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Misleading Lake (Kings Reapers MC Book 6)

Page 7

by Nicola Jane

  “It happens,” she says, shrugging.

  Alaric appears and glances between me and Hayley. “Good meeting?” he asks. I nod, feeling bad. I hate lies, but I didn’t create this one. “In my office, now,” he orders, stalking off in the direction of his little glass box that overlooks everyone else.

  “Hayley said you were meeting with your father first thing?” he asks, but I don’t reply. Instead, I press my lips together and screw my face up. He frowns, shakes his head, and sighs heavily. “I know you didn’t meet with him,” he says. “Shall I tell you how I know that?” I shrug. “Because I met with him right after Hayley told me, and guess what, you weren’t there!”

  “I’m so sorry, Alaric. I slept in. I didn’t get any sleep last night and—”

  “I don’t wanna hear your fucking excuses,” he yells, taking me by surprise. I glance out the windows and note heads bobbing over the dividers to look this way. I feel my face redden. “I don’t care for your bullshit lies. It’s your second day and so far, Miss Falcon, you’re not impressing me.” He pauses, gathering himself. “I should put you over my knee,” he almost whispers, and our eyes connect. I suck in a breath. “You think I don’t know a submissive woman when I see one? Get the fuck out. Make the time up after work.”

  I scuttle out of his office like a naughty child and rush back to my desk. “Well done for not crying,” whispers Hayley. “You rock.” I smile to myself. Somehow, his flirty little comment makes that telling off seem like nothing.


  The stuck-up receptionist eyes me with contempt. “I don’t know which fucking floor she works on,” I snap. “She’s the CEO’s daughter, she can’t be hard to find,” I add.

  “Carol, is this man bothering you?” It’s a tall man dressed in a suit. He looks me up and down. “Can I help you with anything?” he asks.

  “I’m looking for Sara Falcon. She started work here this week. I have lunch for her.” I hold up the brown paper bag.

  “I can help,” he says, and I do a fake, sarcastic cheer. “Follow me.”

  We step into the lift, and he takes us to the top floor. We step into a reception area, where another woman sits at a desk, typing away. She glances up and is about to speak, but the man waves his hand, and she closes her mouth again. He leads me into an office. It’s huge and that’s when I realise who the fuck this guy is.

  “You are?” he asks, taking a seat behind his big desk.

  “Lake,” I say, making sure to give him eye contact.

  “To my daughter, you are?”

  “A friend.”

  He bridges his fingers together and stares at me. I refuse to let this rich bastard make me feel inferior to him. “You’re bringing her lunch?” he asks. I nod and shake the paper bag again. “When a man brings a woman lunch, to her place of work, it means he wants more than friendship. It means he’s warning other men that she is taken.”

  “She’s staying with me until her new place is ready,” I say. “Her friend hooked up with my brother and—”

  “Or maybe you’ve already had more?” he ponders thoughtfully. “Maybe you’re the reason my daughter is four and a half months pregnant?”

  “Look, is Sara around or not? I have shit to do.”

  “I know your type, Lake,” he says, his eyes assessing me. “You’re not the type to stick around. You’ll get bored, fuck around, and leave her to raise a child alone.”

  “Don’t judge me,” I mutter. “You don’t even know me.”

  “How much would it take?” he asks. When it’s clear I have no idea what he’s talking about, he smiles. “To leave her alone? I have a suitable man lined up for her. He’ll take full responsibility for the child and the world will keep on turning. You’re happy, she’s happy, I’m happy.”

  I snigger, shaking my head. “I’m insulted, Mr. Falcon. You think Sara will thank you for that? Does she know about your plan?”

  “Not yet, and I suggest you don’t tell her.”

  “Look, you ain’t got shit to worry about. Sara’s thinking of giving the kid up anyway. She doesn’t want it.”

