Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1

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Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1 Page 20

by L. L. Ash

  We sat in the dining room together and ate some hummus and baby carrots from the fridge while we waited for dinner to arrive. 2 big pizzas were delivered by room service about 45 minutes later, and Tyler went to tell Scott. He got back and we shared an entire one between us before Scott arrived.

  He got a plate, grabbed a couple slices, then said, “See you guys in the morning. I’m going to watch a movie then go to bed.”

  “What movie? We can watch it in the living room. Sam was supposed to have a movie night with her dad, might as well have it with mine instead.”

  Tyler grinned at his cleverness, but I wasn’t as enthused.

  “Oh, uh, sure. I hadn’t picked a movie out yet.”

  “We’ll help you,” Tyler said and got up, putting one more slice on his plate.

  “Oh, ok. Sure,” Scott said, looking at Tyler, but glancing right over me.

  We all three of us headed to the couch. Tyler sat on the couch with me while Scott settled into the recliner. After Netflix was up we searched for a good 20 minutes before deciding on a movie.

  I wasn’t sure what it was, but Tyler assured me that it was great, so I leaned back into the couch to enjoy it.

  Tyler and Scott talked throughout the movie, discussing the plot and everything that was going on, all the way up until a rather intensely intimate scene popped onscreen. Tyler was riveted, but as I looked away embarrassed, I noticed Scott glance my way, and then he turned the opposite way as if he hadn’t looked at me.

  The strange way he was acting was starting to get to me. I hoped that we could just forget the run-in inside the gym but maybe it wasn’t that easy.

  “I’m going to bed,” I told them both before kissing Tyler quickly and slinking away.

  I’d had enough awkwardness for a lifetime.

  The next day at work everything was back to normal. Not another trace of weirdness blanketed mine and Scott’s interactions and I was glad.

  1 week on the job turned into 2 weeks, 1 month, 2.

  3 months had passed before I could even blink. I’d had business meetings, and parties and my first gala. Tyler was a great instructor and Georgiana taught me everything I needed to know to be a great assistant. I was no longer worried about not being good enough or losing my job.

  Tyler and I grew closer. We learned so much about each other, and spent a lot of time together as well. We were completely comfortable with each other.

  Scott began to work longer hours though, now only coming home around bedtime. And Dad continued to date the woman he’d met. I hadn’t been introduced yet, but Dad was having Tyler and I over for dinner in a week so I assumed it was time for us to meet. In the meantime though, I enjoyed every day as it came.

  “Hey, Sam. Mind helping me for a minute?” Tyler asked as he peeked his head out his office door.

  “Sure,” I replied and jumped up.

  He closed the door after me, then backed me up against the wall, raining kisses all over my face.

  “God, never sleep away from me again. Please, never sleep away from me, ever again….”

  I lifted my chin, catching my breath from his eager attack. I’d spent the weekend at home with Dad. trying to nurture the relationship that had been disappearing.

  “I have to sleep away from you sometimes,” I said with a giggle and he pulled me tighter to himself. “Not if you move in with me,” he said, moving his head away enough to look at me for my reaction.

  “Move in?” I choked.

  “Why not? I mean, half your crap is in my room anyway.”

  “But Scott, How would he feel about that?”

  “He’ll be fine with it,” he said and pulled my skirt up enough to get my legs around him as he picked me up, holding me to his chest before setting me precariously on the edge of the desk.

  “Lock the door,” I whispered, and with a groan he jumped toward the door, flipping the deadbolt.

  “Get your clothes off,” he told me as he came back to me, pushing his body between my pencil skirt-constricted legs.

  I quickly unbuttoned my blouse and wiggled my butt as he pulled up the skirt to sit around my waist.

  “You never answered me,” he breathed as he unlatched his belt.

  “I’ll give you an answer after you get permission from Scott.”

  “Ok,” was the last thing he said.

  With a breathy moan we both relished in the new feeling of each other. With the recent addition of birth control pills my Gyno had subscribed me after Tyler had suggested getting them a few weeks before, we were still getting used to the feeling of each other without the latex barrier between us.

