fold into the corner of the couch and look at him. “So Tristan, what do you do?” That was my attempt at small talk since all I want to do is hop on his lap and dry hump him.

  He reaches his arm back and rests it on my shoulders. “For the moment, I’m in business school training to take over my father’s company. That’s when he's ready to hand it down, of course, but until that day comes, I’ll be working for him.”

  “Cool, what kind of company is it?” I ask, desperately trying to ignore his arm that's resting on my bare shoulder.

  “It’s a boring computer networking company.”

  Turning my body to face him, his arm falls off my shoulders, and now his fingers are tracing a circle on my skin just above my ass. I try again to ignore his touch so I can focus on our conversation, but it’s becoming a little hard to concentrate on anything right now. “That sounds great. Do you not want to work there?”

  “No, I do. It’s just not an exciting subject is all,” he says as he sits back. My damn heart flutters when he smiles at me.

  He has me paranoid, and I lift my hands to my face. “What are you smiling at? Do I have something on my face?”

  “No, no, of course not. It’s just that I could sit here and listen to you talk all night. I love your Australian accent.” He chuckles.

  My eyebrow raises. "There is nothing sexy about an Australian accent. However, the Irish accent you sport is hot, and I could sit and listen to you talk for days.”

  He leans in very slowly and tilts his head to the side looking me in the eyes as if he is waiting for me to say stop, but I don’t. I close the gap and press my lips to his, and without breaking the kiss, I lean over and place my glass on the coffee table in front of us.

  We come up for air sometime later, and once I have managed to catch my breath, I ask, “So what the fuck were we talking about?”

  “I have no idea." He smiles and hands me my drink. “I’m sure we can find something to talk about. Tell me about yourself.” I don’t want to. I want to go back to his perfectly plump lips.


  Laying my head back on the sofa, I keep my focus on her, there’s nothing else in this world that matters. Nothing, and no one, but her. “Carol mentioned you just left a pretty crap relationship. Is that true? Or is she just trying to set us up because she can?”

  Cassie rests her head on my shoulder, and I shift so I can smell her. She smells like Vanilla, and I love the fact that she is comfortable enough to rest her beautiful head on me. “I did have a boyfriend, but to be honest with you, he was the worst boyfriend a girl could have,” she whispers.

  “I’m sorry,” I say as I continue to smell her. I hope to hell she doesn’t catch me because I’ll look like a fucking psycho if she does, but she smells so damn sweet.

  Cassie shifts her head and looks up at me. “Why the hell should you be sorry? You didn’t do it. I don’t think you’d be capable of treating a girl like shit,” she says flatly.

  If only she knew my past, there's no way in hell she’d still be sitting here with me. My eyes meet hers, and I lift my hand and cup her cheek. I’m not going to lie to her. “I have a past that I’m not proud of.”

  “Don’t we all?” she shrugs.

  I shake my head, I reach for her hand, and she gives it to me. “Until recently, I’ve been an asshole. I slept around, I was constantly in lockup, and I wasn’t such a nice person.” I close my eyes and shake my head. Why am I doing this, my mouth is frothing with verbal diarrhea? I want her to like me, and she’s going to run for the fucking hills.

  “Hey,” she whispers. I open my eyes and look at her. Fuck, she’s so damn beautiful. “The past is the past. You’re trying your hardest to change, aren’t you?”

  I nod. “I’m trying so fucking hard to change.”

  “Then that’s all that matters.”

  This girl is like no other. Never has a girl wanted just to sit back and talk to me. Granted, I probably never gave them a chance, but at the same time, I’ve never craved anyone the way I’m craving her. She's someone I want to know better, someone I want to spend all of my free time with. I don’t want to freak myself out, but she could be the girl I fall in love with.

  When my lips meet her soft, plump ones, again, my hand leaves her cheek and snakes around her waist, using it to bring her closer to me. Soon enough, Cass ends up seated on my lap, but I don’t push her for more. For right now, all I want is to have her near me.


