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The World For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 3)

Page 16

by McCoy, LeeSha

  “Then I'll do self-defence classes. I'll do it normally. I want to do this. I just... I just want to experience it like other people would.”

  The thought of still having her missing from us doesn't settle well with me, and there will be so many things to worry about. But I could never force her into doing something she didn’t want to do. No matter how I or her fathers felt.

  Or her siblings.

  ‘We have to give her time,’ I tell them, trying to settle their fears. “If you're not ready, then we'll wait. Okay? Or is this going to be a forever thing?”

  Please don’t say yes…

  She shakes her head. “No. Definitely not forever.”

  We’re all relieved, but more are her siblings. Yeah, Jaden has taken on her role with them well, but I know how much they miss her to bring them all together.

  I pull her into my arms to hug her. “As long as you’re sure.”

  “I am.” She pulls out of my arms to look at Blade. “Are you mad?”

  “No, baby, I'm not mad. I just... We miss you, that's all.”

  “I know, but it’s not forever. You're all probably right. I'll probably hate college on the first day and run home begging for you to change me back.”

  I smile, but it doesn't reach my eyes. I know my daughter, she's stubborn, and I know even if she did regret her decision, she'd try to stick it out, just to prove to herself she was right.

  But as much as I want her to come back to us, as a mother, I also know I have to let her go. To give her the chance to make her own decisions and live her life as she sees fit.

  After everything she’s done, she more than deserves that chance.

  “Whenever you’re ready, no matter what time of day or night, I’ll be ready, too.”

  She smiles. “Thank you.”



  Two weeks later…

  I slowly turn to Mikka beside me as she moans, but I stay as still as possible to watch her sleeping. She's buried as close to my side as physically possible, her hair scattered over my arm, breathing gently, but she does slip out a few snores every once and a while.

  It's cute.

  I heard my brothers and the kids moan, too—except Raeni—subconsciously feeling me return to their minds. I can’t feel our eldest’s mind, so I guess they waited to see if I woke up changed first.

  Jaden wakes. ‘You okay, Dad?’

  ‘Yeah, son. Are you?’

  ‘Yeah. It's good to have you back.’

  ‘It's good to be back.’

  ‘Aight, I'm gonna get some shut-eye. See you at breakfast. Love you.’

  ‘I love you, too.’

  I turn my attention back to Mikka. She's dreaming about strawberry ice cream of all things, and I can’t help but smile down at her. I can feel her in my head, feel my brothers, the kids, just the same as before. She worked miracles again, came through on her promise. This woman is incredible, and by far, the best thing that ever happened to me.

  To us.

  My wife.

  The past two years have been an adventure in a lot of different ways, but the way this woman loves us is something I'm never unsure of. Time and time again she proves how much she loves and cares for us. Her love is unwavering.

  And I fucking love her more than anything.

  ‘Beautiful,’ I say, rousing her with my mind.

  She breathes deeply before opening her eyes and smiling up at me. ‘Thorn. God it feels good to have you in here again.’ She rests a hand on my chest, and I hold it there.

  ‘Thank you.’

  She shakes her head like she usually does when we thank her for something, but I stop her this time.

  ‘Come shower with me.’

  She nods.

  We carefully climb out of bed, and then she follows me to the bathroom. We smile at each other while we brush our teeth, and then after I run the water, I help her inside before I follow.

  She washes my body, but I don't touch hers. Not that I don't want to, I just don't want to be unfair to my brothers. I know they've waited, and as much as Dag is a selfish prick, I'd never take her for myself.

  I do corner her against the tiles, though. ‘I missed the way you smell,’ I tell her, barely resisting the urge to fuck her right here, right now. ‘I missed you inside my mind.’

  She blinks the water from her eyes, and I hear her heart begin to race. ‘We missed you, too.’

  I still don't feel a hundred percent, but that's because Raeni isn't like us yet.

  ‘She didn't want to change,’ Mikka suddenly says, and I can feel how upset she is about that.


  She nods as she shows me the conversation that took place after I fell asleep.

  ‘She wants to stay human?’ What the fuck?

  She rests a hand on my chest. ‘I didn't tell her how I really felt, but it's hard to accept it. What happens when she starts school? She won't be able to protect herself. I'm so scared for her, Thorn.’

  I hold her face. “Hey, being human isn't the end of the world. Besides, she's a zombie by blood, and no matter what she thinks she’s trying to prove, she’ll never be able to change who she really is. At least not for long. Let her do this. I guarantee, it won't take her long before she comes back to us.”

  ‘But I don't feel right without her. We’re not complete without her.’

  ‘Me either, but all we can do is live with it for now. What choice do we have? We can't force her. You know how stubborn she can be.’

  She smirks. ‘I know. She's her father’s child.’

  ‘You know that's right, but there's nothing wrong with that. We have to let them make their own choices, even if we don’t agree. Her siblings will protect her when they start school or college or whatever. She’ll be okay.’