  It all went rather quick, and we were pulling our clothes back on when there was a knock on the door and the doorknob jiggled.

  I tucked my shirt back into my skirt and straightened the collar before Tyler opened the door.

  “Meeting this morning. You must have forgotten.”

  It was Scott. He looked over Tyler’s shoulder and saw me.

  We exchanged an awkward smile and nod before Tyler turned and blew me a kiss before leaving the office behind his dad.

  I leaned against the desk and blew out a big breath. No doubt Scott had deduced what we were doing, but at least I was wearing all my clothes this time.

  And I was infinitely grateful I’d made Tyler lock the door.

  “You want to go get some coffee?” Georgiana asked as she peeked her head into Tyler’s office.

  “Yeah, definitely,” I agreed.

  We’d made it a habit to linger over a couple cups of overpriced coffee while the men were at their usual Monday meeting. We’d be back by 10 and they’d be back 5-10 minutes later.

  However, today they must have lingered. They didn’t get back til about half after 10, and Scott went straight into his office.

  Tyler waved me over and I followed him into his office.

  “So, I talked to Dad. He’s on the same page with you moving in.”

  “Really?” I asked, wondering why I was so surprised.

  “But if it bothers you to share the suite with Dad, then we’ll get our own place. It’s probably time I get my own quarters anyway. I mean, I’m 23 and still live with my Dad.”

  “Well you’ve got a different relationship with your dad then most people have. And it’s convenient to stay here. I get that.”

  I paused, considering.

  “Maybe we can look, but the suite is ok for now.”

  “Soooo….. You’ll move in?”

  His face looked adorably hopeful.

  “Well, yeah, I mean, I guess so!”

  “Not the answer I was looking for, but I’ll take it,” He said with a laugh before enveloping me in his arms.

  After a series of happy kisses Tyler looked at me and said, “Let’s get out of here. I don’t have anything important that can’t wait til tomorrow. Dad won’t mind.”

  I just nodded and let him lead me out.

  At dinner that Sunday, we planned on telling Dad about my moving in with Tyler. I figured we had better let him know a few days before making it official, though. To get him used to the idea.

  The moment we stepped into the house I saw a woman floating in and out of the kitchen. The sight was foreign to me and made me the slightest bit uncomfortable.

  “I want you to meet Mandy,” Dad said to me as he led Tyler and I toward the dining room.

  “Mandy, Honey,” Dad called and a small but buxom woman stepped around the kitchen counter and stood in front of me with a big smile.

  “Hi Sam,” she said, her smile unwavering. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you!”

  “And I, you,” I said, still unsure about her.

  “Well dinner’s all done! Jerry and I made it. It’s not quite how your mom used to do it, but I hope you like it.”

  “I’m sure it’s going to be wonderful,” Tyler said with a smooth smile and pushed against the curve of my back so I’d move toward a chair.

  After sitting stiffly Man
dy brought out the last dish to add to the feast of what looked like southern food.

  “Roast beef with all the fixin’s,” Mandy said while putting the big casserole pan of mac and cheese in the center of the table.

  Dad said grace and we began spooning food onto our plates.

  I pushed around the mac and cheese that was too cheesy for my taste, and my slice of roast that was still pink in the middle.

  The corn was creamed instead of in kernels and green beans from a can instead of the fresh baked garlic beans my mom used to make.

  I was a little envious that Tyler ate the weird food with grace and tact while I just pushed it around uneaten.

  “Well, we’ve got a bit of news for you Sam,” Dad said and took hold of Mandy’s hand.

  My heart seized.

  “I’ve asked Mandy to marry me.”

  Tyler’s hand tightened around mine. I squeezed back.

  I choked, but managed to say, “I’m happy if you’re happy Dad,” but I really wanted to scream and throw a full blown tantrum. “You deserve happiness.”

  “Congratulations,” Tyler added, squeezing my hand harder.

