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The Beginning

Page 37

by Teigen Harper

  “The cops are here for her.” He extends his chin in my mother’s direction.

  “Tell them they can have her.” I don’t even glance back. She begins screaming nonsense as I walk away, but I don’t let myself take in the words she’s saying. I just continue to walk away, at least, I try to, but two very large officers in uniform come to a halt in front of me.

  “We’re sorry you’ve had your day interrupted,” one of the male officers says as he shakes my hand.

  “Thank you. I have a no-contact order in place, and she has broken it. Do you need me to retrieve the paperwork?” I ask, hoping they say no. I don’t want to be wasting my wedding day dealing with paperwork. I want to be with my husband and family.

  The officer shakes his head. “No, I can pull the file up. But I do have to ask if you’ll be pressing charges against the woman? Is she known to you?”

  My head nods. “She’s my mother,” I whisper in shame. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought it would come to this. To a point where the police would need to be present at my wedding. “I don’t know if I want to yet. I’ll have a chat with my lawyer tomorrow and ask his advice, but for now, I just want her gone.”

  In my peripheral vision, I see a figure darting toward us, so I turn my head. “Courtney,” I call.

  I race over and intercept her, taking her in my arms, and she looks up at me. “Can you explain to me why the hell George is trying to distract me? He sucks at subtlety. He kept telling me we should wait in the tent.” She then turns her head, and I feel her body stiffen against mine.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” She seethes but doesn’t turn away.

  I keep a tight grip on Courtney. “Don’t worry. The police are here to deal with her.” I pat her head. I know Courtney still loves Rose, but the fact is, Rose was and still is a shit mother.

  I turn my attention to the officers and ask, “Is it okay if I leave? She doesn’t need to see this.” I point my chin in Rose’s direction.

  The officer I'd spoken to when they first arrived, answered, “Of course. I hope you can put this behind you and enjoy the rest of your special day. He tips his hat then walks off in my mother’s direction. I don’t want to have to look at her for one moment longer. I keep Courtney close and lead her in the opposite direction, taking her through to the kitchen, where George and my Aunt Gabby are waiting at the table. Courtney takes the seat beside George, and I take the one beside Gabby. “Are you girls okay?” he asks as Gabby pulls me into her arms, George does the same for Courtney.

  “I will be. I’m shocked that she showed up.” She shrugs.

  I cross my arms on the table in front of me and rest my head on them. I can’t believe how drained I feel and there's still a freaking reception to stay awake through. I need coffee. I lift my head, but before I go to stand, I see Tristan pop the kettle on. When he turns to look at me, I smile, because his smile is all I need to gain back the confidence to continue through the night.

  “Everything will be okay when she’s off the property.” I try to hold back my yawn, but it escapes anyway.

  “Will you be okay for the reception?” Gabby asks as she rubs my back with her hand.

  I’m still holding Tristan’s gaze when I say, “I’ll be fine. I’ll drink the coffee that my wonderful husband.” His smile is wide with pride. “Is making me, and I’ll be good to go.” I yawn again.

  Gabby removes her hand from my back, and tugs at my arm. I turn in my seat, and she envelops me in her arms, my head resting on her shoulder. “I’m so happy for you, Cassie. I’m going to make sure the rest of the day is amazing,” she whisper’s in my ear.

  At that moment Hamish and Will walk through the back door. “Is she gone?” I ask, hoping to hell she’d left in the back of the cop car.

  The boys take their seats on the stools at the bench. “Yep, the cops just drove away with her in the back. I took photos for a laugh.” Haim chuckles.

  “I always knew she wasn’t right in the head, but this takes it to another level,” Will says as he shakes his head in disbelief.

  Tristan places a coffee mug in front of me and lowers himself into the empty seat beside me. “Thanks, baby.” I lean in and kiss him. “I’m sorry my mother showed up,” I apologize. I pick up the mug and take a long sip. As soon as I've placed it back down on the table, I lean into him and rest my head in the nook in the nook of his neck.