  “I can’t have that, Lake. It wouldn’t look good when I’m so vocal about how much family means to me. My grandchild will be raised in a loving family home. So, I’ll ask you again, how much? And please, don’t tell me you’re going to stick around because we both know that isn’t true. Marriage and children bring all kinds of hardships. From what she tells me, she’s single. So, I take it you aren’t in a relationship?” I shake my head, and he gives a satisfied smile, pointing to the Kings patch on my kutte. “I can make things for the Kings Reapers even better than they are now. Let’s work together on this, and I’ll see if we can’t pass that licence through for Six. My circle are voting against it at the minute, but I can sway them.” He narrows his eyes. “And if you needed any extra funds for it, I can help with that. I love donating to good causes.”

  “How the hell do you know about Six?” I question.

  He grins. “I know everything.” He picks up the office phone. “Have Sara sent to the boardroom, please. She has a visitor.”

  Sara glares at me. “What the hell are you doing here?” she hisses.

  “I just brought you lunch. You didn’t take anything this morning, you missed breakfast, and I was worried your arse of a boss would make you work through. You need food.”

  She almost smiles but quashes it and takes the bag. “Thank you. I wouldn’t have slept in if it wasn’t for you!”

  “Leia said you like beetroot sandwiches, loads of vinegar.” She nods, not waiting for me to finish my sentence before she’s taking a large bite and closing her eyes in pleasure. My cock twitches. “I met your dad,” I say, and she almost chokes, her eyes bugging out of her head. “Don’t worry, we’re cool.”

  She doesn’t buy it. “My dad isn’t cool with anyone. What happened?”

  “He offered to pay me off,” I tell her, and she feels around behind her for a seat, then lowers into it slowly. “Said he could help me buy a club I want, push the licence through.”

  “What did you say?” she asks.

  “I told him to stick it. I’m not letting my kid go because of some rich fuck thinking money controls everything.”

  Tears balance delicately on her lash line. “Lake, you shouldn’t have done that. He can get you what you want. Take it. We already agreed I’d take full responsibility for this baby no matter what my decision is.”

  “Shit’s changed. I thought it’d be easy to walk away, but then I saw you this morning with that cute little bump and I . . .” I trail off, rubbing at my forehead. “I changed my mind.”

  Chapter Ten


  It should make me happy—Lake’s choosing his kid over money. I don’t know many men who’d do that, especially when he never wanted any of this. If my dad is that determined to get rid of Lake, he’ll make sure it happens. He’ll make his life hell, and I can’t let that happen.

  And that’s exactly why I tell him the biggest lie to ever leave my lips.

  “Lake, I can’t lie to you anymore.” I drop the sandwich back in the bag, my appetite long forgotten. “The baby isn’t yours.” It feels like everything falls silent, the typing from the offices seems to fade out, and all I can hear is our breathing. “I worked out the dates after my scan the other day, and I’m further gone than I thought. There’s no way this baby is yours. You’re off the hook.” I add an uneasy smile, which is difficult for me because I hate lying.

  He stares at me for a long time. “But you said—”

  “I know. I’m so sorry. I got it all wrong. But take what my dad is offering. He doesn’t have to know the baby isn’t yours. Fuck, he should pay out, he’s a prick.”

  Lake doesn’t reply. Instead, he leaves, slamming the door behind him.

  Everyone in the office left over ten minutes ago, apart from Alaric and me. I email the figures from a new campaign and start reading over some past projects. “You’re a member of Six.” His voice m
akes me jump. “I knew I recognised you the second I laid eyes on you.”

  “I should really get on,” I manage to choke out, feeling exposed.

  “Are you taken?”

  I shake my head. “I’m pregnant,” I blurt out, “so I can’t go to Six right now.”

  “Are there rules for that?” he asks, and I wonder why he isn’t surprised I’m pregnant. “I don’t remember seeing anything saying pregnant women couldn’t submit.”

  “I did . . . still got the scars to prove it,” I mutter.

  “Maybe I’ll see you there again soon,” he says, heading back to his office. My heart is beating out of my chest. The thought of my boss seeing me at Six makes me shudder. I don’t plan on going back there for a long time.

  I drive straight to my parents’ place. I have to have it out with my dad and the office wasn’t the place for that. I find them sitting down to dinner. “Join us?” offers Dad, but I shake my head. Since seeing Lake earlier, I’ve completely lost my appetite.

