Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1

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Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1 Page 21

by L. L. Ash

  He paused then added, “And it probably doesn’t help that you remind him of his dead wife.”

  “Well what am I supposed to do about that?”

  “Nothing. It’s not your problem, it’s his.”

  I just sighed and rolled over, pushing my back against his chest.

  Chapter 15

  “Georgiana was excited to have the day off,” Scott said as he put a bag on the table, dressed in his suit.

  “3 day weekend,” I agreed and he smiled at me.

  Things seemed to have eased between us today. I wasn’t sure if it was me, or if it was him that finally relaxed but it was nice.

  “We’ll keep the meeting short today, so hang out, eat, we’ll be back in less than an hour,” Tyler said and moved past me, planting a kiss on my head.

  “Want me to pack a bag for you?” I asked Tyler.

  “Sure, and an extra change of clothes. Just in case.”

  I nodded and they left together.

  After getting into shorts and a tank top, I grabbed a bag, stuffed an extra pair of shorts and shirts in it for both Tyler and I, then I grabbed a few water bottles and stuffed them inside as well. There was a knock on the door and I froze. No one had ever knocked on the door unexpectedly before.

  After considering if the visitor was a stalker or murderer, I told myself to calm the hell down and went to answer it.

  “Hello,” A beautiful, busty brunette said when I opened the door.

  “Hi,” I said slowly, waiting for her to introduce herself.

  “You must be Sam. I’m Devona. Is Scott back from his meeting yet?”

  “No, they actually just left,” I told her before opening the door wider and letting her in.

  “Well that’s ok. We can chat a little.”

  Devona took a seat at the table as if she was very comfortable in this suite.

  “Sooo…..” I started, unsure how to start a conversation with Scott’s sex buddy.

  “Let’s just get it out there,” Devona said with a laugh. “Yes, I’m an escort. No I don’t sell myself to just anyone who’s willing to pay. And no, he’s not paying me today.”

  My jaw dropped.

  “Does Tyler know….” I started but stopped myself.

  “I think he’s picked it up, but Scott never said anything to me about having mentioning it to him.”

  “So he just invites you over to….”

  She laughed.

  “Sometimes. But sometimes we just cuddle and talk. Scott is a deep man, and he has been hurt deeply. He doesn’t pay me for sex, he pays for companionship.”

  I took in a big breath before asking, “Why aren’t you getting paid today?”

  “Because sometimes we go out together, on dates. After this many years we’ve become friends.”

  I just nodded and thought back to the other woman that Scott had ushered out after Tyler and I had walked into the house. How he never asked about her and how Scott never offered any information about or introduction to her.

  And now I understood why Tyler called them bimbos. Though Devona didn’t seem like a bimbo to me.

  “Any other questions you’ve got to ask before you’re comfortable?” She asked and swiped a hand across her tanned cheek.

  “No. I’m sorry if I was weird,” I said with a smile.

  “Well, we’ll be together the whole afternoon so I figured, let’s just get it over with so we can move on to the fun!”

  I laughed with her.

  “Did Scott tell you there’s a hike?” I asked her as I eyed her fancy-looking sandals.


  Her face looked horrified.

  “Ty said it wasn’t too bad, but there’s some climbing over rocks and things and a relatively short hike.”

  “Oh God, I didn’t know. I don’t want to ruin my Pradas….”

  “What size do you wear?” I asked, thinking that she was almost the same height as me.

  “An 8,” she said and looked down at her precious shoes.

  “Well you’re in luck! I’m an 8 ½ so you should fit mine.”

  I ran into my/Tyler’s room and dug through the closet for my newest pair of tennis shoes.

  When I presented the pair of pink and white shoes to her she was excited.

  “Oh thank you Sam! You saved me! And my sandals!”

  After pulling on 2 pairs of socks that I’d provided her, she laced up the shoes and pranced around the kitchen in her booty shorts and halter top.

  “I feel like a teenager again. I haven’t worn sneakers since high school!”