  I rest a kiss on her forehead. ‘It will be okay.’

  She sighs. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” I take her hand. ‘Come on, it’s about time we consummated our marriage.’

  “Now that would be amazing.”

  I wrap her in a towel before grabbing one for myself, and then I wake my brothers as we return to the bedroom.

  They all sit up on the bed before narrowing their eyes at us.

  Mikka laughs, but I just shake my head.

  “Calm the fuck down. I didn’t touch her.” I grab the lotion off the dresser and snatch the towel from Mikka’s body before pushing her down on the bed. “We’re all about to, though.”

  I lotion up mine and my brothers’ hands, then when I start at her feet, my brothers work on the rest of her body.

  “Good to have you back,” Axe says. ‘Even if you are still miserable as fuck.’

  I give him a quick glance. “How about you shut the fuck up, for once?”

  “He can’t,” Dagger scoffs, squeezing on Mikka’s breast. “The kid’s got verbal diarrhoea.”

  “Whatever. You old shits just can’t handle the truth.”

  Mikka opens her eyes and laughs. “I’ve missed this.”

  “So have I,” Pin says. “So have I.”

  We all have.

  I remember Mikka’s blue garter and get up to find it in the drawer before returning to the bed to put it on her. I was so damn excited about taking this shit off, all of us were.

  “You never forget anything, do you? she asks, smiling.


  “You know about Raeni?” Blade asks.

  “Yeah.” I run my hands up Mikka’s thighs, loving the way her eyes darken in longing. “We have to give her time.”

  “I know, but I don’t fucking like it, bro.”

  I look at my brother. “Our kids are adults. Don’t you think we’ve told them what to do for long enough?”

  He doesn’t answer, but I hear him thinking about that.

  “She’ll come back to us.” I lower to kiss Mikka’s thighs, and she spreads them wider in response. “So stop bitching and put your energy into some
thing you can actually do something about.”

  He pushes me out of the way to climb between Mikka’s thighs. “I intend to. Now watch me go to work on our wife.”



  ‘If you give me hiccups, I swear to God…’

  Thorn pulls his dick from my throat. ‘What? What the fuck are you gonna do?’

  “I’ll—fuck—kill you. Pin!”

  I’m on my hands and knees on the island, Thorn’s up here, too, kneeling in front of me, and Pin is eating my pussy from the back. He keeps biting my clit and rubbing his face in my river like a man possessed. All I did was tell them that they weren’t fucking me enough.

  Now it looks like I’m on punishment.

  Axe lands another slap to my ass. “You are.”

  I squeal but it’s silenced by Thorn’s ridges.

  “Fuck, Angel, where are your teeth at?”

  I sink them into the base of his dick while my eyes water, and then bare them all the way up to his tip, sucking his last ridge hard, until he’s gone again.

  He groans.

  “Yeah,” Dagger says, climbing up onto the island with the rest of us to pinch my nipples, “Mikka always finds those sweet spots.”

  “That’s ‘cause she pays attention.” I jump when Axe slaps my ass again. This time, though, he catches his brother’s head, and I laugh after I gasp.

  “Your aim is a mess,” Pin complains, pumping his fingers inside me.

  “My aim’s just fine. Ask Mikka. I always find the target, don’t I, babe?”


  He groans. “I love when you say my name like that. Damn. Okay, you can cum.” He flips me over to bury his dick inside me, and a few strokes later, my back is arched and I’m cumming hard as hell.

  “Shit, yeah,” Axe moans. “Bro, why is her mouth empty?” he asks Thorn. “She bites the hardest when she cums.”

  “I fucking know that,” Thorn fires back, “but maybe mind your own damn business. I don’t wanna cum in her mouth.” He’s stroking his dick above my face. I can barely see it through my half-open lids.

  “Holy shit, now this is a whole damn meal,” Blade says, arriving in the kitchen. He slips a hand between me and his brother, wetting his entire hand in my juices to lubricate his dick, then he climbs up and immediately straddles my stomach so he can fuck my breasts.

  He brings them together by my nipples, like usual, and my thighs shudder around Pin’s waist.

  “Please,” I beg, not even knowing what for. “Please.”

  “You need more, Princess?” Dagger asks. He’s watching us from the head of the island now, stroking his own dick, but I make sure to let him feel my hands on him, too.


  He sends a steady flow of strokes to my clit and touches my mind in a way I’ve never felt before. It’s usually me linking our pleasure, but he’s somehow making me feel his, a million times harder than I have before.

  “Oh, God…”

  He tells his brothers how to do the same, and then I’m literally in ecstasy.

  I bring us all together when I feel them coming undone all over and inside me, and the passionate groans and roars of my kings makes even my soul shudder.

  I’m literally covered in…

  “This kitchen is a mess,” Axe says. “I ain’t cleaning this shit up this time.”