  He drapes his arm over my shoulders and pulls me so I’m pressed against him. “You have nothing to be sorry about, Cass. It wasn’t your fault,” he whispers as he drops a kiss on the top of my head.

  We managed to enjoy the rest of the evening, and not one person mentioned the incident with my mother. Tristan and I didn’t crawl into bed until around four AM, and I fell asleep wrapped up in my husband’s arms.

  Later the next day, I was the first to rise.

  Quietly, I head straight for the kettle and flick it on. While I wait, I think back to the reception. In the end, Courtney was the life of the party, and Zoe was absolutely blotto. She was so drunk it took both Tristan and me to get her into bed.

  With my coffee now in hand, I walk to Courtney’s room and pop my head in, but the moment I see Zoe, I pull my head out and try to stop the laughter that is threatening to escape, because if I don’t, I know I'll be snorting coffee all over the walls and floors.

  Zoe is laying on top of Courtney and is still in her bridesmaid dress. Her face is smeared with black eyeliner and mascara.

  I tiptoe back out into the hallway and pick up my phone. Then I duck my head through the door and snap a photo of them. The second Zoe leaves to go home, this baby is going to go up on Facebook. I may even make it my profile picture.

  Most of the guests had left by the afternoon, the only ones remaining were our family members. Hamish managed to come back to the house after his night of dirty sex in the hotel, and I got to properly meet and talk to his girlfriend, Chloe.

  Immediately I knew she would fit into our group. She’s funny and laid back, and I want to have them come and visit again, soon.

  Because I’m still feeling a little worse for wear, Tristan, bless his heart, called in a caterer so I had zero to stress over when it came to feeding everyone. I’d hate to know how much money he bribed them to come running out to the house because it was so last minute.

  While I sit back and read a book in one of the patio chairs, a shadow emerges over me, so I look up to see that it's George. “Is it okay if I sit with you?” he asks.

  I place my book on the table beside me and swing my legs over to the ground, giving him some room. “Of course,” I say as I pat the space beside me.

  He takes the seat and rubs his hands together. He only does when he’s nervous or anxious about something. “I just wanted to check in and see that you're okay, Cass. I know that after Rose had crashed your wedding, you were frazzled, and I also know you did an amazing job not letting the worry get to you. But what about today? How are you coping today?”

  I look up at him and smile. “I’m okay, George. I’ve never expected that woman to act any different.” I shrug. My mother has never respected boundaries, and she's so self-absorbed, that she probably thought the cops would have taken her side on the matter. “I can honestly say that her showing up yesterday, is the last thing on my mind. I don’t want to dwell on the past for one more minute because I know Courtney and I have a bright future ahead of us.” I simply shrug. Every word is true. I’m not going to let one person define who I am.

  Yesterday, I married the man I love. I have custody of my sister, and my dead father still pops in to see me when I need him most. What more could a girl ask for?

  George has always known what kind of woman Rose is, and I know he was thrilled when dad left her, but at the same time, he was upset that Courtney and I had to stay behind. “You and Tristan are going to be amazing parents, one day. With the love you two share, I know the children you have together, will want for nothing.” He pauses for a moment before
continuing, “Are there any plans to extend your family anytime soon?”

  I shake my head. “We haven’t discussed the when part, but we do know we want kids. I told Tristan I'd like to build a bigger house on the property first. That and the fact that I think he would freak out if it were to happen soon.” I then look up at my father’s small house. “I think this place is a bit too small for a growing family.”

  He nods again. “Good thinking. I know your dad wanted to extend further so both of you girls had your own rooms, but life got in the way.” George drapes his arm across my shoulder and kisses the top of my head. “He loved you, girls, very much. I hope you know that?” I can hear the raw emotion in his voice. He was very close with my father when they were growing up in Ireland. George misses him, too.

  “I know he did. I also know he loved you as a brother and that he’s grateful to you for being there for Courtney and me.” I lean in to his embrace. “You have gone above and beyond when it comes to us. We are so lucky to have you in our lives.”

  A few weeks after the wedding, it was time for Tristan and me to head over to Ireland, so we could pack up his belongings and have them sent here.

