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Supers 2

Page 6

by Patrick Stewart

  Michelle closed the distance between herself and Jocelyn within a second. Her shield came down. Her fists came up. Both blazing blue, she slammed them into Jocelyn’s stomach. The sessions in the gym using the boxing bag had really paid off.

  She didn’t know why it was a surprise, but she was surprised nonetheless at how much she had improved by training. Her fists were blue blurs as they hammered away at Jocelyn, striking her stomach, her breasts, even her cunt a couple of times.

  And when she stepped back, Jocelyn was speechless. She stared with wide eyes. And then, she collapsed onto the ground.

  Michelle didn’t rush over to help the girl. She was a Super. She would recover soon enough. When she did, if experience had taught her anything, it was to prepare her for round two. Supers became stronger the more they fought.

  But when Jocelyn did recover, she didn’t jump to her feet. She crawled on her bottom towards the wall, where she rested with her back against it. She looked tired, her sliced off arm suddenly looking very much like a disability.

  “Not bad,” Jocelyn said. “But you still don’t have it in you. You know what Carnage or Trident would have done to a Super that refused them, one that they’d just pummelled into the ground? They wouldn’t have waited for me to recover, that’s for sure,” she scoffed.

  She was right, and Michelle knew it.

  It wasn’t just Carnage and Trident. Those two weren’t particularly evil for Supers. They were the norm in this new world. Had the roles been reversed right now, had Jocelyn won this little duel, Michelle would have been in serious trouble.

  Jocelyn wouldn’t have let her rest and recover. She would have pressed her advantage and tried to humble her.

  “If that’s what it takes,” Michelle muttered.

  Her hands still blazing blue, she stormed up to Jocelyn and grabbed her by the neckline. Picking her up onto her feet, she threw her towards the bed. Jocelyn crashed into the headboard before dropping onto the mattress.

  Michelle leapt onto the bed and sat on top of Jocelyn, pressing her weight on the Super, she pulled at the dress. The heat from her blue hands aided her in tearing through the cloth, and soon, she had torn the dress off Jocelyn, the bed covered in little scraps of partially burnt red.

  Still sitting on top of Jocelyn, Michelle paused, her hand resting on the Super’s chest, on her bra. She meant to rip it off in a show of force, of cruelty. The problem was, it wasn’t in her to essentially sexually assault a girl, no matter how much that girl might have deserved it.

  “What’s the matter?” Jocelyn asked, grinning.

  Her hands were free, and she could have struck Michelle with those spikes of hers. But she didn’t. Instead, she lay back on the bed, relaxed, comfortable, confident.

  “You don’t think I have it in me,” Michelle said.

  “I know you don’t.”

  “You don’t know anything about me.”

  Jocelyn’s lips curled into a smile. “Go on, surprise me you little slut.”

  There it was again, the name calling. She knew why Jocelyn did it. In her head, she was still the dominate. And Jocelyn had dominated her before, done it against her will, knew she had enjoyed some aspect of it. It was hard to hide your pleasure, to show dissatisfaction when your pussy dripped.

  It was black and white in Jocelyn’s head. There were dominates and submissives and they fitted perfectly into little boxes.

  But that wasn’t always the case. Michelle might have enjoyed being dominated sexually, but that didn’t mean she was a walkover in every other aspect of her life.

  “Mayor Carcass is dead because of me,” she whispered.

  The smile instantly left Jocelyn’s face. “Bullshit.”

  Michelle simply smiled in response. Whilst she hadn’t actually killed Mayor Carcass, that had been Lucas. He was dead because she chose to battle him.

  “How did it happen?” Jocelyn asked, her face tight, the mask of confidence slipping for the first time, her eyes showing doubt.

  Michelle told her a version of what had happened, how she and Lucas had escaped from the collapsed building, and from there on, how they had rescued the girls from the Red Heads, how they came up against a Super that was insanely powerful, after having touched a green crystal. They defeated the Super, or more, he defeated himself by disintegrating.

