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Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC (Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC Book 4)

Page 8

by Amy Cecil

  "I don't think you are understanding me. I'm trying to be delicate, but I see that's not working. So, I'm just gonna lay it out for you." He pauses for a moment, looking over at me for support. I know what he's about to tell her and frankly, I'm not so sure she can handle it. "Caden—no, not Caden … Let me rephrase that. Ice is responsible for that bloodbath in the basement."

  Emma shakes her head and yells, "No! No, Caden would never do that!"

  "I know, you are right. Caden wouldn't have done that. But Ice would. He's done this before. I've seen this same type of handiwork before and Ice confirmed it himself that he did it."

  "Are you trying to tell me that Caden—Ice, whoever—tortured Mark and murdered him?"

  "Yes, that is exactly what I am telling you," Hawk replies.

  "Why? Why would you think that?"

  Before Hawk answers, we hear the roar of the Harley engines. The boys are here. When they come in, Hawk takes a minute to give them directions on what he wants to be done and then turns back toward Emma and says, "Where were we?"

  "You were about to tell me why you think Caden is a cold-blooded killer," she states angrily. I do believe she is mad that he would make such an accusation. Well, I think our little sweet Emma is in for a rude awakening.

  Hawk sighs and takes a deep breath and begins to tell Emma about the night Ace was killed.

  When Hawk is done, Emma asks quietly, "That's why you call him Ice, isn't it?"

  I knew the gist of what he had done, but I never knew all the details. So now I also know why they call him Ice.

  Hawk nods. "Yes. It seems when those that he loves are hurt, something takes over in him and he turns cold. He becomes a predator that you don't want to mess with. You were threatened, and we all know how much he loves you. It only makes sense that he would react like that again."

  "What happened after that?" she asks.

  "After the massacre, we knew that the Satans would come looking for us. So, we voted to take down the Satans once and for all. We commissioned other Chapters in the area to assist. Anyone who refused was given the opportunity to leave or face punishment. Everyone stayed. I think after hearing what Ice had done, they not only respected him, they feared him. When people fear another person, it gives that person power over them and at times can be a bad thing. But in this situation, it worked to our advantage. The plan was easy, simple, and clean. We were going to blast the Satans straight back to hell. And that's exactly what we did. Unfortunately, it was only temporary, because as you and I both know, they came back."

  "How did they come back?" she asks.

  "Funny thing about revenge. As you know, it's fueled by emotion. When emotion is involved, common sense seems to hide in the back corners of your mind. We thought we had destroyed their club. But we didn't get them all. A few members survived, bided their time, and recruited new members. A few years later, they reemerged."

  They talk for a few more minutes and then Ryder and Spike walk into the kitchen. Hawk discusses with them what they found and what they should take. He makes arrangements to get rid of Mark's body and then tells the boys to burn the house down.

  Once he's done, Emma asks, "So, with this new discovery, do you think Caden is alive?"

  Way to go Captain Obvious, of course he’s alive.

  Hawk hesitates for a moment, and then says, "Yes, darl'n, it's looking that way."

  I was thinking the same thing. Now it's just a matter of time until he comes back. I'm not really sure how this will all play out or why he's staying away, but there is one thing I have learned about the man: he always has a reason.

  Hawk explains to her that Ice is staying away for a reason and that we each have a part to play as the women who love him. It's kind of ironic: me playing the broken-hearted friend and Emma the grieving widow. I chuckle to myself.

  We leave the house from hell. Emma drops Hawk and I back at his place so he can get his bike. After Emma leaves, I turn to Hawk and ask, "So you really think he's alive?"

  He turns to me and smiles. "Yes, I do. How do you feel about that?" he asks.

  "I'm thrilled, of course. We may not be together anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't care about what happens to him. And of course, I don't want him dead, Hawk. How could you ask such a thing?"

  "Just trying to gauge where you're at. That's all." He gets on his bike and I climb on the back. As I'm putting on my helmet, he says, "I'm taking you to Betty's with me. I don't want to leave you here alone with all this shit that's going on. Ok?"