  Courtney was out of school for the holidays and had already decided she wasn’t keen to make the long journey overseas, so she flew to Melbourne a couple of days ago and is staying with Uncle Will and Aunt Gabby until we get back. I just hope she doesn’t run into our mother during her stay.

  While Tristan is in town, I stayed behind and began packing our suitcases when dad popped in to see me. “Hey, love.” I jump back from the bed, I hate it when he doesn’t give any kind of warning before scaring the shit out of me.

  “Hi, dad.” I shake my head. “We seriously need to find a better way for you to announce your arrival so I don’t have a fucking heart attack.” I glare at him.

  He shrugs and takes a seat on the bed. “You say that every time. I kind of like the reaction you give when you don’t know I’m coming.” He begins to laugh.

  I continue to pack the suitcase as we talk. “Is there a reason why you’ve randomly popped in to see me, dad?” I ask.

  “Not really. Believe it or not, I was getting sick of stalking hot, naked women, which is the best thing about being dead, just FYI.” He then lays back on the bed, his hands behind his head, he looks at me, and smiles.

  I roll my eyes dramatically. “Good to know. So there’s no reason for this pop-in? Normally you come to me when you have juicy.” I laugh.

  “Nope, no purpose. I would have thought you'd spend your days staring out the window wondering, ‘When will my father be back? Why hasn’t he visited me?’” he whispers, and the asshole is now sitting up with his fists balled under his chin, trying to look as if he's an innocent child.

  I throw the shirt I’m holding in his face, but all I receive in return is laughter. “Don’t get me wrong, Dad, I miss you and all, but you will never find me pining. I don’t do pining. That's for girly girls, and we both know I never have been one of those chicks.”

  “I know you don’t. I just popped in to see how the new wifey was doing. You good?” he asks while throwing the shirt back to me so that I can fold and pack it.

  “I knew you were here for a reason, but I’m good. Tired, but good,” I assure him.

  “A bit too much hanky panky, hey?” He wriggles his eyebrows. I always knew my father had an inappropriate sense of humor, but saying it to me is just gross.

  “You.” I point my finger at him. “Are disgusting. Anyway, I think it’s been a long few months, and I just need to fit in a couple of naps when we get back from Ireland. I’ve booked a doctor’s appointment for this afternoon, I’ve been feeling like shit, and I need a few prescriptions for my migraines before we leave in the morning.”

  “Good girl. Will you be staying with Karan and Brendan when you’re there?” he asks while concentrating on the view outside the window. I can’t blame him, the view from our room is beautiful. All you can see is a field of wild daffodils, his mother, my grandmother’s, favorite flower.

  “No, I think we’ll be staying at the cottage.” Before leaving Australia, Brendan and Karan gave us a gift I never expected. They’d brought us a cottage placed on ten acres of land just outside Belfast. Of course, I cried like a baby when they told me what they’d done. I’ve never met such kind, genuine people before, other than the family members I’m close to.

  “Shit,” dad says, “Tristan’s back. I’ll see you later, love.”

  “Bye, Dad,” I whisper as he disappears.

  Tristan enters the room as I close the bags. “Hey baby, do you need any help?” He leans in and kisses me.

  I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him to me. “No, I think we’re good to go."

  “Great. Now, I know you said no before, but are you sure you’re alright to go to the doctor by yourself? I can postpone the video conference for later today. It’s no trouble.” He envelops me in his arms, where I always feel safe. Tristan is my home.

  I shake my head. “No, I’m only getting a check-up and my prescriptions filled before we leave tomorrow. Is there anything you want me to pick up while I’m out?” I look up at his beautiful face and smile.

  He leans in and presses his lips to mine, then backs up an inch so our noses are touching. “I’m good. I’d better set up the laptop. I love you, baby girl.” He kisses me again.

  “I love you, too,” I whisper.

  When the doctor calls my name, I enter a small room and take the seat that is opposite the desk. I’m always trying to stop myself from laughing when I watch my doctor walk. He’s a spitting image of Danny Devito when he played the penguin in Batman. He has a long nose, short stature, and he waddles like a freaking duck.

