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Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1

Page 4

by L. L. Ash

  Tyler was still talking to his dad and I shamelessly listened in.

  “Yeah we’re staying the night so we’ll be back tomorrow afternoon assuming the snow lets us through the pass…. No, it’s a pretty cozy little B&B since all the hotels were full…. Right. No we’re sharing a room since it was the last one…. I know Dad. Don’t worry about it…. Ok well I’ll talk to you in the morning. K Bye.”

  Tyler slapped his phone closed and his cheeks seemed to hold a tinge of pink. Though I was curious beyond sanity, I was also suddenly nervous again and uncertain on how the night would go. While it seemed Tyler was a gentleman, he was also a 23 year old man and his hormones were just as raging as mine were.

  “Why don’t we settle down near the fire?” I suggested, trying to take my focus off the big four poster bed dominating the room.

  “Sounds great to me. I don’t get to enjoy a fire very often,” he said pulling some quilts off the couch and chair nearby and laid them one on top of the other on the ground til there was quite a mattress built up.

  We settled down on our stomachs near the burning fire before seeing a basket filled with goodies. There were nuts and popcorn kernels in the basket and what looked like a two-sided pan with a long handle standing next to the fireplace. We looked at each other and grinned.

  Together we figured out how the pan worked, then proceeded to pop fresh popcorn over the fire. Between eating and throwing the popcorn, we popped small batch after small batch until the kernels were gone. We laid on our sides, heads propped on our elbows as we talked.

  It was undoubtedly late before Tyler finally asked, “I know it’s probably a sore subject, but will you tell me about your mom?”

  “Sure,” I said, feeling that melancholy wash over me like it always did when I talked about her. “She was beautiful. I loved her with all my heart. She was sweet and kind, funny and her and Dad were so in love it was almost sick.”

  “It’s nice that they were in love,” he said quietly.

  “That they were.”

  “How’d she pass?”

  “Breast cancer.”

  “Wow, I’m sorry. I couldn't imagine losing someone I love to illness like that.”

  “It wasn’t the fact that she was dying,” I confided quietly. “It was how she went. She was so sick most days she didn’t get out of bed. I would just play beside her bed after school until Dad got home. And there was a nurse that came in toward the end to help her use the bathroom and to feed her while Dad worked.”

  “That must have been so hard,” he said, his eyes glowing in the firelight.

  I shrugged, then tried to turn the subject around.

  “What about your mom?” I asked him.

  He shrugged and flipped onto his back, looking up at the ceiling as he said, “Mom left when I was 12.”

  “Man… At least you still have your dad.”

  “He’s not my real dad,” he whispered. “Mom married him when I was 11. She stuck around long enough to get married and get some money before taking off and leaving me with a stranger.”

  “How could a mother do that?” I asked, shocked.

  He shrugged again and said, “She was never really around before that anyway. I was raised by nannies and babysitters while Mom searched for a new husband, living off her divorce settlement from the marriage before.”

  I was quiet as he talked about a subject that was obviously hard for him to speak of.

  “Anyway, Dad told me after she left that he’d asked her to. He gave her a nice chunk of money to take off and leave me with him. As it turns out, while they were dating he fell in love with ME and not my mom. He tried so hard to be a good dad and spend time with me but I was resistant. I mean, men came and went my entire life, and I knew this wouldn’t be any different. At least I didn’t think so until I woke up one morning and she and all her things were gone.”

  “Why did he ask her to leave?” I asked, horrified.

  “She was getting into drugs again with the cash flow frequent and plentiful. Also, she was rarely sober longer than it took to down another bottle of Goose.”

  “Your dad sounds like an amazing man,” I said gently, moving a little closer to him to place a hand on his hair in a comforting fashion.

  “He’s a man of men. I couldn’t have asked for a better person as my Dad. I'm grateful that he married my mom long enough to get me out of there and raise me himself.”

