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Page 13

by J G Jerome

  “Hello Zandra. Do you need something, dear?”

  She asks, “When are you planning to leave, Jack?”

  “I was thinking within thirty minutes to give the ladies time to arrange things. The other option is about day-break in eastern Turkey. That’s one hour earlier than here, right?” I ask.

  She nods, “I think that would be better than now. You can get some rest, and you will still be as likely or more so to catch them unaware. It will make the attack in Kuwait easier to coordinate, too.”

  As she is speaking, Zandra stands and hikes up her skirt before straddling my lap. I notice her legs are trim and fit, but they’re covered in tights. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close as she looks into my eyes.

  Zandra says, “Jack, please make love to me. Give me a child, so my people will survive.”

  Again I cup her face and gently kiss her chastely on the lips. “Zandra honey, I have a wife, a fiancé, and two concubines here with me that already have to share me. Add to that I barely know you, and I arrive at the conclusion that making love to you right now is probably not the wisest thing I could do. I think you are exotically beautiful, and I am definitely attracted to you. I just don’t think I can put you ahead of them tonight. Stay with our family. We will find a way to save your people. If we get to know each other better and decide we love one another, then I will give you not one but many children.”

  Tears run down her cheeks. She murmurs, “Jack, you are going to arrive unconscious next to a sworn enemy who will likely not let you wake up. This same man has managed to capture all of the males of my people. He is cunning and dangerous. I would like to have a child in my womb as insurance in case he defeats you.”

  Trina speaks from the darkness, “Jack, her heart is already yours. She’s in yours already, too. You can give her this.”

  I look at the silhouette of my blond love. “Should I breed all of you just in case, Pet?”

  Trina’s shadow nods slowly, “Probably a good idea, Master.”

  “You and Jessie will have a problem if I have to go in the field again. You know how I am about protecting the mothers of our children.”

  “Jack, this isn’t funny,” she says as she storms to stand behind Zandra.

  “I’m not laughing, Pet. Not at all. I ….” I think ‘Oh!’

  I call out, “Lili!”

  She blinks into the room a moment later. “Oh Zandra! You’re in for a treat!”

  “Darling wife,” I start with a frown for her. Trina turns on a table lamp with a frown still on her face. I ask my wife, “How does the bracelet enforce sleep?”

  She shrugs, “It emulates the Sidhe ability to influence.”

  “Thank you, Beloved. That’s what I needed to know,” I tell her. Trina cocks an eyebrow at me. Slowly she smiles.

  “Great!” L’liana enthuses. “Now fuck Zandra, so we can go back to the hotel and have a romp before you go off and get yourself grievously wounded.”

  I wave her to me and beckon Trina. I squeeze Zandra to me before wrapping an arm around each of the two ladies in my family. “Dear Beloved Wife, our beloved Chief Concubine has indicated that Zandra is already family and that I’m being distracted from that by my desire to wipe evil from the planet. What are your thoughts, Beloved Wife?”

  L’liana looks at me seriously, “I told you, Husband. You need to fuck her until she’s bow-legged. We can do a wedding ceremony later. If she would rather be a concubine, it’s even simpler.”

  Zandra is looking over her shoulder at L’liana, then she pivots to me, then to Trina and back to me before I catch her chin in my hands. “Sweetie, be careful. You’ll give yourself whiplash if you keep doing that. We are not joking. All sexual implications aside, I am trying to determine if we take you back to the hotel with us. We will take Abu with us, but as a guest. If you go, it will be because you are family. What do you think, Zandra?”

  Zandra stares deep into my eyes for what feels like an hour. She nods once and cups my face between her hands. Then she kisses me. The kiss is not chaste, but still tentative. Her lips are warm and moist. I slide my right arm up to run my fingers into her coarse, silky hair to cup her head to me. I press the kiss back to her, and her lips part at about the same time mine do. I suck her lower lip into my mouth. I release it when her tongue licks my upper lip. I open my mouth again to meet her tongue with mine. Zandra’s hands slide down to my shoulders and pull me closer as she chases my tongue with her own.