  We tell each other everything that's happened in our lives up until this moment. Tristan shares his future goals, wants, and likes until he looks at his watch. “Shit, it’s two-thirty in the morning.”

  “Do you have to be somewhere else?” God, I hope not.

  “No, but I didn’t give your family any warning we’d be leaving. I wouldn’t want them to worry about you. If I had a daughter that was as sexy as you are, I know I’d be worried." He smiles.

  I know my cheeks are red. “You’re right; we’d better get back.”

  I stand, and Tristan takes my hand in his and leads me back to the main house.

  I hear the laughter before the house even comes into view. “God, they’re probably that wasted they didn’t even notice I was missing.” I snicker.

  Tristan laughs, “Should we look for your dad first?”

  “Yeah, I’d like to see how he’s feeling.” When we find my father, instantly, I know he's been pacing himself with the drinks. When we reach him, I ask, “Why are you still up Dad? It’s almost three o’clock.”

  “I’m just enjoying my night, love.” He's definitely tipsy.

  “Are you feeling okay?” I give him a knowing look. I don’t want to bring up the horrid ‘C’ word in front of the others.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. A little tired, but okay. I was thinking about turning in for the night.” Dad begins to climb out of his chair and out of habit, I brace myself to catch him.

  “Do you need any help with the stairs?” I ask.

  “No thanks. I’ll use the elevator,” he says as he points to the corner of the room.

  “There’s a fucking elevator in this house?!” I yell, shocked. How the fuck have I been staying here all this time, and I didn’t know about this?

  “Yes, love, it’s just over there.” Dad turns to Tristan and holds his hand out to shake. “By the way, I’m Patrick, Cass’s dad.”

  “Hey, Patrick, I’m Tristan,” he introduces himself.

  “Brendan and Karan’s son?” he asks, query written across his face.

  “Yes Sir, the very one.”

  A smile spreads over his lips, meeting his eyes. “I haven’t seen them in years. How are your folks doing?”

  “Great. They’re in Paris, but they’ll be back next week. I’ve let them know you’re here. I’m sure that they’d love to catch up.”

  “That would be nice. Now if you will excuse me, I’ll be off to bed.”

  “Will you be okay, Dad?” I ask.

  “I’m fine. Goodnight, love. I’ll see you in the morning.” He kisses my forehead and gives me a look that tells me, ‘I’m an adult and not too sick to take care of myself, yet.’ I watch him walk into the elevator and then around the corner upstairs to his room.

  “Is everything okay?” Tristan asks from behind me, and his hand moves to the small of my back.

  “Yeah,” I breathe. "I’m just an overprotective daughter.” I turn to face Tristan. “We only have another thirteen months with him. Cancer.” I close my eyes for a moment, but when I open them again, Tristan’s eyes are right in front of mine. “I’m trying to spend every moment I can with him. I need to make sure he's comfortable at all times.” I shrug, trying to mask the tears I can feel welling in the corner of my eyes.

  He takes
my hands in his, and his eyes are still square with mine. “I’m so sorry, Cassie. Now I understand why you wanted to escort him to his room. I thought you were offering because he’d been drinking. Are you okay?” I nod my head, feigning a strength I know I don’t have. “If you need anything at all, I’m only next door. Okay?” I can see that there's a lot of wisdom in his eyes, even if he is only twenty-three.

  “Thank you,” it comes out as a whisper. “It's good to know that there's someone here other than my family I can talk to.”

  “Anytime, and I mean anytime.” He takes me in his arms and hugs me.

  We talk until I begin to feel tired and when Tristan notices this, he kisses me goodbye. I wish he didn’t have to leave, but I don’t plan on looking like a slut either. And with him trying to change his ways, I understand that he wants to make a go of his new way of life and not try to sleep with me a few hours after we’d met. But fuck, I don’t think I could say no if he’d managed to get my top off. I’ve only had sex once, and I already know that he’d do a much better job of getting me off than Mitchell did.

  When I walk into my room, I hear my phone buzz. I pick it up and see there’s a voicemail waiting for me. I dial three, two, one and listen. It’s from Mitchell.

