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by J G Jerome


  Book 3 of the Green Lord

  By JG Jerome

  Edited by Heather Jerome

  Cover by Albert Chauw

  Copyright © December 24, 2019

  J.G. Jerome

  All Rights Reserved

  “Love is at the root of everything. Love or the lack of it.” - Fred Rogers.



  1 - Eileen’s Colleague

  2 - Snoopin’ Around

  3 - Sunset party

  4 - Triage

  5 - What the F…

  6 - Things go sideways

  7 - Boat shopping

  8 - Meeting the opposition

  9 - Sea cruise

  10 - Travel to Germany

  11 - First stop

  12 - Dinner with a friend

  13 - Djinn

  14 - The Ballad of the Grey People from the Sky

  15 - Two rescues in one hour

  16 - I love it when a plan comes together

  17 - Rest Before Battle

  18 - Saving the Djinn

  19 - Leaps of Faith

  20 - On the trail

  21 - Old Man on the Mountain

  22 - Dalia

  23 - Ariana

  24 - Recon

  25 - Cleaning House

  26 - Debrief

  27 - The Wild Hunt

  28 - Battle with the Dread Lord

  29 - Consolidation

  30 - Next Steps




  About the Author


  In book one, Jack learned about being the Green Lord. He met Christie, but she wiped his memory of herself. Jack also met Myra, Trina, GC, Erica, the Ravens, Megan, Peg, Lorn, Kellieanne and Johnny, the Shadows - Jason and Trevor, Supreet, Cholley - the Goblin, the Demi-fey, the Elves, and amps up his existing relationship with Kristina. Jack takes Myra and Trina as lovers. Myra and Jack marry Elven style. Jack claims Kristina, Megan, Supreet, and the Ravens for his own. Peg reveals she knew the last Green Lord and pledges her service to Jack. Jack wins both major lotteries and forms Verdic Holdings. He does all this as he works with his team to deliver an IT consulting contract in Hartford.

  In book two, Jack proposes to Kristina and Supreet. He strengthens his powers while dealing with Ariana’s actions driven by her growing insanity. Jack meets the Wolf Shifters and the Dread Lord. The Summer Lady makes a play to be the Faerie Queen as Myra announces her ascendance to that throne. Jack kills the Summer Lady, and Myra consolidates her power. Jack is crowned King of the Goblins. Jack marries five more women. The book ends with Eileen appearing at the family’s honeymoon celebration.

  There is a chronology at the back of the book.

  This is an adult fantasy for mature folks that comes out of my twisted mind. They are my dreams, daydreams, and fantasies transcribed onto paper.

  As such, this story includes descriptions of genitalia, descriptions of sexual activities, mixing of US and UK idioms, panamorous relationships, harem relationships, romance, bro-mance, BFFs, cursing, bathroom fondling, co-ed showers, off-beat humor, eating food while naked or partially naked, drinking, hot chocolate, licorice bon-bons, unusual interpretations of myth and legends, going to the bathroom, the insurance industry, the IT consulting industry, construction, wineries, and many other things that might possibly offend someone in our judgemental society. If you are offended by any of those things, then kindly close the book, tell Amazon you made a mistake, get your refund, and go forth to enjoy life elsewhere. I wish you the best.

  If you’re not dissuaded, the...

  1 - Eileen’s Colleague

  Eileen says, “We need you to come in on this op, Jack. Especially if this guy is as bad as you say he is.”

  I look down at my feet as one word comes to mind, ‘Shit!’

  “When?” I ask.

  “Now,” Eileen responds.

  I shake my head, “Not happening. How long have you known about the Dread Lord?”

  She looks at her feet for a moment before looking back up. “About a year,” she says.

  “I figured,” I respond. “I didn’t need to know, but you need me to find Abu bin Hassan now.”

  She grimaces, “Jack, you know how these things work.”

  We hear a squeak from the forest. Louis and Trinity step between me and the noise. Sherrine, Sowie, and Trina rush towards the sound with weapons drawn. Tiphanae launches into the air and circles the jungle with drawn swords. Persimmon comes out and leads the three ladies in.

  I look at Eileen. “Who’s with you?” I ask.

  “Markus Branford. You remember him? He was that rookie I was working with when I met you,” she says.