  I giggled then poured some coffee. After offering her some she and I sat sipping while we waited for the guys.

  We chatted about nothing and I was surprised at how comfortable I found myself with an escort.

  When Scott and Tyler eventually came back, they immediately changed and I introduced Tyler to Devona.

  “We’ve been having a blast, passing the time waiting for you two,” I added onto the introduction.

  Tyler shook her hand and nodded, but didn’t say anything. I could tell he was a little hesitant to interact with her.

  “What do you think of my shoes?” Devona asked Scott and pranced around a little for him.

  “Not your typical choice,” he told her with a grin.

  “No. And thank the good Lord in heaven for Sam saving me, because SOMEONE forgot to tell me we’re hiking to this hot spring.”

  She whacked him on the shoulder. That got a little smile out of Tyler.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought that was implied….”

  Devona rolled her eyes at that.

  When we were all ready we slung our bags onto our shoulders and headed down in the elevator. When we ended in the parking garage, I automatically headed to Tyler’s car, but Scott called after me.

  “We’re taking mine,” he said and headed toward a chunky black sedan with a silver hood.

  “You’re driving?” Tyler asked with a laugh. “This has got to be the first time in close to a year….”

  Scott gave him a crooked look, then opened the front passenger door. I ducked in first behind the front seat and settled in the far side of the car. Tyler crawled in next then Scott pushed the seat back and Devona got in the front. When I sat on the pristinely white seats my hands immediately smoothed over the silky leather beneath them.

  There was walnut wood in a diamond pattern over the dash and around the doors. It looked like a dignitary’s car.

  “Nice isn’t it?” Tyler asked as he pulled on his pure white seatbelt.

  “What is it?” I asked, but was cut off by the engine rolling over.

  It purred loud and low.

  “It’s a Rolls Royce,” Tyler said with a grin. “Phantom Deadhead Coupe.”

  Sounded fancy.

  “Everyone buckled?” Scott called back as he shifted into reverse.

  I quickly pulled mine on.

  He backed out and slowly made his way out of the garage. When we hit daylight all of a sudden the roof lowered and the stuffy car filled with hot air from outside.

  “This trip is going to be great!” I said with a laugh.

  Scott glanced at me with a grin in the rearview mirror and I heard Devona and Tyler laugh along with me. Evidently they agreed.

  “You guys want to get some lunch before we head up?” Scott asked while we were stopped at a light.

  “Let’s have a picnic!” I suggested.

  “I like that idea,” Tyler agreed.

  “Picnic it is,” Scott said and jumped off the white line when the light turned green.

  We stopped at a sub shop and all got more food than we could possibly eat.

  The drive down was wonderful. We took the longer, more scenic route around Lake Mead. The sky was blue and though the weather was hot, per Las Vegas Summer, it was still enjoyable. The heat didn’t bother me one bit.

  In the parking lot of our destination, we saw another couple of cars but no other people in sight. It appeared that Tyler was ri
ght about it being relatively empty this time of day on a Monday. Scott put up the roof on the convertible then we all filed out.

  After gathering our bags, we went 2 by 2 into the canyon.

  Tyler and I went first, picking our way around the big boulders, and all we heard was Scott and Devona laughing behind us. At one point, about 20 minutes into our hike we heard Devona shout.

  “You rascal!” she shrieked.

  When Scott’s laugh echoed back to us, Tyler and I looked at each other with wide eyes before bursting into laughter.

  At the first hole there was a couple lounging in the water in t-shirts. They didn’t even bother looking at us. We kept moving.

  We made our way to the upper springs, and upon climbing down a rope to lower ourselves onto a large slab of rock, we practically landed in a warm pool. We unanimously decided that this was the one.

  We all sat and had our lunch in the shade, laughing and enjoying ourselves. Up until we finished eating anyway.

  Tyler started stripping first. He pulled his shirt over his head and kicked off his socks and shoes before leaning over the water, testing it with his fingers.

  “Ohh yeah!” he said and unbuttoned his pants before pulling it and his underwear off.