  My other hand releases L’liana and slides down to cup Zandra’s tushy. I find a lovely curve and firm flesh. Zandra moans into my mouth as I squeeze her firm tushy. L’liana leans in and kisses her cheek, but Zandra doesn’t even react. Trina wraps her arms around her Zandra and whispers, “Welcome to the family, Zandra. We’ll give the complete orientation of who is who and who does what as we do this mission and immediately thereafter. We’re lucky to have you, Sweetie.”

  Trina calls out as my left hand slides under Zandra’s taint to caress her treasures through her tights. “Leenie! Help get Abu packed up. We’re going back to the hotel. Abu, put your shoe on. You can spring your trap early in the morning.”

  Zandra breaks the kiss and leans her forehead on mine. “Where have you been all my life, Jack?”

  I slowly trace the fingertips of my right hand down her neck, down her decollétage to press into her sternum and left breast. “Right here, Zandra. Right here. I was an idea in your heart. Now I am your man in your arms. You have my pledge - I will give you many children.” Then I cup her breast in my hand and she gasps. I squeeze it firmly, and then slide my arm behind her. I tell her, “I also have an idea how to create more Djinn children that doesn’t involve me fucking the rest of your women.”

  She caresses my face with her right hand as she holds on with her left. “You probably should breed them all, Jack. We’re in a dangerous situation. I wouldn’t mind it.”

  “Well, maybe we can do artificial insemination with them. I have a connection with you, not with them. Only the ladies of my family get the real deal. How does that sound?”

  She smiles brightly, “If I am one of your ladies, then it sounds great, Jack.”

  “You are, Zandra.” I kiss her quickly. “Grab a couple of changes of clothes, sweetie. Be quick. We need to move.”

  Zandra gets off me and dashes down the hall to her bedroom.

  “Lili, please let Jessie know we’ll be there in ten minutes or less,” I request of my wife.

  She sighs dramatically. “Already done, Jack. You are so SLOW, Beloved Husband!” Then she winks at me.

  “I am so going to spank you, Lili.”

  “Please, Lord Husband. By the way, Abu doesn’t have much in the way of possessions with him. About one full change of clothes and a handful of dirty laundry. I checked for tracking or surveillance devices and explosives. Everything’s clean. I put it all in a garbage bag. I’ll dump his valise in the dumpster as we leave.”

  Zandra rushes up with a small roll-on bag and an attaché case. “Ready, Jack.” I wink at her.

  Abu is standing ready with his belongings in a white trash bag. I ask, “Abu, you’re with us until this is done. We’ll talk about what ‘after’ looks like once we have your family safe. We’ve got a sofa sleeper in our hotel with your name on it.”

  He nods, “Sounds good, Jack.”

  Trina leads us out the door followed by Eileen and L’liana with Abu sandwiched between them. I stay next to Zandra as she locks her apartment. Once she’s satisfied, she follows Abu, and I take the trail position.

  Zandra, Eileen, and I get in our SUV. Trina, L’liana, Abu, and Jessica are in the other. We mount up and get to the hotel in under fifteen minutes.

  As we get out of the vehicles I ask Jessica, “Hey Girlfriend, can you take Abu and Zandra into your mind fog? We’ll make a noisy entrance to create a distraction.”

  “Sure thing, Boyfriend,” she says with a grin. “I want to ride your cock before you disappear, Jack.”

“Yes, I think I’m getting a queue built up.” I wink at her, and we chuckle.

  As we walk into the lobby Trina calls out, “But Master, I don’t want a spanking! I want you to fuck me!” The two clerks and three people checking in all turn to look at her.

  L’liana pipes up, “I want a spanking, Master. I’ve been a very bad girl! I’m not the least bit repentant either!”

  I respond, “I am 100% certain that if I want you spanked, you will get spanked. If I want you fucked, you’re gonna get fucked.”

  Eileen purrs as the elevator door opens, “Master, if you want to handle the fucking, I’ll take charge of the spanking.”

  I spank Trina’s ass as Jessica leads her charges into the elevator. Trina yelps, and then we all load into the lift. Eileen pushes the button to close the door. Trina wraps her arms around me and murmurs, “I love you so much, Master. With you and my wife, I am complete.”