  Dad grinned and looked over at Mandy. They shared a sickeningly sweet look before I piped up again.

  “I guess now’s as good a time as ever. I guess maybe it’s a good thing, really...”

  I was rambling. But I did get Dad’s attention.

  “Tyler and I decided to move in together.”

  “Oh,” Dad said no louder than a whisper, then he grinned. “I’m happy for you, Sweetie.”

  “You are?” I asked, trying not to be so shocked.

  “I am. I’ve struggled with you growing up and becoming a woman instead of staying a child. But you’ve shown remarkable maturity the last few months, and I’m proud of you. I hope this is only one more step before you make it official?”

  He looked at Tyler now.

  “We’re working our way towards it. We’re not quite as seasoned as you to make a decision that big in so short a time. We still have some growing up to do before promising those kinds of things to each other.”

  “Well aren’t you still promising those things?” Dad asked, tangling his fingers between Mandy’s. “You promise to love each other, only one another. You promise to take care of Sam, and that you will be there for each other. That’s just marriage without the certificate.”

  Tyler was silent.

  In fact, the whole room was silent after Dad’s proclamation.

  “Well, I’d better clean up,” Mandy said, hopping out of her seat.

  I watched her short curly brown hair bounce about her head as she picked up dishes.

  After a moment I got up and helped. We brought the dishes to the kitchen together and I tried to think of something to say to her.

  “You make my dad happy,” was all I managed.

  Mandy looked at me with a grin.

  “That’s sweet of you to say Darlin’. Your Dad makes me happy too.”

  I looked at her, really looked at her. Her round tipped nose and fleshy cheeks weren’t necessarily attractive, but her eyes, they were my mother’s eyes; gentle, deep and unbeguiled.

  In that moment I decided to like her.

  “Where are you from Mandy?” I asked while I handed her dishes to rinse before I took them to stack in the dishwasher.

  “Charleston,” she answered. “Don’t ask me how I ended up out here. It’s an embarrassing story.”

  I just laughed.

  She told me all about herself and her 2 dogs and cat. They were her children, she’d said.

  When we were done and went to join the boys in the living room Dad and Tyler were in a serious conversation. Tyler looked up at me and smiled before patting the seat next to him, never striking his conversation back up. It was around 9 o’clock before we headed back to the hotel.

  “What were you guys talking about?” I asked him after we’d gotten onto the freeway.

  “Oh, nothing. Guy stuff.”


  “Something like that,” he answered absently before I called bull.

  “You don’t keep up with sports.”

  He remained silent so I decided to change the subject.

  “You know, our 1 year anniversary is coming up.”

  “Yeah, in about 6 weeks.”

  I was surprised he remembered.

  “We going to do anything special?” I asked nonchalantly.

  “I’ve got a few things in mind,” he said and glanced over at me with a smile.

  Seeing that mischievous smile, I sat back knowing he was ok. He must have just had a lot on his mind.

  “How’d the announcement go?” Scott asked from the couch after we got home.

  HOME. This was home now.

  “They had a bigger announcement,” Tyler said and dropped his keys on the shelf beside the door.

  “A bigger one?” Scott asked, his ice cream spoon hanging from his mouth

  “They’re engaged,” I told him.

  His eyes widened as he nodded.

  “Good for him. It’s not easy to accept someone else in your life after losing someone you love.”

  “But it’s possible,” Tyler said quietly.

  Scott gave him a deadly glare.

  “Anyway,” I interjected. “Our timing couldn’t be better. They’ll be able to actually live as a newlywed couple without me hanging around all the time.”

  Scott nodded and turned back to the TV.

  “Survivor?” Tyler asked as he pulled his suit jacket off, putting it on a kitchen chair.

  “Of course,” Scott called back.

  “Save any ice cream for me?”

  “Never do, but you steal it anyway.”

  We looked at each other and laughed at that.

  I shucked off my heels and jewelry, then joined the guys on the couch.