  “Sounds like our dads would get along,” I said with a chuckle and his eyes met mine, a small smile lighting his face as my fingers dragged through his pale hair.

  “Almost as well as we do,” he said and reached a hand up to tuck one of my long, rebellious hairs out of my face.

  His hand snaked behind my neck and pulled my head toward his and he kissed me so gently I wasn’t sure if it was his lips against mine or his breath. When his tongue touched my bottom lip, begging for entry, I knew. I opened my mouth to let him in and both his arms pulled me closer to him, pressing my body into his as he worshiped my mouth unlike I’d ever experienced.

  After a long time of making love to my mouth, the kiss became more urgent and fast paced. Tyler’s hands slid down my back, pulling my tank top a few inches up my back, gently touching the skin there before he ran his hands down my butt, grasping a thigh in each hand, putting a leg on each side of his hips while he thrust upwards toward my jean-clad center.

  His hands squeezed and kneaded the flesh in his hands and my hips gyrated against him, the erection pushing against his zipper leaving a trail of unbearable fire against me as my hips pushed and prodded at him; moisture pooling, trying to put out the fire. Tyler suddenly became furious and pulled the hem of my tank top up over my head. He stroked his hands down my bare ribs before digging his fingers into the front of my sports bra, trying to yank it up. I felt his fingers brush the bottoms of my breasts in the attempted removal and it would’ve tickled if I hadn’t been so turned on.

  “Dammit,” he finally said, breaking the kiss so he could see what he was doing.

  It took both hands to maneuver it up and off me, my breasts springing down, toward his chest. His breath seemed to hitch as he caught sight of them and he stared for a few seconds before he grabbed at one harshly and squeezed while the other hand pulled at the waist of my shorts. He let go to make quick work of my button and zipper, pulling the shorts down until I was just clad in my not-so-attractive practical cotton underwear.

  It was at that moment, knowing I was in my slightly period-stained blue panties that I realized what I was about to do. In the back of my head I tried to convince myself that I didn’t want this. I played back every negative thing about boys and sex that I could think of, but all I saw was Tyler and that raw look on his face, determination set in his brows and desperation guiding his strong hands. I wanted this and I was going to have this if it killed me.

  I began pulling his shirt up over the washboard abs I knew hid underneath and let my fingers explore while he yanked off the blue panties.

  I sat up, straddling his hips while I continued to pull at the t-shirt and he helped me, sitting up briefly to get it off before he sat up too, kissed me again and flipped us over. My back hit the quilt pile with a little puff of air leaving the fluffy squares before I attacked his belted shorts. He held himself with one hand and helped rid the clothes before he lowered himself on top of me, our bodies of skin touching every inch of the other’s. Our kiss was frantic now. And Tyler couldn’t keep his mouth on mine longer than a few seconds before he explored downward, pressing kisses on my neck and finally sucking a breast into his mouth. A moan escaped me and my back arched without permission, stuffing more flesh into his face. He let out a breathy whimper before biting down on the nipple and making me shriek. His fingers slid down my stomach and reached the damp curls waiting for his attention. One finger then two sunk inside and I clenched up.

  “Holy hell you’re tight,” he breathed before letting his mouth take control of mine again.

  He settled him
self between my thighs that quivered in anticipation before cursing as he backed up and fumbled around on the floor. I looked over to see what he was doing and caught sight of a shiny square in his hands. He came back to hover over me and tore open the foil packet before sheathing himself with the condom inside. With one thrust he was in and I cringed internally, waiting for that sharp, stinging pain to appear, but it never did. As his hips moved forward and back, all I felt was fullness and friction.

  Tyler grabbed a calf and wrapped one of my legs around his hips before doing the same with the other. He sank further with each thrust as his movements became more frantic.

  I wasn’t sure what to do, but I held on tight with my legs and sank my fingers in his hair, pulling his panting mouth to mine. We gasped for breath between heated kisses, then I noticed his hand travel over my belly button then the curls to press at my favorite little place.