  Abu and Zandra both act a little surprised to hear that, but we don’t talk until we get to our suite. Eileen points to the couch, and Abu goes and pulls it out to make a bed. L’liana calls house-keeping for additional linens and blankets. Trina sets up a guard rota on Abu. He doesn’t pay any attention; although, I’m sure he can hear the discussion. Trina, L’liana, Jessica, and Eileen will all pull a shift.

  I give Trina the combination for the safe, and she gets out my iPad. We set it up on the dining table, connect to the wifi, and connect to VPN via HMA. I set the location to Frankfurt, and then we Facetime Myra. Kristina, Supreet, Chelsea, and Grace are all there, too. I see Christie, Georgia, Tiphanae, and most of the Ravens and other Goblins in the background.

  I let them all yell at me for about five solid minutes. At that point I think I’ve been more than fair about letting them voice their concerns, so I hold up my hand.

  “My loves, I hear you, and I appreciate your concern. This is the best way to resolve this quickly, and I’m committed to this course of action. Has Christie had any insights that this could be catastrophic?” They all look around at Christie, who shakes her head with her eyes wide in fear. “How about Georgia?”

  Georgia calls out, “No, Master. Not a peep. However, I generally don’t know anything until right before it happens.”

  “I know, Georgia. We’ll check with you again before I jump. My point is there is no indication that this won’t work. I’m confident it will.”

  “I still don’t like it, Jack. I can’t be the Faerie Queen without my Lord by my side,” says Myra.

  Grace adds, “I am no Queen of the Goblins without my King, Jack. We talked about this. You have people! Use them!”

  Christie chips in, “Grace, that won’t work. Jack has to do this. I don’t like it any more than you do, Love. His special blend of gifts is required to make this work. He is the catalyst. He is the weapon. We could send a combined Fae army, and it is massively less likely to succeed than having Jack do it himself.”

  Supreet says, “It will be interesting to hear what the Wild Hunt reports back. They’re chasing him tonight. Ralph was happy for new prey. He ate Georgie Porgie right after the wedding. He was getting bored.”

  “That will be interesting,” I say. “My plan is to activate Abu’s trap about 4:30 am our time. That will be 5:30 am in eastern Turkey. Best case is I get pulled into their camp, which would mean it would be over before you all jump to Kuwait. Unfortunately, I don’t know what I’ll find or how long it will take to deal with him. Myra, please let MILF-in-Law know that I may call on her for an extraction if needed.”

  Myra nods, “Already arranged, Beloved. Mommy-dearest is ready to help. Sissi wants to take my place, and Esmi will take Grace’s spot with the team going to Kuwait. Everybody is lined up to support, even Titania. She wasn’t happy about it, but I didn’t have to harass her too much to get her to play. She does still hold a bit of a grudge over Laurel. Zelwyn asked to lead their squad, and Titania agreed.”

  “Understood. I will have to personally thank her when this is over,” I acknowledge.

  Myra continues, “Jason is leading the Shadows. We will have two squads of wolves staged in Springfield by the time we leave. Chelsea is in charge of them. Salt is sending two squads of Red Hats - they will arrive just in time to run through the portal. Cholley is in charge of them. Louis and Maddock are both going, too. Tr’niel is watching over Kellianne and Johnny while Maddock wets his hat.”

  I nod. “Okay, Myra. It sounds like you have this under control. All my loves, I need to get some rest before it’s time to leave. I love you all, and I am eager to be buried in your loving arms...and to take my ass-chewing from my queens.”

  They all chuckle at that among a chorus of ‘I love you’ variations. We disconnect.

  17 - Rest Before Battle

  Immediately my mind turns to sex…lots of sex. I don’t know how I can avoid it given there are five women all looking at me like I am their next meal.

  Eileen wraps her arms around my neck and tries to stick her tongue down my throat. I squeeze her ass and lift her up into my lap. I cup her crotch in my hand, pressing the fabric of her slacks into her pussy. I can feel the heat through her panties and slacks.

  She pushes back gasping. “Jack, apparently I’m at a disadvantage as a human, so I pull first watch. I get to make love after my watch, then sleep until an hour before LD.”

  Zandra asks, “What’s LD?”

  “Line of Departure,” Eileen and I say in unison.

