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Page 4

by J G Jerome

  Eileen’s eyes flash. I’ve seen that look before - when she thought I’d betrayed her. She makes a ‘keep talking motion.’

  “It all went like clockwork other than I had to chase Hassan across Europe. I got a shot at him in Düsseldorf, but only one. Rather than having me put the poor rag-head out of his misery, he’s probably dying slowly somewhere.” I frown at that. I have had several Arabic friends and colleagues. Some I’m still in contact with. That racist shit doesn’t sit well with me.

  Bransford continues, “Then Lowell called and I had to didi mau back to get picked just as he predicted. Then Lowell gave me the real mission brief while you thought I was taking care of my apartment.”

  Eileen asks, “What caused the planes to explode?”

  “I don’t know. I went back to get my gear after we split up. Steve and Roger asked for a hand loading the explosives in Jack’s plane in case I couldn’t get a clean shot. Over planning, you know. There is no way I won’t kill Jack Jerome. I’m the best. They call me the Animal. It’s not just how good I am in bed.”

  I see Acorn buzzing angrily as he takes off. I make a patting motion at him, and he goes back to his perch on the windowsill.

  Eileen says, “In your dreams, Markus. You forget that I’ve experienced your fumbling attempts. Not impressive other than how unimpressive you were for such a young stud. Why do you think I hooked up with Jack in the first place?” She lets that mess with his confidence. “So why did both planes blow up?”

  “I don’t know. I wasn’t supposed to know their plane was rigged to blow, too. But I did. I even had a chute tucked away, so I could follow the pilots out if they bailed.”

  Eileen tries a different track, “What other pieces are there in the operation?”

  “Uh” he hesitates. I hit him again with the brain cocktail. “Well, there is an LCS, Corvette class ship, anchored over the horizon. There’s a SEAL unit on it prepared to make an amphibious assault landing - just a squad. They’re to ‘subdue any resistance’ they may encounter. I guess that’s all the babes hanging around.”

  I interrupt, “Which direction?”

  “Not sure, but I think northwest.”

  I turn to Tiphanae, “I’m sorry Sweetheart, I need you to do an air recon again. High enough you’ll look like a bird. Start Northwest. Once you find them, complete a circuit around the island at that distance. Then come back in to report.”

  Tiphanae wraps me in a hug with her arms, wings, and tail as she kisses me passionately. “I love being needed, my Lord.” Then she checks her clearance and leaps into the air.

  I watch her ascend for a moment - it’s too spectacular to miss. Then I look at Markus, ensure I still have a firm hold on him, and tell him, “Continue.”

  “I told Lowell I’d just handle it, but supposedly he thinks these babes are dangerous. They just need a real man to tame them.”

  Trinity leans her face into his and growls at him. Apparently he hadn’t looked above any of the ladies‘ boobs because it looks like he just noticed her tusks. He looks up, thinking back on Tiphanae’s figure and then looks around taking in the tusks, dark eyes, pointed ears, and green skin. I bet he’d shit himself if Chelsea changed forms.

  “Keep talking, Markus,” Eileen prompts. “What else do you know or suspect about the operation?”

  “Uh, apparently the SEAL Lieutenant, about half his team, and Lowell are all part of the Dread Chain. The pilots are, or were. I-I-I…” His eyes roll up in his head, and he passes out. A thin stream of blood runs out his nose.

  I reach out my will to wake him, but he’s dead. I get a sense nearby of laughing and then suddenly screaming in fear. Then it’s gone.

  I look to L’liana. She says, “Nothing in his brain indicated he was holding anything back. He visualized retrieving the ghillie suit and the case he was carrying when we found him. He remembered helping to plant the explosives under the cockpit and in the access panel for the tail assembly in our plane. He remembered putting the rifle together. Honestly, I thought his setup was sloppy. He seemed to have plenty of time. When he said ‘dread chain,’ he pictured the watch bands they were all wearing and a pasty white guy with a receding chin and thinning hair. Then a voice with an accent screamed ‘No’ in his mind, and he died.”

  “The pasty white guy was probably Lowell. Can you share a mental image with Eileen?” I ask.

  Eileen asks, “Did he have a little mole next to his left eye?”