  He slipped into the hip-deep water and I heard him moan.

  “C’mon!” He called, resting his arms on the slab. “I’m not doing this on my own!”

  Devona looked at me and bounced her eyebrows before she said to Scott, “Turn around.”

  She eyed Tyler, who turned, too. Together Devona and I both stripped down and hopped into the water. We shrieked and splashed each other before I made my way over to Tyler. He put his arms around me, which did a nice job of hiding my breasts as I crossed my legs to block my other bits.

  “I can’t believe you talked me into this Ty,” Scott said as I glimpsed his naked side and hip while he slipped in.

  “Oh you know you’ve always wanted to. You can mark it off your bucket list you old man,” Tyler said back.

  “Can’t believe he calls me old man,” Scott said to Devona, who drifted to his side, before sitting straddle on his lap, facing him.

  “Ok, I get it, you’re not an old man. But keep it in your pants while we’re all naked together will you?”

  Tyler rolled his eyes to emphasise his point.

  “You know, Ty,” Scott said in his adult voice. “I’d love to keep it in my pants, but someone insisted I go without.”

  With a pointed look from father to son we all broke out into raucous laughter.

  “While I think it’s great to have a father/son double date, it’s a little weird that we all are sharing a pool naked together.”

  “You saying you don’t like the view Devona?” Tyler asked, directing his words to her personally for the first time this trip.

  “Well, I AM a little distracted by the man. A boy seems rather fruitless in comparison.”

  Tyler looked at her slack-jawed. And it wasn’t just because of her big perky breasts peeking in and out of the water.

  “Boy? Fruitless?” he asked questioningly under his breath and Scott grinned before planting a big, fat kiss on Devona’s lips.

  “I swear, if you get a boner I’m out of here,” Tylet said before turning to me, kissing me with fervor.

  “Now it’s a contest,” Scott told Devona.

  “A contest we’ll win. They’re still just babies. Look at them, eating at each other like they’re starving. They don’t understand the pleasure in savoring a kiss.”

  When it became silent I admit I opened my eyes to peek. Devona was still on Scott’s lap, breasts pressed to his chest and hands wrapped in the hair at the nape of his neck.

  Their mouths joined in a tender, slow exchange. A kiss you’d see in an old movie, where romance was based in passion instead of lust.

  I wondered what a kiss like that would feel like.

  I pulled away from Tyler and pointed to the older couple.

  “Kiss me like that,” I whispered.

  “Like an old person?” he asked back.

  “Like you adore me,” I corrected.

  A small smile turned up his lips before he said, “That should be easy enough.”

  His lips hovered just above mine before brushing across mine. His breath whispered across my tongue before his lips pressed to mine, his mouth opening, beckoning me to open to him before his tongue brushed against mine.

  We sparred for a long while and faintly, I heard Devona say, “Now that is love.”

  When I realized we were being watched I pulled away. Tyler’s heavily lidded eyes lazily opened to sparkling blue irises. This love and adoration was marked into every part of his face. Happiness resided there, too.

  “I hear some more hikers,” Scott said and scrambled out of the pool. Devona followed quickly and the golden skin on both water slicked butts as they found our big pile of clothes was almost surreal. I wished I had that type of skin tone instead of my almost-translucent, snowy skin.

  Tyler and I followed them out. We’d gotten almost all our clothes back on before the hikers made it to the rope that helped you down to our pool. I’m sure we looked innocent enough.

  “The trail keeps going to the Colorado river if you guys want to keep walking.”

  We looked around at each other and decided to go because nobody suggesting we leave.

  We made it down to the river and splashed around in the cold shallow waters for a little while before heading back. Dusk was approaching quickly and we didn’t want to get caught in the canyon in the dark.

  When we got to the car I felt relieved. I was tired and thirsty and just wanted to get home. The day had been wonderful but I was ready for it to end.

  Finally we drove into the parking garage and Scott turned off the car.

  “Go ahead and go up,” Scott told us.