  I laugh. Typical Axe. “Get off me. I’ll do it.”

  They let me up so I can climb down off the island, but Dagger grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. “You can do it after. You need a shower.”

  I plate up the nyama choma and githeri for my kings, and then sit down with them at the island to eat. They’ve wanted me to cook this for ages, and even I’m excited to dig in.

  All our first bites are met with moans of approval. My mother would be proud as hell. The roasted meat and beans came out better than it ever has.

  “You have to cook this shit more often, sweetness.”

  “At least once a week,” Thorn agrees. “This really is good, Angel.”

  “Thank you.”

  It is amazing…

  “So, what now?” Pin asks after downing half his glass of water. “What’s next for the members of Zombie Royalty?”

  We all take a minute to think about that. What is next for us? I’m not sure.

  “I’m gonna expand my company,” Blade says. “I wanna take it public.”

  “I’ll help,” Pin tells him. “At least until I figure out where to take the channel next.”

  “And I’m going to open my own engineering plant.”

  I smile at Thorn. “You should. Your mind is wasted, and I really mean that.”

  His eyes soften and I feel a kiss to my head. “Not completely.”


  “I’m going back into sales,” Axe says after swallowing his mouthful. “I just don’t know what I’m gonna sell yet.”

  “I feel sorry for your customers,” Pin snorts, and we all laugh.

  “Hey, might as well use these skills.” He winks at me. “If I didn’t, that really would be a waste.”

  I smile at him. “It would…”

  “Well, I’m going to open a hospital. Helping Mikka over the past few years has made me realise how much I’ve missed medicine.”

  I turn to face Dagger beside me. “I love that idea.”

  His eyes light up. “Maybe you could help me set it up until you figure out what you’re gonna do?”

  “I’d love to. It means I can still be around for the kids while they settle into college, too.”

  “Y’know,” Blade says, “he’s only suggested that shit so he can fuck you all day at work.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Fuck you,” Dagger snaps back. “It ain’t like that at all.”

  “I know,” I tell him reassuringly, but I already know they’re about to get into an argument.


  Here we go…

  Thorn suddenly gets up from the island, taking his plate and mine to load them into the dishwasher. He’s been deep in his thoughts for a few hours now, and I can’t even say I blame him. Believe it or not, we’re all struggling to deal with the new normal without our connection to Raeni, but there’s not a thing any of us can do about it.

  I leave the others arguing at the island to go over to him. “You okay?”

  He nods. “Yeah. I’m gonna go speak to our daughter.”

  I rest a hand on his arm. “Alright. Did you want me to come?”

  He shakes his head. “Nah, it’s okay. You stay here. I won’t be long.”

  “Okay.” I pull the Dutch pot from the oven. “Will you take this with you?”

  “Yeah.” He kisses me softly as he takes it from me. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Not as much as I do,” Axe shouts over.

  Oh, God… Here we go again…

  I steer Thorn out of the back door. “Go, and good luck.”

  “Thanks, Angel.”

  I close the door behind him and make my way back to the rest of my kings. “Fancy a swim?”

  “You gonna wear that little red bikini?” Dagger asks.

  “I could…”

  “Fuck, yes,” they say in unison, and I laugh.

  “Alright. Let’s clear away this shit.”

  I clear off all the sides with my husbands’ help, but I can’t help but think about how Thorn’s talk with Raeni’s going to go. I know Thorn is all for supporting her, I’m just more anxious because none of us know what she’s really thinking anymore.

  Mum and Vince are coming back soon, so I’m hoping if anything, my brother will be another shoulder for her to lean on, too. She’ll have others around her that are human, at least until she makes some friends at college next month.

  The rest of the kids have decided to reveal their faces on their TikToks before they start at Swansea College, but according to Jaden, Raeni isn’t. I’m not sure how that’s goin
g to work out, but I already told them that they are to look out for her at all times.

  No matter what.

  I’m just praying she decides to change back soon. This empty feeling isn’t good for any of us, and I know her brothers and sisters are feeling lost without her mental leadership. They’re going to need her more than ever now.

  Axe slaps my ass, making me jump. “Come on, babe. Let’s go.”

  “I’m coming.”

  He grabs the towel from my hand. “I said, let’s go.”

  “Calm down.”

  “If you knew how good you looked in that little two-piece, maybe you’d understand,” Pin says.

  “What are you all going to wear?”

  Blade looks at me as if I’m crazy. “Nothing.”

  My stomach clenches when I think about being surrounded by all that silky melanin in the pool. “Alright, let me go change. First one in the pool gets…”

  They all run.

  -End of Book Three-

  Thanks so much for reading!

  If you’d like to read more about these characters, you’re in luck!

  Book Four of this series, Falling for a Zombie Princess, is out now!

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  Family Tree

  My test readers thought it would be a good idea to include a family tree for you.

  So here you go!






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