  “Hi, Cass. I just wanted to call and see if you were okay. I miss you so much, and I need you back here with me. Maybe we can work things out? You won’t know unless you try. Can’t we go back to how we were at the beginning of our relationship? I want to turn back the clock six months to when the problems started. I hope you listen to this. Call me back, babe. I love you and miss you more than anything. Okay, bye, Cass.”

  Immediately, I call Zoe.


  “Oh my, God! I had to call you. Mitchell just left a voicemail on my phone.”


  “No bullshit.”

  “What did he say in the message?”

  “He was saying that we could go back to how things used to be, and how much he misses and loves me.”

  “God, he’s grasping at straws now.”

  “Yep, he should have done something about it when I bought it up to him the first time, but he didn’t. He didn’t pay any attention until I physically left him. It’s just too late now.”

  “I thought he would have realized it by now. What are you going to do?”

  “Absolutely nothing, I’m so far past that relationship already. I did, however, spend my night making out with a very sexy guy I only met twenty minutes earlier.”

  “Holy fuck, what’s his name?”


  “What does he look like?”

  “He has rock-hard ABs, blonde hair, blue eyes and my god is he an amazing kisser. Oh, and he has the sexiest Irish accent.”

  “You’d better keep me informed, woman.”

  “I will, for sure. Anyway, enough about me. How’s Jimmy today?”

  “He’s feeling better, but his attitude sucks ass."

  “Why? What happened?”

  “He came out of the coma, and when he did, it was as if he was a different person. He's such an asshole.”

  “Are you okay? Do the doctors think he’ll be back to normal anytime soon?”

  “There was no brain damage, and they said that his personality should not have been affected. He seems bitter toward me, Annette, and the world. I’m at the point where I don’t want to come in and see him.”

  “It’s that bad?”

  “Yeah, I’m so worried. If he doesn’t stop this attitude, there is no way I can stay with him. I refuse to live my life that way.”

  “I’m so sorry, Hun.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Is he awake? Do you want me to talk to him?”

  “No, he’s asleep, thank fuck. If he’s awake the next time you call, I will put you on with him. I’ve seen you beat him down before for his attitude. One can only hope that you’re successful again.”

  “No problem, Zoe. Okay, I’d better go.”

  “Talk soon, Hun. Bye.”

  “Bye, Hun.”

  The next day, I have lunch with the family. Carol is the first to prod and poke me for information. “So Cassie, what did you get up to last night? We saw you’d disappeared for a while and then I noticed that young Tristan had also disappeared. Was it just a coincidence?” She wriggles her eyebrows.

  I shake my head. “Did you notice that I was gone, or did my father tell you he saw me walk back in with Tristan?” I ask in return as I look over at my dad.

  When he winks at me, I get my answer. “Yes, well, that could have happened.” Carol smiles.

  “Fine. I went for a walk with Tristan. He took me out to the house you have at the back of the property.” They all begin making kissy noises. “Yes, I did kiss him, but that was all I did.” I point my finger at them in warning. “And we talked, for hours. I swear to God, that’s all we did.” I hold my hands up in defense.

  Carol chuckles, “He’s a very nice boy that Tristan. He’s just coming out of a rough patch. But I know he’d defiantly make a great husband to someone that names start with C.”

  “That he would,” George agrees.

  “We don’t have any plans to see each other again, so don’t all go getting your hopes up.” I take a sip of my coffee.

  Carol snickers again. “Tristan’s a very honorable young man, now. If you do by chance start to date him, just know that when he loves, he loves with all of his being. He’s had his heart broken a couple of times, and it did take him a little while to get over it. Just make sure that if you don’t think you can be with him, try and let him down easy,” Carol says as she pats my hand.

  I shake my head. “Personally, I think this conversation is a little bit premature, considering I met him only sixteen hours ago. We've made no plans to see each other again, and all I did was kiss him and talk. But, I will promise you now that if by any chance we do hit it off, I will not break his heart.” I cross my heart with my finger and give her the scout’s honor salute.