  She told how they lured Martha and Mayor Carcass to the building site, along with the leader of the Red Heads. She rushed the next part of the story, explaining that it was necessary for the Red Heads to see their leader being killed by the Super Mayor Carcass. Once that had happened, together, Lucas and her, they defeated Martha and Mayor Carcass.

  When she was done, Jocelyn, who lay on the bed wearing nothing but her sheer bra through which her nipples could be seen, and matching panties, was completely still, her breasts no longer rising and falling steadily as they had been.

  She stared with eyes wide, face pale.

  Finally, she spoke. “Lucas, the Normie that ruined my arm, he’s a Super now?”

  “Yes,” Michelle replied, her guard up in case Jocelyn tried anything.

  Jocelyn swallowed, and Michelle thought she spotted fear in the girl’s eyes. “A green crystal that made him powerful enough to defeat Mayor Carcass,” she mumbled, a distant look in her eyes.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “He’s going to be unstoppable, isn’t he?”

  “Sure,” Michelle replied, non-committal.

  “What?” Jocelyn asked.


  “You said, sure. Is there something wrong with him?” Jocelyn asked.

  Michelle should have replied instantly, but she hesitated. And that hesitation was enough for Jocelyn, whose lips twitched before breaking out into a smile. “What’s wrong with the fucker?”

  Michelle frowned. From fearing him, to calling him a fucker in a matter of seconds? Jocelyn was thinking of revenge. It made her wonder how loyal the Super would be even if she did decide to support her cause. She would have to constantly keep an eye out on her.

  “Lucas doesn’t want to be Mayor, I do,” she said firmly.

  “Yeah, but with a guy like that behind you, you’d be unstoppable. Unless there is something wrong with him?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with him,” Michelle insisted.

  “Prove it. I want to meet him.”

  “You’re not in a position to negotiate!” Michelle said, and as if to prove her point, she reached down and grabbed Jocelyn’s nipples, both visible through the sheer bra, and squeezed them.

  “Ow,” Jocelyn said, her voice monotone. “That hurt,” she continued in the same vein.

  Frowning, Michelle squeezed them harder, flattening the perky little mounds between her fingers and thumbs. She watched Jocelyn’s face, looking for the slightest movement, any hint to show the pain she must surely have been feeling.

  But Jocelyn continued to stare, her face unreadable.

  Michelle had two options now. She could push forward with her threat, with her show of force. She had Jocelyn down, she was stronger than the Super. There was nothing to stop her from beating the girl into submission, stripping her naked, humiliating her much like Jocelyn would have done were the roles reversed.

  She could own the girl, as Supers owned Normies.

  But did she have it in her to do that?

  Her other option was to relent, to let the girl meet Lucas. Would it be so bad if she did? Once she knows Michelle is telling the truth, that Lucas is on her side and perfectly normal, a powerful Super, surely Jocelyn would cooperate, right?

  Her mind was leaning more towards the latter.

  Jocelyn struck her as the opportunist type, taking advantage of her when she had arrived at the town as a newbie. It would make sense for her to help them create a team of Supers to rule the town considering she hadn’t joined Carnage or Trident’s groups.

  Michelle stared down at Jocelyn’s body. Resting her bottom on the girl’s stomach, she took her in, the smoo
th skin on her flat belly, the lines of her ribcages pressing against it, her circular mounds flattened somewhat by gravity, and the nipples she held in her fingers, pressed together.

  There was still a part of her that wanted to dominate Jocelyn, to take her the way she had been taken when she first arrived in Buxworth. The thought of having someone under her control like that, it excited her.

  But she decided against those feelings.

  For now, at least.

  “Fine,” she grumbled, letting go of Jocelyn’s nipples. “I’ll take you to meet Lucas.”

  Chapter 7

  Lucas wasn’t having the best of days. What was supposed to have been a simple trip to the café with Jenny had turned into something much worse. Lucas had lost his beloved BMW X5, he’d been shot in the arm and his fears that his superpowers were on the wane were confirmed too.

