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Wanted by the Fae: A Fated Mates Romantic Fantasy: Magic Bound Book 2 (Magic Bound Series)

Page 15

by Allie Santos

  “I was finding my way to my sister. It took me a while, but I got there eventually, okay?” I looked away from him. “How have you been?” I changed the subject and reached my hand out to touch his shoulder in an old habit. I allowed myself the touch. He was familiar. He was someone I used to feel safe with. Someone I had cared for. He’d betrayed me, but the betrayal seemed so small in the grand scheme of things. Or maybe because I had never cared about him the way I cared for Roark.

  “That’s it? You’re giving me nothing else?”

  I smiled and shook my head, making myself dizzy. He sighed and rested his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. The exasperated movement reminded me of Roark. I smiled at the memory, and desire rose in me. I could picture Roark in the car with me. As if it were a real date. A date where we were normal, and he treated me right.

  I let myself be sucked into the fantasy as I closed my eyes, leaned forward, and kissed his exposed neck. Nibbled it. His groan sent a shot of pleasure down to my core, and I grabbed his shoulders and easily pulled myself over the center console to straddled him. Slamming my mouth down on his, I rubbed against him, feeling his hardness beneath the rough material of his jeans.

  A hand went up and fondled my breast, and I giggled. “I’m so sorry, Rae. I need to be with you.”

  Those words were similar to what he’d said to me earlier, but it didn’t have the same deep intonation Roark’s had. The sound of it grounded me, and I leaned away to look at him. Right, this was Jeff.

  “You’re not him.” I was floating. Jeff’s confused face multiplied in my vision, and I giggled.

  “I should get you sobered up. I’ll take you to our apartment. Your sister is working the late shift tonight, she should be getting home in an hour or so.” When I tensed and narrowed my eyes at him, he threw his hands up in the little space we had. “Not like that. I gave her the extra room. I don’t charge her rent. I’m just helping her get on her feet like you asked.”

  I softened toward him. Jeff had gone the extra mile for me.

  As I started to move off him, a large screech invaded, and the driver’s side door was yanked off.

  I gasped, ready to spring into Fae action and kick butt since I had superpowers. That thought made me giggle again. I fisted my hands as I looked up at the intruder. Roark stared down at me, fury on his clean-shaven face.

  He was no longer covered in dirt. My mouth dropped. This was the first time I’d seen him in human clothing. He wore a black wool coat that reached his thighs. The material stretched over his wide shoulders, and the lapels flared out to expose the dark shirt underneath. His beautiful hair looked soft to the touch and brushed over the tip of his ears, hiding their points. He looked badass—and hot.

  Roark’s multicolored lavender eyes glared into the car and sadness leaked into my gut. Was he mad? I looked closer and realized he wasn’t looking at me. There was death written in his eyes, and it was all directed at Jeff.

  “Roark,” I exclaimed happily. That must have surprised him enough to snap out of it because his eyes shot to me with confusion. “Hey?” I drew the middle letter out, elongating the sound flirtatiously. I waved from my spot on top of Jeff. “This is Jeff. Jeff, this is Roark.”

  This was so good, such a happy thing. The two traitors were meeting. The two men in my life who hadn’t chosen me.

  I didn’t realize I said that out loud until two pairs of eyes settled on me.

  “What the hell is going on, Rae?” Jeff asked, and the hands on my arms squeezed.

  “Roark is here,” I repeated, flustered.

  “How did he yank a door off my car?” Jeff asked, fear in his voice.

  “No need to fear, Jeff. You are okie dokie.”

  “What did you do to her, Jeff?” Roark sneered.


  I wiggled a little on top of Jeff, and a groan escaped him.

  Roark hissed, and suddenly, I felt hands around my waist. Large rough hands I would recognize everywhere. Then the world whizzed by me.


  I threw my hands in the air, enjoying the ride. It was so fun. The wind brushed my face. It felt way better than when he used to run with me when I was fully human.

  “Where are we going?” I yelled with some effort over the whirling wind. I was surprised I could talk and didn’t have the air whooshed out of my lungs. Progress.