  L’liana ponders before nodding, “He did. That’s your ex?”

  Eileen grimaces, “Sounds like it.”

  L’liana gasps, “You left Jack for that?”

  “Hey!” I scold L’liana as Eileen wails “No! I tried to kill him!” She starts sobbing.

  Jessica wraps her in a hug, “Don’t feel bad, Honey! I did, too. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m sure it will work out for you, too.” Eileen hangs on the dark girl and sobs.

  I start to walk over to comfort her when Georgia exclaims, “Master! We need to leave now. Death is coming.” I stop and look at Georgia’s haunted face.

  I give the command, “Pack everything. Now! Leave nothing.”

  I look at L’liana, “Check with Arista. Tell her we all need to get out of here yesterday. Have her people and our flight crew grab valuables. Find out if there is a boat we can use.”

  I turn to Christie, “Do you see anything, Beloved?”

  She shakes her head, “No, Jack. I sense there are battles coming soon. You will face the Dread Lord soon. That’s all I can tell, Jack. They’ve been getting harder to read since I’ve become a part of your story. Trust Georgia. Her gift works differently than mine.”

  She kisses me quickly and runs inside.

  Louis shows up with his and Trinity’s bags. Cholley drops off two as well. I am assuming the second is Selene’s. All three Goblins run back out toward the perimeter. I run in, grab my toilette kit, and throw it in my bag.

  Georgia runs up wearing a beach coverup and a shoulder holster, holding her bag in one hand. She grabs my electronics, puts them in the portfolio and gives me a kiss before running out the door. I grab my bag and Myra’s as she finishes zipping it up. I kiss her quickly and lead the way back outdoors.

  L’liana is standing on the porch with her clutch and a small backpack. “Jack, there is a cabin cruiser for supplies. They’re out of Cockburn Town, on Grand Turks. It’s just pulled up to the dock for resupply about 30 minutes before the explosions. They had planned to overnight, but I convinced them to go now. It can carry us all, but it will overload them. In calm seas it wouldn’t be a problem, but there’s rough weather coming in from the southeast. We will travel through that to get to Nassau. The boat may wallow loaded that heavy. Plus, they have the carburetor in pieces. They say they should be able to get underway in 30 minutes.”

  I nod and then wave Corrina to me. “The Elves, Goblins minus Grace, and Tiffy stay with me. Get the staff, the rest of the wives, and mothers on the boat with the crew and as many more as you can without overloading the boat. I’m taking my team hunting for a bigger boat and to buy some time. I hear there’s a Corvette out there,” I say with a grin.

  Corrina gives me an impassioned kiss and squeezes my ass as I squeeze hers. She whispers, “I love you, Lord and Master,” as she slides away out of my arms with a grin.

  Grace is standing before me with her hands on her hips, “Explain, husband.” That’s twice I’ve seen ‘angry Grace’ today.

  I step up and hold her face in both hands. Brooking no argument, “You are the one and only true Queen of the Goblins. I can’t risk you in what I’m about to do. Only the Elves and I have a good chance of surviving this. The rest of the team’s odds will depend on how well we use our abilities. I will not risk you or our child for our people!”

  “You know!” she gasps.

  I smile, “Yes! And I couldn’t be happier, Beloved. I’ve seen you stroking your stomach. I was curious, so I compared you to our other mothers. Very small
still, but there. Take care of our baby, Grace. I will be with you soon. You have my promise.”

  “Goblins wives fight with their mates,” she argues.

  “Only to defend their home or homeland. This is neither, Grace.” I give her the stink eye.

  Finally she sobs and wraps me in a crushing hug.

  “Come back to us, Husband. All of us. We need you more than you know. I’ll take care of Merry and everyone. Do you want Acorn and Persimmon with you?” she asks.

  “No,” I shake my head. “There’s too much danger of losing them in the ocean. Gotta run, Love. I love you,” I say as Tiphanae lands. I brush a kiss across Grace’s lips before running off to get a report from my Valkyrie.

  Tiphanae reports, “I found the ship, Jack. It looks like they are motoring towards our sunset dock. Since we only have a little twilight left, I suspect the timing isn’t a coincidence. There’s a team of seven armed men on the aft deck. It took me a while to get back because the crew were putting up a drone. I had to catch it and break its wings off.”