  Tyler was grunting softly with every movement now and his thumb pressed and wriggled urgently against my sensitive little pearl while he stroked me from the inside.

  I choked on the air in my throat as the burning turned to heat and pressure and suddenly I was strangling out a cry as my entire core began to pulse and throb as the burning eased. Endorphins took over my brain and fog covered the last few thrusts and grunts before Tyler finished and it was his turn to throb against me. I finally gasped a deep breath while the last waves subsided and Tyler panted above me.

  Sweat glistened on his forehead, neck and chest and his whole abdomen moved with every inhale, his pecks teasing the tips of my breasts, setting them to aching.

  “Wow….” Tyler ground out before pulling himself from me, the full condom hanging precariously on his shrinking erection.

  It was that sight. That post coital sight that I’d never forget for the rest of my life. His face was flushed, his breath still labored and his lips red and swollen from our kisses. Sweat made the ends of his hair stick to his forehead and the sparse peppered blond hair on his chest was matted from the activity. He looked at me. Our eyes met and an exhausted smile turned his lips.

  “Thanks for that,” he said awkwardly, removing the condom.

  “I should be thanking you,” I told him with a laugh.

  The air, heavy with the scent of arousal became just a little less thick and the mood lightened a little.

  Tyler grinned, then got up and made his way to the bathroom. I heard the tell-tale sound of pee streaming into a toilet and rested my head against the bedframe while I considered what’d happened. I suddenly felt extremely self conscious and hopped up, covering myself with the bedcovers and sank into the soft mattress. Tyler came out of the bathroom in all his naked glory and I caught a glimpse of him, hoping he didn’t notice my staring.

  He went back over to the stacked quilts and started lowering himself to lay down when I suddenly burst out, “What are you doing?”

  His head popped up above the mattress line and he said, “You looked tired. I was going to go to bed.”

  “Down there?”

  “I don’t want to impose myself on your bed….” he started, but I just lifted the covers as invitingly as I could and his smile returned as he climbed in.

  “After sex like that you get to share the bed,” I told him in little more than a whisper.

  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I flipped over, giving him my back and we spooned. Between the warm flesh at my back and the thick covers the heat began to sink me into slumber. The long drive, the physical exertion of the competition and the emotional strain just recently, my body was turning traitor and falling into oblivious, sated sleep without my permission. I slept like a rock.

  Chapter 4

  It was far into the morning before the sunlight streaming into the room woke me. The fire had shut off, probably timed out, and the room was like ice. I felt pressure against my back and the events of the night before rushed back to me. I turned and Tyler was lying there in the same position he’d fallen asleep in no doubt. He’d slept like a rock, too.

  I gently, trying not to wake him, ran my fingers down the contour of his cheek covered in stubble. He stirred, then one eye opened followed by the other. A lazy grin lit up his face and his countenance screamed contentment.

  “I wish I could wake up to this every morning,” he said, gripping me around the waist tighter.

  “Well you get this morning, so enjoy it,” I told him.

  “That sounds like an invitation.”

  “Because it was,” I grinned.

  He laughed then pressed his lips to mine.

  We kissed languidly. In no hurry to get out of bed and return to the real world with our dads and responsibility. Tyler’s hands explored a little, his fingers pulling on the tips of my breasts, then kneading and squeezing before going back to pulling.

  Finally, a long time later we decided to get up and shower. We could only fit one at a time in the small upright shower so I went first while Tyler brushed his teeth with his fingers then gathered our clothes. I got out feeling fresh and smelling like lilacs from the inn’s complimentary soap and happily got into my clothes. Tyler got in the shower and I took advantage and watched him shower until the hot water steamed the glass too much to see. When I leaned over to brush my teeth with water and my finger like Tyler had done, I noticed an uncomfortable pinching in my lower lady regions. A grin lit my face. He’d literally pounded me til it hurt to walk. How cliche. I didn’t care, because I enjoyed every moment of our cliche.