  “Pass it along,” Tyler told his dad, who passed the tub of ice cream and the spoon.

  He ate a few bites then passed it to me. I indulged a little, though my hips had begun filling out with my recent inactivity.

  On TV the Survivor people were running around mostly naked, and at one point you saw them in a hot spring, skinny dipping.

  “I’ve never done that,” I said out loud, to no one in particular.

  “Skinny dipped or hot spring?” Tyler asked taking the ice cream back from me.


  “What?” Tyler asked with a mouth full of Moose Tracks.

  He nudged his dad.

  “She’s never skinny dipped. OR been to a hot spring.”

  “I’ve never skinny dipped either. We’re not all as adventurous as you, Ty.”

  Ty looked at him, shocked.

  “That’s it, we’re going to a hot spring and skinny dipping.”

  He looked at his dad and added, “Bring one of your regulars. I’m sure they’d be happy to see you naked somewhere other than your bedroom.”

  Heat bloomed on Scott’s face. That was the first time I ever saw him blush.

  “Oh, I don’t know…. I don’t think Sam would….”

  “Sam doesn’t get a say in the matter,” Tyler interrupted, then turned and winked at me.

  “Why would you want to skinny dip with your dad?” Scott tried, his last ditch effort.

  “At this point, we’re more like buddies. Besides, you’ve seen me naked a million times.”

  Scott’s eyes shifted quickly over to me then back to Tyler.

  “Would you be uncomfortable if Dad brought a date and came with us?” He asked me.

  I blubbered for a few seconds, trying to come up with a response.

  “Well…. I guess not. If he’s ok with it, I am.”

  “And I’m ok seeing whoever you choose to bring,” Tyler added.

  “Well…. I don’t know….”

  “C’mon Dad,” he begged.

  With another glance at me he said hesitantly, “Ok.”


after our meeting?”

  “Yeah, why not? We don’t want to go near the weekend. It’ll be full of people.”

  “I’ll ask Devona,” Scott said and yanked the ice cream from Tyler before getting his phone out. “Have you got a place in mind? I’m not baring it all in front of a bunch of strangers.”

  “Gold strike hot springs. It’s only about half an hour out but it’ll be empty on a Monday.”

  “I take it you’ve been there before,” Scott asked with a sideways glance at Tyler.

  He looked properly embarrassed.

  “I was an experimental teen….”

  “Hell if I didn't know that already,” Scott said and rolled his eyes.

  Tyler grinned and looked at me with excitement.

  “I’m glad I get to take you for 2 firsts.”

  “It sounds like it’s going to be awkward.”

  “I don’t think it will be,” He said with a shrug.

  He didn’t, but he also didn’t know about the tension that had arisen between Scott and I.

  Nothing was said until Scott’s phone dinged and he said, “Devona is in.”

  “Yes!” Tyler said and pumped a fist in the air.

  “Don’t get too excited,” Scott said but couldn’t help a chuckle at Tyler’s enthusiasm.

  “This is our first double date, you know,” He said to his dad. “First of many I hope.”

  Scott nodded absently as he turned his attention back to the show.

  In bed a couple hours later I told Tyler, “I’m nervous about skinny dipping with your dad.”

  “How come?” He asked and propped an arm under his head so he could look down at my face.

  “I don’t know. It just seems weird, doesn’t it?”

  “People skinny dip in groups all the time, and though Dad did raise me, he kind of shifted out of that roll when I turned 18. He’s been just a friend almost as long as he’s been just a dad.”

  “What about skinny dipping with my boss? Isn’t that weird?”

  “It’s also weird to slam your boss’s son,” he said with a raised eyebrow.

  I blew out a breath.

  “I don’t know. There just seems to be some weird tension around Scott. I don’t know what it is. At first I thought it was because he was mad at me for hurting you, but now, I don’t know. It’s like he avoids me.”

  “He’s busy,” Tyler said in a gentle voice. “He’s been working a lot lately. Summer is our busy season. There’s always a lot on his mind.”


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