  I nod, wrap my arms around him and he revs the engine and takes off. I've spent the last two nights at Hawk's house. He's got a great place and he's been the perfect gentleman. His spare bedroom has become mine for now. I guess it's a good thing, because I'm really not ready for another relationship right now and he is sure that I still have lingering feelings for Ice.

  Chapter 11

  When we get back to the diner, Hawk takes over the upstairs break room. I really don't have much to do so I just hang out in the corner playing on my phone, waiting for him to take me home.

  After about an hour, his phone rings. He answers it and without any indication of who it is, he motions for me to leave the room. A few minutes later he comes out and says, "He's alive. Rebel has been talking to him. He wants you to stay at his lake house until we have a new clubhouse. Spike is on his way over to help you get your things and take you over there. Rebel will bring Ari to the house and then he will go get Emma. She will be staying there as well. Ice wants you three out of the way so he doesn't have to worry about the women he loves." His last words are laced with sarcasm. He's being very matter-of-fact and it is clear to me that he's not happy with the new arrangement, but he’s going along with it because that's what his president wants.

  "Oh, ok," I reply. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed that I won't be going back to Hawk’s house. Still, I can't believe that after all these years, I'm finally going to see Ice's house.

  Spike shows up with the SUV not long after Hawk calls him. We go back to Hawk's place to pick up the few personal things that I was able to salvage from the explosion and then we drive to the lake. The road that circles the lake is long and curvy. As we approach the back of the house, I'm amazed at the size. There is a two-car garage, even though I've never seen Ice drive anything except his Harley and the club SUV. Spike parks and we get out of the car and proceed to the door. As we walk around the house, I see that the front, which faces the lake, is all windows. The cedar and stone two-story house—more like mansion—is unbelievable. The house has three balconies with stone pillars going down to the main level. The entire right corner of the house is all windows and I can only imagine the view from the inside. Toward the center of the house is the main balcony, and by looking in the windows I can see that it opens into a huge great room that spans the entire height of the house. To the right of the house is a stone walkway that leads to a breezeway underneath the balconies that lead to the door. Holy fuck.

  The inside is even more amazing. There is a large great room that encompasses the downstairs, with vaulted ceilings, a huge kitchen with a bar off to the right, and a game room with a pool table to the left of the kitchen. It's fucking unbelievable. I always figured that Ice had money, but never in a million years did I expect his home to be like this. And here I was worried about there not being enough room for us.

  Ari is sitting at the bar when I walk in and she smiles brightly. I've only seen her a few times when she makes her way to the club parties on the weekends, but every time I see her she always gives me a warm smile.

  "Hey, Ari," I say. "It's good to see you, sweetie."

  "Hey, Honey. Can you believe this mess?" she says.

  I can't help but laugh. "It's a mess alright," I reply.

  "There are two extra rooms upstairs, next to my room. I think Rebel claimed one and the other one is for you."

  "Where's Emma gonna sleep?" I ask.

  "Oh, she's got Cade's room, on the third floor."
r />   I know she didn't mean to dig the knife in, but fuck, sometimes it still hurts. "Oh yeah. I didn't think of that. So Emma is here?"

  "Yeah, she's upstairs." She turns to me and says, "You know, it's been years since I've seen Emma." She pauses and then adds, "I used to hate her. She spent all her time with Caden and he never spent time with me. I was so jealous of her."

  Oh, sweetheart, I know exactly how you feel. I really thought I was over all this. I know that Ice is not the guy for me, so I really don't understand all this animosity I feel towards Emma right now. Hawk must have sensed it too, now that I think about it—that must be why he was so angry earlier.

  I turn back toward Ari and say, "I'm just gonna drop my stuff off upstairs and then I'll be down. Are you hungry?" I ask her.

  "Yeah, we were hoping you would whip up something," she says and goes back to playing some game on her phone.