  I nod as I look into the jungle. After a moment I hear Trina yell, “Lili! I need your help!”

  L’liana and Jessica blink to the edge of the jungle and then blink inside.

  Eileen asked, “What was that?”

  I look at her for a moment before I figure out what she’s talking about. “They’re Elves. L’liana is a ‘High Elf,’ and Jessica is a ‘Dark Elf,’ or ‘Drow,’ as they prefer. That was their ‘blink’ ability in action. It’s basically the ability to ‘teleport.’ How well do you know your partner?”

  Eileen shrugs, “Pretty well. We’ve worked a few missions. I only work field support now since you broke me in half. I can’t pass the qualifications for a field agent.” She pauses to catch her thoughts. “You act like that blink thing is normal.”

  I say, “It is.” I blink next to her, kiss her cheek, and blink back next Louis and Trinity.

  “Holy shit,” she exclaims.

  Kristina cuddles up to me and chuckles evilly. I tip up her chin and kiss her lips hungrily. I pull her close as Grace wraps her arms around me and presses her naked breasts to my back and kisses my neck.

  L’liana blinks out of the jungle and then blinks right in front of me holding a severed wrist. There is a bronze watch band on the wrist with a variety of dark stones in it.

  L’liana reports, “Husband, the band was starting to glow. Trina cut it off, and I deactivated it. The comms channel was open, but I think it was preparing to explode. There were multiple channels open on it. Persimmon and Acorn both got him with blades coated in paralytic poison. He should survive even if you don’t heal him.”

  Jessica blinks in holding a rifle with scope, and L’liana continues, “Trina tied off the stump. They’ll drag him out here shortly.”

  I ask Jessica, “And that?”

  “He was laying on this when I got there. It looked like he had been aiming it,” Jessica reports. “Acorn, Persimmon, and Marigold found him. You’ll have to get details from them.”

  Myra holds me close and pulls my left hand inside her wrap, pushing it up between her thighs. She presses tight against me, and I kiss her passionately. Georgia crawls in to cuddle my leg, her hand is disappearing under my sarong when Chelsea says, “Get up, Kitten. Our man is safe. No need to worry.”

  “Kitten? That actually fits better than ‘Strumpet,’” I exclaim as her hand grabs my cock gently. “Get up, Georgia.”

  “But, Master,” she starts to whine.

  “If you don’t get up, I won’t put a collar on you,” I threaten.

  Georgia is on her feet in a flash. She kisses me, Kristina, and Grace before hugging herself between Supreet and Chelsea. They pet her and coo in her ears to comfort her.

  About that time Sowie, Trina, and Sherrine drag out the would-be assassin. Actually Sherrine has him balanced over a shoulder like a wooden timber as Trina carries out the briefcase that held the rifle and the ghillie suit he wore. Sowie brings his clothes and boots. Acorn is sitting on the guy’s ass like a conquering hero as Sherrine brings him over. I’m
assuming Marigold and Persimmon are tucked in on a shoulder somewhere. I take it all in as they carry him to me.

  Tiphanae lands and reports, “All appears clear, my Lord.”

  “Thanks, Tiffy,” I say with a warm smile. She preens in response.

  I turn to Eileen. She is intently watching my hand move under Myra’s wrap. “Khm. Eileen, is that your partner?”

  She looks up at me guiltily and then checks out Sherrine’s cargo as she unceremoniously dumps him in the sand. She blushes as she says, “Uh, yeah.” She looks confused by everything. “I wrote the mission brief myself, Jack. Assassination wasn’t part of the plan. He just came off a field assignment, and I pulled him among three possible candidates in the pool. I have no idea where the ghillie suit came from.”

  “How far in advance did he know what the mission was?” I ask.

  Eileen responds, “About four hours. It was supposed to be a brief and roll situation, but he asked for a couple of hours to put a few things in order at his apartment as he just got back that morning. Lowell approved it. Branford had been in Paris looking for Abu bin Hassan.”

  “Hmm. The plot thickens,” I say with a smirk. “Okay, Louis and Trinity, please take him back to the compound and tie him up on a post. Keep a watch on him. I know you’re guarding, but Cholley and the ladies will have to pick up the slack with Karla, Frannie, and Sherrine.”