  His bullet wound did not heal naturally.

  It had to be patched up by Hannah.

  More than that, visiting the town had hit home the realisation of how severe the consequences of their actions were. Mayor Carcass was evil and killing him had been Lucas’s main and only purpose in life. So determined was he on revenge, not once did he consider what would happen after the Super was killed.

  The town was a fucking mess.

  Thrown into the chaos that was the battle of succession for the mayor ship was the fact that the leader of the most powerful gang in town had also died, thanks to his plan. Lucas had nothing personal against Lena, the former head of the Red Heads gang, but she took his girls, threatened their safety. He had to have her killed. And now the second and third most powerful gangs were battling it out to take over the Red Heads territory.

  Lucas was in the living room, lying on the sofa, his arm bandaged, he was supposed to be getting some rest. But it wasn’t exactly a restful atmosphere.

  All four girls were in the room with him, and Lucas could sense the tension. There was Hannah, the former lesbian who now apparently liked cock because they were a more efficient and effective type of a dildo. She sat on the carpet, her hand rested on his leg. She made occasional eye-contact with him, with the furniture, his groin even. The one thing she didn’t do, he noted, was make eye contact with Anika.


  The black beauty stood leaning against the door frame, her usually pretty and teasing face now bore a frown. She was a lot more disgruntled of late, ever since the house dynamics changed with the addition of a new girl, and of Hannah exploring her sexuality and not being fully devoted to her.

  Anika’s eyes could have burned holes into Hannah’s skull, there was that much intensity in them as she stared at the girl’s head of red hair.

  Jenny also sat on the floor, but she leaned against the wall and glared at Lucy mostly, though sometimes she frowned at the two other girls.

  Lucy sat on the sofa opposite him, her legs pressed together, her back straight, her hands resting on her lap, she had a look of formality about her. Her somewhat heaving chest betrayed the nerves she tried to hide. She stared at him, her lips pressed together but spread into a forced smile.

  Lucas couldn’t remember the last time a word had been spoken.

  That was a lie.

  He could remember.

  It was only about ten minutes ago, when Hannah had finished patching him up, she’d asked how he felt.

  Fine, Lucas had replied at the time.

  He decided, what with ten minutes gone, maybe the girls had forgotten, so he muttered in repeat, “You don’t need to stand around me. I’m fine.”

  “I uh, I don’t really know where to go,” Lucy said, smiling nervously.

  That was right. She didn’t. “Anyone want to show Lucy around?”

  “Where is she going to sleep?” Jenny asked, her glare now resigned to a frown.

  “She can have my room,” Lucas said. “I’ll crash on the couch,” he added. “Seeing as I’m already here.”

  Anika raised a hand. “I’ll show her around,” she said, her eyes still on Hannah, the redhead turned to look back, their eyes finally meeting, Anika’s frown deepened. She looked away, turning to Lucy, she held her hand out. “Come on, lets get you settled in.”

  Lucy climbed to her feet, her eyes on Anika’s extended hand, she took it, their fingers brushed gingerly. Hannah watched them, and Lucas thought he felt her stiffen as the two girls left. When they were gone, Hannah turned to face him.

  “How’s your arm?”

  Lucas pressed against the bandage beneath which rested the wound. It didn’t hurt. He pressed harder. Again, he didn’t feel anything different. It felt like it would if he were pressing his healthy arm.

  “I think it’s better,” Lucas muttered. He slammed his fist down on it with some force. “Like, properly better.”

  He grabbed at the knot of the bandage and pulled. Hannah helped him unwrap the strip. Once it came off, and his skin beneath was revealed, Lucas stared in astonishment. It had completely healed. Not even a scratch or slight bruising.

  “Why are you so surprised?” Jenny asked as she came to join Hannah on the floor. “You’re a Super now. That’s what happens when you get shot, your body heals.”