  "I'm pretty sure I can handle that," I say as I proceed up the stairs. When I get to the second floor, I look up to the next flight. I can see the light on and a sudden melancholy feeling washes over me. Maybe I'm just feeling this way because I've been so worried about Ice…perhaps I just need to see him. Maybe once I see him, I will go back to my being ok with all this. Taking the room that obviously was not claimed, I drop my things on the bed and make my way downstairs.

  Ari is still at the table and I head straight for the kitchen and quickly get to work. I go through the cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer to see what is available to me. There isn’t much, but it looks like someone went and picked up some groceries. There's milk, cream, butter, lettuce, and asparagus, plus all the essentials in the refrigerator. In the freezer, I find chicken breasts and some ground beef. It’s not a lot to work with, but I pull the chicken out and place it in the microwave to defrost.

  "Hey, Ari," I call out.

  "Yeah, Honey?" she replies.

  "Got any white wine, hun?" I ask.

  "Sure, I'll get it." A few seconds later she comes in with three bottles of white wine. "I've got pinot grigio, chardonnay, or sauvignon blanc."

  "The chardonnay would be perfect." She sets it on the counter and takes the others back.

  A little while later Emma comes downstairs.

  "Hey, Honey. That smells amazing. Whatcha making?" Emma asks.

  "Hey, Emma. Chicken Marsala—you smell the wine. It makes the whole meal."

  "I wasn't hungry, but now that I smell that, suddenly I'm starved. You are a fantastic cook."

  "Thank you. I don't know about being fantastic, but I do enjoy it." I pause and then add, "So what do you think about all this? It's like a slumber party of some sort." I chuckle and say, "I'm too old for slumber parties."

  She laughs too. "Aren't we all? But I look at it this way: Cade is doing everything he can to keep the ones he loves most safe. I'm just thankful that he is still alive."

  "Yeah, me too."

  Ari comes back in and she sits with Emma, watching me work. They offer to help several times, but I do much better in the kitchen on my own. But I have to say, I'm loving the company.

  "Honey, why are you making so much?" Emma asks.

  "I need to feed the boys, too."


  "Yeah, Hawk, Spike, and Rebel stayed. Once they heard I was cooking, they weren't leaving. I think they are already sick of eating at the diner." I laugh. "They are out back sitting by the lake. I think Rebel is going to stay with us, just in case."

  "Just in case?" she asks.

  "Yeah, they want to make sure one of the guys is with us at all times. No worries, they are just looking out for our safety," I say, trying to reassure her.

  "Oh. I see. Do you really think we are in danger?"

  Ari chimes in and says, "If my brother believes we are, then we are. His instincts are right on, and I would never question something that he feels in his gut."

  I nod in agreement. "She's got that right."

  After dinner, we spend the remainder of the night chatting. Hawk and Spike leave not long after we finish with the dinner dishes and as I expected, Rebel stays behind. He's pretty much keeping to himself, just hanging out on the recliner. His phone rings and he answers it, speaking in hushed tones. I wonder what's up with that, but I don't question him.

  It's been a long day and we decide to call it a night. As we get up to head to our respective bedrooms, Emma asks Rebel, "Aren't you going to bed?"

  "Naw, not yet. I got a couple of things to do first. Don't worry about me, Emma dear. It's all good. Sweet dreams, ladies," he says and Ari and I proceed up the stairs.

  "Ok, if you say so. Goodnight, Rebel," Emma replies as she follows Ari and me up the stairs.

  Chapter 12

  I wake feeling refreshed and I realize that this is the first time since all this happened that I have actually slept. I never thought about it much until recently, but Ice isn't just the club's president; he also serves another purpose. He grounds everyone. Knowing that he is at the helm making sure everyone is safe is comforting. When we thought he was gone, I think we were all just going through the motions.

  Speaking of motions, I make my way to the bathroom. Even though I feel rested, I look awful. I pick up a brush and brush my hair and then I just stare at myself in the mirror. Oh, fuck it. I need coffee. I give up and make my way downstairs. I don't even bother changing, I am sure my t-shirt and leggings are appropriate attire in mixed company. And if not, then screw them. I'm comfortable.

  I walk into the kitchen and find Rebel and Emma sitting at the table. Rebel looks at his watch, points at it and says to Emma, "See? Like clockwork." They laugh.