  Tyler and I said goodbye to Devona before getting out of the car and going up the elevator.

  We dug into the fridge, inhaling anything in it after ordering some room service.

  About half an hour later, just after food arrived, Scott and Devona came into the suite. We were surprised to see Devona, but they grabbed some food and went into Scott’s room without hardly a word. We thought it was a little weird, but it wasn’t our business so we just finished eating before heading to bed ourselves.

  The next morning I was up early, pouring a cup of coffee in the kitchen before jumping into the shower. There was a faint clack and thud like a door opening and closing. A moment later Devona came into the kitchen.

  “Good morning Sam,” she said and got a cup after me.

  “Good morning,” I said back but refrained from saying anything else.

  We drank in silence for a few minutes before Devona drained her cup and put it in the dishwasher before saying, “It was nice to meet you Sweetie. Just do me one favor, huh?”

  “Sure,” I responded, hoping it wasn’t anything I couldn’t follow through with.

  “Just… go easy on Scott, huh?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

  “I mean exactly what I said. If you don’t understand it now, you will eventually. Just remember that you promised.”

  “Ok, sure,” I said hesitantly to her cryptic request.

  After that she picked up her purse and left.

  With the weird conversation on my mind I got ready for work then headed down.

  Work for the remainder of the week was fine, nothing out of the ordinary. I moved into the apartment that weekend. I also received a key and key card so I could get into the suite without an escort.

  It was a big day.

  After that, time flew, but also inched along, until it was finally our one year anniversary. I would be 21 soon and the holidays were only weeks away.

  When I asked Tyler what to wear he told me to wear workout clothes, but to bring a nice dress. So, figuring we were going to do something athletic then go to a fancy dinner. I got into some booty shorts, tank top and sports
bra before pulling on tennis shoes.

  “Ready to go?” Tyler called from the living room.

  I just grabbed my bag and went to him in answer. I had a dress slung over my arm with my strappy high heels stuffed into my bag. My makeup bag was in my backpack and a hairbrush was tucked in for good measure.

  Tyler grabbed my hand and together we rushed out of the house. It was a Tuesday, and we’d both left early at 3. We got into the car and headed to our first unknown-to-me destination.

  When we pulled into the gymnasium that we’d first met playing quarterstaff, I wondered if he meant to spar. I hadn’t played quarterstaff in a long while because I’d gotten too busy, but the thought was invigorating.

  We got out of the car and Tyler led me to the trunk. Our suits and equipment were stored neatly in it. We carried everything in through the doors and saw dozens of people who seemingly waited for us. Lots of guys greeted Tyler and he waved at them before leading me to the lady’s room to change. I pulled on my suit and practically danced down the hallway leading to the open gym. I joined the group of people gathered together on what was not a typical game day. Usually they met on Monday, but I thought that Tyler probably called in some favors and gathered a group to play today.

  Tyler and I both lost terribly, but we laughed through the new bruises and sore muscles.

  “Ok,” Tyler said, pulling his helmet off.

  I took that second to think about the boy I’d met a year ago, the boy who made me wet my knickers and turned my knees to jello. The boy who now flipped his hair back like a swimsuit model on a Pantene Pro-V Commercial. He grinned over at me and my brain turned to slow motion as I absorbed the moment.

  “Go ahead and change,” he said as he transported me back from that first moment with a bright smile and shining eyes.

  I nodded dumbly before going in the direction he nudged me.

  After getting out of the suit and my shorts and tank, I ran water all over me before fixing my makeup and pulling my hair down from my bun. I’d hoped to have waves after letting it dry all curled up, and I wasn’t disappointed.

  The black dress Tyler had picked out for me a while back when he’d helped me shop still fit. Barely. So I pulled it on, strapped on my shoes and stroked on some neutral lipstick. I picked up my backpack and made my way back out to the hall. Tyler was waiting there for me in a different sort of suit. It was black, slim trousers with thin lapels and 2 buttons, only the bottom button was undone.


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