  I turn to my Drow lover. “Jessica, would you go to the customs shed and ask around about what you can learn. If the plane is still there, search it thoroughly. You are authorized to tranquilize anyone on board to make your life easier. I know you were planning to ‘ride the sunset.’ I’ll have to make it up to you tomorrow night.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” she responds with a grim look. “If I get any grief, I might not be very careful with the tranq dosage.”

  I tell her, “Understood. Give the rifle to Trinity, Love. I’ll catch up with you when we get back. I suspect the celebration may be shorter than anticipated.”

  Jessica looks to the little people, “Persimmon, you want to ride along.”

  “Oh no! I got dizzy last time,” Persimmon exclaims.

  Marigold pipes up, “I’ll go! I love to ride with you as you blink.” She flies to land on Jessica’s shoulder. Jessica blinks away right after Marigold lands.

  Myra pulls my damp hand out from between her thighs. Kristina pulls my moist fingers into her mouth as Myra says, “Christoff, head back and start to work your sources in government and see what you can learn. Be discreet. The Dread Lord appears to have his fingers everywhere.”

  Christoff says, “Of course, your Majesty. I’ve got a source on the Senate Intelligence Committee and another in the House. Let me ping them first and work out from there. Both are Sidhe.”

  Louis picks up the stiff sack of meat, Christoff takes the garments from Sowie, and Trinity takes the rifle, ghillie suit, and briefcase. The rest of us prepare to continue to the dock.

  Sherrine asks, “Do I get to ‘ride the sunset,’ Lord? I was scheduled for tomorrow.”

  I laugh, “Trina? Sounds like a good plan to me.”

  Trina agrees, “Works, Master.” Sherrine grabs Louis’ handle on the cooler with a grin, and we continue towards our sunset party.

  2 - Snoopin’ Around

  Jessica stops by her cabin. “Merry, get a drink and a bite to eat. You’ve been burning fuel. I don’t want you to get sick while we’re out.”

  “Okay. Let me get a cup of water and grab a couple of almonds,” Marigold responds.

  Jessica pours some water into a small tumbler and holds it for Marigold to drink her fill. She pulls her bodysuit on while Marigold eats a couple of almonds, and then she grabs five more in one hand and Marigold in the other.

  Jessica blinks from one corner of the path to the next always keeping in line of sight. Marigold asks, “Don’t you ever get headaches like Jack?”

  Jessica says, “Jack’s only part-elven. I think it’s harder for him but maybe not. He is still developing his abilities. I’m not sure if I have a bigger well of the right kind of energy, or if he hits a problem due to lack of experience. Regardless, if he is careful he doesn’t need to worry; his crown will top him back up if he runs low.”

  Marigold says, “I thought it was a helm.”

  Jessica chuckles, “Convince Eliana of that.”

  Marigold asks, “Who’s Eliana?”

  Jessica stops for a moment and kicks herself mentally. She responds in the hypersonic range that only Drow, Wild Elves, and Demi-fey can hear, “That, Merry my friend, is a top secret. You have to promise not to tell anyone. Our Lord would be quite wroth with us.”

  “I won’t,” Marigold reassures Jessica.

  “I mean it! Not your family, not any of our queens, no one! I think Trina knows, but I’m not sure. You, me, and our Lord are the only ones that can ever know,” Jessica reinforces urgently.

  “Okay,” Marigold agrees.

  Jessica explains, “Eliana is alive. She was a High Elf that gave her life to be bound into the helm. Her husband, Durec, became the mail. He was an Elf-Dwarf hybrid master smith. Jacob, a human boy, became the gauntlet. Gisela, a human shield maiden, is his sword belt - baldric as Jack has been employing her. Yoren, his shield, was a Goblin bigger than Louis. He was said to be nearly as big as an Ogre. Both Morningstar and Eventide were Drow - brother and sister. Pally and Bobo are the greaves - brother Hobgoblins.”

  “Oh my! That’s horrible! They died to become armor and arms?” Marigold asks.

  Jessica steps into the forest for a moment to ensure she’s not interrupted, “No, little sister. They volunteered to sacrifice themselves to protect their Lord. Just like you, I, or any of our family would do. We would just do it once. They died once to protect our Lord, and they might die again if they are destroyed.”