  She didn’t sound very happy when the words left her mouth, and Lucas imagined she was still annoyed about something. She did have a point though. He was a Super, and Supers healed naturally from bullet wounds.

  But this was different. His skin only began to heal after Hannah removed the bullet. That wasn’t the norm for Supers. The bullets usually fell out for the Supers that transformed after having touched the blue crystals. But that was the difference, wasn’t it?

  He had touched a green crystal. One that had devoured the Normie that had touched it before him. Lucas supposed he should be grateful he was still alive. The green crystal was different. It hadn’t killed him, nor had it briefly given him amazing superpowers.

  He felt his face for the cuts the broken glass had left. The skin was smooth.

  “That’s properly healed too,” Lucas said, now sitting up.

  “No shit,” Hannah muttered, climbing to her feet too. “You’re a Super. Of course you’re fine. It seems one of your superpowers is a penchant for being dramatic.”

  She climbed to her feet and frowning at him, she walked out the door and headed up the stairs. It was just him and Jenny now. She stared at him too, wearing a similar frown on her face.

  “What?” Lucas asked.


  “Come on, its clearly not nothing. What is it?”

  “It’s you, okay,” Jenny muttered. “When I came to you for help, you basically told me to fuck off. But now, Lucy doesn’t even ask, and you volunteer to let her stay here? What does she have that I don’t?”

  “It was different,” Lucas said.

  “How was it different?”

  Because I know Lucy, because I eat in her café almost every day, because I saw her place of work be damaged, Lucas thought.

  He hadn’t known Jenny at all. He saved her from a Super and then she ambushed him, offered herself over as a slave, before stripping naked to show her goods. If she hadn’t been insanely hot, Lucas would probably have turned and fled, assuming she was batshit crazy.

  But he didn’t say any of that. Instead, he stared at her stupidly.

  “What?” Jenny asked, now folding her arms in front of her chest, her lips curled.

  “Where the fuck is all of this coming from?” he mumbled.

  It was the wrong thing to say.

  Jenny’s eyes widened. “I just told you where all of this came from. You weren’t listening?”

  Lucas was listening. He’d just framed his question horribly. “I meant, we had a good talk in the café, right? We both agreed it doesn’t matter why we desire each other, the fact is, we both do desire each other as consulting adults. So we will do something about it. And that’s that right?”


  “When what?”

  “When are we going to do something ab
out it?”

  “I- I can’t give you a time,” Lucas said, feeling a little flustered.

  “Tonight,” Jenny said, undeterred.

  Lucas stared at Jenny and the pout that bore across her lips. This was not the same girl that had been quiet and meek during her stay in his house, not even the same girl he had conversed with earlier today in the café.

  Something had changed in her.

  Looking her in the eyes, he could see the desire. And he felt it too. God knows he felt it. Living in a house with a perpetually angry somewhat confused lesbian, her now suddenly jealous bisexual girlfriend, he wasn’t getting much action.

  Jenny was his slave. She belonged to him, mind and body, thanks to Vengeance’s serum. The desire they both felt might not have been completely organic, but it didn’t matter, did it? He wanted her, she wanted him. Tonight, apparently.

  “Fine,” he said. “Tonight.”

  The annoyance disappeared from Jenny’s features as she smiled. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his. Lucas breathed her in, the smell of a summery blossoming flower garden, her lips were soft.

  “Thank you,” she said softly, as their lips parted.

  * * *

  Later that day, Lucas was feeling much better. All of his injuries had healed completely. He felt good once more. No, he felt great. Strong, fast, powerful. It was like the green crystal his body had absorbed was taking regular breaks to recharge. During those breaks, his body would begin to feel like he was slowly losing his powers. But then, the battery would be charged, and he would feel fantastic again.

  Was that how it was for the Supers that had touched the blue crystal? Did they go through periods of incredible power, before feeling the sap?

  It didn’t seem the case in his experience. Supers always seemed ready to go. There was never a case where a Super needed to have bullets removed from their body and be bandaged only to then recover remarkably quickly, as had happened to him.


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