  Why do I feel that I have been the butt of a bad joke? "You two are chipper this morning," I say, irritated. I'm not a morning person and I hate being laughed at, especially before I've had my coffee.

  "Yes, we are. You might want to get yourself some coffee and maybe you could join us," Rebel says sarcastically.

  "Fuck you, Rebel!" Oh, this is gonna be a fun morning.

  We spend the remainder of the day just hanging around the house. We're not allowed to leave, but the guys come and go. Rebel is with us all day and when his cell rings, he steps outside. What the hell? We're part of this now, can't they see that? A few minutes later he comes back in and says, "Hey, girls. I just got off the phone with Hawk. Ice's memorial will be held next Friday."

  "Rebel, that's over a week away. Why are we waiting so long?" I say.

  "We got a lot of members coming from all over; they need travel time. Hawk decided to give them that time, and since he's the new prez in the eyes of the outside world, we do what he tells us to do."

  I smirk and roll my eyes. He continues, "So, as I was saying, the memorial will be held next Friday. We are securing a location at Kandi's to accommodate the members from out of town that will be coming in, as well as using it for a clubhouse until the new one is fitted to meet our needs." He looks over at me and says, "Honey, you will be in charge of coordinating logistics for our guests. Emma, you and Ari can help with that. Honey has a lot of experience handling this, you both can learn a lot from her." The girls nod and look at Rebel, waiting for him to say more. "What?" he asks.

  "Well, what do we do between now and next Friday?" Emma asks.

  For a minute, he looks at them as if he is talking to three airheads. Then he says, "As I said, you and Ari will be helping Honey with logistics."

  I totally get why Emma asked that question. She has no idea what is involved in getting ready for something like this. She can't even begin to fathom the number of clubs that will show up for Ice. I step in and try to explain. "Emma, dear, what Rebel is saying is that there is going to be a lot of out-of-towners coming in over the next few days. We will work together to ensure that everyone has a place to sleep, that they are fed, and that everyone is comfortable."

  "Oh," Emma says as if she understands.

  Rebel shakes his head in disbelief. He just doesn't get it. "Is everyone staying here?" Emma asks.

  "No, they w
ill be staying at Kandi's. Which means that we will need to gather up blankets and pillows and get some food. It's gonna be a week, and we better get started," I reply.

  "Isn't Kandi's that strip club?" Emma asks.

  Ok, now she is getting on my nerves. How many times do we have to explain this to her? "It is, but there are rooms in the back that we can use. I'm surprised Hawk didn't think of it before, it's perfect as an interim clubhouse," I reply curtly.

  "Ok, just let me know what you need me to do," Emma says.

  Finally. "Well, first, why don't you and I sit down and figure out food? Then we can send Ari with Rebel to do some grocery shopping and get it all delivered to Kandi's. Then, you and I can get on the phone with the other old ladies to secure the other items we need. Sound good?"

  "Sounds good," Emma replies.

  "Yep, sounds good to me," Ari chimes in.

  We sit down at the bar and work on planning food and all the other things that we need to get together, making lists and taking notes. This takes up most of the day. While we were taking care of logistics, Tiny brought the pick-up so Rebel can take Ari grocery shopping. After they leave, I notice Emma fading. It seems as if she is off in another world or something.

  I stare at her curiously when she looks up at me and says, "Honey, what else do you need me to do?"

  "You're back with us," I say and smile.

  "What do you mean? I've been sitting here the entire time," she says as she yawns.

  "Sweetheart, your body may have been here, but your head was a million miles away."

  "Oh, that. I just have a lot on my mind. Things that I need to deal with."

  I really do feel bad for her. She's been through a lot. I get up from the chair and give her a hug. "If you need to talk, I'm here, sweetie. You've been through a lot the last couple of weeks. Nobody can blame you if you are still dealing with the ramifications of all that."

  "Thanks, Honey. I really appreciate it and in time, I may just take you up on it." She pauses and then adds, "Can I tell you something?"


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