  As soon as he's waddled to his desk and taken his seat, he looks up at me. “It’s nice to see you, Cassandra. It’s been some time since you were last in. So, what can I help you with today?”

  I adjust my posture and begin. “Well, I have to travel to Ireland tomorrow, and I was hoping to get a prescription for the migraine tablets. With everything that’s been going on, I’ve been needing to take them more often. I don’t want to be stuck on the other side of the world with a migraine and unable to get what I need for it,” I explain.

  He nods. “No, you don’t want to be trapped with a migraine in a foreign country. I’ll print out a script, and if it is okay with you, I would like to do a blood test, just to check your iron levels. Low iron can cause migraines.”

  I’m not the biggest fan of needles, but because I haven’t had a check-up in some time now, I guess I should. It’s as they say, ‘It’s better to be safe than sorry.’ “No problem, doc.”

  I wait for Doctor Lessop to print off the prescription and write it on the request sheet for the nurse to take my blood. When he hands the papers over, he adds, “You might want to pick up a bottle of magnesium. It may help keep the migraines at bay. Oh, and drink plenty of water, it will also help keep you hydrated. If you aren’t properly hydrated, it can also cause migraines.” He gives me a reassuring smile.

  “Thanks, doc. I’ll pick up some magnesium while I’m getting the prescription filled.”

  Once the nurse has taken my blood, I make my way over to the drug store for my prescriptions, and then I head home.

  As I pull up to the house, I see that Tristan is outside with his shirt off cleaning the archway that leads to the front door. I stay in the car for a moment longer than needed, just so I can enjoy the view of his toned, bronzed body. ‘Fuck, I’m so lucky to have such a hot husband.’ I think.

  Finally, I grab my handbag and hop out of the car. Tristan turns to face me as I approach. “Hey, baby girl. How did you go at the doctor's?” He drops the brush he was holding and wraps me up in his arms.

  “It was okay. He gave me the tablets for the migraines and took some blood.” I cringe.

  Tristan laughs. “Why did he take blood?” he asks while leaning down to kiss me.

  I close my eyes as he
continues to kiss down my cheek. “Just a general check-up before we go away.” My voice is now a mere whisper.

  “Um-hmm.” He keeps kissing me. “You know,” he trails off.

  “Are you going to finish your sentence?” I ask as I close my eyes and slip my fingers through the belt loops of his jeans.

  “We live on a hundred and twenty acres. And, we’re alone.” I’m wearing a very low-cut dress, and he’s taking full advantage of it, his lips moving further down.

  With his face now buried in my cleavage, I coax Tristan and move toward the chair until the backs of his knees are against the metal. It takes me just a few seconds to have his buttons undone, and his pants shoved down along with my panties. He pulls me with him as he lowers into the chair, my legs on either side of his thighs straddling him.

  When I feel his hardness rub against me, a moan escapes. I cup both hands around his neck, guiding his mouth to mine. I feel a hand move to my stomach, his hands gather the light material of my dress, and before I can even think about what the hell he's doing, my dress is ripped open, and buttons are scattered across the ground.

  I deepen the kiss. Tristan isn’t a prude, not by far, but I love the side of him that's free to do as he likes. He pulls my bra down so my breasts are exposed, and he begins playing with my hardened nipples, my hips start moving and rubbing against him. I want him. I need him.

  His mouth leaves mine, and he begins kissing along my neck and collarbone. My head falls back so he can cover more of my skin with his soft, warm lips. “Fuck, I love you,” he whispers right before his tongue licks my hardened nipple, and my chest heaves.

  My gaze moves to him, and I watch as he works my body. “I love you, too,” I pant as I unintentionally press my breasts further into him.

  I reach down, take him in my hand and begin to tease the tip with my fingers, and I feel his hips move as he groans, he wants more. I’m throbbing for him, and I want him inside me, so I lift my hips and slowly lower myself over him, my breath now held as I take all of him in.


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