  “Good girl.” She nods.

  Over the next few days, and to my aunt’s joy, I did end up spending quite a lot of time with Tristan. He took me out to see the sights, and we spent hours just talking. I kept in mind the warning Carol had given me, but I already know that there could be an amazing relationship between Tristan and me. It’s only early days, but there's something about him. Something that says we are right for each other.

  Sunday afternoon, Tristan showed up at the house and told me he wanted to spend time with me, to get to know me. When he wasn’t at University, he’d come over to the house. On a few occasions, I wanted him to have all of me, but at the same time, I didn’t want to be with him in such an intimate way for the first time in my family’s home.

  That Friday, Tristan takes me to the local pub for dinner, and while waiting for our meals, he takes my hand in his causing me to look up. “What is it?” I ask.

  “Please don’t take what I am about to ask you the wrong way.”

  “Okay,” I answer honestly.

  “I want you to spend tonight with me.” He then lets go of my hand to holds it up in defense. “We don’t have to do anything, that’s not why I’m asking. It’s just that my parents arrive home from Paris tomorrow night, and I figure that this is my only chance to hold you while we sleep.” He smiles and my stomach flutters.

  I don’t even have to think it over before I say, “I’d love to.”

  “For real?” his eyes grow wide with disbelief.

  “For real,” I assure him.

  He leans over the table and kisses me, a kiss that is way too brief. I want to gather his shirt in my hand and use it to pull his lips back to mine, but I manage to settle my hormones. Well, I do until I realize I’ll be sleeping with him tonight. No way am I going to waste my time when we get back to his house.

  When we leave the pub, I tell Tristan I’ll have to go past the house first so I can grab a few things and, of course, to check on my dad.

  We decide to walk home after we’d eaten because the night is so gorgeous. I hold Tristan’s hand, and we stop a few times along the way to kiss, and I was lost within him. In my opinion, the night was already beautiful, but the thought of being able to have him hold me in bed makes it perfect.

  When we arrive back at the house, I walk through to find that my father is in the living room reading the paper. “Hey, Dad,” I say as I approach.

  “Hi, love.” He looks up at us. “Hey, Tristan.”

  “Hi, Patrick.” Tristan walks over to my father and shakes his hand in greeting.

  “Dad,” I interrupt. “If you’re feeling okay, I’m going to stay at Tristan’s for the night. But only if you're well enough?” I give him a stern look telling him how much shit he’ll be in if he doesn’t call me if he needs me or if he tells me he’s feeling well when he isn’t.

  “I'm all right, love.” He looks over at Tristan. “Parents are coming back tomorrow?”

  “Yep.” He nods in agreement.

  “Well played.” Dad laughs.

  I look up, and I can see that Tristan’s face is turning red. Dad stands, walks over to him, and places his hand on his shoulder. “Mate, I’m just fucking with you. Don’t stress yourself.” I see the red fade, and I can’t help but laugh.

  Dad then turns to me. “By the way, love. Court called while you were out. She wants you to call her back.”

  “Okay. I’ll give her a quick buzz before I leave.” I look over at Tristan. “Will you be okay down here while I call my sister?”

  “Don’t worry, lad. You'll be safe with me,” Dad answers for him.

  Tristan nods and smiles, and I move my attention to my father. “You.” I point at my dad. “Behave.” I ignore the devilish smile that’s creeping across his features, and I go up to my room and dial Courtney’s number.


  “Hey, Court. Dad said you wanted to talk to me?”

  “Hey, Cass. I only wanted to talk to you because I haven’t heard from you. Every time I speak to Dad, he says you’re out. God, anyone would think you had a boyfriend.” I stay silent, not knowing how actually to answer. “Oh my God, Cass! Are you serious? Are you already over Mitchell?” I can’t help the smile that is growing knowing my little sister is talking to our dad. Any other time she’s accidentally picked up my phone without looking at the caller ID, she’d hang up on him the second she’d hear his voice. This is an improvement.


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