  He said nothing, just squeezed me tighter, and I rolled my eyes, relaxing my body. Roark felt so great. He used to feel a little cold to the touch, but now he was warm. I sighed and dropped my head in the crook of his neck and inhaled. I felt him tense and pick up his pace.

  As he ran, I closed my eyes and concentrated on memorizing how he smelled. I was going to live without the delicious scent, so I wanted to file it in my memory bank to pull out when I was feeling particularly depressive.

  Not long after, he finally came to a stop. I removed my head from his neck and looked around. It was a hotel. A beautiful, sprawling, expensive hotel. I looked up with my mouth open as he adjusted me in his arms.

  The doors slid open, and Roark strode purposefully through the entrance and toward the elevator. Everyone stepped out of his determined way.

  “I got it!” I wiggled my hand at the elevator button, hinting for him to put me closer to it. He did, and I clicked it a bazillion times.

  Roark stepped away from it, shaking his head with a severe frown on his lips. The elevator doors opened, and he stepped through.

  “Twelve,” was all he said and leaned me closer to the number pad. I clicked on the twelve, then the ten, eventually dragging my hand down the entire thing, ticking as many numbers as I could before he moved me away. But the damage had been done. I giggled and looked up at him, seeing that familiar exasperated expression.

  I poke his face. “Mr. McFrown.”

  I put my finger at the edge of his mouth on the side of his scar and tilted his mouth up, forcing a smile. He looked up at the ceiling, but I hoped I didn’t imagine the light in his eyes.

  After the elevator made all of the stops, it finally came to the twelfth level, and he stepped into a beautiful penthouse. My eyes were wide as I took it all in. It was huge. I looked to the side and saw a large window looking out. I wiggled until he dropped me and ran to it.

  “Beautiful.” I gasped, awed. The city flowed with activity. Buildings were lit up and standing tall. I pressed my palm against the surface as I peered out. Waves teased the edge of the beach. I knew it was my enhanced Fae-ness that allowed me to see so far, and for once, I was glad because it allowed me to see the beauty clearly.

  Hands went around my neck and turned me. I went along with it because they were hands I knew. Hands I craved.

  I craned my neck to look into Roark’s eyes. He was so handsome. I wanted to kiss his scar. I got on my tippy-toes, dragged him down, and did exactly that. He allowed it, and a harsh shudder wracked his body. I followed the scar to his lips and let my mouth hover over his.

  In an explosion of movement, we clutched each other close, fusing together. My tongue flicked inside his mouth, and our tongues reacquainted themselves. I pulled back and nibbled on his lower lip. With a groan, he pulled away and straightened.

  “You do not want to yell at me?” he rasped.

  “Nu-uh,” I said and tried to pull him back down.

  “Something isn’t right,” he muttered, seeming frustrated when I ran my hands over his chest.

  “Yeah, you have a shirt on.” I tugged said shirt up and exposed his firm muscled belly. My lady bits paid attention, wanting more exposure of his skin.

  Instead of giving more, Roark grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back, breathing harshly. “What were you doing before I saw you?” he asked.

  I tried getting closer to him, but when he didn’t budge, I sighed and set my hands on my hips with a roll of my eyes. “Stop being a buzzkill. I just had some drinks.”

  “Drinks? Our kind cannot feel the effects of imbibing human alcohol.” His eyebrows were close toget
her. “Unless… someone gave you wolf’s bane.”

  “What’s that?”

  “A plant that affects Unnaturals. The outcome differs depending on species, but for Fae, it gives the effect of being drunk.”

  My muddled thoughts worked to process this information. “Uh-oh, who would lace my drink?”

  “Any Unnatural who wants to test if someone was Fae. Or if the owner of an establishment was Unnatural.” Roark stared over my head, retribution gleaming in his calculating eyes. “We must get you to bed. Rest will progress the effect of this much quicker.”

  He turned, but I stayed in place.

  “I don’t want to go to bed.” I stomped my foot and glared at him mulishly.