  When he got out of the shower he pulled his boxer briefs back on then his jean cutoff shorts.

  “You hungry?” he asked me as he pulled on his grey t-shirt.

  “I’m always hungry,” I told him with a laugh.

  “I’ll go see what I can scrounge up for breakfast then,” he said, opening the door. “Then we’ll need to head out if we’re going to make it back by dark.”

  I nodded and went to the table with the dishes from last night still on it to find my phone. The battery was dead and I hadn’t thought to bring a charger. I waited until Tyler got back then borrowed his phone while he inhaled his breakfast.

  “Hi Dad,” I said when he answered.

  “Where the hell are you?” he asked angrily, his voice almost a growl.

  “I left a message last night. A storm rolled through and we got caught in Colorado. We found a hotel to stay at and we’re fine.”

  “I called at least 30 times,” he said, still sounding angry.

  “My phone died right after I called you I guess. I never got a call. I’m sorry Dad.”

  “What damn good are cell phones if we can’t get ahold of each other during an emergency?” he asked, his temper cooling.

  “I know. I wasn’t planning on getting stuck out here so I didn’t bring a charger. But we’re heading out after we’re done with breakfast and check out.”

  “He got you your own room I hope,” he said, his anger turning toward Tyler now as if it was somehow his fault.

  “He tried. The Inn was full and so was all the hotels around us. A lot of people got stuck in this storm and we were lucky to get the suite we did.”

  “That damn boy. I bet he planned this!”

  “Dad, calm down. I’m a big girl and I can make decisions on my own. I’m smart and I know what I’m doing.”

  “You can’t think straight with a boy that handsome, Sweetie. I know you. You’re a sucker for a good looking boy and you’d do just about anything.”

  I was offended by the comment.

  “I’ve got to go Dad, I’ll see you in about 10 hours when we get home. Unless the snow slows us down or unless we have to stop again.”

  I hung up before he had a chance to rant again.

  “He sounded angry,” Tyler said as he hesitantly took his phone back, as if my dad would yell at him next.

  “He’s just frustrated and I imagine a little scared.”

  “Sorry this all happened. I mean. I’m sort of sorry.”

  “What do you mean?” I
asked, picking up a toast point.

  “I mean, I’m sorry you dad’s upset and you have to deal with that, but I’m not sorry for what we did.”

  “Well that’s good. I’d hate for you to feel regret for pounding the lights out of me.”

  It was his turn to look offended now.

  “I didn’t pound the lights out of you….”

  “Calm down cowboy, I meant it in a good way.”

  His lips pressed into a thin white line as he pushed the remainder of his breakfast around his plate.

  We left the room without another word being spoken between us.

  I waited by the door while Tyler checked out, and I caught the bill amount, it almost giving me a heart attack. He’s spent the better part of 500 dollars on the room, food, and fees. He handed a card to the woman without flinching and signed the receipt.

  We left with my head still spinning over the money he’d spent, and trudged through what snow remained after the morning sun had melted a majority of it. Tyler cranked the heat up and hooked up his music before I managed to wedge myself painfully into the seat beside him.

  When I grunted and held my crotch after settling myself in, Tyler’s head turned quickly while he asked, “Are you ok?”

  “Just a little…. Sore….”

  He went about backing out of the parking lot while saying, “Yeah, I’ve got bruises everywhere from the competition.”

  “Not that kind of sore,” I said quietly and pulled my seatbelt on.

  His head shot back to me

  “What do you mean?”

  “I told you, you pounded the daylights out of me.”

  That pink tinge I liked immensely stained his cheeks and his expression looked a little sheepish while he sank down into his seat.

  There was a long space of silence between us as Tyler concentrated on driving in the snow and I was distracted with my own thoughts.

  We stopped for lunch about 4 hours out of Vegas, agreeing to go to a sit down restaurant to get out of the car a little.


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