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Her Hidden Scars (Loving Her Scars Series Book 2)

Page 15

by B M Griffin

  Soon, the charred, black skin began to rip open, and Megan lifted one of her hands then slammed it back down, shooting a bolt straight through his compromised neck. Kevin’s head made a loud thud when it hit the floor and rolled over, completely severed from his body. When his form began to change Megan quickly moved away from him. She heard the sound of his body changing, his bones breaking and shifting around, until the demon he’d become was no longer there. Kevin’s burnt human body laid on the floor in front of her, lifeless and scarred. He looked like he’d been dead for months, not minutes.

  Megan felt an arm wrap around her, urging her away from Kevin’s body and she went along eagerly. She never wanted to see or think about him again. Shayla rubbed her hand up and down Megan’s arm and tried to soothe her, but Megan did not have time to relax. “I’ve got to go,” she said. “Jared needs help.”

  “Go,” Shayla said. She gave Megan a quick hug before she released her. “We will make sure everyone here is taken care of; you just worry about Jared.”


  “And Megan,” Shayla said, “I’m really glad you’re okay. You scared me for a bit.”

  Megan released a heavy breath. “I’m not sure I’m okay just yet. I’ll let you know after I make sure Jared’s okay.”



  Jared felt a jolt in his chest, shocking his heart back to life, a steady rhythm reigniting in his chest. His chest jerked upward, his back arched off the bed and he opened his mouth and sucked in a sharp intake of air.

  “Jared. Jared, honey, can you hear me?”

  Megan’s voice slowly became clearer. It took a minute for his brain to register what it meant if he could hear her. Jared sat up fast, too fast, and it made his head swim and pain shot through his … well, his whole body, but he pushed through and forced his eyes open. Megan sat on the bed next to him, her eyes were red-rimmed and swollen. Jared reached for her shirt and pulled it up, then he ran his hands along her unmarred skin. Megan grabbed his hands and stopped his inspection.

  “I’m okay,” she said. “Completely healed.”

  He pulled her forward, into his body and hugged her close to his body with his nose buried in her hair, inhaling her scent. “Thank god,” he whispered against her hair. He lifted his head and pushed her hair away from her face so he could get a closer look at her. She’d been crying, the tears still stained her beautiful face, but her smile was so bright and beautiful. “I thought that I’d lost you,” he told her.

  Megan tilted her head forward so that their foreheads were pressed together. “I already told you,” she said, “I will never leave you.”

  Jared took her face in his hands and kissed her - trying to make sure she felt every ounce of his love for her through their connection. When he tried to pull Megan on to his lap she pulled out of their kiss and gently pushed against his chest to get him to put some distance between them.

  “We shouldn’t get too carried away,” she said breathily. “Kevin really did a lot of damage before I got to you. It’s probably going to be a few more days before you are back to 100%.”

  “Speaking of healing,” Jared cocked an eyebrow and ran his eyes over Megan’s seemingly healthy body, “how did you heal so fast? I’m not complaining, but when Kelly ran out of that school with you in her arms you were so close to death, I didn’t think she’d get you back home before your heart completely stopped.”

  Megan turned around and leaned back against the pillows propped against the headboard and rested her head on his shoulder. “Well, it turns out the whole traveling thing wasn’t the only gift I had, but it took me feeling your pain when Kevin was trying to rip you apart to bring it forward.” She held her hand out in front of her, and Jared watched as an electric spark jumped between her thumb and forefinger. “Turns out having an electric current running through your body is enough to restart your heart. And to help take down a demon.”

  Jared turned his head and kissed her softly before he smiled down at her. “You are amazing,” he said.

  Megan shrugged. “I just lucked out and you passed some powerful stuff my way when you changed me.”

  Jared carefully turned his body so that he was facing her and shook his head. “No, Megan, that’s the thing. I don’t have powers, and neither did the wolf who turned me.”

  “But Shayla became so powerful because Adam changed her.”

  “That was part of it, yes, but Shayla is even more powerful than Adam.” Jared pressed his palm against her chest. “Your true power comes from here, just as it does for Shayla. The reason you two are so strong and gifted is because you are both stronger than the average person right here,” he tapped his fingers to emphasize his point. “You have the biggest heart, and you fight for the people who you love no matter what roadblocks stand in your way. I wouldn’t be surprised if we still haven’t seen the full extent of your power because I have never met anyone as strong as you.”

  Megan couldn’t resist the urge to kiss Jared. When she pulled back, she laughed at herself. Jared arched an eyebrow. “Something funny about our kiss?” he asked.

  “No,” Megan said with a chuckle. “I was just thinking my new gifts were probably just powered by my stubbornness.”

  Jared smiled and kissed the corner of her mouth, she presumed so he could hide his grin when he said, “Well, you are the most stubborn woman I’ve ever known. That kind of will power probably could culminate into something more powerful.”

  Megan pushed him back and tried to glare at him, but she was so happy to see him awake and in good spirits to take offense at his joke, besides he had a good point. She wouldn’t apologize for her behavior though; it was her unwillingness to compromise and stay out of the fight that led to Kevin’s final destruction. She had done that. She had stood her ground, refused to hide while others were in danger, and in the end, she had been right—she was able to help in a big way. That feeling, knowing she had helped protect the most important people in her life, it was the feeling of being healed. The guilt she carried when she had failed to protect her mom and grandmother had been eating away at her, and for the first time in her life, she felt her hidden scars healing just a bit.