  “You met Lake today,” I say.

  “Yes,” he mutters.

  “You offered to pay him off?” I snap.

  “I did,” he says coolly, unfolding the cloth napkin and placing it across his lap. “But don’t worry, he declined my very generous offer.”

  “I’ll accept on his behalf,” I say, and he looks up. “Transfer the money here.” I place a piece of paper with Lake’s account details on the table. Riggs was very obliging when I told him that the club would benefit from all of this. “And anything he needs for his new business venture, you agree to—planning, licences, everything.”

  My dad nods once, then cuts into his steak. “Tell me you’ve come to your senses,” says Mum. “I know a wonderful doctor. He’s very discreet.”

  “Actually, I’m considering adoption,” I say, and Mum glares at me with a horrified expression.

  “Are you insane? What the hell will the tabloids say about that?”

  “Maybe it could work,” says Dad, gently placing his hand over Mum’s. “It’s an act of kindness.”

  “Do you ever think about anything other than what the newspapers think? Don’t you care that your grandson will never know you?”

  “Quite frankly, I’m disgusted by your selfish attitude. Your father and I do so much for you and this is how you repay us, with scandal and disrespect!” hisses Mum.

  “Wow,” I mumble, shaking my head. “I don’t know if I should feel sorry for you or just sad. Imagine being so wrapped up in what everyone else thinks.”

  “Enough,” mutters Dad.

  “But you don’t care that they could discover Dad’s affairs and your sham marriage?” I ask. “That when he fucks his secretary, he’s risking it all. How will you look if that comes out?” I gasp, placing a hand to my chest and faking shock.

  “Get out,” she growls in a low whisper. “Don’t come back here with your bastard child and expect anything from me.”

  Tears fill my eyes as I gather my bag from the floor and head for the door. I hear my dad comforting my mum as she wails like she’s the one in pain. I step out and lean against the front door, allowing the tears to spill down my cheeks. “Sara?” I look up, surprised when I see Alaric. He’s not in his usual work attire of a suit and tie, instead wearing blue denim jeans and a Givenchy jumper. I’ve spent so long around the MC that it’s different seeing a man without a leather jacket.

  “Why are you here?” I ask, sniffling.

  “Something your father asked me to drop off on my way home,” he explains, pushing an envelope into the letter box. “Are you okay?” he asks, and for once, he looks concerned instead of mad at me.I wipe my eyes and nod before trying to step around him. He catches my hand and pulls me back. “Let me take care of you,” he says. The tears start again, and I hate that he’s seeing me like this. “At your pace,” he adds. “But trust I know what you need right now.” I allow him to lead me towards my car, taking my keys from my hand. He sits me in the passenger side and fastens the belt around me before heading to the driver’s side.

  When we stop outside Six, I shake my head. “No, I can’t go in there,” I mutter.

  “Trust me, remember?”

  The last guy I trusted hurt me, so I’m still hesitant, even when he takes my hand and gently tugs me from the car.

  We sign in, and he leads the way up the stairs to the private rooms. He holds up a keycard and unlocks the door to his room. It’s breathtaking. The decor is dark mahogany wood and red velvet. Everything I love about a playroom is right here with all his implements hanging neatly on the wall. The bed in the centre of the room has red silk sheets, and he points to it. “Get on the bed.”

  “I don’t know if it’s a good idea,” I say, beginning to doubt all of this. “You’re my boss, and I don’t really know you and last time I—”

  “Last time you weren’t with me. Sara, I’m very experienced. I have rules and everything I do is about you. If I do anything you’re not comfortable with, say your safe word and I will stop immediately. But I think you need this right now.”

  I slowly go to the bed and sit on the edge. “I’m not very experienced,” I explain. “I’ve experimented with my friend, Jacob, and I’ve had rough sex, but—”

  “It’s okay,” he reassures me.

  “What about . . .” I look down at my stomach.

  “Your pace, remember.”

  I nod and shrug out of my jacket. “Shower is through there,” says Alaric, nodding his head to another door. “Choose an outfit,” he adds, pointing to a wardrobe. He pulls out his mobile phone and begins pressing buttons. When I don’t move, he glances up. “Now, Sara.”