  Marigold asks, “How do you know this?”

  “My people have the best records that exist on the history of the Green Lords. We have Loremasters that specialize in the Verdic history. Our Lord would be appalled that my people know this. I’m sure he wants it to be a secret. He loves them and cares for them as if they were still people. Here! Finish these almonds so I don’t drop them,” Jessica tries to distract her.

  “Thank you,” says Marigold. Jessica resumes blinking down the path until she reaches the clearing that runs to the airfield.

  Jessica continues talking to Marigold in hypersonic range. “Only talk like this until we get back to Jack. I’m going to create a mind fog and blink into the terminal. If we don’t find anything we’ll re-enter and ask questions. Then we’ll check out the airplanes.”

  Marigold agrees, “Okay.”

  Jessica pulls her balaclava over her head before blinking to the windows around the terminal first. At the third window she tries, she sees a man in a short-sleeved pilot uniform talking on a sat-phone. He is wearing Captain’s stripes and a watch band like the one from the male shooter they just captured. The window is open, so she listens in.

  He says, “Branford came and grabbed his rifle kit. He had a silencer, so I won’t know how it goes until he shows up. Yeah, we loaded the explosives on Jerome’s plane just in case. Worst case, we parachute out and blow our own plane in the air. Yeah well, Pennyworth or Brock, or whatever her name is today, becomes collateral damage. From what Pennyworth told me, she hasn’t been able to carry her weight since Jerome fucked her up anyway. Yeah. Okay. I’ll let you know. Roger, Lieutenant. Right. Out here.”

  He disconnects and walks out the door. Jessica blinks back around to the entrance and hears him call out, “Thanks for letting me use your phone” as he approaches the exit. He walks out the door, walks to the soda machine and purchases two. Then he saunters across the Tarmac toward the plane.

  Jessica pulls her balaclava off, stuffs it into her clutch, and zips her bodysuit open down below her navel. Then she puts on a blond human glamour to look like Trina. She walks in and talks to the male terminal operations guy, “Hello, what’s with the ot
her plane?

  The guy’s attention is riveted on the zipper. “Uh...they’re from the US. ‘Government types.’ The aircraft is registered to Carribean Import-Export, but the pilot and the passengers were government.”

  She runs her fingers up and down her zippers, “I thought I heard him say something about putting something on our plane. What was that about?”

  Suddenly he’s all business as he looks at her suspiciously. “I don’t know anything about that,” he says. She jumps up on the counter and immediately off again as Marigold hovers above her. Jessica let’s her glamour drop as her knees land on his collarbones. She pulls his face into her torso as the collar bones snap. She rides him to the ground as he screams until he bounces off the floor.

  She clamps a hand over his mouth and tells him, “Shut up!” His screams quiet to a whimper.

  Jessica continues, “If you put my Lord in danger I will pull out your liver and eat it in front of your dying eyes. Tell me what you did.”

  “Nothing,” he whines. “They just gave me money so they could check out the airplane. They said it was unusual, so they wanted to check it out.”

  “What did our crew say?” Jessica demands.

  “I-I-I didn’t ask. They said no need to bother your crew as they were just looking around,” he says.

  Jessica pulls a ‘ballpoint pen’ from her clutch and presses it to his neck. She clicks it to deliver the tranquilizer into his bloodstream.

  She drags him to his chair, picks him up in a bridal carry so she can sit him in the seat. She wheels him in place and puts his feet on the desk. When she’s satisfied he looks like he’s napping, Jessica calls Marigold to resume her perch as she pulls her zipper up and puts her balaclava back into place. She exerts her mind fog and blinks off to follow the guy in the uniform.

  She blinks to the bottom of the stairs as he ascends into the aircraft. She carefully steps onto the steps in time with the pilot’s tread. The pilot steps into the passenger compartment. He calls out, “Hey, Roger! I brought you a soda.” As he sits next to his first officer, he hands the can over and says in a lower voice, “If plan A fails, we’re on for plans B or C. We vector towards the boat after take-off, and the Lieutenant will send the boat to fish us out if needed. I wouldn’t worry though. Branford’s a fucking animal. You should hear some of his stories.” They laugh.


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