  “You must.” Eyes sparkling with exasperation, he came to my side and tugged me in the direction of the bedroom. I eyed his broad shoulders and raked my gaze down his form.

  “But I want to do naughty things with you,” I grumbled, grouchy.

  “If you continue feeling that way after this is out of your system, I’ll be more than happy to oblige, my love.”

  “Humph. Don’t call me that.” I glared ahead of me as the dark room came into focus.

  He guided me to the bed, and I plopped onto it without pulling the sheets back. He sighed and reached for the lapel of my leather jacket. I grabbed his arms and smiled up at him. “Changed your mind?”

  He gave me a warning look but didn’t answer me as he pulled my jacket off. After setting it on the edge of the bed, he knelt and slipped my shoes off. He tugged the blanket from under me until he freed it. Roark gripped my shoulder and forced me to lay as I grumbled. Pulling it up to my chin, he tucked the sides until I was a burrito. My eyes tingled with the beginning of tears. No one had ever done that for me before.

  I swallowed hard at the emotion filling my chest. I didn’t want him to go. I was so sad without him. “Don’t go.”

  He straightened and looked out the door, his throat bobbing up and down. He turned back to look at me and rubbed his forehead. He straightened his shoulders as if coming to a decision, walked to the other side of the bed, and laid down, leaving a gap between us.

  A thrill shot through me. Giving in to my desire, I scooted closer. Roark tensed, but I ignored him and laid my hand on his chest. Sliding it down, I curled my arm around his waist, my body flush against his.

  With a sigh, his body shuddered and fully relaxed as he turned and wrapped his arms around me—squeezing me to him. I cuddled closer as his hand began caressing my back in soothing circular motions.

  Half-asleep, I heard him speak softly. But the only phrase I was able to make out was, “I’ve missed you.”

  That was when my emotions won, and tears leaked out of my eyes.

  “Why did you go through with the melding?” I choked out through the tight channel of my throat.

  He stayed quiet, and my tears came faster. The hurt I’d suppressed came to the forefront, and my chest constricted. A sob built. I tried to hold it back but couldn’t. It burst out of me with countless emotions. I cried so hard that I didn’t realize Roark was lightly rocking me, holding me so tight I was sure my bones would have snapped if I were fully human.

  My sobs kept coming, and I lost sense of time and place. The pain was searing as the gentle touch imprinted itself on my soul. I wished for the strength to move away. To reject the comfort. I knew the remembered feel of his arms around me would come back to haunt me when he was officially out of my life. But I was too weak, and I curled closer, wanting to dissolve into him.

  Eventually, I reached the hiccupping stage, and I realized Roark kept repeating something.

  “Please, forgive me. Please, forgive me.”

  I blearily blinked up at him, tears still seeping out of the corner of my eyes. The last I saw before I passed out, drained of energy, were his eyes squeezed shut, his face twisted in agony. Throughout the night, he never loosened his grip.


  My eyes fluttered open, and pale blinding light speared my eyes. The damn sun. Why were my eyes swollen? I tried to reach up to rub the feeling out, but my arms wouldn’t budge. There were being held down tightly. I blinked and realized there was a heaviness on my chest. I looked down to see a head full of disheveled hair resting on my chest as if listening to my heartbeat.

  Roark. Last night. Oh, God.

  No, please God, tell me I didn’t sob all over the place. That kind of ugly sobbing hadn’t come out of me since I was a little girl.

  My heart rate must have picked up because Roark tensed. Moving my arms, I tried to unhook his hold. I was unsuccessful, but with a final squeeze, he released me and laid back, thankfully fully clothed, to stare at the ceiling.

  I surprised myself by not running out of the room. Instead, I pushed myself up against the headboard. The movement sent a pulsating sensation through my skull, and I groaned as I tilted my head against the headboard. My stomach churned and I breathed evenly through my nose.

  Roark sat up. “What is it?” His eyebrows drew down over his lavender eyes, and those same eyes roved over me. Understanding came to his face. “Wolf’s bane has an adverse effect in the following mornings.”