  The wardrobe is full of new underwear, all the tags still attached. I run my fingers over the various garments and settle on a traditional-looking cream-coloured lace bra and panties. I’m so nervous, I’m shaking, but I need this. I need to clear my busy mind of all the things that happened recently, and if Alaric can help me with that, then who am I to complain. And since Lake has moved on, I’ve felt less attractive. I really need this.

  I shower quickly, thankful that I shaved just yesterday. Once I’m finished, I slip into the underwear and tie my hair up into a messy bun.

  Alaric is lying on the bed, propped up on pillows in just his jeans, and still staring at his phone. When he sees me, he places it carefully on the bedside table and crooks a finger, telling me to go over. When I reach the foot of the bed, he puts up his hand, and I stop. “Crawl,” he says firmly. I climb onto the bed and crawl towards him. He spreads his legs, and when I’m close enough, he grabs a handful of my hair and presses his mouth against mine in a fast, bruising kiss. “You have fresh scars on your back,” he whispers. “Who the fuck did that to you?”

  “He was taken care of,” I mutter.

  “I’m not going to cane you. Your wounds aren’t healed enough,” he says. “But we’re gonna play.” He kisses me again while unfastening his jeans. “What’s your safe word?”

  “Boss,” I say, adding a smirk.

  He grins back. “I think you should go and lie face down on the bench,” he whispers, a gleam in his eye.


  I resist the urge to snatch the bottle of whiskey from Riggs and drink it myself. I can’t drink my problems away, I’ve seen too many of these guys try and do that and it never works. “Your boy is working out okay,” says Riggs. “I know it’s only been a day, but I’m impressed so far.”

  “Good,” I say, grabbing a bottle of water. “We’re heading out for a run.”

  Connor is already waiting for me by the door, stretching. Running isn’t usually my thing, I prefer the gym, but Connor said he finds it good for the mind, so I’m willing to give it a shot.

  For the first ten minutes, we run in silence. He’s right, it’s clearing my head. “Why’d yah think she killed herself?” I eventually ask. Since he told me his mum committed suicide, it’s been bugging me.

  “Guilt,” he says simply.

  “Of?” I ask

  He begins to slow until he’s walking, and I follow his lead. “You really need me to say it out loud?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “No, but I want you to, so I know I’m not making it up.”

  “She was arrested for historical sexual abuse of minors,” he says, his eyes burning into me. I nod and then begin running again. He catches up with me. “Is that it?” he asks.

  “For now,” I mutter.

  We get back to the club an hour later. My lungs burn almost as bad as my calves, but I feel fucking good. Frankie passes two bottles of water over the bar, and I down mine in one gulp. The door opens, and Sara comes in. Her face is flushed and she looks happy. I frown. She hasn’t looked happy for weeks. “How did it go?” asks Tillie, grinning wide.

  Sara glances at me before rushing over to Tillie and whispering excitedly. Blade sees my scowl and leans closer. “She texted Tillie earlier to say she was with her new boss. Seems he ain’t so bad after all.”

  My blood boils. How the fuck can she tell me the kid ain’t mine, then go out on a date with her fucking boss? I storm past, almost knocking into her as I head for the stairs. She shouts, “Arse!” after me, but I ignore her. I’ll pull her up on it later.


  I practically skip to my room after filling Tillie in on my night with Alaric. I left out the kinky details and told a small white lie. I’m getting good at them. Tillie isn’t into all the kinky stuff and she’d only worry about me. It’s not like me and Alaric had sex—he took care of me, but he didn’t have sex with me. It was nice to be worshipped like that.

  I flick on my bedroom light and scream when I spot Lake sitting on my bed. His expression is stormy and he’s staring down at the floor. “What the hell are you doing here?” I gasp.

  “Your boss?” he snaps. “You confess your lies and then go out with your boss?”

  “It’s none of your business,” I say, throwing my jacket and bag on the chair. “Tomorrow, I’ll be gone, and you won’t have to see me anymore.”


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