  Jared’s hand cupped her face and she leaned into his comforting touch. “Where did you go just now?” he asked.

  Megan smiled up at him. “Just letting the realization that we made it through, and we are both still here and healthy sink in a little.”

  “Thanks to you,” Jared said.

  She placed her hand over his against her face. “Our pack fought together. This is a win for all of us, but I am happy I had the chance to help. Thank you for not trying to lock me up and hide me from danger again.”

  Jared grimaced. “Honestly, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I never would have forgiven myself if something happened to you.”

  Megan moved to hold his face between her hands. “You can’t focus on what could have happened. We all have to focus on what is not what could have been, and we are safe and together.”

  “Yes, we are,” Jared spoke quietly.

  He kissed Megan slow and sensually and when he rolled her over so that he was hovering just above her, trailing his lips down her jaw, all she could think was that she was so lucky. She found someone who would cherish her forever, and with him a pack that was closer than any family she’d ever known. Life was complicated, but it was also good, and she was ready to spend the rest of her life loving and fighting for her new family. For her mate.



  Months had passed since Megan finally put an end to Kevin, and they had not heard a peep from his pack members who survived the fight. Their silence had not helped Jared calm down, if anything he was more protective of Megan, but she was learning to let go of her past and understand Jared’s need to keep her safe. She felt the same way about him.

  A few weeks after things began to settle down Megan started getting sick; smells which were already stron
g became unbearable, and her appetite grew tremendously. It took Shayla making a joke about her choice of pizza dipped in vanilla ice cream for reality to hit Megan. She had not had a period since before her change. With everything that had happened since then, it hadn’t crossed her mind.

  Jared had been so excited when she showed him the pregnancy stick, and he had not left her side since, and now they were about to get their first look at their unborn child.

  “Woo, that’s cold,” Megan said with a low chuckle.

  Chris was spreading this jelly stuff across her protruding belly, then he pulled the wand off the ultrasound machine and ran it over her lower abdomen. Jared was on her other side, and he held her hand between both of his and his eyes were locked on the motor in front of them. He was so nervous and it made Megan smile. His hands were clammy, and his grip on her hand was tighter than was necessary, but she didn’t say anything. She enjoyed seeing the dad side of him come out every time they had one of her baby appointments, and this one was extra special. Today they were going to see the baby for the first time, and if they were lucky, they might find out if they were having a son or daughter.

  A steady thumping sound filled the space around them right before the picture on the monitor focused in on their unborn child. “Your baby has a strong heartbeat,” Chris said. “Oh, wait a minute,” he paused and moved the wand around on Megan’s belly some more, pressing a little harder this time like he was trying to make the baby move a specific direction.

  “What do you mean, wait a minute?” Jared asked anxiously. “You can’t just say wait a minute, Chris. Tell us what you see!”

  Megan felt the power of Jared’s Alpha command in his last statement and she glared at Jared. “That’s an abuse of your power, Jared,” she told him.

  He pursed his lips at her. “Not when our baby is involved.”

  Chris turned to face them with a big smile on his face. “Oh, it’s okay, Megan. It’s normal for the dads to be nervous, and I’m pretty sure his protective, anxious streak is about to get, oh, about twice as bad.”

  “What are you talking about?” Megan asked. Chris was making her nervous, and he didn’t want to deal with both her and Jared nervous, even if he found it amusing.

  Chris pointed at the screen. Megan followed his gestures and he pulled up a couple of different images on the screen. It took a moment for her to realize what she was looking at, but when her eyes started seeing double, she sucked in a deep breath and turned to face Jared. His eyes were wide and his jaw was lax, his mouth wide open. Megan pushed on his chin and he closed his mouth before he slowly lowered his eyes to meet her gaze. They both stared at each other for a long time. When reality finally settled in, they squeezed each other’s hands, and with big smiles spread across their faces they said, “Twins.”

  The End


  Aurora is the leader of the underworld. She is unlike anything humans have ever heard of. She is neither vampire, werewolf, witch, angel, nor demon...she is everything in one. When Aurora meets Gregor, a human, she winds up saving his life when he’s suddenly attacked. Defying all laws against it, she brings Gregor to her home in the underworld. Aurora and Gregor are both drawn to each other like something powerful is pulling them together. However, there is a great war coming and it’s Aurora’s duty to protect not only her people, but the humans of earth from evil creatures known as the Shaitan. The Shaitan’s numbers have magically grown and they put everything into getting rid of Aurora and her kind so they might rule the earth. In the end, Aurora and Gregor must accept their fate and come together if they stand a chance against the Shaitan.


  Bonnie Griffin, (a.k.a. B.M. Griffin), is currently working on her second book Aurora which will be coming soon. She is a happily married mother of two wonderful daughters and they are her why. Bonnie is from a small town in North Carolina, US. Reading and writing have long been Bonnie’s passion, and she is excited to pursue that dream.




  Twitter: @AuthorBMGriffin


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