  I explain further. “In the army, when you have a mission where you are moving towards the enemy, there is a line on the ground that represents ‘leaving our secured position’ or leaving the safety of controlled territory. That’s called the ‘Line of Departure’ or ‘LD’ for short. ‘LD’ is also used for the time you cross that line.”

  Trina says, “I’m glad you asked, Zandra. I didn’t know that one.”

  “Me either,” says Jessica.

  L’liana says, “I had heard once before now that you mention it, but I had forgotten.” She strikes a pose, “Advanced years and all that.”

  I laugh, “I thought you were just 26 years old, Darling Wife.”

  She sticks her tongue out as Jessica and Trina call out, “FIVE TIMES!”

  I kiss Eileen again. “Stay alert, soldier. Do a good job, and I’ll reward you profusely.”

  “I can hardly wait,” she murmurs. She gives me one last quick peck on the lips before dismounting my lap.

  I start making my way to the master bedroom. I call, “Goodnight, Abu. I’ll wake you in about four hours.”

  “Goodnight, Jack. Try to get some rest. I fear you will need it.”

  I smirk and wave with my right hand as L’liana drags me into the Master bedroom. I ask as we close the door, “Are you running your Dread Lord Jammer?”

  She nods as she starts stripping off her boots. “I activated it when we walked into Zandra’s apartment. I wasn’t very confident in it as I pulled it together very quickly on the boat. I probably should have taken the original prototype and given Captain Wei this one. I know the other one works. All the systems checks are showing green, so I’m hoping for the best.”

  “I’m sure it’s working great,” I tell her as I pull off my tac boots.

  She smirks at me, “Well that’s why I chose to go first. I have an idea for a miasma detector. The particles look and act like nanobots. If I can figure out how they communicate, I can detect traffic on that channel and use it as an early warning. I don’t have the equipment here to do that kind of testing, but I can work through the theories to come up with a design. I have a small portal to my lab at Cherry. I’ll send the samples through, and one of the kids can run the tests.”

  “One of the kids I met?” I ask unbuttoning my shirt.

  She giggles, “Yes, Jack. The youngest one is 29 years old.”

  “They all looked 8-12 years old,” I comment as I whip off my shirt and the t-shirt underneath. I unbuckle my pants and freeze as L’liana’s breasts pop up as she pushes the body suit down he
r svelte torso. I’m struck dumb by the beauty of her face and body. Knowing she’s an equally beautiful soul is humbling. I can’t believe she asked to marry me.

  I get moving and kick out of my boxers and jeans in one move. I toss them in the chair, throw my shirts in it, and pull off my socks. I turn to find L’liana freeing her foot from the last of her suit. I pick her up and toss her on the bed. She squeals as she flies through the air and giggles as she lands on the mattress. I toss her jumpsuit to the chair with my clothes.

  L’liana extends her legs and holds them in a V position pointed toward the ceiling. She grabs her thighs and pulls them back more towards her head as she looks hungrily at me from between her legs. She says in a little girl voice, “Daddy, I’m all wet between my legs. Whatever should we do?”

  I chuckle. “Hold that position while Daddy cleans you up, Baby.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” she answers breathily. I crawl onto the mattress and position my face above her glistening pussy. Damn! I have six sexy wives, and they are all wanton in one way or another. L’liana’s petals slowly open. She says, “Lick my pretty pussy, Daddy.”

  So I do.

  Then I add a finger while I continue to lick. Then I add a second. Then a third. Then a fourth. Then I tuck my thumb inside.

  On our honeymoon, I learned one of the amazing things about Elven anatomy is that they have very resilient, elastic flesh. L’liana can take my fist one minute, and then I can fuck her to multiple orgasms with my cock the next. It’s supposedly a relatively common High-Elven mutation. She told me there are tales of Ogres raping experienced High-Elven ladies with cocks the size of my upper arm, only to have the Elven lady have multiple orgasms and wear the Ogre out. I didn’t even know Ogres existed, but they are one of the Goblin races. Ogres, Trolls, and Orcs in addition to standard Goblins. That’s me - Jack Jerome, King of the Goblins, Ogres, Trolls, and Orcs.

  Jessica’s not as elastic as L’liana, but she is a Drow. It’s not a common Drow trait.


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