  I nod, “Thanks, Sweetheart. We need to deal with that team on the ship before it docks.”

  Louis, Cholley, Frannie, Karla, Sherrine, Trinity, and Eileen all run up as L’liana and Jessica blink to either side of Tiphanae. “Tiffy, you can’t carry anyone, so I want you with one of the FS assault rifles. If we need air support, that is you with the assault rifle and pinfeather darts. Come in over the water or straight down.”

  “Yes, Lord,” she acknowledges.

  “Cholley, can you use that sniper rifle?” He shrugs and shakes his hand side to side.

  Frannie and Sherrine both raise their hands. Sherrine says, “US Army Sniper school.”

  Frannie sticks her tongue at her as I say, “Sherrine is the sniper. You, Trinity, and Louis cover the dock from the jungle. Trinity has the other FS. Louis has the assault shotgun with slugs. If anyone not in our family steps on that dock, make sure they can’t leave it.”

  I pause for a moment looking at Eileen. I lock eyes with her. “Eileen is family from this moment forward.”

  They acknowledge the new member and their orders with, “Yes, Lord.”

  “Karla, Cholley, Eileen, and Frannie will ride in with Lili, Jessie, and myself as we blink onboard. Knives and swords primary. If you see one of those watch bands or bracelets, cut it off and throw it in the ocean. Just cut off the arm above the band and somewhere below the shoulder. If they keep fighting, tranq them or kill them. If they have no bracelets, tranq them. Do not under any circumstances tranq anyone with a watch band until the arm is gone. Clear?”

  “Yes, Lord,” they respond.

  Jessica says, “I’ve got ten tranqs left. One for each. Holler if you need another, and I’ll blink to you as fast as I can.” She looks to me, “I need a resupply after this.”

  L’liana says, “Remind me after the mission. I’ll hook you up.”

  Jessica smiles ruefully, “I keep forgetting I can’t just march down to the quartermaster any more.”

  “Yes,” L’liana agrees with a grin, “but you have the entire High Elven global supply chain backing you now.”

  “Okay,” I say. “Give Eileen two. She still thinks like an American, I want her to be able to go nonlethal if it’s an issue.”

  Eileen growls, “These are the fuckers that considered me expendable fish food. I doubt it will be an issue.” Her tone softens, “Thanks for thinking of me, Jack.”

  “You’re family now, Eileen. You are mine. I am yours,” I tell her.

  “I never thought I’d hear that again,” she says with a smile as she wipes her eyes.

  “Buck up, soldier,” I tell her with a grin. “Okay, Eileen and Cholley with me. Frannie with Jessie. Karla with Lili. One last thing…” I pause for effect. “...Red Cap if you got ‘em.” Louis and Cholley roar as they pull their Red Caps from somewhere and put them on their heads. “Meet at the dock as fast as you can. Go.”

  Tiphanae says, “You should be able to see the boat’s outline from the dock. I don’t know if you can see your objective or not.”

  “We’ll have to jump into place. See you soon, Tiffy-love.”

  Then I blink.

  7 - Boat shopping

  After a couple of jumps around the forest, I blink to the end of Sunset Dock. I fix my eye on my target. “Just past the railing in front of the superstructure, my right side. I’ll blink to the limit of sight within the rail around to my right. As soon as I can see around the superstructure, we will blink again into the middle of them. Jessie, same on the left with your mind fog. Lili follow Jessi in.” I wave my passengers forward, grasping their arms as I say, “Hold on kiddies. This train is leaving the station.” I take a deep breath and blink.

  We arrive on target. I see the end of the catwalk. I murmur, “Blinking.” We jump to the end of the catwalk, and I spot seven men in tactical gear armed with pistols, knives, and M4s. I see five watch bands.

  I murmur, “Tranq the two without watchbands.” The one guy facing the other six sees us. The others turn as he looks up and stops talking. I murmur, “Blink.”

  I blink us next to one of those that doesn’t appear to have a watch band. Then I notice he has one on his right arm. I call out, “This one has a right arm band.” Then I will all seven to sleep. They all stagger, but they don’t fall. Stones on their watch bands glow, and a sickly greenish-black smoke rolls up their arms.