  “Feels like a hangover from multiple hells.” I groaned as the words sent a shot of pain through my skull again.

  He still stared at me, watching. I fidgeted nervously under his gaze—the memories of what was said last night flashing like a flipbook through my head.

  “Last night changes nothing,” I rushed to say, tripping over my words.

  Instead of looking cold or angry as I expected, he gave me a bitter half-smile. “I know.”

  Feeling awkward and a little mad at myself at the disappointment that shot through me, I unhooked the sheet from around me and swung my legs over the bed. The chill of the morning air made the hair on my arms raise. I reached for my jacket and slipped it on. The cute wedges lay upside down on the floor. I cleared my throat and slipped the shoes on despite my feet protesting.

  “Well, it was… interesting to see you. Hope we never repeat the displeasure.” I couldn’t help the last quip as I rushed out of the beautifully sun-filtered penthouse.

  It wasn’t until I was at the door that I registered Roark beside me, like a dark, menacing shadow. “Whoa, what are you doing?”

  “You’re not leaving my sight. Someone knew you were Fae last night. They might be searching for you even now. You will not go back to your friends.”

  My eyebrows went up, and I tilted my head, my fisted hands going straight to my waist. Oh, hell, no.

  Backtracking, he tugged on his ear. “I’m protecting you. Not only is Sabine trying to get to you but some Unnatural might have been testing you by lacing your drink. I would suggest you do not return to your friends if you value their lives.” The entire time he spoke, he seemed to struggle to choose words, almost pained by the process.

  As much as I wanted to stick my tongue out and turn my back on him, safety for my loved ones was the priority. My shoulders slumped. “How did they know I was Fae?”

  “Like I told you last night, it’s not unusual for Unnatural club owners to spike drinks to weed out other species. They are able to pinpoint Fae by their reaction to wolf’s bane.”

  “Will my friends be okay?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Right. No one knew how anything would affect half-breeds. They’d seemed fine when I left. Plus, Rosalind hadn’t been drinking. “I have to go back, anyway. Rian is meeting me there.”

  His jaw clenched and undulated as he ground his teeth. “I will make sure he finds you. Why did you come to the human realm?”

  “So, you don’t know everything,” I muttered. He remained impassive as he waited. “We have a lead on freeing magic.”

  I expected him to start peppering me with questions, but surprisingly, he remained closemouthed and merely shook his head slowly. “No, there is nothing here, I’ve searched for centuries. All you are doing here is tempting Unnaturals to target you. I am sure whoever drugged
you at the bar has spread the word that there are Fae in the area. You must return to Faerie. It is not safe.”

  I rolled my eyes at his cynicism. “Well, maybe there was nothing you could find because this person wants to only talk to me. And they’re only visible on full moons.”

  His eyebrows crinkled. “Goblins?”

  I didn’t answer. Bitterness rose. “Anyway, shouldn’t you be glad about this? I mean, you and that woman have been trying to unbind magic for centuries.”

  “Not at the expense of your life. Never that.” He took a step closer, invading my personal space. The abrupt closeness made me catch my breath, and I blinked up at him, off-balance. His words registered then, and I was ashamed to admit that it sent a thrill through me. Swallowing, I tried to dislodge the knot in my throat.

  “Wish it had always been that way,” I tried to bite out, but it came out more breathless.

  He flinched and took a step back. Regret nipped at me, and I tried to shove it down into the dark hole it belonged. A realization came to me as I tried to ignore the look of pain that had flashed over his face.

  “If someone at the bar suspected me of being Fae, they saw me leave with Jeff. He could have been followed.” My eyes widened even further. “My sister lives with him.”

  Panic set in. Damn Rian. I needed him, and it had only been a day.

  No, I could do this. I’d get Annie, and we’d get a motel. That was as far as I could plan as worry filled me. I turned on my heel, clicked the door open, and strode down the hall. The entire way, I felt Roark looming behind me.

  “Could you go away?”

  He didn’t reply as he kept on my ass. I sighed and tilted my head up at the sky as I walked out of the gold crested doors. The sun bared down, and I blinked the shine away.


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