  Cholley calls, “Mine!” He snags the guy’s right arm and whips an Elven blade up and through the guy’s arm before flinging it into the ocean in one smooth move. Eileen tranqs him as I blink behind the guy with the Lieutenant’s bars. I whip Morningstar out and down through his arm just below his shoulder. I put him to sleep again before I pick up the stump and blink to a SEAL groggily raising his M4 at Eileen. He fires as I brain him with the Lieutenant’s severed limb before I give him a stump of his own. I put him to sleep, as L’liana and Jessica arrive with their charges. Eileen slides under another SEAL and hamstrings him as Frannie grabs his arm and cuts the wrist just above his watch band. Then it’s done.

  I work my way around ensuring that the stumps are all sealed and not bleeding. I heal the hamstrung guy, too. Karla has one poor guy’s arm impaled on her tusks, but the tranquilizer has already taken him. I help her pry his arm from her mouth without doing more damage. She spits his blood out of her mouth. “I don’t want to get any of that tranquilizer in me.”

  L’liana say, “Let me deactivate and keep as many bracelets as we can for evidence and research.” She deactivates each watch band. Then using a Sharpie she pulled from a pouch, she writes a number on the excised hand, and then she writes the corresponding number on each maimed SEAL’s face.

  Eileen took a bullet graze each to her face and shoulder. I lay a hand on each and heal them. Cholley got two in the leg and four in the abdomen. “Lay down,” I tell him. He does, and I ‘remove’ the six bullets. Then I wrap him in an envelope of loving, healing energy. No major organs were injured, but I close the wounds in his intestines and then ‘remove’ any of the fluids that seeped out of the wounds. Finally I close and heal the leg wounds.

  “There you go, Big Man,” I tell him.

  Cholley launches to his feet as I hear “Freeze!”

  Three Marines are pointing rifles at us from the upper catwalk on the superstructure. I blink to stand among them and put them to sleep. Jessica joins me, and we manage to keep them from falling off. I grab two and blink down to lay them out near the SEALS. Jessica follows me in with the other, and L’liana blinks in with their rifles.

  “Okay,” I tell them. “Karla, Cholley, and Lili stay here to guard. Frannie, Eileen, Jessie, and I are going to go visit the bridge,” I command.

  L’liana says, “Jack, I’m going to try a create a psychic jammer for the Dread Lord for when we interrogate the SEALs. I’ll use Prudence’s or Trevor’s. They’re the simplest ones we’ve found so far.”

  “Okay, Lili. Just be careful. These guys have been working
for the Dread Lord, which is dangerous enough. Add to that they’re some of the most dangerous men on the planet irrespective of who they work for - I want you all to be VERY nervous with my wife’s safety,” I lecture.

  “Yes, Lord,” they exclaim.

  I kneel down and shake the Marine Corporal awake. He responds with a “Huh?”

  I look down at him and tell him, “This is why they told us not to pick on jarheads when I was in airborne school. It gets boring fast.”

  He frowns at me. I tell him, “Corporal. You’re going to escort us to the bridge.”

  “No sir, I will not,” the Marine demurs. I hold a hand out, and Frannie grasps it. The marine gasps as he ogles her standing in her beach coverup and shoulder holster. I’m not sure which has him more flabbergasted - her nearly naked state, the grey-green skin, or her tusks. I grab him by the scruff of his uniform blouse and blink back to the catwalk where I found him.

  I give him a moment to get his bearings and let his eyeballs sink back into their sockets. Really! It looked like they were going to pop straight out.

  He looks at me and says, “That was so cool!”

  “Right?” I tell him, “Corporal, my sincere wish is to avoid hurting anyone that isn’t actively trying to hurt me or mine. Those SEALs down there were mostly engaged in a plot to kill me and my family from within a faction of the US Government allied with a foreign power. I need to convince the Captain of this ship to rescue my family. Will you help or not?”

  He looks sorrowful as he says, “Sir, I can’t. You seem sincere, but you’ve been identified as a threat to the crew. I can’t take you on the bridge.”


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